TheJesus (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Brooklyn Law School PT | WL, Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 08/18/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
DePaul University PT | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/07/05 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Seton Hall University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/27/05 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Rutgers State University Newark | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/14/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/06/05 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Wayne State University PT | Accepted A | Type: RA | $7,500 | Sent: 10/28/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/07/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/23/05 | Upd: 18 years | ||
Catholic University of America | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/16/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/21/05 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Loyola University Chicago PT | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/23/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/04/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Chicago-Kent College of Law (IIT) PT | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/25/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/06/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Toledo | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/05/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/19/05 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Detroit Mercy | Accepted W | Type: RA | $26,100 | Sent: 10/28/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/08/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/16/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
American University PT | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: 12/09/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/29/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Temple University PT | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/16/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/13/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Maryland PT | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/05 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/15/05 | Upd: 19 years |
Visitor Comments
...for the kudos on the blog. Good luck on your aps. I am leaning toward coming home to Michigan, but it would be hard to turn down UofR or UofVA. But, like you said it is hard to beat the in-state value of Wayne State!
Thanks for the heads up. You'll have to let me know about any scholarship you receive since we have so many of the same schools. I have a feeling Wayne is going to have a tough time with its yield ratio this year since their tuition hike made their cost very comparable to MSU Law.
Congrats on your acceptance to U of D! I can't wait until I hear something, anything, from anywhere!
Congratulations on your acceptance to UDM!
It feels good to get the first of what I hope to be many!
Congrats man on Rutgers! I am waiting for my day to come. I am in review right now.
... on your accepts...You are on a roll!
Wow, look at you...baller! I hope to hear back from DePaul soon also! Congrats!
I applied FT day session. Our numbers are almost exactly the same, so I'm sure you will hear good news this week. Good luck to you!! :)
Yup, it was good to hear from them.
Congrats on all your acceptances...especially Wayne! We both heard today; what great news for the holidays!
Congrats on Wayne State! Did they say anything about scholarship information? I am waiting by my mailbox for my letter!
Congrats on DePaul! They are very tough this round. I got dinged b/c of the 155, it happens, those LSAT whores!
....I am still in shock! I keep rereading the letter to make sure that I did not miss the rejection notice!
Congrats on Wayne! That is among your top choices, no??
Congrats! Did you apply for the full-time or part-time program?
Congrats. Full time or part time? I ask cuz I'm applying part-time.
Who did you sleep with over at Loyola? LOL They probably accepted you because your name is "TheJesus" and its a Jesuit schools...haha jk, congrats buddy! Just a few more to go!
I don't want to!
...where you will be attending?
LOL...I am so distraught! I wanted to get more acceptances because I am sick of waiting, but now that I have options I don't know what to do. The deposit dates are looming, so many apps are still pending...I just don't know. Carlisle sucks, I don't know if its worth it to go, potentially living there for awhile.
...on Chicago-Kent. Where do you think you are going to end up?
I was reading Wayne's website and they said that they would be making award/scholarship offers and sending them to our WSU email addresses. I found mine on the directory, but did you get a password or anything yet?
...writes messages at 7:27 a.m.?! I was sleeping peacefully until 8 :)
...where I will end up. I am leaning toward UofMinn/UofR/Wayne State but I am not making an definite decisions until I find out about Financial aid. Good luck on the rest of your aps! BTW: Have you heard anything about Financial Aid from Wayne?
What's your first choice school, and where are you likely to attend? we've applied to similar schools. Right now I'm leaning towards Loyola PT.
What's your first choice school, and where are you likely to attend? we've applied to similar schools. Right now I'm leaning towards Loyola PT.
for the congrats. Loyola PT is tempting for you, but the Wayne tuition is hard to turn down...hopefully I will see you there
congrats on the acceptances, but hey if you decide to not attend rutgers, could you please inform the admissions office whenever you make your decision?
I heard back about FinAid but no word of scholarship from Wayne. Have you heard anything?
That's awesome! When/how did you hear? Email me when you get a chance!
Do you know how Wayne decides to distribute money? I am also accepted for the Fall and have similar numbers, but my decision is heavily based on money (kid on the way). Contact me offline if you'd like. Thanks.
Congrats on all these schools. I was just wondering how you went about preparing your personal statement and what you talked about, if you do not mind me asking? Also, did you personalize each statement for each school?
Yeah, I found out about the tuition recently. I did not originally apply there but after learning that there was no application fee to apply and that I would get in-state tuiton, I decided to. I was also impressed with their bar passage rate for graduates who took the exam in Michigan.