im (2022-2023)

Views: 5370 User Since: 07/31/07

Application Information

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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
There are no applications on file for this user.

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 140
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: -
  • Degree GPA: 2.68
  • School Type: Public
  • Major: Political Science

Demographic Information

  • City: Houston
  • State: Texas
  • Race: Hispanic
  • Gender: Woman
  • Under Represented Minority: Yes
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: 1-2 Years

Extra Curricular Information


Additional info & updates

I did not get into any law school this cycle, but I am going to apply again for the following cycle. I am having hard time deciding which tutor to use to prep for the lsat since i will be retaking it again. I had previously done Kaplan classroom course and now I am debating whether i should get a tutor from them or from Powerscore. Powerscore is cheaper but I dont know enough information about it to spend $2,000 on it. So if anyone has prep with Powerscore, could you please give me any info about the course? Thanks so much!

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a chance?
Monday, July 30 2007 at 08:00 PM

Hello everyone, if anyone can give me their opinion on based on my info what are the chances of me getting in somewhere since i am hispanic but i do not have a high gpa or high lsat.I will retake the lsat in sept and hopefully score 10 more points. please help

Tuesday, December 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

Hey IM, If you can break 150, you have a shot at a lot of schools. Get the PowerScore Logic bible and take a lot of practice tests. My first test was 141 and I scored a 151 (not something to brag about, but hey, I am getting fee waivers) Seriously, study hard for the LSAT. Your work experience will count for something. Also, don't wait to apply too late in the cycle, have your apps ready to go by October so when your LSAT comes in, you will be ready to rock. Good luck to you!!!!

Oct Deadline
Tuesday, December 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

Hey IM, If you can have everything in by mid October, you will be set. Will give you a leg up on a lot of applicants. Good luck on your LSAT. Remember to get a good night sleep for at least two days and the final night before the LSAT and eat a good meal. Also, make sure that if you run out of time, bubble in all the unanswered questions as you are not penalized for guessing. Who knows, it could bump you up a point or two. I did that and got +3 higher on my LSAT from my guesses. Take care,

Either way works
Tuesday, December 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

I would probably fill out all your applications and get them ready and as soon as you have your LSAT score post , send out the apps. Most applications have a place where you can state you are taking the LSAT again, but waiting and having everything complete seems to be the way to go. Good luck this Saturday!

Cumulative gpa
Tuesday, December 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

Hey IM, It is the Cum GPA that the law schools look at. I wish it was the major GPA. For this site, make sure you fill in the cum gpa under the LSDAS GPA so it gives you an accurate number. Make sure you fill out all the CRS stuff (under profile, then preferences and also academic) This is the place where law schools look to see if they want to give you fee waivers. Make sure you fill it out as if it is blank, you will not get as many. Good luck!

Sunday, July 22 2007 at 08:00 PM

Hey IM, I focused my studying mostly on logic games. It is the worst section for me, and according to a prof of mine who went to law school it is the easiest area to improve. That brought my score up from a 155 on practice tests. If you get a 150 I think you have a good shot at some of the schools on your list, and others are definitely worth applying to as reaches. I'm not sure what your ethnicity is, but I think the biggest "boosts" go to Puerto Ricans and Mexicans, for what that's worth. Good luck!!!! Delanie

Hey, how was the LSAT?
Tuesday, December 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

How do you think you did on the LSAT? Take care!

Tuesday, December 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

Well, just wait for your score and see what happens. I dreaded waiting for my score more than taking the test. Did you bubble in the questions you did not get to? I would not sweat anything till you get your score back. If it is not the score you want, take it again, but make LSAT studying your life before taking it again. At least it is over now. Let me know how you did. I am pulling for you as I know how it feels. Good luck!

Apps by mail
Tuesday, December 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

Honestly, I do not know. I am planning on sending all of my apps online so I don't know. What I would recommend is calling the school that you are applying to and find out what is the best way to send them via paper. Out of curiosity, why would you submit a paper app over on online? Let me know when you get your LSAT score. Good luck!

Applying w/o LOR's completed
Tuesday, December 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

From what I understand, your file does not go complete until the LOR's have been recieved. When they come in, the Law schools re-review your files and you go complete so they then start making decisions on your apps. When does the LSAT score get published for this past test? I am sure you are more than anxious to find out what you got! Good luck!

AMEN to that!
Tuesday, December 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

AMEN to that! My life is pending too! Will be a nice surprise to see how the next 4-5 months shape up. I remember waiting for my LSAT and I was sick to my stomach as the last few days rolled around. I had to stay off the Law School message boards and get my mind off of it!

Tuesday, December 26 2006 at 07:00 PM

Sorry to hear about your score. Did you take a prep course? What I recommend (I am no expert) is to shop around and find a good prep course. I would contact them, explain your situation and find a test prep course who can help you. It really sucks to study for the test, but spend a lot of time studying. I would also recommend buying as many old LSAT tests as you can (you can get them off the LSAT site) and take practice test after practice test under timed scenarios and see how you do. Make sure you examine each section and figure out what you did wrong on all of the wrong answers. Don't give up. If you want to pursue law, give it all you got. If you can prep for the December and constantly score in the range that you want to score in, then take the test in December. If you cannot score in the range you want, keep studying till you do. Also, if they published a copy of your test (Sept LSAT), examine it and figure out why you marked the answer you marked and see why you got it wrong. Finding out why you got something wrong is really really important. Don't take the LSAT again till you are ready and if that means studying for a year to get the score you need, do it. Let me know how this works for you. Good Luck! I am pulling for you.

Hello there
Friday, December 21 2007 at 07:00 PM

I am certain that greats news are on the way for you. Good luck with the cycle and Happy holiday

Thursday, July 05 2007 at 08:00 PM

I received the decision by mail last week. The envelope is postmarked Feb. 29. My mailing address is not in Louisiana, nor am I. Good luck with everything.

Monday, January 28 2008 at 07:00 PM

I hate to sound negative but if your CUM GPA is 2.68, you will need to score 15 or so points higher on the LSAT to overcome your low GPA. If you look at many of the profiles on this site, even applicants with really good LSATs are getting rejected if their GPA is low. You need a great LSAT score and a POWERFUL personal statement. Good luck. I sucked on the LSAT and my only hope of getting in was my grades.

don't give up
Tuesday, April 01 2008 at 08:00 PM

Sorry to hear about your rejections I know exactly how you feel. This is my second year applying to law schools. I got rejected to all last year with a 136 lsat score; but now my lsat is a 140 and i'm shooting again.