spartan2006 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
Good luck this law school season! Hope ya do well though I'm sure you will witht he solid LSAT.
Looks like we've applied to 4 of the same schools (Wayne, Michigan, MSU and Wisconsin) -- good luck on your apps. I just visited Wisconsin over the weekend and the campus is great. Got to sit in on a class too!
I talked with Tony from Valparaiso and he emphasized to me that they weigh the PS heavily and do not simply look at GPA/LSAT. With a good PS and your numbers you should be accepted. Additionally, Val. waives application fees until the end of december. Good Luck!
Hey, just FYI, I got a call from the U of D - Mercy admissions office today letting me know I was accepted...I would be you should get a call sometime soon...our numbers are similar, but I sent my app in about a week and a half before you
My fingers are still crossed for Michigan, but glad to get in at MSU, as it may well be where I will be in the fall! phew!
on Michigan state. That is so cool!!
Hey, I see you got your Detroit-Mercy letter finally...I wonder what took them so long...congrats!
Wayne sent me a letter. I think every where sends letters out and most schools won't tell you the descision except through letter.
to a fellow spartan! We also have a very similar app list, although my LSAT is lower so I'm not reaching to places like ND or UMich...and no more msu for me.
Wayne doesn't notify you about scholarships till april or may...i think they are gunna lose out on all the great applicants.
yes, I am a current student at MSU...almost out though!
Hey~ I did not receive any scholarship money from Wayne. But, I know someone else from JMC who got a full ride there. She had a higher LSAT score and GPA than I did. Good luck to you!