butterfly84 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
All i can say is keep your head up. Stay positive. their is bound to be a yes somewhere in your future. Appy to FAMU
I really do not know where i want to go. O am leaning towards FAMU due to the fact i wentthere for undergrad and the law school is in Orlando Fl. not Tallahasssee Fl. I really want to minimize my debtas much as i can and it seems like FAMU is the best choice. email me some time tyrese343@yahoo.com
I am not sure if i want to go there. I met with some of their professors and administrators before and they made me feel like i was family already. But that bar passing rate really scares me and FAMU is up and coming. Im a bit torn and i really am leaning towards FAMU. then there isthe cost of having to fly out to these different schools to check them out. I really wish you well in this cycle, all it takes is for God to move in your favor. Stay blessed
Hang in there and don't give up. There will be a school just for you!! Stay focused and have faith. Praying for your success!! C:)
Thanks for the encouragement. It is definitely hard right now to keep smiling and staying positive. Your message and attitude helps. I will say a prayer for you.
Don't let other people negative comments keep you down. I had similar numbers, you will get in somewhere.
You have the perfect attitude. The negative commenter needs to validate his/herself. He thinks that he is better because of some numbers but is really a jackass. You will get in somewhere. I know it and you do too! Use this comment to motivate you to kick ass in law school. Praying for you.
Listen, the people who write negative comments are typically the ones who can't spell (obviously) and who have SMALL "YOU KNOW WHAT'S..." So let it roll off your shoulders. You CAN DO THIS. Keep the FAITH!!! There are many people who believe in you!! Crissy :)
Ok, seriously, some people need to grow up. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it. Whoever you are please don't leave nasty comments on my page anymore. It's really annoying and I think you need to find something better to do with your time.
No news is often good news. Seems that this is going to be a long cycle. But keep your positive attitude and it will work out. Praying for you! C:)
It looks like i'll be heading to FAMU...hope to see you there
I'm glad to see you have some good news. keep the faith
Hey butterfly84... I'm still waiting to hear somthing as well. Keep your head up. I'm faithful there is good news coming.
Good luck with the rest of your apps. The LSAT has nothing to do with intelligence or ur ability to succeed in law school. Its just another way for them to eliminate people. I wish you the best!
I see we applied to all the same schools...good luck!!!
Thank you for that comment. I plan on retaking the LSAT for next year's admission. I hope everything works out for you.
sorry about your cycle so far - but don't give up hope! everything will work out =D wishing you all the best!
Good luck on the rest of your cycle butterfly. Keep your head up! Good things will come. I took the LSAT 3 times..I definately can relate. How come you didn't apply to Nova? What is up with "you embaris yourself"(sic)? Poor spelling may not correlate with poor intelligence but it absolutely exemplifies your poor attention to detail..in addition to your attitude..good luck finding a good job with those qualities, jerk!
I did receive my log in information and I check it daily but I still haven't received a decision yet. I'm trying to be patient but it is so hard to do that.
Do you have a profile with law school numbers or an email address? Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. i need someone that can be a positive light in my life. So thank you.
Same Boat your email address didn't appear. You can send me a private message if nothing else works.
Hey butterfly.... This waiting game really isn\'t a joke, is it? Well, I\'m still waiting to hear from a few schools but I do have an option as of right now. I hope that things work out for you. I\'m praying for you as well. Keep the faith!
They let me know by mail. I don\'t think I was even close to getting accepted. Why, is that one of the 3 places you just applied to? Counting last cycle, I turned in over 130 applications before getting my first acceptance. It was worth it. I know it can get depressing but just keep plugging away. Good Luck
Hey there, I have the LSAT just as many times as you have. Dont let this process get you down one bit. Never listen to what other people say about your ability and scores. Bc its not their will but God\'s will that you will get into law school. I to will be starting this process again as of TODAY. Im looking at a couple of schools who take Spring Admission. Also look at CLEO and ICLEO in Indiana. CLEO is the federal program and ICLEO is the state program in Indiana. Also one thing I learned and you probably have heard from other people is apply EARLY. I mean like have you applications finished and submitted by October when there is virtually so many open seats available to give. I had to learn that the hard way. But just keep the faith and you will GET IN!
Don\'t give up hope. Stay prayerful and know that God has a plan for you! Remember that God only wants the best for us and that His plan is ALWAYS BETTER than anything we could have ever imagined even if we have to wait awhile for it to happen. It\'s always hard to remember that God doesn\'t do things by our time, but everything He does is always right on time! I\'ll be praying for you to hear some good news soon! Take care and feel free to email me.
How do you prep for the big test day?
if you\'ve taken the lsat 4 times and are still getting those numbers, maybe you should take some time off. work for a year or two in a legal-related field or something, then come back and try again. taking it so many times isn\'t sending the right message.
I absolutely hate waiting for decision letters!!! I am so stressed that I can't even think. But I do try and talk to God and be positive because everything happens for a reasons.