ohcrap (2022-2023)

Views: 7110 User Since: 02/06/06

Application Information

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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#2 University of Denver Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 10/10/05 Rec: -- Comp: 12/08/05 Inter: -- Dec: 01/10/06 Upd: 19 years
#1 Seattle University Accepted D A Type: RA Sent: 10/12/05 Rec: -- Comp: 12/01/05 Inter: -- Dec: 04/17/06 Upd: 19 years
#3 Vermont Law School Accepted W Type: RA $6,000 Sent: 12/19/05 Rec: -- Comp: 01/04/06 Inter: -- Dec: 04/04/06 Upd: 19 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 149
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.02
  • Degree GPA: -
  • School Type: -
  • Major: political sci

Demographic Information

  • City: Boston
  • State: Massachusetts
  • Race: caucasian
  • Gender: Man
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information


Additional info & updates

Yeah, I know, my LSAT score sucks. My credit score is also horrible and I can't get anyone to finance a car for me. I never seem to be able to get a decent job and women seem to think I'm better suited as a friend (apparently I'm not boyfriend material - I'm convinced it's a scent I give out or something that scares them away). I drive a car with a crack in the windshield so big it looks like I got into a head-on collision, and the crack spreads each winter and gets a little bigger every year. If Massachusetts wasn't a corrupt state, it'd never pass vehicle inspection. I'm that guy in the back of the class who always has a million and one things go wrong at the worst possible time. My dog really did eat my homework.

I chose my name 'oh crap' for this website because that's what I said when I got my LSAT score report back. I'm 24 years old and I finished my bachelor's degree in May 2004 with a 3.04 GPA. My LSAT score and my GPA are fairly crappy, especially considering I was a liberal arts (poli sci) major. My college's 'pre-law' advisor told me I was screwed with those stats and suggested I think about an alternative to law school, such as the church ('have you ever thought about divinity school? They're less selective'). My dad wanted me to go into the army because it's better than working in the fast food industry with a bachelor's degree and $60k in student loans.

That year, I applied to six or seven law schools (including U. Wisconsin, U. Oregon, U. Arizona, Arizona State, and U. San Diego) and I was wait listed at UW Madison and Oregon and rejected everywhere else. Needless to say, I never got off the wait list. With nothing else to do (because my B.A. in political science qualified me to work at Burger King or the local movie theater), I went back to my undergraduate alma mater and enrolled in graduate business classes. For the past two years, I've been taking these classes, and my graduate GPA is a 3.6 - significantly higher than my ugrad GPA. I applied again last year (2004-2005) to six or seven law schools and was rejected from all of them. I've probably gotten more law school rejections than most people will ever get in their lifetimes.

I re-took the LSAT this past October but I was so paranoid about my score that I canceled it before it could be reported. I am now in my second year of graduate school and I am set to graduate this May (2006) with my Master of Business Administration (MBA). After two years straight of getting rejected to 14+ law schools, I gave up on law school. I decided to apply to three lower ranked schools this past fall just for sh*ts and giggles, but I assumed that unless I re-took the LSAT (not likely), and aced it, I wouldn't be going to law school any time soon.

So far I've heard back from Seattle University (SU) and the University of Denver (DU). DU's letter came in a small white envelope and I assumed it was a rejection letter so I waited a few weeks to open it because I was so used to getting rejected and saying "dude you might as well become a janitor, it suits you better". It was a single piece of paper (no extra pages) and I was shocked when I opened it and found out I got in. Considering I almost threw the entire envelope away without opening it, that was a very good day.

The letter I received from SU was not an acceptance, nor was it a rejection; it simply said that I was being considered for an alternate admissions program for disadvantaged and minority students. It said that typically they get over 300 applicants and select 30 of them, and that the alternate program consists of a summer prep course that is required prior to normal matriculation in the fall semester. I received this in early January and my application is still pending. I'm not a minority, although I did grow up very poor and I had a very rough childhood, so I guess that explains the SU letter. Nothing so far from VLS.

To go from two straight years of rejections and giving up on law school to now suddenly getting into a tier 2 school that is ranked in the top 100 has been a huge event in my life. I've only been to Denver once in my life and I grew up in a small town in New England so I'm a bit scared of a big city and living so far away, but I love the mountains and the outdoors and I consider myself to be extremely lucky to even have this opportunity. Does anyone know anything about DU? How is the quality of life, the location, the academic reputation?

Update 4/17/06: Holy crap, I got into Seattle University! The strangest story of how I found out... The status checker said the decision was mailed last week, but I hadn't received it. A few minutes ago I got home from work and there was an email from one of the SU admissions people telling me about open house, registration, financial aid advising, and campus tour dates... I pretty much said to myself "holy shit! Either they admitted me or they sent me the wrong email!". So I called the SU admissions office and they told me they could not tell me over the phone, but when I mentioned the email I received today, the lady I spoke to said "well, although I can't tell you our decision on the phone, you are correct in your assumption about why you received that email".

I GOT IN!!! Unbelievable! I'm still kind of in shock, especially considering that this came just a few days after the Vermont Law School acceptance. Honestly, I applied to these three schools wondering if I'd get into any of them since I've been rejected from so many schools over the past 3 years. I didn't get in at all the last two years straight and this year I get into every school I applied to! So now I have to figure out what to do. SU is my first choice but I need to be sure I can commit to the summer schedule and give up my job comittment. I also need to make sure I can get the necessary financial aid. But still, this changes EVERYTHING!!!

Update 4/30/06: Thanks everyone for your kind words. As much as I like Denver and VLS, I've decided the Seattle offer is too good to refuse, so I will be attending there starting in just over one month. Thanks again for your support and for those who are also going to SU with me and those who were waitlisted, keep in touch and we can all get together this summer for drinks.

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Tuesday, January 03 2006 at 07:00 PM

I'm very impressed that you got into DU. Nice work! I applied PT there and got rejected. I got the same "Alternative Admissions" letter from SU. So far you're the only one on LSN to get the letter that I have noticed. Good luck! I hope we both get it. As for you DU questions, I think the quality of life, location, and academic reputation are all above average.

Sunday, February 05 2006 at 07:00 PM

sunshinebear: Thanks!! I would love to come visit Denver, though the logistics of it are the issue for me. The last time I was in that city was six years ago and I don't know anyone, don't know my way around, etc. My summer job this summer (hopefully) is going to be in Colorado so I'll have ample opportunities to go visit the school at that time. Also - can you tell me anything about grad student housing at DU?? contretemps: Thank you, I really enjoyed your profile. I sounds like we're in the same shitty situation right now. I wonder when SU will start deciding?? daniburhop: Thanks, good luck! Those of us doing the alt admissions thing at SU should all keep in touch so that when we find out we can share the info.

Monday, January 02 2006 at 07:00 PM

So I'm sitting here at work bored, cruising LSN (Yes, I am a dork), when I come across "ohcrap" and I have to see what that's all about. I really enjoyed your profile and big ups on DU!

Congrats and Good Luck!
Saturday, July 30 2005 at 08:00 PM

ohcrap is what I said when I got my LSAT score, too. You are much braver than I am to actually post your #s. Thanks for sharing your story and your profile! :o)

Friday, September 16 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hey! I would LOVE any info on the school/area. For example, I want to find out what my options are for cheap apartments close to school. As a matter of fact, I have played hockey for about 17 years! I played college hockey for a year and loved it, but there's no way in hell I could make the UND hockey team. You're right though, I will definitely go to every game if I attend UND.

Monday, February 06 2006 at 07:00 PM

Denver is aa pretty decent city but Colorado is awesome. There is so much to do, and in the Colo area there are pleny of towns that highly recruit DU grads. There is a really cool district called LoDo, with awesome lofts, bars, food, and tons of entertainment. The ski areas are only 2 hours away and there is a mega REI.... I wish I was you my friend!

Saturday, December 10 2005 at 07:00 PM

Hey no need to defend your acceptance to DU. Who knows why the school rejected me, maybe they thought that I was not a good fit for their program. I'm sure they had a reason, I just wish I knew what it was. But I am sure if you got in they had a good reason, and hey we will both be going to law school somewhere. The only reason that the DU rejection got to me is that I really want to work in Denver, and there are only two schools in the whole area. Congrats on your acceptance.

Sunday, February 05 2006 at 07:00 PM

bubbles: yeah I understand, I only put my numbers up because I figured it was needed for me to tell my whole story. I've already had a few people post really rude things here (deleted) about how lucky I am because my numbers suck and the rest. The hell with it, I'll probably never meet most of these people so no harm in being honest. People on this website are truly obsessed with numbers! jen: thanks! Good stuff to know - I'm wicked into the outdoors (heck I work for the national park service in the summers) so Denver's proximity to Rocky Mountain National Park really has me excited about the hiking available. JCD: I understand, I only defended myself because of what ben and others have said. I didn't want anybody to feel bad or angry because I got in wich crappy numbers. Clearly DU doesn't regularly admit people with my numbers, as seen on this website.

Sunday, February 05 2006 at 07:00 PM

'one more thing...' - How nice it must be for you to anonymously post random messages on people's profiles. My what a command of the King's language you have! If only I could write so eloquently.. If by 'rapped' you mean 'raped' - no, I haven't been raped, unless you count the interest rate on my car loan. As for my ethnicity, what part of 'caucasian', which is in my above profile as my race, don't you understand? Maybe I should just put 'white' instead, for those without a high school education who peruse this website. Caucasian=White. I don't know why I'm being considered for alternative admission at SU, though I'd imagine that they also consider your socioeconomic status, and considering I grew up poor (albeit white), I am probably being considered regardless of my race/ethnicity.

Monday, November 14 2005 at 07:00 PM

for the comment;) Congrats on Denver, you couldn't find a better place to go to law school, as long as you could squeeze in a few classes in between skiing and biking! Best of luck with seattle!

we will both
Friday, September 16 2005 at 08:00 PM

be hearing from SU alt-admissions in the next 3 weeks; i just wanted to wish you the best of luck!

SU Decision...
Tuesday, February 07 2006 at 07:00 PM

I checked my on-line status. It was updated to show a decision was mailed on 3/21/06. I'm an alt-admit candidate, also. Not sure if the early decision (prior to April 15) is good or bad. Any change on your status today? Good luck!

SU Alt Admissions
Sunday, February 05 2006 at 07:00 PM

jwsjd, I just checked it again right now and it still says "File Complete - Decision Pending". Good luck and please let me know as soon as you find out what they said.

Tuesday, February 07 2006 at 07:00 PM

for getting back to me. Wishing I had company on the "decision mailed" boat--if it is a positive one. I'm the low man on the totem pole, so maybe they are cutting me loose. I'll keep you posted. Good luck to you, too.

Cut loose...
Tuesday, February 07 2006 at 07:00 PM

at SU. Guess I'll save money on rain gear. Good luck to you, and I would take Denver if I had the choice!

Tuesday, February 07 2006 at 07:00 PM

I feel the pain on the waiting. It's time to make a decision. I'm extremely impressed with Cooley and the environment there; especially, for being an older student. I'm 99.9% I am going there. I would take Denver even without the free room, if I had the choice. Good luck to you! You'll be a great addition to your class.

Tuesday, February 07 2006 at 07:00 PM

I've very a happy for you! It's great to hear when someone's dreams come true! Kick ass in law school and show them that we low LSAT scorers make great students!

holy shit!
Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

Holy shit man, good for you. Thats fantastic! You seem like a funny guy who would add some levity to an otherwise boring Tort class on a rainy Tuesday morning in Seattle. Its a great town and a good school. I hope to see yo up there. Ill just look for the guy in the back who just got splashed by a puddle before coming to class and that smells a little, different. Congrats!

Sunday, February 05 2006 at 07:00 PM

Thanks everyone! Dani: You'll get in, don't sweat it :) Lucky for you, you get to start in August instead of spending your summer in class like me! jwsjd: Thanks and good luck to you bcensoni: Sounds good - let me know what happens and maybe we can get a group together to socialize before classes start.

Sunday, February 05 2006 at 07:00 PM

Thanks everyone! Dani: You'll get in, don't sweat it :) Lucky for you, you get to start in August instead of spending your summer in class like me! jwsjd: Thanks and good luck to you bcensoni: Sounds good - let me know what happens and maybe we can get a group together to socialize before classes start.

whooo hooo on SU
Monday, March 27 2006 at 07:00 PM

Good job! Send some luck my way... I am STILL waiting :)

Wednesday, October 05 2005 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on Seattle. You'll have to let me know what classes are like up there. I'll be starting in August but am excited. Maybe we'll bump into each other at some point in time.

Thursday, September 06 2007 at 08:00 PM

I was wondering if you're still on this board and able to answer a few questions for me regarding Seattle U's alternative admission program. Please email me directly at gmail if you are willing to discuss it with me a bit. Thanks! Katy

Sunday, October 21 2007 at 08:00 PM

if you get this, i'd love to discuss your experience at SU (i'm starting this summer--summer 2008 that is). beer/coffee's on me. peace.