westwardho (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
University of Idaho | Accepted A | Type: | $14,500 | Sent: 11/04/05 | Rec: 11/18/05 | Comp: 12/05/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/06/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
Gonzaga University | Accepted W | Type: | $7,500 | Sent: 11/11/05 | Rec: 11/23/05 | Comp: 01/11/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/01/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
University of Denver | Accepted W | Type: | Sent: 11/15/05 | Rec: 12/02/05 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/23/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of Missouri Kansas City | Accepted W | Type: | Sent: 11/21/05 | Rec: 12/14/05 | Comp: 12/21/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/01/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Drake University | Accepted W | Type: | $10,000 | Sent: 11/29/05 | Rec: 11/30/05 | Comp: 12/08/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/18/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
Willamette University | Accepted | Type: | $20,000 | Sent: 12/09/05 | Rec: 12/13/05 | Comp: 01/13/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/17/06 | Upd: 18 years |
Visitor Comments
Congrats on Willamette! I've been watching your profile since we have similar numbers and are applying to some of the same schools. Best of luck throughout the cycle! Also, your son's interpretation of your username never even occurred to me, if it makes you feel any better. :)
on Denver and your name is cool even if you are a "ho"!! ;0)
looks like you chose your schools well... you've got a solid batting average. you must've ben bouncing off the walls yesterday. what did the envelope from gonzaga look like?
Congrats on all those acceptances. Do you have any idea which school you are going to choose?
Congrats on the acceptances! Are you leaning towards one school yet? I love Gonzaga. I didn't apply there but I absolutely love the school and Spokane is a great city!
Just curious - what made you choose to apply to Gonzaga and Idaho? Do you have ties to the eastern WA/Northern ID area? I live in Pullman, WA (about 9 miles from the Idaho campus), and let me just say that if you're coming from a big city you're in for a bit of a shock! It's beautiful here, and having two college towns so close together helps, but there's really not much in the way of culture (not that you'll have time in law school anyway!). I'm planning a trip to Willamette soon as well - hopefully the school is as great as I've heard, since my boyfriend is already looking at jobs there! Anyway, I hope your visits go well, and congrats again!
...but what is UMKC?
I am in committee at Drake, never been there, but i only live a couple hours away- what were your impressions when you visited there?
I got the same offer from Willamette, so let me know what you think after you visit! That scholarship is almost too good to pass up.
Please send me any and all info u have on them as I am interested in them but know nothing.
for the e-mail, I am going to e-mail u back, I got the same letter about the scholarship, So how do we know when we get it?
After reading your most recent post about your Drake "scholarship", I dug out my scholarship notification letter and actually read it (I had withdrawn by the time I got it, so it didn't get much attention at the time). The idea that a MERIT scholarship would be impacted by financial NEED is awful, yet hilarious at the same time. Maybe I should reread my Willamette stuff and make sure that they aren't trying to pull any tricks on me with financial need as well. Wow, I just can't believe that... Also, how did Idaho notify you? I'm expecting a group of UI students and admissions officers to show up at my door with balloons and maybe a cake that says 'Congratualtions' since I only live a short distance from the school, but I would settle for a letter.
Marnster, your comment made me paranoid, so I went back and checked the Willamette letter. Thank god it was as I remembered!
eek! Sorry about the pranoia, although I actually went back and checked my letter as well (I also counted the zeros in my scholarship to make sure it was 20,000 and not 2,000 or 200). I just called and made an appointment to sit in on a clas and get a tour, so I'll be in Salem from March 11-14. I'm getting pretty excited! Let me know how your trip goes.
The "Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship" award came in a seperate letter in the same envelope as the acceptance. It covers the difference between resident and non-resident tuition. It is renewable - although I thought Idaho gave resident status after one year even for students..? Good luck! I am considering a visit- if you visit i look forward to hearing what you think-
Have you decided yet where to go?
Nope, no cake or balloons. They're probably too busy to make the drive over on a weekday, but maybe the dean will stop by on Saturday. Unfortunately (for them), I'll be in Salem visiting Willamette! :) I'm so jealous that the waiting game is over for you - even though I'm pretty sure where I'll be, I still feel anxious because I'm waiting on two more decisions. Blah.
My Willamette visit went pretty well. The university facilities were pretty nice, and all the people I talked to seemed very helpful, and even gave my boyfriend a few ideas about where to apply for jobs, which was pretty nice. The scholarship retention rate (~45%) is a bit scary, but from the way it was explained to me, it seems like the people who lose their money are oftentimes those who think they're smart and can just cram a semester's worth of information into a few days of studying. That's certainly not me. :) I had some concerns about Salem before I got there, but found that the city wasn't as bad as friends had been making it out to be. It does have some bad parts, but overall it seemed to be like any other city, really. Do you think you are going to visit Idaho? Their open house is March 31, but I can't make it because I have class all day. Plus, my boyfriend is really pushing me to withdraw from Idaho because he wants to move to a bigger city with more job opportunities. Anyway, if you do decide to visit the area, send me an email and I'd be more than happy to show you around or grab a coffee and grouse about the whole law school admissions process.
I thought I'd leave yet another comment on your profile since I check LSN way too often. The thing I love about Idaho in comparison to Willamette is that Idaho gives me the warm fuzzies. I've received a few letters from UI, with little personal touches, a couple of e-mails, and all-in-all just feel like they really want me to go to school there. All I've recieved from Willamette is mass mailings about their various programs. No letters since the admit letter, and certainly nothing that makes me feel like they really WANT me. That said, I'm waiting to see what Idaho offers, but am pretty sure I'll be in Salem in August. I really want to live in Oregon or Washington after graduation, and am not sure that the UI name will really have much pull outside of Idaho (for that matter, I'm not sure Willamette has much of a reputation outside of OR). I feel like both schools are fairly solid, but one thing that makes me nervous about Idaho is the fact that the law school is fairly conservative. Also, the facilities are pretty outdated, and I can't stand the sound of chalk on a blackboard. Ugh. I sent half of my deposit to Willamette already because I feel like Salem has better job opportunities for both my boyfriend and myself. It seems like a summer internship would be easier to find within driving distance of Salem than it would be within driving distance of Moscow. Just a few thoughts on the subject. Good luck with your decision - it's tough.
Best of luck on your decision. I've decided to attend UI. If you'd like to see why I decided to head west -- smack-dab in the middle of Moscow -- see my profile. Best to you in whatever you decide. Take care.
I totally agree with you about life experiences being extremely important to the folks at UI. I am a journalist (now in my 11th year as a Wall Street reporter). I am also married. I'm also 39 years old. I am not your typical UI student. (I also happen to be a Mexican American student, which should make it fairly easy for you to find me that first day of class.) Regarding the admitted students link, yes, I have that. I have already signed up for VandalMail as well. Got my email account in order last night. I'll be waiting for you to make an official decision on IU in the coming days and weeks. If you do end up in Moscow, it would be very nice meeting you. In the meantime, take care. And best of luck.
Maybe I will see you on the Yahoo! group for admitted students. Seems pretty quiet so far. At this point, I am just lurking on the board.
So glad to see that you will be attending UI in the fall. I'm looking forward to meeting you. When I first broke into financial journalism, I covered mutual funds. I eventually moved to equities -- and I have been covering the stock market ever since. I'm sure we'll have some things to talk about. But we better get it out of the way quickly, because after the first day of classes, we'll be talking nothing but law from then on. By the way, it's because of people like you -- and your diverse background -- that I chose to attend UI. I've been very impressed with the caliber of students that UI has rounded up. Until we meet, be well.
Congrats on making your choice! Moscow really is a very nice city, and I am really going to miss living in a place without traffic and crime! I've heard really, really good things about the public school systems in both Pullman and Moscow, so I'm sure your son will be happy with your choice as well! :) It really is beautiful here - it makes me wish I was a photographer so I could hang the beautiful Palouse hills on my walls after we move to Salem. My fiance and I are moving at the end of July, so if you get to town before that send me an e-mail and we'll get together. If there's anything I can do for you or tell you about Moscow, just ask! I really hope you love it here!
As far as I know, the Vandals name comes from the Germanic tribe -- the one that helped facilitate the downfall of the Roman Empire.
Thanks for the info! That was bugging me.
Not a prob, Westwardgal.