lookingforanswers (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Southern Methodist University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
Baylor University | Pending D W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
Cornell University F | Accepted A | Type: RA | $63,900 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
Washington University in St Louis F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $66,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
University of Houston | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
University of Tennessee Knoxville | Accepted W | Type: RA | $45,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
St. Louis University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $75,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
University of Arkansas Fayetteville | Accepted W | Type: RA | $26,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
Indiana University Bloomington F | WL, Accepted W | Type: RA | $109,530 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
Wake Forest University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
University of Arkansas Little Rock | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
Santa Clara University F | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
Chicago-Kent College of Law (IIT) F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $30,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
University of Texas Austin | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
Seton Hall University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
Marquette University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $72,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
Oklahoma City University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $54,000 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
Emory University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years |
Visitor Comments
ummm minus the fee waivers, i wonder how they decide that.
I see we have a school or two in common. You'll definitely have many options.
wow congrats in washington u its right around where u live and its top 20 guess ur going there right?
No I pay 200 now and 1800 at the end of Feb.
I appreciate the encouragement! I really don't know what to do w/ myself anymore. A BIG congrats on WUSTL. That's a great school...definitely one to be proud about!
On Tennessee and WUSTL. Great week for you, hope you have many more just like it. I am waiting to hear from UTenn. How did they notify you?
Congrats,I'm thinking about applying to St. Louis University...
Hey! Our numbers are exactly the same and I am a black female, we applied to many of the same schools. Just wanted to wish you the best of luck! What's your first choice?
yeah, definitely Emory, U of Illinois, Fordham. All of which are long shots, but hey, you never know
Which one do you wanna go to.Congrats on all the acceptances by the way.
Thank you so much for your positive reponses on my page! I am REALLY considering going to WUSTL!!! I love the reps that I have met and only heard really positive things about it. I will be there this Friday for the ASD. What about you? Oh yea, I see you're from Dallas, I'm from Houston!
There's my email address for ya too! Will you be in attendance at the ASD? I will get in VERY late Thursday night and leave to go home for a funeral right after the reception so hopefully you will be there and we can meet!
We in the same boat with rejections from a school we wanted to go to this week, lol. But as you said God truly is good so wherever he takes us its for the best. As for my Feb score got a 157. Good luck on everything else and thanks for asking.
Thank you so much for your kind words. Congrats on all of your great acceptances (esp. WUSTL) and $$$$ and best of luck w/ the schools you have yet to hear from.
Looking at your profile is very inspirational. With God, definitely everything is possible. I have some applications in right now and your profile reminded me to Let Go and Let God. I now have a renewed sense of faith that I will get into the school that I am meant to be at. I thank God for using your page to encourage me. Be Blessed.
still waiting for $$$ offers for some schools but all other things being equal i'm going to go to the school with the best jd/mba opportunities. i visited WUSTL and LOVED it though. definitely an amazing culture there!
Im soooooo happy for you. You truly deserve it and I hope you get accepted into even more steller schools
Man, congrats on all ur acceptances (Cornell especially!)! Emory doesn't know what they're missing, lol. U give me much hope... i can only continue to hope that my cycle is as successful as yours :-). I wish u continued success!
I really appreciate your encouraging words. This has definitely been a tough cycle for me, but it's only made ME tougher and more determined. I have been blessed with opportunity to begin the first part of my dual degree program, so I really cannot complain. I'm very happy to see that you've WOW'd so many great institutions. Wait 'til they get you in the classroom, THEY won't know what hit them, because you've obviously got some great gifts to share. I'm glad they recognized it. Good luck in the fall. And keep in touch, if you can; I'd definitely like to receive some of your insights :-)
Thanks, ur a breath of fresh air... i am looking forward to God's greater plan , so i'm not (too) disappointed. Hopefully the future carries greater success for me! Which of your acceptances are you most excited about?
What school are you leaning toward?
Thanks for the congrats! I don't know which one I'm going to yet. The decision is kinda tough. UT offered scholarship money and W&M didn't, but W&M's rank is higher. I guess I'm unsure as to whether or not it's wise to place emphasis on ranking in this situation ;/. What would you do?
Congrats on Cornell, that's very awesome! :)
To be honest with you, I have no idea what school you might consider. One suggestion that I have for you though, is to go to the right school for YOU. What does that mean? Well, consider all the factors in your particular circumstance: financial, future goals, practice area, location(where u're likely to practice staright out of law school), the school itself (in terms of demographics), if that concerns you at all. Other things may also be included. This will be a very important decision and WE want to make the right one. You can contact me via e-mail if you'll like to talk more about this. GOOD LUCK!
Thanks for the posting. Congrats thus far! U should definitely be proud of yourself!
Hey..yah, IU is looking likely for me--a scholarship like that is hard to overlook. Plus, IU is a pretty good school. I am going for my visit on March 28th as part their spring Law Day. will you be there?
And congrats to you as well! You've been accepted into some amazing schools! I'm not sure to be honest. It's a difficult decision, I like so many of the schools. If I had to decide immediately, I'd say W&M and W&L were the leading schools. How about you?
I was just in Bloomington visiting a couple weeks ago, and I was really impressed. IU shot way up in my personal rankings. I want to come back for Law Day, but during my visit I did much of what will occur on Law Day (met with financial aid/ admissions/ career svcs sat in on a class, tours of the school and town, lunch and dinner with students etc). Although it wasn't quite the same as being their with potential classmates, I do think I got enough of a flavor of the school to make a decision... the only lingering factor is waiting to hear back from other schools (and their financial aid offers)!
1) insert a comma after "career svcs", and 2) change "their" to "there". That's what I get for not proof-reading! -E.
P.S. I got a CRS invitation letter from Cornell on Mon 3/10. (Isn't that WAY late?) Anyway, I sent my app 3/11 feeling pretty skeptical- but you've got me feeling more optimistic!
Morning, yah, IUB is setting everything up. Ask them to do the same for you--they have money. What other schools are you considering?
Thanks! It looks like you have some fantastic options yourself - I'm from Ft. Worth - representing the Metroplex!
Thanks for the support. Looks like you have a great cycle going so far. Congrats on WashU and I have my fingers crossed for you to get SMU!
Hey, you have alot of great options to choose from. Have you done any visits yet? are you coming straight from undergrad? Yah, its between NU and IU. My dream school has always been Berkeley and I unfortunately did not gain admission this cycle. Im torn between NU and IU. NU is a much better school but IU's money is hard to let go. I would prefer to be in Chicago but I heard Bloomington is really nice. I am still trying to work on some financing options with NU. When do you have to let IU know if you will attending?
Wow, that must feel great having that Cornell acceptance! :0) I'm not sure where I'm leaning yet. How about yuorself?
You have had an amazing cycle!!! Keep your faith high and your success will continue!!!
When I applied, I really liked the school. However, with W&M and W&L offering more money, Indiana sort of knocked themselves out of the running. Plus, I like the East Coast a great deal and it would take either a giant economical or educational benefit to move away from here. Again congrats on your schools, Cornell is esp. impressive, and good luck with the rest of your cycle.
For the congrats. It seems you have a lot of great options yourself. For now I have basically narrowed it down to Vandy, GW and Texas with GW in the lead just bc it's more convenient for me followed very closely by Vandy. It's so hard to make a decision. I'm trying to wait for fin aid info before I make up my mind. Do you have any idea where you will be in the fall? Good luck making a decision.
Awesome, its good that you already know what type of law you want to get into. I have until April 1st to accept IU's offer as well. NU cannot raise my offer, which sucks! I really hope I like Bloomington but at the same time, I dont want to short change myself by not going to the better law school. What do you think?
Awesome, its good that you already know what type of law you want to get into. I have until April 1st to accept IU's offer as well. NU cannot raise my offer, which sucks! I really hope I like Bloomington but at the same time, I dont want to short change myself by not going to the better law school. What do you think?
Hey Lady, yah..the verdict is out on that one. Some say go to the better school. Some say save money. I guess it all depends on what you value. Yeah, I have about 30k in undergrad debt. A part of me just keeps telling myself that experience always trumps money. I'm still trying to learn more about IU's career prospects. I have never been to Indiana and dont plan on staying there after school. I need to make sure that their grads are getting decent jobs outside of the state and that area.
and CONGRATS to you! I'm so happy for you and all your acceptances AND all the $$ - that's so exciting! What is your #1? The offer at IU-B would be really tempting to me! Small favor - if you withdraw from WUSTL, will you please tell them how much I absolutely love them (and want to have their babies) and to please accept me? Thanks! :)
On your awesome acceptances. At the moment I am leaning towards GW but a Hastings or Davis acceptance could change all that for me! And how about you? Cornell is mighty impressive!
Hey..real quick, I called IU today. They said its only a 2.3 GPA to keep the scholarship..
thank you sunshine, that was much appreciated. ;)
Just wanted to thank you for your comments and let you know that I am praying for your success. Thanks for inspiring us all!!! Email me!!
Hey, thanks for the info. IU gave me an extension until April 11. Also, it is 2.3 GPA for all three years..what made you think it was 3.2? did it specify it in your letter?
Congrats! and that's with full tuition scholarship! :) and congrats with all other great acceptances :) thanks for wishing me good :)
Congrats on all your acceptances and great scholarship offers. Where do you think you'll be going in August?
Thanks so much! Congrats to you too on all of your acceptances!! And I have to agree, God is good! Praise HIM!!!!
Okay, good choices. Well, good luck!
Thank you! Congrats on your acceptances and good luck on the rest of the cycle. You have many many options! :-)
For the congrats. Looks like you've had a pretty great cycle yourself.
Yeah, definitely leaning towards Iowa. I've decided to pay the deposit to hold my spot. But, since I'm waiting for 12 more skools (!!), I'm keeping my options open (especially with regard to Illinois, Cornell and Fordham). But I'm not (too) disappointed with Iowa, they're an amazing skool :) How about u, have u made a decision? u have some amazing choices ...
Oh yeah, and congrats on Indiana-Bloomington... That's a pretty massive sum ;-), lol. I'm in love with that school... yeah, u def. have some amazing choices!!!
ive decided im going to teach the kiddies (1st-6th grade) for two years first...and then as it stands now, choose Rutgers :D
yeiiii me and u at cornell maybe.
Cheers to you for standing up for yourself and for those of us who have the courage to be here , we who have to fight for our dreams to come true because some people think they are entitled to it all. I am still praying for you- for ALL of us. KEEP THE FAITH!!!
4-for-4 so far!!!! I think it had to do with you wishing me luck! If you could send some more of that luck for me and OU I would appreciate it! Congrats on the Cornell $$$$, that almost makes it affordable...
I still haven't made a decision, this is the most difficult decision I've ever had to make. Right now I'm deciding between W&M and UT-Knox. They're both great schools, but W&M's ranking is higher than UT-Knox. I'm wondering how much that will impact my job opportunities after law school. Location is also a big factor; UT is much closer to home than W&M. I could go on for days lol. If you have any advice, it is definitely welcome. As for your decision, 1) Look at each school's "grade curve" if they have one. This can greatly affect how well you do your first year. 2)Think about money and your career goals. If you want to be a public defender or work in public interest, accumulating a ton of debt wouldn't be wise. Of course there are other factors, but those are some important tips I received from current law students.
Ah, your blessing didn't help with Vandy! :( That's alright, though. Thanks for the well wishes! Congrats on all of your acceptances and hefty scholarships. You have great options.
I'm still waiting on some responses but right now its looking like American unless something changes. Are you leaning towards Cornell?
How was Cornell? Amazing right? Has it made ur decision any easier lol? U can take a degree from Cornell anywhere, and I know that Ithaca is amazingly laid back, like a three year vacation, lol
I haven't... I got Iowa to extend my deadline till 4/21...I'm waiting to hear from Cornell - they're my ultimate dream skool. I knew u'd love it there. I'm hoping that they overlook my numbers and just accept me already, I'd even settle for a waitlist :(... lol. I'm very happy for you though, and pray for me girl, i need it lol. Congrats again, u've made an excellent choice (so jealous I am lol)!!!
I've been looking into that, and it looks as if UT places quite well in Atlanta, although most graduates stay in Tennessee. W&M doesn't really send a lot of graduates to Atlanta, approximately 5-6 per year, but that's probably b/c most of their graduates go to DC or New York. So I figure that UT probably has better networking opportunities with the Atlanta market. Hope everything is going well :)
Hi Lady..it was good hanging out during our time in Bloomington. In the end, I decided to go to Duke. I just felt more comfortable there than I did at IU and NU. Please keep visit. it's looking like Cornell now?
hey there, no word from Cornell. if a yes comes through I would seriously consider, but at this pt I'm not holding my breath! good luck to you as you make your decision.
Hello! I enjoyed reading your profile on this site. Thank you for being living proof that we are blessed according to our faith! I am still waiting to hear back from my schools, I'm pretty much the queen of the Waitlist right now. But I know that God has something in store for me. Please share any encouragement/words of wisdom. Even though my faith is strong, these "numbers" can be discouraging. Congratulations on your success!!! Have you made a decision?
you've got a great cycle. thanks for the words of encouragement on my wall. i knew once i posted the $$ news the haters would arrive. and they did lol.
Thank you! It looks like you have some awesome options also. Good luck with whatever you end up choosing. I don't think you can really go wrong with any of your best options.
Would you mind sharing any important info that you learned about Cornell during your visit. I didn't visit bc I never thought I would get in!! What was the area like? Did the students seem friendly? The faculty? Basically anything you would like to tell me I'd be happy to hear. Thanks.
Pleeeeeease tell me you're attending Cornell??? I think you'll be able to stand the winters up there.
99.5% set on W&M. It's a place I think I can be happy at and will be able to concentrate on my studies. Turning down Fordham hurt, but it's like a kid who decides that eating candy bars everyday for breakfast, which would be fun, is in the long run bad for you. I'd be partying too much in NYC and not studying enough. Send me a msg on where you decide to go. Although I'm pretty sure I know where it will be.
You have some abosolutely wonderful choices from which to choose. Bright BRIGHT days are ahead...!!
I dropped you an e-mail with a few of my questions. A good friend of mine put me in contact with a 3L there who was very helpful but I'd still like to hear your opinion.
Hey girl, thank you so much for the words of encouragement. You are so right, God has a plan, and He has known the result of all of this from the very beginning. I just keep thinking that if I only knew, I would have done so many things differently (mainly, gotten an earlier start!). So we'll see. Hopefully we will both be members of the 2011 graduating class! But at this point, I am going to listen to the direction God leads me in, and I know I'll be just fine. My top choice right now is Notre Dame. After a random visit, I really liked it there. Congratulations on your decision, Praise God!! I am truly happy for you. Thank you for your prayers, and I will be praying that you have a smooth transition into your new journery!
Thanks so much for your response. No worries on the time. I haven't been that on top of my e-mails either. So if you did happen to drop your deposit there we should def keep in touch. You can look me up on facebook...my name should have been in my e-mail.
Thanks for encouragement and luck you sent my way. I got waitlisted at OU!!! Better than a rejection! Good luck with your decision on the LS you have chosen be it Cornell or WashU!
Congratulations on the great schools you have to choose from and thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words! Good luck with whichever school you have chosen; I know you'll do great wherever it is.
good luck to you too!
Yes I am gonna stay on the OU waitlist and the St. Thomas offer makes things interesting... Good luck at Cornell!!!!
I was wondering if u had any advice on getting in to UT? If you do and care to share them feel free to send me an email. thank you
Hey! Congratulations on your admissions to Cornell. I have similar numbers to you but was put on reserve (any idea of what that means?). Anyway, I am so happy that at least you made it. If I get out of the reserve list and I am offered amission, I will see you there (assuming you are attending Cornell). Lastly, do not let stupid comments about your numbers affect you. You are extremely successful and are considered an asset (that\'s why Cornell granted you admission) and those who are giving you crap are only jelous because they did not get in. Good luck in your future. I am sure you will do great things. Best, ecamacho
Thank you for your help and sorry my email wasnt available. Your information and adive sounds great and I will try to do all of it. Thanks again. One question on the early applications if my LSAT score is not as high as I would like it to be should I still apply early or wait till I get it with in the medain range for the school? Thanks
Hello! Just wanted to thank you again for your prayers, and wanted to share the good news: I got accepted to Notre Dame! Praise God!
Thank you so much for your kind words! You are so right, just when you think God isn\'t going to answer you, He not only answers you, but gives you the desires of your heart! I am so excited. Thanks for leaving your contact, I left mine too. We must keep in touch, I will need your spiritual motivation from time to time I\'m sure ;) I\'ll keep you in my prayers. Enjoy your summer, the hard work begins soon!
I appreciate the sentiments. Have fun at Cornell! :0)
Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate it. I thought I had one hell of a cycle, ur cycle and list of acceptances is an inspiration to all. It shows that anything is possible if you believe and pray. Wish you the best of luck up at Cornell!
It was ayit compared yours though.......lol! U got into Cornell with a solid amount of $$$$. Very few cycles can compare to that. By the way...u mind if i shoot u an email?
Thank you! Looks like you made out pretty good, huh!? Congrats! I wish you lots of success with your legal career! :)
Hey, Congrats on Cornell. That is huge! And thank you for the Mercer comment. It was the perfect fit for me.
Hey! yes hun, all is posted. I basically got waitlisted to everything, even Cornell (which was a surprise, cause I expected a rejection lol). But, I got a full scholarship from Iowa, and so I have officially accepted that. Unless Cornell comes through for me, of course, lol. Sorry for the delay, but I was literally so upset and depressed with myself that I couldn\'t stand to look at anything pertaining to law or lawschools. But God works in mysterious ways, and I got more than I even thought possible =). Thanks for asking
isn\'t if funny how these things work? hit me up we\'ll be sharing NY.
i am going to take testmasters again and retake my LSAT!
Just wanted to give you an update and let you know that OU accepted me off the waitlist today!!!! happy days are here! Best of luck to you this year and thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement.
Just wanted to let you know I read your profile way before taking my LSAT... it was such an inspiration to me. Turns out that we've ended up with the same score! Any advice would be much appreciated! Hope you're enjoying Cornell!!
hey you and I have the same numbers crazy! good luck on your apps