jzumbro1 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#2 | North Carolina Central University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/05/08 | Rec: 10/07/08 | Comp: 10/08/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 10/30/08 | Upd: 15 years | ||
#1 | Campbell University | Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 12/18/09 | Rec: 12/19/08 | Comp: 12/29/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/04/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
Florida Coastal School of Law | Accepted W | Type: RA | $7,000 | Sent: 11/09/08 | Rec: 11/19/08 | Comp: 11/19/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/24/08 | Upd: 16 years | ||
#3 | Georgia State University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/18/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/17/09 | Upd: 16 years |
Visitor Comments
I had no idea NCCU did ED. One of my top choices, and yours too I imagine. Good luck and tell me how it goes. Not interested in Elon?
Hey there! Yea it was a bummer...but I have others to look forward to! I found out through the status checker. The scary thing is my file went complete only 7 days before they made a decision! You have a great GPA...I am sure you will be fine. Congrats on your acceptances so far!
I was actually considering doing the same thing depending on what happens. I still havent heard from a lot of schools so I am trying to be patient. But if I dont get in somewhere, I plan on retaking the LSAT in June or October and applying next cycle. If really want to do employment law and I will wait ANOTHER year if i have to. Congrats on hitting that 150 mark! That is a great accomplishment!
Hey! I checked my online status this morning, and it had changed from "under review" to "admit" - hope that helps! Best of luck!
I see you put acceptance from NCCU for 6 days ago but as accepted a couple months ago. How long did it take to hear from them? Good luck on the rest of your cycle. It looks like it is going very well for you so far. =)
I'm considering Charlotte because of the location. My fiance and I are trying to find somewhere we can both go for our next degrees and UNC-Charlotte is one of the few schools that offers what he wants. Charlotte only has provisional acceptance at this point, which does make me wary, especially since their program would put me in some serious debt. NCCU says they'll have an answer 6-8 weeks from when my application went complete. What's your status at Campbell? Mine just changed today to "Hold for further review."
Hey! Are you in review by committee yet at GState?
was your friend on LSN last year?
yeah i was waitlisted last year too... :(
Thanks! Yes i am DEF considering Campbell. Campbell has a very strong reputation in North Carolina, and it is relatively small compared to other schools. Which is more like my undergrad, which i love! Plus Raleigh Rocks. I would LOVE to get into GSU too though. I am a GA res. so it would be a great $$ saver. But, GOOD LUCK on Campbell!
My account says nothing about a hold on it. Lord only knows whats taking it, but i'm ready to just withdraw. Good luck though
Mine still says hold for further review. Good luck on your interview tomorrow! =) Are you going to the new law campus? If so, please let me know what you think of it.
Yes, I am on hold at Campbell too. However, I did send them an email withdrawing my application, my family and I are moving to California. I hope one less person held for further review will help you! Good luck!
Did they offer to wait list you too? Or is PBAP the only option? I guess you can also pay the seat deposit at your back up school, so that if PBAP doesn't work out, you aren't stuck. My Campbell status just changed to "Under Review" today, so I guess I might hear something soon too. Did your status change online to let you know the decision?
Yea it's really near the top of my list too...but like I said the risk really scares me haha....I would like to go and visit the school before I make a final decision though!
So, I finally heard back from Campbell. They decided to put me on their wait list. There's no mention about PBAP. I guess either enough people drop out that they give me a spot or they don't. At least that is not a rejection, right? =) I think that I am going to FL Coastal at this point.
Yes, I was offered PBAP admission. Not to discourage you, but it is a 7 week course and then they only take the top 25% or so of that class in the fall. I don't want to move down there and then suddenly have to move back to PA because I didn't gain admission.
I decided to do the PBAP program, although I'm weary of that being a bad decision. I'm curious to see how many will end up enrolling in the program
NOTHING! =/ The waiting is killing me! They promise to have all decisions out by May 1st...so I should hear something this week. It looks like they are waitlisting everyone this year! Congrats on Campbell! Great law school in NC!
how's that PBAP program going...or how was the move if it hasn't begun yet?
Good luck with the PBAP! I read your blog and you seem like you will do well. I'll be at Campbell in the Fall and hoping to count you as a classmate. Please feel free to email me, I'd love to meet as many people as possible before school starts. All the best, Alex
I will be headed to Duquesne unless PSU accepts me by the end of the month. Apartment hunting while working full time at my parents house right now. Glad its going well let me know if you ultimately get in!
how was PBAP?? did u make it?
Wow, sounds like you've been working hard. I'm starting my summer readings this week for my school, they think we have all the time in the world to read this summer. Keep me updated once school starts!
Congratulations! Good luck with 1L.
Hey, I just wanted to wish you the best of luck in your applications. Don't fret about the 145 LSAT. There is hope out there for people like us who suck at standardized tests... Cheers.