Bri (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Touro College | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of Florida | Rejected D | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/29/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Stetson University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/10/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Houston | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | |||
Florida Coastal School of Law | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | |||
Florida State University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Arkansas Little Rock | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years |
Visitor Comments
I applied toward the end of November and received an email from them on the 5th of December. The email said: We have received your application to the University of Florida Levin College of Law Fall 2006 entering class and requested your LSDAS report as well. However, the acceptance letter came in late January, I do not remeber the exact date. Ill look for it and let you know.
I don't think they are very fast though. They have had my app for ages!!
Bri, UF mailed the acceptance letter on January 12th. Much luck and dont loose hope!
UF sent me an email saying that they were unable to make a decision on my application (deffered) a month or so ago. The rejection came this weekend. It was expected, the first of many no doubt.
Good luck to you! I hope you get into UF, nothing beats Gainesvegas! :)
Just wanted to say hello. I know that my story has been passed on many times. Yes, I did it with FCSL and only got an AVERAGE of 141. 138 on the 1st and 144 on the 2nd test. However, there reasons for accepting me had to do with the whole file. I have a whole lot of experiences, great grades throughout undergrad, despite deployments, family, etc... Please encourage all that may face rejections to ask again if they feel really strong about their rejections. Good luck on the rest of your applications and drop me line.
No emails, just the initial 'file is complete'... No other communication until the acceptance letter. Sorry I couldn't be more help.... Good Luck. -SAC
No emails, just the initial 'file is complete'... No other communication until the acceptance letter. Sorry I couldn't be more help.... Good Luck. -SAC
No emails, just the initial 'file is complete'... No other communication until the acceptance letter. Sorry I couldn't be more help.... Good Luck. -SAC
No emails, just the initial 'file is complete'... No other communication until the acceptance letter. Sorry I couldn't be more help.... Good Luck. -SAC
No emails, just the initial 'file is complete'... No other communication until the acceptance letter. Sorry I couldn't be more help.... Good Luck. -SAC
Hey! I left a response on my page, but I'll repeat it in brief here. Yes, UF sent me an email saying my app was under review. I received my acceptance two months later. UF states on their website, though, that all decisions will be made by the end of March or early April, so I doubt you'll have to wait too much longer. Hang in there, and good luck!
are you a crim major at UF?
Im a crim major as well at UF I got put on hold but they said they did it Dec. 1. Called them today to find out what is up since i went complete in Oct. and they told me about my hold email. It sucks but i guess we will have to wait and see. Have you had Alex Piquero as a teacher?
I contemplated it and I don't question that it is a good law school. I applied to so many schools already. I figure if I don't get into one of these schools on the list then it just isn't God's Will. Good luck.
I contemplated it and I don't question that it is a good law school. I applied to so many schools already. I figure if I don't get into one of these schools on the list then it just isn't God's Will. Good luck.
they are not everything. so still keep the faith. i mean look at my villanova acceptance. my lsat is 7 points below their they no doubt looked past my #'s. no im not in givlle now, doing an internship to finish up school and all, but i do go back and visit friends and such.
when i called them they just told me that i had been put on hold in Dec. and that they will review my file in the future.
Thanks! Just got the letter today (2/21). It was dated 2/16 and postmarked on 2/17. Here's the rest of my timeline: I applied/paid application fee on Jan. 15th (the deadline date!). LSDAS Report requested on Jan 18th and received on Jan 19th. Didn't hear anything from them until I got an email on Feb. 6th stating my application had been received and they would review it and give me a decision between the end of March and beginning of April. Honestly, with a 145, I think its great news for you that you got a deferral rather than rejection! You must have a great app. I would recommend that you send them supplemental information and keep keeping in touch with them. Let them know that you are serious about going to UF and tell them why. Anyhow, best of luck! You've made it this long, just hang in there!
My letter was dated 2/20, and I did not receive an under review e-mail. Good luck with your applications
You are right. I am sorry.
They only sent an email that my app. is complete, but other than that, NO WORD. Good luck.
I like people named Bri as my first love's name is Bri. So Bri, it's all good. Kinda made me happy to see "Bri" on my page. Good luck with your apps!!!
Didn't see that you were a girl L O L!!!!! Thatis sooooo funny. I still like people named Bri ( just as part of Brian) That is too funny. Still wishing the best for you! :0)
well I have a contact at Bloomington, and they told me that they knew about my page, but maybe you could have been the ufl person. Did you go to my blog from Lawschooldiscussion??
I was told that they have students who work in the adcomms office who chat on LSD and that they sometimes match up people's accts. After what happened to Bigtex last year and to some others I have decided not to take chances. I also think that UF may have seen my page as well, when I called to check my status they started talking about my UG application and about how I never went there. I thought that was abit strange. I wasn't even in comittee at this point, when I got my letter it was dated the day after the call, I think that was quick, 1 day to deny me. My numbers are not auto-reject for them by any means.
I still do not have a clear idea of where I'm going to go next semester. Right now i'm leaning towards American bc of its location. Still, I am waiting to see ig I get into Fordham or Tulane, both of which seem unlikely. But, I don't want to loose all hope yet.!!!
From one Crim major to another, good luck and I hope Uf sends you your accepatnce very very very soon! :)
I have heard of that little "UF is the Harvard of the South!" LOL!! It amuses me to no end! Perhaps because it is true! Who beats UF down here? NO ONE!!! Please update, and ya know what i think is humourous, we might know eachother from a class that we've had together in Crim.
i emailed uf to check to make sure they received another letter of recommendation and that my file was complete...i never got that second email (after the deferral) that my file was under review. but this time they said a decision was mailed out, so i'll find out tomorrow ehn i get home and check my mail, ahhhh! good luck! hopefully they'll be more accepting of gator undergrads :-)
hopefullly it is not bad news. i wait every day praying that i will get my letter accepting me into the school.
i'm so afraid of the uf letter because i know its a toss up and could go either way! i'm not in gville anymore, i'm in dc interning as my last semester. ahhh the suspense
i hate uf...i just got home and the letter was a regular size envelope so i knew it was a rejection. boooo uf
i'm not sure, leaning towards catholic university right now, but i'm still waiting to hear back from a lot of schools. how about you? good luck with uf, they have to accept some uf undergrads right?
good luck, i'm sure you'll get in somewhere amazing! (and ps fsu smells kinda bad)
talked to them today...said id know by end of march/early april. i went complete in mid oct and it is taking this long? that is bs in my opinion. it better not be a rejction letter or i will be pissed lol
talked to them today...said id know by end of march/early april. i went complete in mid oct and it is taking this long? that is bs in my opinion. it better not be a rejction letter or i will be pissed lol
what are performance letters? i had three different LORs... but I'm not sure I know what you mean.
Well, I didnt have any of those, but I feel that LOR should express those sentiments. I'm pretty sure mine did. I've never heard of those actually. Good luck with UF. How come you don't list it on your list of schools? I know how it feels to be waiting for schools. They will all come with time. It's better to wait and receive an acceptance, than to have them make a hasty negative decision. I can tell by your comments you are very concerned with UF, but I think you have a great advantage that you go here undergrad. It allows them to see and udnerstand more of your application, because they are familiar with your activities to a greater degree and your classes :) GOOD LUCK!
May 15th :)
have you heard from uf yet? its crazy that some schools are taking so long.
good luck again with Uf! I'm sure youre going to find out any day! It's obviously your top choice and I hope that they recognize what a great candidate youd be! WHEN you get in, perhaps I'll meet ya at admitted students day next week!
I got the letter in the mail and then received the e-mail
Yep, I got the email. Im pretty shocked about it. Im a non-resident and I was put on hold at FSU for starters, so I figured i was bound for rejection. I havent decided on UF for sure tho. I was becoming pretty set on Miami, so ill have to do some extensive research in the coming days. However, even tho sports shouldnt play a factor in my decision for law school, if UF wins the NCAAs, itd prolly seal the deal.
I sure hope they didn't send them all in one day but I'm not holding my breath...Good luck!!!
I received an email acceptance yesterday. I will be withdrawing my acceptance though.
so if we didn't receive an email yesterday, we didn't get in? :( i'm bummed. it was my top choice far :(
so if we didn't receive an email yesterday, we didn't get in? :( i'm bummed. it was my top choice far :(
I received an email saying that I got in....don't worry though I am not accepting...hopefully that will open up spots
i HOPE SO!!! this is all i can think about...i am sooo nervous! no, I live in Naples right now:)
did someone in admissions tell you all decisions were made yesterday? or how do you know?
The dreaded wait...but hey like you\\\'s not the R word! My LSAT score sucked..and yet I still have ?HOPE!!!!!!!!
I appreciate any info you find out! I'm sick of worrying!!! (I'm at work too:) )
heard anything?
it does suck. im pretty sure its not a waitlist. oh well guess it wasnt meant to be.
I am thinking I am going to get the same decision from UF. Keep your head up...I'm sure you will end up somewhere great
I am thinking I am going to get the same decision from UF. Keep your head up...I'm sure you will end up somewhere great
are you assuming you didnt get into Uf because you didnt get an email? I never got an email.
Hey, Is this Briley that went to DOORANT?
Just wanted to say I'm sorry to hear about the UF decision.
I didn't apply to UVA because I applied to law schools before I got my LSAT score and I did not think that I had a very good chance. I still think that I probably wouldn't get in there but kind of wish I had applied cus now I am second guessing. Oh well...I am hoping for a waitlist from Florida but at the same time I am sick of getting put on waitlists. I am waitlisted at my top two choices right now (Wake Forest and William and Mary) and it's VERY's like being in some kind of limbo hell...Good luck with the rest of your cycle...if you are really set on UF you should think about trying to transfer or appealing your decision if you can
I'm sorry:( I haven't heard anything yet, so I'm sure my R letter will be coming soon...:( BUMMER...someone wrote on my thing that if you didn't get the email on the 29th, then it's either a R or a W. Honestly I'm a little bummed because my scores aren't really too much lower than alot of people who were accepted. Good luck with everything, I'm sure you'll end up somewhere you'll love:)
i took kaplan and i didnt like it. it didnt help me with my weaknesses and regardles si was testing in the 160s and then the ol june lsat came around and well you can see how that went. what if you get into the other two schools on your list? you dont wanna go there? you could always transfer to UF next yr. good luck and message me if you need anything.
I got my letter on Thursday the 30th.
yep I got my rejection letter yesterday... :(
thanks...I withdrew from Penn State because, basically I just don't want to go back up north! I'm trying to decide between Miami & San Diego. Why didn't you apply to Miami?
Bri, I didn't get to go, however I will be going next week. I'll let you know when I return next Thursday.
How long from the time FSU had your information until you heard the decision?