geegorie (2022-2023)
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Visitor Comments
You have a dozen + to hear from.. have faith! will keep checking your profile.
Hey, how'd you manage a fee waiver with GA State and Uni of Richmond? Good luck with your other schools!
Congrats on DU! When did you go complete?
on all your acceptances and good luck on the rest of your cycle. where are you thinking of attending right now?
Did you send anything to Nebraska when you were waitlisted?
You have some amazing options, congratulations! I am still waiting to hear from most of my schools, including Denver and Gonzaga. This wait is killer! I would give my left arm to be in your shoes!
Congrats on the U of U! That's gotta feel great to be pulled off the waitlist. What do you think it was that got you in at the U? I have similar stats and softs and the U is my number 1 choice, so I'm trying to get any advice on how to increase my chances. Feel free to email me. Congrats again!
Stay Positive!