jsmalley (2022-2023)

Views: 4673 User Since: 09/04/05

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#1 University of Pennsylvania Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/01/04 Rec: -- Comp: 11/02/04 Inter: -- Dec: 12/15/04 Upd: --
#3 Georgetown University PT Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/01/04 Rec: -- Comp: 11/02/04 Inter: -- Dec: 12/07/04 Upd: --
#7 American University PT WL, Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/22/04 Rec: -- Comp: 01/06/05 Inter: -- Dec: 04/27/05 Upd: --
#9 Boston College Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/22/04 Rec: -- Comp: 11/23/04 Inter: -- Dec: 02/11/05 Upd: --
#8 Boston University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/22/04 Rec: -- Comp: 12/07/04 Inter: -- Dec: 03/05/05 Upd: --
#5 George Mason University PT Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/22/04 Rec: -- Comp: 11/23/04 Inter: -- Dec: 02/16/05 Upd: --
#2 George Washington University PT Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/22/04 Rec: -- Comp: 01/23/04 Inter: -- Dec: 01/26/05 Upd: --
#6 Temple University WL, Rejected Type: RA Sent: 11/22/04 Rec: -- Comp: 11/23/04 Inter: -- Dec: 04/01/05 Upd: --
#4 University of California Berkeley Rejected Type: RA Sent: 12/07/04 Rec: -- Comp: 12/09/04 Inter: -- Dec: 02/04/05 Upd: --

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 157
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 2.95
  • Degree GPA: 2.95
  • School Type: Penn State
  • Major: Mechanical Engineeri

Demographic Information

  • City: Arlington
  • State: Virginia
  • Race: White
  • Gender: Man
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

*Currently 2+ years work experience as a full time mechanical patent examiner with U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

*Volunteer with Center for Multicultual Human Serives, doing fundraising and helping immigration attorney with asylum trials.

*2 yrs. PSU American Society of Mechanical Engineers Officer.

*PSU Dance Marathon dancer (48 straight hours on my feet for children with cancer!), 2001.

*Internship with US Patent and Trademark Office, 2001.

*Internship with General Electric Power Systems, 1999.

*Part time jobs during 3 of 4 years of undergraduate.

*1 yr. PSU Rugby (B-side), 2001-2002.

*Currently play intramural ice hockey, Fairfax, VA.

*Family tragedy in college led to two poor semesters and is the subject of my personal statement. I also work a demanding patent examination docket which I know prevented me from performing better on the LSAT, and is the subject of an adendum.

*I'm playing the underdog card here, and all my applications are reaches. But I have a lot of work experience and relevant legal experience at the USPTO. Hopefully someone is feeling my game. If not, I'll be looking for LSAT study pals come June.


I took the October 2004 LSAT.


These, of course, mean nothing when your LSAT and grades aren't spectacular.


Friendster: Jim Smalley

Additional info & updates

9/02/2005 - Temple and American have both started classes already, so I assume I'm not in. I'll post the formal dates when the letters get here. Thank you everyone for your help along the way. I won't be reapplying this year.


5/20/2005 - George Washington Request for Reconsideration for night school is declined.


4/30/2005 - Georgetown Request for Reconsideration for night school is declined.


4/29/2005 - Waitlisted by American. Mailed in form. Went to bar. Talked to girls.


4/25/2005 - Mailed in Temple Waitlist form.


The Breakup: Art Imitates Life. An Act using quotes from an actual Waitlist Letter.

We join the protagonist, Mr. Smalley, as the rejection letter has just told him they can no longer see each other. Mr. Smalley fights for the life of the relationship and his pride.

Smalley: But, I thought we were perfect for each other? Were from the same town, Letter! We were going to be Tommy and Gina!

Temple Letter: We are unable to offer you a position in the 2005 entering class at this time. We would, however, like to offer you a position on the waiting list.

S: Waiting list? But, I thought I proved myself to thee, and thy family? I gave my life to this relationship! If not now, then when, my love?

TL: While we are currently unable to determine whether a place will become available for you, it has been our experience that spaces do become available between now and registration in mid-August.

S: Mid-August? My love, how could I last that long without thy warm body, thy loving touch? A whole summer without my sweet rose? Oh, dear father, how will I make it?

TL: Because Temple University Beasley School of Law must turn away so many qualified applicants each year

S (interrupting): So many applicants?! But, I thought you said I was the only one?

TL: the Admissions Committee is particularly interested in offering admission to applicants who have expressed a commitment to Temple.

S: Butthe rocks on your window in the middle of the night because I could not bear a moment without you? The rosesthe backrubs.the letters of recommendation and the carefully worded personal statement explaining why I feel I am qualified?

TL: If you are sincerely interested in attending Temple this fall, you must complete and return the enclosed form within three weeks.

S: But, why are you giving me deadlines? And a form? Ive already filled out a billion of them. I need not three weeks, my love, for I am right here, now, in front of thee, genuine, real

TL: You should feel free to submit any other additional materials or information that you think would assist the Admissions Committee in their effort to evaluate the unique merits of your candidacy.

S (gasping): I am taken aback my love, I do not understand how thou hast failed to see the true merits of my passion for thee.

TL: A statement describing your specific interest in and commitment to attending Temple Law School

S (interrupting): But I thought you were School of Law and not Law School?

TL: What?

S: Nevermind.

TL: would be especially helpful.

S: But, I already wrote a personal statement, and a letter explaining why I can only accept a full-time admission from Temple. What else could I possibly do to show you I want you?

Smalley walks toward the Temple Letter and places his hand on its shoulder. The Letter ignores his affection and continues...

TL: I understand that we are placing you in a difficult and unsatisfactory position.

S: NO SH*T! Im glad you feel comfortable sharing YOUR pain right now.

TL: Please be assured that we appreciate both your continued interest in Temple Law School

S (under his breath): School of Law

TL: and your patience in bearing with us through this long and difficult process.

S: Difficult? But you keep asking me for more and more info, and I do not know what else you need from me. I am torn, my love.

A slight rain begins. Mr. Smalleys head drops in anguish, his hand on the shoulder of the letter. The letter, however, has moved on to offer an acceptance to another suitor.


04/01/05 - Temple Waitlist. Oh, but wait. I don't even remember how much the application fee cost, but I didn't even get a return envelope to mail the form in. Apparently, $60 wasn't enough to cover this. Make the total cost of my applicaton $60.37.

3/22/05 - Small white email from LSN website, saying "we have received many applications for the "Top Users" this year; however, we are unable to extend a seat to many qualified applicants. Good luck with your future message board career." So it appears I will not be a "Top User" (3052 more views left to crack the list). I am filing a Request for Reconsideration for the part-time/evening division of the Top Users.


3/21/05 - Why do people write 'HYP?' I know what it stands for, but why denote your school under an acronym for three schools? Now, forgive me and all my law message board novicedom (it's a brand new word, starting..................NOW), but don't Harvard and Yale try as hard to distinguish themselves as possible? And the 'P', according to my misguided sources, is Princeton, easily the lowest of the three (relatively speaking). Why are they insecure about this, and why do they have to dilute the whole point of this website - giving people an indication of what their chances are - by bringing Harvard and Yale into the equation? All three are good schools...I don't get it. Then again, I suck. It's pretty well documented on this page, and every other source I've provided. I went to Penn State. Sometimes we like to be lumped together with Michigan and Ohio State. Ok, maybe PSU is the bastard child in this whole equation, as we have tried to pry our way into a years-old conference, and rivalry, only to be humiliated in every forum except women's fencing. So, from now on, as a show of how ridiculous I see 'HYP,' I'm creating the new acronym of 'MOP.'


3/20/05 - Posted on the American University Washington College of Law website: "Our Committee on Admissions practices modified rolling admissions. There are some applicants who applied October- December who have not received a decision yet. The Committee on Admissions holds some files until they can compare them with more of our applicant pool. Now that our application deadline has passed, decisions on those pending files should be made by the first week in April."

Do you know what this means? I'M NOT OUT OF IT YET!!! The Smalls is still fighting for his life in the bottom of the ninth. Decision is coming shortly. If I don't make it, as you should all know by now, I'm back to the starting line - LSAT, applications, essays, more grandeur, credit debt...all the things we lost sleep over this past half year. If I have to go through it again, I'm getting a 180. And I know most of you would prefer someone of my arrogance to not be in your admissions class, if that happens. So, hope I get into American, another place I probably don't belong, and things will be fine.


3/11/05 - Small white letter from GWU. I respond by saying, "God damn, how many times are you going to reject me??? But it was just a notice that they got my Request for Reconsideration. So I chilled...for a millisecond. Because I'm pretty sure they won't take me part-time, either, and that means I will, after all, get double-rejected. Do you realize what this means? Only I could find a way to get MORE REJECTION LETTERS THAN APPLICATIONS FILED!!!!


3/08/05 - Temple email inquiry asking if I'd consider changing my status to part-time. I declined, hoping to take advantage of the tuition reimbursement program at the USPTO or to retake the LSAT.


03/06/05 - Arlington, VA (Reuters) - The Boston University rejection letter addressed to James Smalley finally made its way into town last night, to much pomp and circumstance, as hundreds of cheering citzens took to the streets with handfuls of confetti and children wildly blaring their kazoos. The rejection, well-expected, only needed to make the 444-mile journey from Boston to Arlington. "I kind of knew it was coming - I check law school numbers like every day, so we thought we would put together something nice, and receive it well as it made it's way into Virginia. There's no charm like Southern Charm," said Smalley, as he ate a leftover piece of fried chicken. The majority of the crowd gathered around 11 am, vying for the best spots along the curb. Around 1 pm, the crowd was in full gear, as the smell of barbeques filled the air. It was exactly 2:13 pm, when Bob, the mailman, pulled up in his white US Postal Service urban assault vehicle, with the letter. Said local citizen Mary Smith, who arrived here 5 am, "Everyone knew he didn't have a chance at that school, after the Boston College rejection letter. The two schools are basically the same. So we wanted to be here to give the letter the best Arlingtonian reception possible." Smalley didn't make it home until midnight, after another red-eye at the office. "Nothing says 'REJECTAFIZZLE' as a thin white envalope," he quipped.


3/02/05 - New, real blog, http://smalley.blogs.friendster.com/smalley_fizzle_blogavizzl/


2/07/05 - Eagles lose the Super Bowl, horrible week at work, and rejection from Boalt Hall...not that I wasn't expecting it, but it still sucks. What a great 24 hours of my life.


1/26/05 - I have decided that since I'm not getting into a top school, I will instead try for the "Top Users" on this site. As of right now, I'm at 532 views. Only 1600 more to go, to crack the top 50...of course, assuming they don't get any looks. Wish me luck!


1/25/05 - Rejected by George Washington; submitting a Request for Reconsideration for part-time admission.


1/24/05 - I am filing a Request for Reconsideration of the Georgetown rejection, in hopes of being admitted to the part-time/evening division.


1/23/05 - EAGLES are going to the SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!!


1/20/05 - a) Bush is inaugurated today, and I'm bitter. All I see around town are people wearing tuxedos and gowns.

b) All my remaining DC applications - AU, GWU, and GMU - are changed to part-time, because my employer, the USPTO (Bush is my boss' boss' boss' boss' boss' boss...or something like that...BITTER!) has reinstated the law tuition reimbursement program. Yes, working full time at the PTO is hard, not to mention going to law school at night, but I wouldn't be the first to have succesfully managed it. Hopefully I'll get in somewhere now.


12/15/04 - UPenn large thick envelope. Open it up to find a letter that reads, "Just kidding! Your grades suck!"


12/07/04 - Georgetown rejection letter comes with photo copied middle finger, and warning not to try to become upwardly mobile, or else! Drunken-ness and sulking soon follow.


Seriously, can someone PLEASE tell me why people post their info, anonymously, without numbers? What's the point? Why are you here?


I am that person who all the people who actually are getting into the good schools look to, to feel better about their application. I realize this. I use your profiles to find my username. All I do is scan the LSAT column (or GPA) and keep going until I see the one that really doesn't belong...that's mine! So, we have a mutual partnership here.


The LSAT does not measure anything but your attention span. Studying for the LSAT can be simplified to a prescription for Ritilin. So, if you plan on taking the LSAT without any treatment for your ADD, don't. I'm learning the hard way.


If Corona ever introduces the color changing beer cap, know that I am directly responsible...



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Saturday, June 25 2005 at 08:00 PM

In what field do you examine patents? I am a paralegal in biotech patents, but I am guessing you are electrical?

Saturday, September 03 2005 at 08:00 PM

I mean I examine patents in closures...portions of class 220 and 215. I do things like gasoline tank caps, pressure vessel doors, medicine vials and containers, and all sorts of caps and lids.

sorry man
Friday, March 04 2005 at 07:00 PM

Hey jsmalley, sorry about GWU! I've been tracking your progress (i'm a fellow 150-something-er for the LSAT, but took it twice and agree about your ritalin thing--especially with the foot tappers, page turners, etc) and was hoping you'd get into GWU. BU also has a good IP program so I wish you luck with that. Since you live in the area and work in the field, don't you have some contacts that could help you out? Have Bush write you a rec. Good luck!

bad news!
Friday, March 04 2005 at 07:00 PM

called GWU today to ask if my file was complete. she said, "your letter was mailed on friday, so you should get it any day now" we know what that means! oh well. they probably made our decisions on the same day.

Try again later
Friday, July 29 2005 at 08:00 PM

Take a year, whew, kill some time, save some money, study your ass off for the LSAT (order all the ones you can get your hands on) and reapply next year. I KNOW you'll do better.

Wednesday, July 27 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hi, I know you don't know me but I had to just smile (and laugh out loud) when I read your comment on the Georgetown rejection....I think you should be admitted just for writing that--very witty and oh-so-true. I am copying it off your blog and posting it in my office....because it makes me happy. I also got rejected after applying early-decision...I am now considering filing for a reconsideration....good luck on all your Law school stuff.

Re: Question
Saturday, September 03 2005 at 08:00 PM

Yes, I took Kaplan. Were you in my class? Who are you?

Saturday, June 11 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hey, I definitely thought the October test was pretty hard...I didn't really study that much for my retake (the worst thing about the Oct. test was that I was burnt out). My advice would be to study some for either the June or October test and apply next year. Even with an improved score, I would still say to apply PT at the beginning of the cycle for places such as GULC and GW. Good Luck with the rest of your apps and you do have a shot at American PT. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Oct '04 LSAT
Sunday, July 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hello Jsmalley, I was unsure if you were addressing me or SuntoryTime (as both of us have commented on the Oct LSAT on XOXOHTH). Regardless, I thought that it was a total anomaly. I scored about 8 points lower than my lowest score preptest (I got a 167) and I was hitting 180 pretty regularly on my preptests. IMHO the RC was completely out of whack, and one of the LR sections was very difficult. In the next month I hit 179, which was pretty much what I had practiced at, so I chalk it up to the Oct LSAT being very difficult, with an absurd curve.

Tuesday, September 06 2005 at 08:00 PM

Why didn't you apply to DePaul? They'ye #9 IP and guarantee jobs after first year to IP section members. DO IT! you can probably have my spot.

Wednesday, July 27 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hello again, thanks for letting me know where all of this great wit and sarcasm comes from. I really enjoy it...it keeps me reading your page! So, I am also applying for reconsideration at Gtown...do you know any details about their process? They told me they review the requests in May? Was that consistent with what you know? Just thought I should compare notes with you on this one...

the hilarity of it all....
Wednesday, July 27 2005 at 08:00 PM

I enjoy reading your posts--they are amusing. I am certainly not counting on Georgetown to change their ways, read my request for reconsideration, finally see the light, and admit me...but it's always nice to dream...and I'm going to try anyways...good luck with American--I hope you get in, it's a good school in a great place. Let me know how Georgetown and your other reconsiders go...I will take your advice and call them for some further guidance. Anyways, have a great day!

thx for the laughs :P
Tuesday, July 19 2005 at 08:00 PM

I too am waiting for the last few blows to my self esteem. Good luck to you and thanks for the HILARIOUS dialogue with the Temple letter! I really enjoyed it.

Sunday, May 22 2005 at 08:00 PM

Yeah, I saw your profile and noticed that you are at USPTO. I guess there are a lot of us examiner applying to DC schools. I got waitlisted at GMU over the weekend. So I maybe attending UC Hastings Good luck to you too!

Sunday, May 22 2005 at 08:00 PM

I'm examine class 345, graphical display.

Good luck. . .
Wednesday, August 03 2005 at 08:00 PM

Your posts are great. There's no better way to procrastinate away my time in this beautiful cubicle that I live in than reading about a breakup between an applicant and a waitlist letter.

Saturday, September 03 2005 at 08:00 PM

If you have to apply again next year you should use this site as your PS- good stuff. Best of luck to you with AU. And keep up the arrogance, it is much better than being boring.

Sunday, July 24 2005 at 08:00 PM

figured it out. boy, 4 messages from the same person. what a waste of space

Tuesday, August 09 2005 at 08:00 PM

Just wanted to tell you that I called AU today and they have sent out all decisions. The guy at admissions said all decisions should be received by the beginning of next week. Good luck :)

Saturday, September 03 2005 at 08:00 PM

You didn't provide an email address.