gordonrhoads (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#8 | University of New Hampshire School of Law | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 02/13/07 | Rec: 02/15/07 | Comp: 02/27/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/16/08 | Upd: 17 years | ||
#10 | Drexel University F | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 02/25/07 | Rec: 03/03/07 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/22/07 | Upd: 17 years | ||
#9 | Hofstra University F | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 02/25/07 | Rec: 02/27/07 | Comp: 03/19/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/26/07 | Upd: 17 years | ||
#4 | Hamline University F | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 02/13/07 | Rec: 02/16/07 | Comp: 02/26/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/14/07 | Upd: 17 years | ||
#7 | Capital University | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 02/13/07 | Rec: 02/27/07 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/20/07 | Upd: 17 years | ||
#1 | Pace University | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 02/13/07 | Rec: 02/16/07 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
#3 | Cleveland State University | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 02/14/07 | Rec: 02/21/07 | Comp: 03/12/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
#2 | Widener University F | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 02/13/07 | Rec: 02/21/07 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | ||
#5 | New England School of Law | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 02/14/07 | Rec: 02/15/07 | Comp: 03/13/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/19/07 | Upd: 17 years | ||
#6 | Vermont Law School | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 03/05/07 | Rec: 03/07/07 | Comp: 03/16/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/14/07 | Upd: 17 years |
Visitor Comments
I left you an answer to your question you left for me in my profile. Good luck with Capital!!! Just curious, why are you a big fan of Capital? I am not familiar with the school at all.
It took capital about one week. Best of Luck :)
I appreciate the comments. I know you will get some good news soon. But yea this period is real anxious. I submitted my app to Capital 12-13 and they requested my report on 12-19. So yea kinda like golexia said about a week. Be blessed with everything!
It did not take long for them to request it at all. If it is taking long you may want to call them.
Hi there! I am most likely attending CSU. I actually withdrew from Capital about a week ago. I visited Capital two years ago, when I first applied. The school is nice and it's right in downtown Columbus. I like the school, but the tuition is expensive. Since I live in Ohio, in state at CSU is what I am thinking. Plus, CSU is making a lot of positive changes (increasing admission standards, bar passage going up, renovating law school). However, Capital's last bar passage rates were among the highest in the state. If you attend CSU, after a year I believe you can get in-state tuition, which is very reasonable (around $15,000). Best of luck to you and keep in touch if you decide on CSU!
Hi there! I am most likely attending CSU. I actually withdrew from Capital about a week ago. I visited Capital two years ago, when I first applied. The school is nice and it's right in downtown Columbus. I like the school, but the tuition is expensive. Since I live in Ohio, in state at CSU is what I am thinking. Plus, CSU is making a lot of positive changes (increasing admission standards, bar passage going up, renovating law school). However, Capital's last bar passage rates were among the highest in the state. If you attend CSU, after a year I believe you can get in-state tuition, which is very reasonable (around $15,000). Best of luck to you and keep in touch if you decide on CSU!
I really like the faculty and staff at Hofstra. The family law program is reknowned as well. The only negative thing I have to say about the school is that it is located in a sketchy area and may be a bit unsafe at night. Otherwise I would say it is one of my top choices thus far!! Good luck, I'm sure you'll see many acceptances!!!
good luck with your apps first off! drexel is lame lame lame...!
I'm going to visit both capital and penn state. I have never been to either state and hopefully I will like one over the other. I'm very greatfull to capital for their scholarship and honestly it is a great incentive over penn. However I can make a decision unless I compare both. Thank you again for our advise and good luck with everything. :)
good luck we have very similiar stats. I was thinking about putting in a last minute app to hofstra. What have you heard about hofstra??
Hey! I am hoping that I won't be attending either, but instead attending St. Mary's in San Antonio. Have you heard a response from Widener yet? I am sure you will get in. Be on the lookout for a large white packet and it's a great sign! Good luck!
The best thing about St. Mary's is that it is HOME! I grew up in San Antonio, and just moved a few years ago. Being able to go back and attend law school at home would be tremendous. Besides that, it is an up and coming school that is really looking to rectify alot of the issues it has had in the past. I attended St. Mary's undergrad for three years, and I know my way around the law school and some of the faculty there. Overall, it is regarded as a tier 3 school, but it is moving up! So have you heard anything from Widener yet?
Thanks for the good luck, I feel like I am gonna need it. Unrealistically my top choice is BU and BC, but realistically it's Suffolk. What about you??
similar numbers and im very interested in pace and hofstra. I heard hofstra looks past low lsats but does pace?
FEELS GREAT! Now I pray for Suffolk.
I see from another profile that you visited CSU. I have been accepted there and was wondering if i can get some information from a first hand visitor to the school :) Did you get a chance to look at their on campus housing? I have checked out the on campus housing website, it looks impressing but a visitor's impression is always better. Godo Luck on your apps
I am not sure what I can do to help, but with your grades someone should have tried to suggest that you retake the LSAT. If you are set on going to school this fall, the June LSAT is your next chance to retake and hopefully your score goes up and that will be more incentive for them to accept you off of the waitlist. Unfortuantely the schools use that test as a HUGE indicator and they want to see at least a 150. If that is not an option, Writing a LOCI to all of your schools is a MUST!! You did a good job on the package you sent to Capital. I think you would have a good chance of getting in there. Also like someone sort of said telling schools that you would be open to being admitted to the part time programs if they have them are another way to increase your chances of admittance. Capital has one and the Limited Brands headquarters is in Columbus. So maybe you could get transferred to a store they have here in the city. I am not sure anytihgn else to tell you. But I hope what I have said is useful. If you have any other questions feel free to hit me up!! I will be praying for you.
Call the schools you've been waitlisted at and ask if you can send any additional info (recommendations, why x school, etc.) and HOW (e-mail, fax, post). Depending on what they say, send it and then send a thank you letter via email to the admissions' committee for their continued help during this admissions cycle. Pending schools - call and reaffirm your interest (If one is your #1, subtly let them know how committed you are to attending and why - location, programs; including asking if a prof in your area of interest would mind speaking with you). Your numbers are decent, but the date you applied is what may be hindering you. I withdrew from Widener, so hopefully you can late admit there. Good luck and God bless!
I'm interested in CSU as well. I sent my application in last October and I still have not heard anything. They seem to be taking their time so don't freak out!