stuje1 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
University of Minnesota Twin Cities | Waitlisted | Type: | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/26/05 | Comp: 11/15/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 06/02/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
#1 | Boston College | Accepted A | Type: | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/20/05 | Comp: 10/28/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/16/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
University of Colorado Boulder | Accepted W | Type: RA | $10,000 | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 11/01/05 | Comp: 11/08/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/21/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
University of Washington | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 11/18/05 | Comp: 12/06/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/22/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of California Davis | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/20/05 | Comp: 11/02/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/03/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Arizona | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/27/05 | Comp: 11/03/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/06/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Emory University | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/27/05 | Comp: 11/18/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/27/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
George Washington University | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/19/05 | Comp: 12/20/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/20/05 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Tulane University | Accepted W | Type: RA | $75,000 | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/24/05 | Comp: 11/14/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/12/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Rejected D | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/24/05 | Comp: 11/04/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/21/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Georgetown University | Rejected | Type: | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/20/05 | Comp: 11/07/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/09/05 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Indiana University Bloomington F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $12,000 | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/27/05 | Comp: 01/07/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/07/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
Washington and Lee University F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 11/07/05 | Comp: 11/07/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/03/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of California Berkeley | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/25/05 | Comp: 11/10/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/11/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Iowa | Accepted D W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/28/05 | Comp: 11/08/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/15/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Boston University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/27/05 | Comp: 11/12/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/04/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Northwestern University F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/24/05 | Comp: 11/08/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/01/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Ohio State University | Accepted W | Type: RA | $15,750 | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/27/05 | Comp: 11/02/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/08/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
University of Michigan Ann Arbor | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/24/05 | Comp: 11/12/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/19/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Wisconsin Madison | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 11/04/05 | Comp: 11/10/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/03/05 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of California Hastings | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 11/03/05 | Comp: 12/07/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/22/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Washington University in St Louis | Waitlisted | Type: | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 11/02/05 | Comp: 01/23/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/20/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Case Western Reserve University | Accepted W | Type: RA | $39,000 | Sent: 10/18/05 | Rec: 10/27/05 | Comp: 01/17/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/17/06 | Upd: 19 years |
Visitor Comments
Yeah, I haven't received any word from GW. They are the only school that hasn't sent me an e-mail or letter letting me know that they have received or completed my application. Although, U of Washington just requested my LSDAS report a few days ago....almost a month after I applied. So it seems like some schools are faster than others. If I still haven't heard anything in another 3-4 weeks, then I might start wondering....
Wow CU Boulder accepted you pretty quick, huh. How did you find out? Did you contact them yourself or just wait for the decision to arrive in the mail? You applied to many of the same schools as I did and our numbers are almost identical, but your EC stuff totally blows me out of the water. Good luck.
Yeah, I was really surprised with how quickly I heard from Boulder. I didn't expect to hear from any shools until mid-December. I didn't contact them, I recieved my acceptance via a large manilla envelope in the mail. Good luck with your applications!
I appreciate your comments, and wish you the best of luck. Michigan was a huge reach for me too, but I guess someone there liked me. As for the numbers, I prefer to keep anonymous for a few more months, but I'm a low-GPA, high-LSAT splitter, for what it's worth.
I also applied to CU/UW around the time you did. Just wondering when you received your letters. I travel a lot for my job and rarely return home to the mailbox. Is there any online status check? Thanks man. Congrats
ME: I heard from Wisconsin on 12/03 and CU on 11/21. There weren't any status checkers for either of these two schools, just found out through the mail. I think I heard a bit on the early end at these two schools, so I'm not sure when you should expect yours. I think everyone will hear early at some places and will drag at other places, so I guess you might just have to wait and see. GOOD LUCK!
We have almost the same numbers What is your top choice? N'wstern? How do you like our odds at BC and BU? - Good luck!
Me: My four reach (lottery) schools are probably my top choices (Mich, Nwestern, Gtown [already rejected], and Berkeley). Besides those, I am not sure my top choices, I have some favorites though. the two Boston school are definitely up there. My whole family lives in Boston. I'm not sure if I like my odds at either of them, but I figure I got a shot. My sis and her husband are grads of BC law, so maybe that'll help, but who knows. Good luck with your apps! I expect that we will hear from BC soon since it is EA. Let me know how it goes!
Looks like we both got deferred at U. of Minn. I wonder what our chances are of getting an acceptance after being deferred...
Me: Yeah, sucks to get deferred, but hey, could be much worse! Of the four people on LSN who have heard from Minnesota this year, all of us got deferred (today). I think our chances haven't changed much (maybe Im being overly optimistic). I think they just want to get a better understanding of the applicant pool this year before accepting people who have "middle of the road" numbers. Unless they have an atypically high applicant pool, I think we have a decent shot (at least not any worse than we started with). I'd much rather be deferred than waitlisted, cause then we wouldn't hear until the summer (most likely). I think this is more of a reflection of the rushed timing of EA and the fact that our apps will probably demand much more careful attention since our numbers aren't extremely low or high. Im thinking that most acceptances and rejections in the early period are the clear cut cases. Good luck and let me know when you hear from them again!
Hey stuje1, I'm anixiously waiting news from Minn and was just wondering when your deferral letter was dated? Then maybe I can get an idea of when to expect a letter. Still think you got a great shot at Minn. Good luck all schools!
Me: Hey Mike. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I hope it does work out in the end, I really like Minnesota. You know, I thought the point of applying early was that it's an advantage to get the application in when they aren't sure what their class will look like....guess that is down the drain with a deferral. Oh well. To answer your question, my letter was dated 12/9. Let me know how it goes for you. Good luck!
Me: I'm pretty sure I would choose Minnesota if I got in there. I LOVE madison, but I am just ready for a change. I don't want to get sick of the place. There is a good chance I might come back to Madison and live here one day. There really is no place like it. It's big enough that it has a lot to do and it is small enough that it doesn't have that overwhelming "city" feel. It's really unique. The science research at UW is great and if you're interested in that aspect, it's a good place to go. I also really like the Law School building here; it is very modern. If i hadn't gone to undergrad here, it would definitely be one of my top choices....but I might be ready to move on. Depends where else I get in. If you have any more question about Madison, feel free to ask. Good luck at Minnesota and the rest of the schools!
Me: Thanks! hopefully you'll be right! I would love to have some choices. I don't really feel like I have a good shot at any of the top 4 schools I applied to (or as I refer to them, my lottery schools), but maybe my best chance of those 4 might be at Northwestern, simply because they allowed for optional essays (which I did) and an maybe those things could help combat my LSAT.
Me: Thanks Adam and Eem! I'm real excited. I hope you both get in too! I like rooting for those with similar numbers. I know how much it sucks to have to wait anxiously for a decision, but it should be coming soon. Let me know how it goes. GOOD LUCK!
Thanks for your response. I think you're right about the rushed timing of EA resulting in deferral for middle numbers people like us. Looks like the first acceptance at Minn got high numbers. Oh well, let's hope for the best. Good luck!
when i posted earlier. Congrats on BC!
Me: Yeah, I had my interview very early. Is yours with an alumni or an admissions officer? Mine was with an alumni. There are some books with some good advice on interviewing (e.g. How to get into the top law schools). The interview is a good time to really distinguish yourself from other applicants and if it is a reach for you (as it is for me), this is the time to really make an impression. I'll e-mail you with some more details. Good luck!
Me: Thanks. Yeah, Ive visited BC, but only drove by BU. My sister went to BC, so I know a bit about it. Even though BC's law area is shared with a frosh dorm, it is separated from the majority of the undergrads. My sister said she and he husband (also went there) didnt know a single undergrad. The law students all socialized with each other and not with the undergrads. She said it was a very social environment and all the law students were really nice there. BU is a bit better located in the city, but I like BC's location in a pretty suburb. Good luck on the rest of your apps! Let me know if you decide on BC!
Congrats on your graduation, and way to go with that BC acceptance. It's not even the new year and you already have 3 excellent schools to choose from. Here's to a Boalt acceptance for both of us! Good luck man.
Me: Thanks! Glad to be done (although a little sad). Boalt acceptance for me?! LOL, in my can dream though, right?
thanks for your comments. The interview was VERY informal and went well. =) So I've been thinking about BC vs. BU (although I have yet to hear back from BU). I know BU is currently ranked higher, but the alumni from BC I spoke with said that BC was higher in the rankings 4 years ago (apparently their best con law professor left). Also, BC has an overall higher ranking. This guy I know from Boston said BC is perceived to be a little more prestigious than BU, but he is also in his mid-30s, so I don't know if anything has changed since he was in college. Finally, the NW alumni said either BU or BC had a cut-throat reputation--and I've heard the exact opposite about BC, so I'm assuming it's BU. Any thoughts or comments?? I'm so unfamiliar with schools in the NE that I really have no idea.
Me: Yeah, I have definitely heard that BU has a bit of a "cut throat" reputation....but you always here people saying that about "other" schools and not their own. What I mean is I have yet to hear someone from BU actually say that, just people from BC, so who knows (although I have never spoken directly to someone who went to BU law). BC definitely does not have a cut throat attitude. As one of you said, it is much more "kumbaya" and a big, happy, collective group (which I think is cool). That is definitely much better than a competitive environment. As for reputation, I think BC traditionally has had a bit better rep, but has declined a little in the past few years (just a little, to put it under BU)...only time will tell if that will continue or if BC will jump back up above BU in the rankings. I think it will because I think traditional beliefs will win out which will cause the rankings to change (i.e. better hiring practices because older generations think BC is more prestigious). Obviously, they are both great schools and you can't go wrong either way!!! p.s. I'm not expecting any scholarship $ from either, so that won't be factoring into my decision (heck, I don't even think I will get in to BU, I was lucky enough with BC!)
Hi, I'm reviewed my academic summary prepared by LSAC and was wondering. How do you determine the GPA they calculated? Thanks!
Me: Well, your LSDAS GPA will only differ from your Undergrad GPA in a few circumstances....if you attended more than one undergrad institution (transferred, summer courses, semester abroad, etc.), you had lots of pass/fail courses, you failed courses, and sometimes they might ignore classes that they don't think should coun't, like P.E. (There are some other things too that would cause the LSDAS GPA to differ that I can't think of off hand). Anyway, they calculate your GPA including grades at all schools you've attended and any failed classes (even if your school got rid of it) and stuff like that. You can find your LSDAS GPA after you have submitted all your transcripts on the LSAC website under the "transcripts" section after you log in. They also have all the info I just discussed in more detail on their site ( Hope that helped!
...on OSU and Wisconsin! I wonder why UofMN deferred you? Strange.
Me: Thanks! I'm not all that surprised about Minn's one of the top schools I applied to. I'm still really hoping for an is one of my favorites. I see you got in there...Congrats! Are you thinking of attending?
...I am visiting UofMN, Hamline and William Mitchell next week. But right now based upon where I have been accepted it is definately in group 1 of my listings.
thanks man, much success to you!!!
Sorry to hear about UMich. Given your #'s, I'm expecting my ding in the mail very shortly. Out of your current accepts, where are you leaning to? BC? Right now, I'm pretty focused on Madison unless something unexpected happens.... Good Luck with the rest of your apps.
Me: Hopefully you can be luckier than I was and you'll get good news from Mich. Right now, of my current acceptances, I am leaning towards B.C. and Indiana. No one is really out of it yet, it'll depend on where else I get in and after I do some visiting. You can't go wrong with Madison, so you gotta feel good that you have a great choice no matter what else happens! Good luck with the rest of the apps. You applied early like me, so we should be hearing from a lot of places soon (I would hope). Good luck!
Thanks for the well wishes! My Michigan ding came in the mail today. No surprise here -- it was a prayer... I can already smell the cheese and leiny\\\'s.....
Is there somewhere online to see each years rankings?
Sorry about the NW reject. Mine came today as well. Just the Boalt rejection left and my T-14 pipe dreams will be over. That's okay though, I'm thrilled with the choices I currently have. With regards to your email -- BC sounds like a great fit for you. I think you'll eventually get into IA and MN as well. Would you have tuition reciprocity at MN? Good Luck with the rest of the process!
Where does WI fall on your list. I won't be able to beat the in-state tuition so I will almost certainly go there. I was wondering what you knew about the housing situation. I heard that most law students live in the ismuthus. But what about finding people to live with any idea how to go about that, especially when alot of the housing is already gone. Good luck on the rest of your apps. Especially berkely and bu
I've heard horror stories about Urbana-Champaign as well. Strictly academically, UIUC would have been one of my target schools, but I decided to look elsewhere. I need to find a good situation for both myself and my girlfriend, and Champaign wasn't it. I'm not sure Iowa City is a great situation for her either (she wants a job similar to one she has now with a big company), but at least Cedar Rapids is nearby and does have some larger industry.
Have you ever visited Boulder before? I really love the town itself and it's a perfect distance to Denver. I think you'll like it! (The school is rather pretty too. I have an uncle who went to law school there and now owns a firm there so he was big on me coming there so I checked it all last spring!)
Me: I haven't visited Boulder yet, but have heard nothing but great things about it. Once I hear from all the schools I applied to, then I think I will narrow it down to a few an go visit those. As of now, Colorado would probably be on that list. Is that your 1st choice?
No, it's not my 1st choice. I love the area but I want to go into Sports Law and they don't offer that as a concentration. But I still applied because if in the end I don't want to move to the East Coast, it's a wonderful school semi-close to home for me!
I see you compiled ranking data for the past ten years. I've been looking all over for such information. Where were you able to get it? Also, if you'd like someone to check over your excel sheet feel free to send me the original data. I'd be happy to compile it independently and compare results.
Me: Thanks for taking an interest in my little ranking guide. I'll certainly send over the files for you to take a look at and check over my results. I found the data on a Yahoo law school group. I'll send you over the files though since I have them all downloaded. Thanks for the help!
You know how gpa heavy they are!! That is a great list you complied An interesting trend...what do you think it is about Yale ( besides the name) that keeps them at #1? I ask because it seemsx like you may have thought about this... Best of luck...I hope to see you at Cal !
Me: Yeah, Cal Berkeley's emphasis on GPA is the only thing that made give me a glimmer of hope.....but a very small love it to see you there next year =) You know, I haven't given much thought as to why Yale has remained at #1. I tend to only think about the schools I am interested in (as in, have a shot to go to). It is pretty crazy though that it is the only school to stay at the same spot every single year. you would think there would be one year in which it falters.
You would think one year...but perhaps it is the Ivy status along with the small class sizes? You'll be going to great school in the end, and that is all that matters really...
It's awesome what you did -- I'm not a huge fan of basing your decision off of US News alone! But I think you need to change it so Harvard and Stanford are BOTH ranked 2. Check it out, I could be wrong.. Best of luck this cycle!
Me: lol, thanks. I graduated in May so I have a lot of free time on my hands that I tend to put into law school stuff. If it's not browsing through and adding things to LSN, it's obsessing over the delivery of my I try to distract myself with LSN =) Good luck with your apps and Davis....let me know how it goes!
Me: Your welcome! I do think the averages provide a better understanding of the general "prestige" of a school than just looking at this year's rankings. Glad you enjoy it!
Oh well on the UIUC rejection. I'm surprised they dinged you, but you already have some great choices. I feel your pain regarding the waiting. I'm tired of waiting for the Cal-Berkeley and ND dings.
Me: Thanks. According to an article about the Berkeley e-mail screw up, they said they'll have all the acceptances out by end of 1 more month max (although I wasn't really ever expecting a decision later than March anyway). The article also said they haven't sent out any rejections yet (contrary to LSN). That is not good. Send me mine already ;-)
Me: that was a quick response! (less than 5 minutes after Iput it up) thanks! I've heard SF is an amazing city. I am really hoping to find time to squeeze in a visit to Northern Cali to check out Davis and Hastings. What is one more plane ticket compared to cost of tuition, right? ;-)
Me: As to the question about ND...I'm not too sure about their national rep. I never really looked into the school, so am not that familiar with it. It seems like everyone on the message boards are really high on it though and agree that it has a very high national reputation. I think you can't go wrong at any of your top choices though. Reily, I don't have too much hope for a T14, considering I am down to one! ;-) I am happy with my choices though. good luck at BC! Let me know how it goes.
Did you do anything that you think helped you get accepted from deferral?
Me: I didn't actually. I did send Ill and Minn my fall transcript with a cover letter, but seeing as how I then got rejected from Ill and still haven't heard from Minn, I don't think that it helped much. Iowa already had my fall grades when I got deferred, so that is why I didnt send them that. I was planning on sending them my class rank, but heard back before I had a chance.
I was schocked that I heard this back soon too. I think it has to do with my dual-degree aspiration, and maybe I stuck out a bit because I mailed a letter of continuing interest? You have better numbers than I, so you should get an acceptance too. Here's to hoping it's not in May.
Me: Thanks for the comments. It was hard to turn down so much money from Tulane, but there a few reasons behind it. First, while that is a ton of money, you must also consider that tuition at Tulane is a lot higher than a lot of the schools I am considering. It still is the best deal, but I am not sure I want to be in New Orleans....partly because of Katrina and future Hurricanes and partly because it is not a geographic region I am that interested in practicing. Obviously I could travel a bit with the degree, but I would rather live in the midwest, east or west coasts and feel that a degree from a school in one of those regions would do me better, due to regional reps. If you are planning on doing public interest, then obviously it is a bit of a different situation, and if Tulane gives you the best financial deal, then I would say go for it (for sure). The UC schools I don't think do very well in terms of financial aid, so that is something to consider (at least not merit aid). Good luck with your decision. I might be visiting the UC schools, so I'll let you know my opinion after I visit. You can't go wrong with Wisconsin though...Go badgers!
On your acceptance to UW. Did you receive an email or a letter? I'm anxtiously awaiting something myself.
Me: Thanks. I found out via e-mail (a very short one) and it said a letter is to follow. Good luck...hopefully the decisions will be rolling in now.
I also got waitlisted at W&L. Sorry to hear about your waitlist at BU, but I got the feeling you liked BC better anyways. Hope you are enjoying your visit to Seattle. I'm leaving for DC in a week with checkbook in hand.... Good luck on getting off the waitlist at a few places.
I have enjoyed reading your reviews and comments on LSD. We have a lot of schools in common and you have helped me directly and indirectly without your knowing. You have some excellent options and I will be inteested to see which school you will ultimately choose. Please feel free to ask me about UC Davis if you are still considering the UC schools. I am sure you know more than me about the law school, but I went there for UG and I could comment on the university, campus, town, and region.
Me: I'm really glad that I could be of some help. I hoped that someone was reading those reviews ;-) What schools are you down to now? Leaning towards any schools in particular? I really liked UC Davis when I visited, but I am a bit concerned about being locked into CA. Is there a reason you didn't apply to Davis for law? Did you enjoy your UG experience there?
Me: Thanks! Based on your question, I decided to update my profile so people can see my top choices. BC is definitely up there, but I am still considering CU and U Wash (and Minn if I get in). BC definitely has the most national Rep, but UWash has probably just as strong of a regional rep... and Colorado is just Beautiful and a great place to live, so I like them too (as well as for other reasons.Price, Laid back, New Building, etc.). National Rep, I guess, is just one of the many reasons why I would pick a school. Are you going to BC next year? If so, maybe I'll see you there!
Thanks for the comment/reply. I will send an e-mail tonight.
on all of your acceptances. Any idea where you are leaning at the moment? I see you've visited UW and BC, have you visited Boulder and Minnesota yet? I grew up in Washington state so let me know if you have any questions about the PNW.
Me: Yeah, i've actually visited all the schools I am still considering....although Minnesota's visit was cut short due to my dog getting sick. If I get in there, I might take another visit since it is just a drive away. So have you decided 100% on UWash? Are you excited?! I'm having a hell of a time deciding. The distance (to my family on the east) and weather are the only real concerns of mine for UW. Less than a month to decide....
Me: The decision is very tough. I do feel very lucky to have got into BC...I think U washington was just as big of a stretch (particularly hard for an out-of-stater). It is down to BC, U Wash, Colorado and Minn (If I get in). Good luck with applying next year. If you have any questions about the process or any of the schools I applied to, feel free to ask!
You responded to my thread about retaking a 163 and said you were conflicted about UW vs. BC. My opinion, don't choose UW unless you really want to live on the west coast for a while (perhaps for your career). Everything about BC is better than UW. The legal market in the PNW is scarce and the term "contract attorney", meaning someone paid on an ad-hoc basis, is a very typical position for recent law school grads. Boston is so much more robust, and the BC name actually carries across the country if you want to test the waters later. The only reason I like UW, is I love the west coast, it's the most prestigious in this area, and it's the cheapest.
Me: Thanks for the info. I had no idea the PNW legal market was bad. Definitely a big downside. The employment numbers at U Wash though are pretty good (89% employed at grad, 99% 9 months out...both numbers better than BC, and $85K avg starting salary). Why do you think they have such good numbers? Are people getting employed, but just at crap jobs? I definitely am not set on staying out West, so that is scary if UW's name doesn't travel. The portability of BC is a big plus. I like the laid back atmosphere, good curve, nice building, outdoor activities, etc of UW though. BTW, UW sent a letter that the tuition is probably going to go up dramatically this year, so it might not be so cheap in the future =(
I posted to your thread on LSN. It was tough, but I feel confident choosing BC over UW and CU. I'm sure you'll make the right decision.
Me: Thanks, maybe i'll be seeing you at BC!
Me: Thanks! I'm excited with my choice and to be done =) Have you decided where you are going? Looks like it might be WUSTL....what a great school. Congrats on that. BTW, I love you LSN is my favorite beer of all time and I actually just went to the New Glarus factory yesterday! Good times. Go Badgers!
Not sure if you still frequent the site, but I was sort of curious about your deferral at Iowa. Did you send them any new materials after being deferred? I have sent my fall transcripts which improved my GPA from 3.36 to 3.43 and I sent a letter of continued interest.....
I applied about the same time as you and have received nothing, not even an E-mail saying they received my application. Is this true for you too?