wantwarmweather (2022-2023)

Views: 2367 User Since: 02/14/06

Application Information

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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
University of Notre Dame F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 19 years
University of California Davis Accepted Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/27/06 Upd: 19 years
University of Miami F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 19 years
DePaul University F Accepted W Type: RA $54,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 19 years
Pepperdine University Accepted A Type: RA $15,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 03/13/06 Upd: 19 years
University of California Berkeley Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 19 years
Santa Clara University F Accepted Type: RA $20,000 Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/28/06 Upd: 19 years
University of San Diego Accepted Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 19 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 161
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.79
  • Degree GPA: 3.82
  • School Type: Notre Dame
  • Major: History and Spanish

Demographic Information

  • City: Chi-town
  • State: Illinois
  • Race: 10K
  • Gender: Woman
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

Many extracurriculars, including student government, work study, study abroad and community service

Additional info & updates


When I visited the school in April I fell in love with the campus and the people and the faculty. It is a great fit for me and I am excited about the next three years!!

Visitor Comments

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Re: Jeez
Wednesday, September 07 2005 at 08:00 PM

Thanks for your comments on my page! I do have a lot of junk on my page. I graduated in May so I have a lot of free time on my hands that I tend to put into law school stuff. If it's not browsing through and adding things to LSN, it's obsessing over the delivery of my mail....so I try to distract myself with LSN =) Congrats on your acceptances so far and good luck with the rest of your apps, especially the Cali schools....let me know how it goes!

mjca83 cannot follow directions.
Saturday, January 21 2006 at 07:00 PM

Yeah we do have similar numbers good luck with everything! I say if you dont get into Davis or Berkeley, go for USD. It has better weather anyways. So far I am leaning towards Davis and American, but curious to see what happens. Keep me posted -- - -mj-

Tuesday, February 07 2006 at 07:00 PM

P.S.- Thanks for the Congrats post and I'm the "logged user" above.

CALI schools
Thursday, November 03 2005 at 07:00 PM

USD: I go to UCSD right now and visited the USD campus. The law school is just one building and a library. The campus is very nice and the surrounding area, Loma Linda, is cheap to live in, so is Clairemont... I say cheap which means if you live in a house you could pay 400-600 to have your own room. 1 bedrooms in the area are 800. Much cheaper than LA. I love SD, but am ready to move the fuck on, so I'm going up north. The beaches are great, the people are nice, the weather is amazing. Overall great experience, just expensive. Pepperdine: Read my profile for that. I loved it. You could live on campus or commute 15 miles and live in the surrounding ares... all expensive. Davis: Nice friendly college oriented area town. Housing is cheap... 300-600 for your own room. Local bars, very excercise oriented. Santa Clara: visiting in March, but from the brochures it looks gorgeous. hope that helps!

Sunday, September 04 2005 at 08:00 PM

for the input. I'm really torn as to what to look for in a school. You're right, I'm was considering U of I only because of the ranking. Now I'm considering Boston U cause of the ranking. Maybe my mind will change when i visit...? Some people tell me its how you do no matter what school you go to. However, the associates at work are pretty blunt and say things like "firms like ours dont even interview outside the top twenty." It's kinda snobby but a reality. I still have some schools to hear back from and hopefully I'll stay in cali. Great choices so far! Lemme know where you decide to go.

Tuesday, February 28 2006 at 07:00 PM

Just FYI, not sure if you knew but Pepperdine is a conservative school with strong religious ties from my understanding.

Sunday, January 29 2006 at 07:00 PM

Nice to meet you wantwarmweather. I too loved Pepperdine the moment I stepped foot on campus. It just had the right feel (except for the cost). I'll give you an email sometime soon and we can discuss. Congrats with your scholarship too!

Monday, December 19 2005 at 07:00 PM

I'm a Catholic midwesterner who is personally conservative but socially liberal (does that make sense?) I like you types, have your own rules but don't expect others to play by them. I am curious to know why tno Hastings app? I've seen you around so much, so I thought I'd say hello :-)

Monday, December 19 2005 at 07:00 PM

don/t you think you could get pepp to up their $$ offer in light of your other fac acceptances and scholarships?

Where to live
Sunday, September 18 2005 at 08:00 PM

I am impressed with your acceptance list. I can understand your decision. Malibu has to be one of the most desirable place in the country to be. On the MSN review of colleges, Pepperdine won the "most beautiful" campus award. Living in Malibu is prohibitively expensive. About 10 miles south of the campus on Las Virgenes Road, in the city of Calabasas, there are a ton of apartments. It's fairly upscale. If you are planning on living alone, it can be a little expensive like $1600-$2000 for a nice place. I would contact the school housing office. I would bet they have a bunch of relocation material and even a list of people looking for roomates. My family lives in Calabasas. Under my present circumstances, with my brother in law school as well, I'm trying to keep costs down as my parents are helping out. Oh, and yes I will most likely be at Pepperdine. I have a few wailtlists left. I will look at George Mason and Loyola if I get in, but I'd really have to consider if I want PT. With 99% certainly I'll see you in August.