LawBound3 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
George Washington University PT | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 09/15/05 | Rec: 09/22/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/12/05 | Upd: 19 years | |||
American University PT | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/15/05 | Rec: 10/19/05 | Comp: 11/30/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/10/05 | Upd: 19 years | |||
George Mason University PT | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/15/05 | Rec: 11/15/05 | Comp: 11/29/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | |||
Catholic University of America PT | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/22/05 | Rec: 10/14/05 | Comp: 11/08/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/14/05 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Howard University | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/03/05 | Rec: 10/10/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Maryland PT | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/03/05 | Rec: 10/04/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Baltimore PT | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/03/05 | Rec: 10/11/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | |||
#1 | Georgetown University PT | Accepted A | Type: ED | Sent: 09/15/05 | Rec: 10/05/05 | Comp: 10/12/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/22/05 | Upd: 19 years |
Visitor Comments
Congrats on the Georgetown admit! Did you status change online from Complete to Decision?
well done, that is sooo awesome!!!
well done, that is sooo awesome!!!
Felicitacines! Buena suerte con sus estudios el prximo ao.
Well done! Without sounding like a jerk, would you PLEASE withdraw from your other choices. I would gladly accpt those scraps. Congrats again.
Way to go on getting into your first choice so early! its so nice how gtown sends out some acceptances so you have a whole 10 months to relax (at least about law schools) =)
and thanks for giving me hope...
is it alright if you email me ur personal statement? I'm genuinely curious to know what your wrote about. thanks
Wow, just another egregious case of unqualified candidates being accepted into top programs for "soft factors" ie minority status, even though by 2030 hispanics are projected to make up 20% of the U.S. Even so, I hope you enjoy Georgetown.
I can appreciate your opinion and I am flattered that you would create an account just to comment on my acceptance. Fortunately for me the university determines who is and is not qualified. If you only look at the numbers then you are presented with a narrow and unbalanced view of my qualifications. The factor that I believe contributed to my acceptance is my work experience. Given your comment Im confident in your qualifications for acceptance and wish you the best.
Judging by your dignified response to the embittered party above, you are obviously qualified for Gtown. Best wishes!
Supercongrats on your acceptance! I wish all could have a chance to breath a sigh of relief so early in the process.
well done...with that attitude you can't help but continue your success! to jbob700 - thpppppt.
congrats on gtown - i noticed you were posting decisions from other schools - have you withdrawn all of your applications?
how did you get in? what did you indicate in your application? you give me so much hope man.
on Georgetown. That's excellent.
It's kind of interesting that you suggest that you were admitted because of your work experience. You will not find a single white student in the entire school with your numbers, regardless of their work experience. At least be honest and recognize that you are admitted because of your race. I do not blame you for anything. If I was a minority I would surely be glad to take advantage of it as well. On another note, as a current 2L at Georgetown I can tell you that most of the minorities fill up the bottom of the curve and while this helps me get better grades, you should recognize that your lack of credentials mean you should work extra hard to make sure the same thing does not happen to you. And if you even try to suggest that I am racist for saying these things, you are simply closing your eyes to reality.
It's kind of interesting that you suggest that you were admitted because of your work experience. You will not find a single white student in the entire school with your numbers, regardless of their work experience. At least be honest and recognize that you are admitted because of your race. I do not blame you for anything. If I was a minority I would surely be glad to take advantage of it as well. On another note, as a current 2L at Georgetown I can tell you that most of the minorities fill up the bottom of the curve and while this helps me get better grades, you should recognize that your lack of credentials mean you should work extra hard to make sure the same thing does not happen to you. And if you even try to suggest that I am racist for saying these things, you are simply closing your eyes to reality.
Because I'm almost certainly going to get a tirade of racist accusations, I just want to point out that the average LSAT of minorities at GULC is 7 points below the average admit. Those are school reported numbers and they don't lie.
As a white guy with a 165 and a 3.96--a guy who probably won't get into GULC--let me just say this: Amen.
I think it should be pointed out that the comments above are by law school applicants/attendees and yet they don't understand the concept of generalizations not necessarily applying to every specific case. Just because your statistics suggest that the admission policy at Georgetown is more lax on URM applicants, that doesn't mean that that is the reason why she was admitted to Georgetown. You don't know her; you have no idea what her real work experience is, it could be one of the most amazing things any admissions officer at Georgetown has ever heard. She could have written the most tearjerking personal statement ever written, and had a glowing LOR from the President of the United States. The bottom line is that no, you're not being "racist", you're just making accusations that you can't support, you're just applying a generalization to her case and that's unfair and irresponsible. Not to mention rude. LawBound3 may be classy enough to avoid sticking her tongue out at you, but I'm not. If you have this opinion go keep it to yourself or complain to the university. There's no reason to come here and try to sour this person's excitement over being admitted to a great program just because you may resent a policy which she has no control over. By the way congratulations on Georgetown, I know that regardless of race they would not have admitted you if they didn't feel that you would be a great fit at the school, so I hope you find a lot of success there!
I think it should be pointed out that the comments above are by law school applicants/attendees and yet they don't understand the concept of generalizations not necessarily applying to every specific case. Just because your statistics suggest that the admission policy at Georgetown is more lax on URM applicants, that doesn't mean that that is the reason why she was admitted to Georgetown. You don't know her; you have no idea what her real work experience is, it could be one of the most amazing things any admissions officer at Georgetown has ever heard. She could have written the most tearjerking personal statement ever written, and had a glowing LOR from the President of the United States. The bottom line is that no, you're not being "racist", you're just making accusations that you can't support, you're just applying a generalization to her case and that's unfair and irresponsible. Not to mention rude. LawBound3 may be classy enough to avoid sticking her tongue out at you, but I'm not. If you have this opinion go keep it to yourself or complain to the university. There's no reason to come here and try to sour this person's excitement over being admitted to a great program just because you may resent a policy which she has no control over. By the way congratulations on Georgetown, I know that regardless of race they would not have admitted you if they didn't feel that you would be a great fit at the school, so I hope you find a lot of success there!
Congrats on such an early end to the application season. I hope you love G-town!