davidkentholt (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
Thanks lucky. I only applied to Memphis because I want to stay here. My wife's job is pretty settled here, and I'm pretty involved in local politics so I'd rather not leave. Best of luck with the rest of your admissions.
I don't think you have to worry about paying tuition at Memphis. Good luck, hopefully I'll see you in August.
in all likelihood, i will be at knoxville. if i get into vanderbilt, it will make the decision a bit more tough. to reply to lucky7, if you were planning on practicing at a large firm in ny or la vandy would make a difference, but if you are planning to practice in memphis which it seems that you are, you will do just as good going to u of m. additionally, as someone else said, you will not have to pay for your law school. i recently met with the dean of admissions at u of m and was told i am a very strong canidate for a full tuition scholarship. your numbers are much more impressive than mine so you are a total shoe in. congrats again.
great numbers, go to the school you like best, you have to be there for 3 years. Congrats on Memphis.
definitely leaning towards knoxville right now. in-state tuition is hard to pass up, but i'm still open to my other options. i definitely want to stay in the southeast, so i'm not too worried about going to a big name school. as for why knoxville over memphis, i've always loved east tn. and the mountains, but have lived in west tn. all my life--so it's time for a change of scenery.
Any idea when they are going to start sending out letters? I heard they don't do schlorships until later. Memphis is good and cheap. I think if I go there I will move to cashville to practice.
Thanks for the kind words. I am really excited! I can't believe the success I had this cycle with my low LSAT. You planning to go to the admitted students deal on the 15th?
So Memphis already notified you of your scholarship?? I'll be attending the open house this weekend so I guess I'll find out more info then huh? Congrats anyways, hope to see you there.
Do you know when is the deposit due to them?
Great accomplishment. Have a good time and good luck.
Dude, if you want to stay in Tennessee, go to Vanderbilt. You're practically an auto-admit there. Though it will cost more money, the job oppertunities plus starting salary will more than cover the extra debt you take one.