ObamaAgain12 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
why would you put your real lsat score in your profile if your aim is to remain anonymous?
lol at ^^
hope you don't take that last post as hostile or anything. i'm just saying that you shouldn't include the real #s elsewhere if u want to protect your identity. good luck...
My numbers are fudged. I'm an AA male high LSAT splitter w/ a semi-extensive conduct history. My cycle is going to be wildly unpredictable. That's why I applied to such a wide range of schools... from Harvard on down to William & Mary.
So Michigan is your safety school?
"Hamilton" is slang for a full scholly at a school. So, say you got a fully scholly to UVA, you would say I got a Hamilton at UVA. I didn't get offered at Hamilton at Michigan, just hoping to0.
Is not likely racist. Many people get rejected from there with FAR better numbers than either you or I. Take your acceptances that you have and be content with those. Calling schools and sending materials is a bad move because admissions people talk to one another. I really wish you the best of luck in the rest of your cycle and hope that you get into the school of your dreams.
Congrats on your acceptances. Those are awesome schools and I would kill for an opportunity to attend either........Instead of being spiteful you should be thankful for the opportunity you have....T14 with a 155.....regardless, you are lucky.
I hope this profile is a flame. You're seriously upset that you didn't get into georgetown? If you had been born white you would be lucky to get into a tier 2 school.
"FUCK Georgetown most racist school. go hump bush ypu right wing fucks." Good for Georgetown in rejecting this idiot. Have fun getting into Yale Harvard or Stanford with your 155.
this can't be real...look at the turnaround times from Cornell and Mich...no one hears back that quickly, especially with those numbers.
Non-subtle anti- affirmative action trolling.
Georgetown is not racist... you are just a joke I'm sure which is clear by the way you acted in reaction to their decision. Have some respect for the process and the people that are making the decisions. Just because you are black doesn't mean you are entitled to anything, even though I'm sure that is what you think and what you have been taught to think. Obama sucks and good luck with your political career. Congrats on the schools you did get into, and be happy about that- don't dwell on the negative. Also, you are not that special... do you know how many ppl on here were class presidents, in this, in that, president of that.... A LOT. Not just you.
OMG and learn how to spell for the love of God. UGHHH I can't even read this!
While your good luck wishes were appreciated, it is rude and heartless to tell me that Michigan and Cornell "aren't for everybody." I've worked my butt off for four years to keep up my GPA. I also worked extremely hard to get my LSAT up. I outrank you by far in both of those measures, and you have the balls to tell me that Michigan, my dream school, is not for me. What an ass.
With your numbers you call Michigan a safety. With my numbers I call it a reach. And then you think to patronize me.
Take a chill pill, you've already gotten into two great schools. Don't take it as a personal offense when school's don't accept you. It sucks, but it's a numbers game....
very cute
LOL, funniest lyrics. Props.
the dumbs are apparently mad
To be fair Northwestern does suck.
Hey Waterman! Have fun at GULC!!!
i'm excited to see my own letters now!