thgreyguy (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#4 | Washington University in St Louis | Accepted W | Type: RA | $18 | Sent: 11/17/05 | Rec: 11/18/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/21/06 | Upd: 18 years | |
#2 | University of Michigan Ann Arbor | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/29/06 | Rec: 02/02/06 | Comp: 03/03/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/03/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#1 | Northwestern University | WL, Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 12/05/05 | Rec: 12/05/05 | Comp: 01/12/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 07/14/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#6 | University of Notre Dame F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/27/05 | Rec: 10/27/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/14/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#3 | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Accepted D W | Type: RA | $12 | Sent: 11/02/05 | Rec: 11/03/05 | Comp: 11/10/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/12/06 | Upd: 18 years | |
#7 | Loyola University Chicago | Accepted W | Type: RA | $16 | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 12/29/05 | Comp: 01/12/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/30/06 | Upd: 19 years | |
Harvard University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/16/06 | Rec: -- | Comp: 02/16/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/25/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
#5 | Indiana University Bloomington F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $12 | Sent: 10/29/05 | Rec: 10/31/05 | Comp: 11/10/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/27/05 | Upd: 19 years | |
Georgetown University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/29/06 | Rec: -- | Comp: 02/24/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/07/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
New York University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/29/06 | Rec: -- | Comp: 03/13/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/05/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Washington and Lee University F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/09/05 | Rec: 11/10/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/03/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Yale University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/24/06 | Rec: 01/30/06 | Comp: 02/28/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/28/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Wisconsin Madison | Pending D W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/28/05 | Rec: 12/28/05 | Comp: 02/02/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/08/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
#2 | University of Chicago | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/28/05 | Rec: 01/09/06 | Comp: 01/18/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/21/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
University of Akron | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/25/05 | Rec: 10/25/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/15/05 | Upd: 19 years | |||
DePaul University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $20 | Sent: 12/06/05 | Rec: 12/06/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/19/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
Temple University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $10 | Sent: 10/27/05 | Rec: 10/27/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/05/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
University of Arizona F | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/28/05 | Rec: 10/31/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/01/05 | Upd: 19 years |
Visitor Comments
Congrats on Indiana. I hear that is a nice school. But with your numbers I expect you will do well on the rest of your aps!
What did the Arizona acceptance look like?
-standard sized envelope with the university's logo on it -four sheets inside, all standard letters -little note from somebody scribbled on the acceptance letter
Yah, Temple might be a bit far. Indiana is my top choice right now. Although living in Philly would be sweet.
Thanks Sarah, Lara, or Tom.
I wrote the truth. I basically stated that I took the LSAT the first time because that is what Pol Sci majors do. I studied, but lacked desire. After law clerking, I really wanted to attend law school and the LSAT made more sense.
residency requirements are on the website.
I was wondering if you had heard anything from ND or WUSTL, I applied around the same time as you and got a completion letter from WUSTL, but this was about 2 months ago. I was wondering if you had heard anything at all from the schools. Also congratulations on UIUC.
Still waiting on wash u ND did the waiting list...University of Illinois it is!
Thanks for the input, I am really leaning toward U of I because of the great Chicago connections. Good luck with your pending apps, and maybe I will see you at U of I in the fall.
I wasn't bashing IL in my post to badgerfan05. Just trying to cheer on WUSTL (btw, I provided a rebuttal to some of your points ;o) ). Anyway, just wanted to say congrats on your acceptances. And your improvement on the LSAT makes me think I should have taken it again ;o( If only, if only....
nice increase, anything different you did to up that score??
After working in the state's attorney's office, the LSAT's questions made more sense. A little bit of legal experience really clarified the test.
I explained that I'd rather not attend UIUC, but their scholarship offer of 15k made Indiana twice the cost. While not my preference, it would be irresponsible to go to Indiana over UIUC. I then asked for further consideration.
Complete, but decided. My fault!
not decided
yeah state attorney's office. i work at a state attorney's office in FL...congrats on all of your fabulous acceptances:)
lol. I'm not afraid to admit it. I live a charmed life.
In at northwestern off waitlist! Thats a huge bit of luck!
Congrats on the Northwestern acceptance! Have you found an apartment yet? I am breaking my lease on a great place near the NU Law campus (since I just got into NYU) and am trying to find someone to replace me. Lemme know if you're interested and I can send you details.
Hi there :) I would just like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed your chronology of thoughts/events/etc. I am at work, currently procrastinating, and I am not kidding when I say that I just read your entire "additional info" section out loud to the girl that I share an office with. You are hilarious, and you give me hope that it is possible to get off a waitlist. I'd love to go to ND, and I would love love love to go to NU. I went there for undergrad and loved it, and it would be some miracle if I got in with my 164. Anyway, I just wanted to say congrats! Also, I'd love to ask you questions about how you put together your continued interest packages, etc. Shoot me an email or let me know what yours is, as I feel like I shouldn't leave such lengthy posts on your wall. Have a nice day, and just know that you are clearly FABULOUS :)
I know. Tell me about it. UIUC put my on the hold list and asked for an addendum. Oh well, I'll go to Indiana if nothing else comes through.