orky13 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
Congrats on going back to school after dropping out! It sounds like you have an interesting story and will be an asset to whichever law school you decide to pick. Best of luck with your remaining schools!
I only went to Hiram for one year and then I transferred. I went to play basketball in the 2001-2002 academic year. Is Prof Alamolki still there? Sorry if I spelled his name wrong.
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. Some people have been very nasty, but I try my best not to take it to heart. Best of luck in your future endeavors; you certainly have the right attitude!
I will pray for you I know waiting can be a pain in the but. Just think the longer they have you wait the better your chances look. If you instantly receive feedback that usually means that it is a rejection letter. You might want to look at Univ of Detroit Mercy.
Congratulations on Lewis and Clark. I am anxiously awaiting a deferral decision, and it makes me very nervous, but excited, to see that process has begun up there... It looks like you are waiting on Cleveland to make a decision? Have you been out to Portland? Its no Cleveland... How did you hear? Did they phone or send info? Congratulations again. Great story.
So did L&C call you or mail you something? I just got an email this week asking if I was still interested, but I guess they are beginning to choose off the list...
That sounds like a nice Monday to me. I have a sense taht I will get positive word from them in the next week ir two. They certianly know of my interest, and I have made some valuable connections up there the past fwe years as a teacher nearby... Are you attending? What do you think of the Pacific Northwest compared to Ohio?
There are no drive through beer stores in Oregon? Or Washington? :-) That is one of my main Ohio memories - shows how productive I am! Congrats on LC and good luck with Seattle and Case! I am scared to go to LC now b/c you will push me too far down the curve!!!
Email me if you decide on going there. arliecrabtree@gmail.com
Yeah, tell me about it. I am sticking with UofO even though I am not sure how I will pay for it all. It is where I want to go.
No I'm pretty sure I'm going to Akron. SLU didn't offer me any monies.
I think too many people make such an emphasis on where you can live after law school. I don't really see it. You can take the bar in any state, plus if you can't find a job where you want to live, just open your own firm.
It's nice I'm in good company still waiting on Seattle, I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us and our matching dates. Coincidentally I have been dying for someone (anyone) to reply to your open Willamette post on LSD. I have no substantial input but when I toured I found they set the scholarship renewal cutoff just above the mid curve (2.9 vs 2.85) resulting in about 2/3 being renewed each year. The campus made me feel at home in a unexpected deja vu moment but its true strengths are still rather mysterious to the 0L...
Thanks for the congrats~ I got an email from case saying that I was accepted. Hope you get your email with the good news soon!
Yeah, thank GOd. It all happened in one day, Cal Western, which I probably would have gone to, and thought I would go there, then the LC acceptance in the afternoon. It still hasnt sunk in. Ill be the "dumbest" new student there, but Ill handle it... Ihope. Starting part-time will help me focus more. Have you made a final decision?
Salem is no Portland. Its a dump. Sorry, it is. The vineyards are a perfect drive out of Portland - 30 mins. 20 minutes to the gorge, 1 hr to the coast. Plus, L&C places in PDX and regionally much better. I feel like I work for the admissions department right now... Email me if you decide to come out here. Ill show you around. censonib@loswego.k12.or.us
Thanks for the good words, and best luck to you also. Where will you attend?
I wish I had the secret answer to your dilema...Thant being said I think I really would have gone to Lewis and Clark if they had admitted me. LC has a strong program in Tax Law and I have a bunch of family ties (which I probably should have detailed in my application..) to the school . In defense of Willamette, the new Dean is awesome and I think they will rise in the rankings over the next few years. Everyone seems to relish pointing out Salem's not a destination resort which is fine with me since I'm not looking for copius distractions right next door. However, I do highly recommend Dante's in Portland for fun indie concerts (there drinks are awful though) and shopping in the Pearl District. Portlandia is great but if Willamette's siren song enchants you, PDX is still only an hour-ish from Salem. By the by check the Seattle website my decision was mailed this week...
I mostly agree with the idea that you should go to the best school you can get into. I think that's true as long as it feels right to you, which is why, as of now, I'm going to UB. If L & C or Case comes through, I might have to reevaluate. But L & C is a really good school & the location is great. If you feel good about being there, I think it might be hard to do better. Any ideas for me?
I put down my deposit today...good luck with your decision!
I am going to try out Univ of Detroit Mercy Summer Program. Hopefully everything will go as planned and I will recieve an offer for full time admission in July, Where are you going next year?
If you want to stay in the region, its really the best school outside of UW. Though UofO is ranked higher, I havent heard so many great things. LC is a "community" that looks out for its own. Portland is personably sized, so that community is certainly present. They have a great business law program too but that gets forgotten with all the green whatnot...
Yeah, the whole waitlist thing sucks, especially since I'm on about a million of them! I'm probably not going to go there if I get accepted (really expensive) but I'm planning to stay on the list in case. Just some food for thought: I have a friend who is graduating from there this year. He told me he got a 1/4 tuition scholarship and is still going to have over $120,000 in debt just from law school!
L&C is ranked higher, but I doubt that matters too much given their degree of seperation is so small. But, the cost of living in PDX is much higher. Seattle is a fantastic. Depends on the programs you are interested in I guess...
yup, i'm planning on going to USD but maybe i'll get lucky with Hastings. we'll see... How about you? Have you made a final decision?
Hey nothing beats a free education. It might hurt now but it won't fell that bad when you graduate without any large student loans from law school.
if you need a friend in law school...email me and we can meet up in school...I know no one in OHIO...hopefully I'll tttyl
You made the right choice. The PNW will still be here after you graduate and you have a lifetime to live here. Avoiding a lifetime of debt is a smart move. Good luck to you!
so CSU then? Congrats, I think you will really like it there.
I went to Hiram for one year and played basketball before I transferred.