Phatmal (2022-2023)

Views: 3453 User Since: 11/04/05

Application Information

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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
University of Oregon WL, Rejected W Type: RA Sent: 12/28/05 Rec: 01/05/06 Comp: 01/26/06 Inter: -- Dec: 08/02/06 Upd: 18 years
Lewis and Clark College PT Accepted D A Type: RA Sent: 12/28/05 Rec: 01/10/06 Comp: 01/19/06 Inter: -- Dec: 05/04/06 Upd: 19 years
Willamette University Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 12/28/05 Rec: 01/17/06 Comp: 02/01/06 Inter: -- Dec: 02/10/06 Upd: 19 years
University of the Pacific PT Accepted W Type: RA $1,000 Sent: 02/03/06 Rec: 02/03/06 Comp: 02/25/06 Inter: -- Dec: 03/27/06 Upd: 19 years
University of Denver PT Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: 01/11/06 Rec: 01/25/06 Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 19 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 154
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.2
  • Degree GPA: 3.2
  • School Type: State
  • Major: Biology

Demographic Information

  • City: Portland
  • State: Oregon
  • Race: White
  • Gender: Woman
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

10 year WE
Graduate Degree

Additional info & updates

My background is heavy in environmental, however, I am not positive that I will be going into environmental law.

I am primarily interested in government and administrative law.

Didn't do well on LSAT....guess we will see how the admissions process turns out.

I added Denver because of the fact that it has rained here in Portland for 23 out of the last 30 days (being from AZ, I don't like that), the fact that I've given serious thought to living there in the past and have not talked to one person who didn't love it, and they look like they have some really great programs. Additionally, they look like they have some good contacts with resource agencies. It's a late application, but hopfully my desire for PT status will help me out.

1/17: For those of you interested in school in Portland, there have been 2 days that it has not rained in the last month. It's been at least a month since the sun has been visible for more than 5 minutes. I spent almost $200 this weekend installing special light bulbs throughout my house. Beware, it's one thing to "like the rain" and another to tolerate this climate. Just an FYI.

2/2 Very late in the process but I'm applying to McGeroge. Another good program in Government Affairs in a doable location as my previous employer is headquartered there. I hope I'm not too late!

2/3 Wow! McGeorge is johnny-on-the-spot! They requested my report the same day I transmitted my application. I'm sure they won't make a decision quite as quickly but it is refreshing having be most of my other schools have not been so quick about it. In another week I'm going to have to call Oregon so see if I'm complete (I read somewhere to give them at least 6 weeks before following up).

2/10 In at Willamette. Regular letter sized envelope that was a little on the heavy side. It was expected but I had hoped for some $$$. Will appeal to their good graces for some cash.

2/24 Willamette has no good graces. Am getting very antsy to see if I get accepted anywhere else. I've heard they are a good school but the way that things were explained to me just rubbed me the wrong way. The administrator had not put any information in my file into the context of the discussion. They really only seem to care about students that will improve their rankings. What's new.

2/28 Denver waitlist via e-mail. Better than a ding but I'm not sure I want to wait that long to make the decision.

3/7 Called L&C to check on application status and found out I was deferred. For the other deferrees, he told me that this means that if they don't get enough matriculated admits, then they will review our files again. IMO this is worse than a waitlist, but better than a rejection. If memory serves, there have not been any waitlisted people so maybe they aren't doing that this year.

3/15 Got the official deferral letter from L&C. States that my application is still active.

3/30 In at McGeorge. Large envelope date 3/27. Honors at Entrance pays for books.

4/4 Withdrew from McGeroge and Willamette. I'm 99.9% sure that I've changed my mind about law school and decided not to go. If I get into L&C or Oregon, I will reconsider and I'm staying in the Denver hunt out of curiosity.

5/4 Received call from L&C informing me that I'm in. This was my first choice so that is good. I now have until next Friday to decide if I really want to go to law school. I haven't withdrawn from the rest of my schools because, as another poster said "I paid for that decision". I'm very interested if Oregon will ever make a decision on me as they will not respond to my emails.

5/4 Received letter from Oregon today. I can't believe I didn't get flat out rejected anywhere. That give some hope to the mediocre non-trad students of the world!

5/12 Well, the L&C acceptance has swayed my previously decided mind in the other direction. Looks like I'm going to law school!! Now if I could just find $80,000 in change in my car or in my couch, that would truly make my day.

5/15 U of Oregon had asked for a letter of continued interest and since I'm not going to send one, I guess that means that I've withdrawn.

8/8 I guess U of Oregon didn't get my withdrawl hint. No biggie though. I do kinda wonder if I would have been accepted if I had sent a letter of interest.

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Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hey, I live in Portland too and really dont want to leave this great town... What sort of work are you doing with the environment? I work out at LO high and have been self-teaching myself on environmental issues, but its always interesting to hear what people actually do.

Environmental Work
Thursday, November 03 2005 at 07:00 PM

I currenly work for the state as an Environmental Planner. I help engineers plan projects to minimize environmental impacts and write environmental assessments and environmental impact statements. 99.999% of environmental work leans toward helping development minimize (or mitigate) impacts to the environment. Most of it is not "saving the world sort of stuff". I've been doing this for more than 5 years as varying levels so if you have specific questions, feel free to ask.

enviro work
Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

I figure that most enviro work is slowing down the destruction, though I hope to do some work at the government level to move us to mosre sustainable practices... we can dream cant we? Anyhow, as I get accepted to places, I wouldnt mind meeting sometime to discuss specifics of what you do. I have met with others to just gain more knowledge of the field because I dont have an academic background in this... just an interest and reading books.

enviro work
Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

I figure that most enviro work is slowing down the destruction, though I hope to do some work at the government level to move us to mosre sustainable practices... we can dream cant we? Anyhow, as I get accepted to places, I wouldnt mind meeting sometime to discuss specifics of what you do. I have met with others to just gain more knowledge of the field because I dont have an academic background in this... just an interest and reading books.

one more thing
Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

You may want to look at Golden Gate U which actually has a not so bad enviro program. With our LSATs we must be realistic and because you applied a little later these schools may ding you. There is still time for G.G. though... Just a thought

SF Schools
Thursday, November 03 2005 at 07:00 PM

Yeah, I would love to go to school in SF but it's just too expensive to live there. I used to live just south of there in Santa Cruz and had to leave because of the expense. Thanks for the heads up though!

SF Schools
Thursday, November 03 2005 at 07:00 PM

Yeah, I would love to go to school in SF but it's just too expensive to live there. I used to live just south of there in Santa Cruz and had to leave because of the expense. Thanks for the heads up though!

SF Schools
Thursday, November 03 2005 at 07:00 PM

Yeah, I would love to go to school in SF but it's just too expensive to live there. I used to live just south of there in Santa Cruz and had to leave because of the expense. Thanks for the heads up though!

Saturday, July 30 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hey, I'd love to hear what you know about Denver. Email me if you want to chat.

Friday, September 30 2005 at 08:00 PM

Thanks for the comments about the area! I'm going for a visit in 2 weeks, and I'm really looking foward to seeing the area. At this point, I feel like it would take a lot (as in a giant sinkhole which sucks Salem down below sea level) to deter me from moving there and going to school at Willamette.

Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

Still holding out for L&C? I see you withdrew from your other places... Are you deciding that it is Lewis and Clark or bust?

L & C
Monday, March 27 2006 at 07:00 PM

I just switched from the part time program there to the full time program, so hopefully you will get a call from L& C offering you my old spot! I got the deferral letter too so don't lose hope.

Lewis & Clark
Monday, March 27 2006 at 07:00 PM

Oh man I hope you go to L& C, be sure to tell me what you decide!

lewis & clark
Monday, March 27 2006 at 07:00 PM

Whoohoo! I am %75 sure I will be doing the L & C thing this fall! I can't wait to meet you!

Couldn't pass up the free.
Monday, March 27 2006 at 07:00 PM

Just withdrew from L & C-- I am doing free school at Cleveland Marshall instead. It is breaking my heart!

Monday, July 10 2006 at 08:00 PM

so, part time takes 4 years instead of 3? is that it or are there other differences?