keetyrn (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#2 | Barry University School of Law | Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 03/15/08 | Rec: 03/17/08 | Comp: 04/02/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/28/08 | Upd: 16 years | ||
#1 | Florida A&M University | Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: 03/25/08 | Rec: 03/26/08 | Comp: 03/28/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/07/08 | Upd: 16 years | ||
#3 | Florida Coastal School of Law | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 03/16/08 | Rec: 03/16/08 | Comp: 03/17/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years |
Visitor Comments
What do you want to know? FAMU is about an hours drive from where I live. It's a beautiful new building. They have provisional accred and have had some issues of late with grades and higher administration. But, have a good reputation.
oh my personal statement was about 1.5 pages long nothing too big....
Cagirl, Why do you want to leave California? Don't get me wrong, Florida is a great place to live! Did you use any template of sorts for your personal essay? I'm not sure why I have such angst about the essay...probably because it's the only real modifiable variable I have right now. Did you have specific questions about Fla?
I wrote about a life experience in my personal statement. I'm sure whatever you did will suffice. Your numbers seem to be good enough to be accepted. A great deal of schools look for a diverse candidate and based on your extracurricular info it seems like you fit the bill. Best of luck, you will probably hear from them soon. Their deadline for seat deposit is April 15th.
Josh, Thanks for the words of encouragement. Actually, I'm not all that confident. I took my LSAT almost 3 yrs ago. I can't feel too confident with that. :-( Are you going to Barry? FT or PT?
Ok, my friend...I may have to ask for another pep talk shortly. I only applied to Florida Coastal because...I'm not sure why, really. It won't be feasible for me to drive that far; I'm an hour away from Orlando as it is. You are going to FAMU, right? The wait seems surreal...and long!
Keetyrn, I know I will be seeing you on campus come fall and I look forward to it. The deadline for the deposit, according to my letter, is April 25, 2008. I am sure that the deadline moves back as they accept people. I am sending my deposit as not to take any chances. Good luck and I am sure you will be hearing good news in the near future.
Hey Keetyrn, Well I had applied back in November and they sent me a letter stating I was waitlisted around February. I sent all my additional documents last month so now I'm just waiting.
Hey there Keetyrn, Right now, I have a deposit in at FAMU. So looks like I'l be there, unless I get off the Stetson waitlist. I was more or less set on FAMU (because of the lower tuition), but have had some second thoughts lately. So, most likely I'll see you there! Good Luck.
Yes, FAMU is provisionally accredited. However, they ARE accredited and therefore, we shouldn't have any discriminatory treatment [as far as sitting for the Bar, etc] $7600/yr vs $30000/yr... That's a pretty significant difference. But, I haven't toured FAMU yet. I went to Barry's Open House a while back. I was pleased with what I saw: nice library, very high tech classrooms, intimate feel, students that were excited to be there. You aren't worried about attending with them just moving?
I thank you for your warm comments. I pray your cycle goes well for you also. Listen, FAMU is a great school. I am a by-product of their undergrad and i have visited the school. Its amazing to say the least. I really look forward to seeing you the first day of classes.
How long does this take? I'm not a very patient person, anyway. The wait is killing me. How did you guys deal with it? :-)
Hey Keetryn, I got the Barry scholarship info along with the acceptance. As far as taking them up on it, it was tempting, but it wasn't guaranteed after the first year. And even with the money FAMU is still much cheaper. About FAMU, its the provisional accreditation that worries me. The recently had an inspection/visit from ABA, but I still see that they didn't get fully accredited. Its not a deal breaker for me, just concerned. I'm sure you'll get into FAMU, you have some very impressive experience. Feel free to email me if you have any other questions.
It is going to take a while to hear back becuase of how late you applied. I applied 1-30-08 and didn't hear back until 4-2-08. Be patient, you will get in. I suggest scheduling a visit to the school. I did and lovede it. Dean Ekpo showed me aroung is was very kind. AFter my visit it was like two weeks after that I got my acceptance.
Hey keep your head up and just keep picturing that first day of class. Your acceptance letter will be here in no time
So far i think i am going no where- cuz i would like to stay here in california- so i am going to re take the summer LSAT
Well, congrats on your acceptance to FAMU. That didn't take long at all and I am very happy for you. Well, I will see you there.
Thanks for the well wishes.
Hey concrats on getting into FAMU. I decied that i will be attending and i really hope to see you there in the FAll. I told you that you would get in. I am truely happy for you. you can contact me at any time.
Hey i believe you have to work and have a valid Fl. DL and permit Florida addreess for a year
What are your soft factors like? I highlighted my volunteer work geared towars African Americans and Hispanics. I'm not sure if that helped or not, but... I also formatted my essays by the examples in "Winning Law School Essays". I don't see your name/info listed as a registered user. What are your numbers like? Major?
My gpa is 3.75, degree gpa 3.79 with a 140 lsat score...blah! Anyways I was in a sorority and have worked at a lawfirm for the past 7 years...only applied to FAMU as its my #1 choice...waiting is killing application was complete the same date as yours, however, you have already heard back!? Any ideas why? I'm so anxious!!! :)
Ive lived in Tampa my whole life and I really dont want to be far from my family. Orlandos not far from Tampa and you cant beat the price of FAMU!! I work at a law firm where all of the attys have $100K of debt just from law school because they all went to Stetson!! I have a cousin who is getting ready to graduate from FAMU law and hes loved the school. I scheduled a tour of the school for this Friday. I call about once a week and in my application packet I included 4 letters of recommendation and an extra letter asking that they look at my GPA as more of a representation of what I can do in law school over my LSAT scoreI made sure to mention that I only applied to FAMU as it is my top choice. I definitely played up my minority status in my essays as well. I would love to switch essays my email is, email me you address and I can send you mine. Thx for the words of encouragement, I really appreciate them.
I listed my soft factors under ksin. Thanks for you response.
Thanks for your words of encouragement.
good luck at Florida A&M!
I received my acceptance to FAMU today. I plan on attending. Thank you for your positive messages during the past few weeks. Hope to see you 06/20/08!
i'm going to hold out on my appeals and waitlists - if i get into kent or loyola, i'm probably going to end up there =)
i'm going to hold out on my appeals and waitlists - if i get into kent or loyola, i'm probably going to end up there =)
Yeah, I will move to Orlando sometime in July. I plan to make a visit to the school and the city either at the end of May or in June. Thank you for your kind words :)
I got an email two days ago informing me that I was accepted into Barry\'s Early Start program. Does anyone have any information about that? Pending financial aid, I think I\'ll be attending Barry v Famu.
I think you should look into FAMU\'s current troubles in making your decision. The price of the school can\'t be beat really, but the current situation the school is in might not be worth the cheap tuition. Barry is more expensive, but their program is in better standing with the ABA than FAMU\'s. I\'m not bad mouthing either place, but just be aware of everything before making your final decision. Good luck wherever you go!
Hemhar, Yes, the more research I did, the more I will feel comfortable at Barry. I\'m worried about the provisional accred and the other issues they are trying to work through. It will be tough enough without having to worry about the law school falling in on us...
I think I am heading to Widener now but I am not sure. I am getting into all the schools I was waitlisted all at once. A lot to choose from now. Why don\'t you drop me an e-mail.
Hey i wish you good luck