silentfootsteps (2022-2023)

Views: 3578 User Since: 12/21/09

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
Queen's University Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 07/15/10 Upd: 14 years
Marquette University WL, Accepted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/24/10 Upd: 14 years
McGill University Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 06/10/10 Upd: 14 years
Suffolk University WL, Accepted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 05/14/10 Upd: 14 years
Michigan State College of Law Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/06/10 Upd: 14 years
York University (Osgoode Hall) Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 05/20/10 Upd: 14 years
University of Western Ontario Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 05/05/10 Upd: 15 years
Catholic University of America Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 04/13/10 Upd: 15 years
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law Accepted A Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 12/18/10 Inter: -- Dec: 03/29/10 Upd: 15 years
Hofstra University F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: 01/19/10 Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/05/10 Upd: 15 years
Rutgers State University Newark Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: 12/17/09 Comp: 01/07/10 Inter: -- Dec: 04/08/10 Upd: 15 years
Valparaiso University F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: 01/18/10 Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/24/10 Upd: 15 years
University of Ottawa Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 15 years
University at Buffalo Waitlisted Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 01/12/10 Inter: -- Dec: 02/25/10 Upd: 15 years
Penn State University (Dickinson) F Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 02/12/10 Upd: 15 years
DePaul University Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: 01/08/10 Inter: -- Dec: 01/18/10 Upd: 15 years
Loyola University Chicago F Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: 01/04/10 Comp: 01/07/10 Inter: -- Dec: 01/19/10 Upd: 15 years
University of Toronto Rejected Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 01/12/10 Upd: 15 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 155
  • LSAT 2: 155
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.29
  • Degree GPA: 3.33
  • School Type: Top 30 Worldwide
  • Major: Psychology

Demographic Information

  • City: Toronto, ON, Canada
  • State: -
  • Race: -
  • Gender: Woman
  • International Applicant: Yes
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: In Undergrad

Extra Curricular Information


Strong Consider
Valparaiso- 66%- Admitted

Michigan State- 52%- Waitlisted
Hofstra- 51%- Admitted
Suffolk- 50%- WL, Accepted
IU-Indianapolis- 46%- Admitted
Marquette- 39%- WL, Accepted
Rutgers-Newark- 39%- Waitlisted
Catholic- 38%- Rejected

Weak Consider
Loyola- 36%- Rejected
Buffalo- 34%- Waitlisted
DePaul- 33%- Rejected
Penn State- 28%- Rejected

Additional info & updates

04/14/10- paid my deposit at IU. Now I have to apply for housing, get a loan, an F1 visa, etc. Still a long road ahead...

03/29/10- accepted at IU-Indianapolis. Time to make a decision!

03/22/10- rejected at the University of Ottawa. Looks like I will be moving to the U.S. now, just not sure where yet.

03/09/10- waitlisted at Buffalo and finally received my Hofstra acceptance letter (in the mail) along with a handwritten note from the Assistant Director saying he was impressed with my research experience and my fluency in various languages :))

02/12/10- not surprised by the Penn State rejection BUT I still can't believe I was waitlisted at Michigan State. I thought I had that one in the bag. And it was one of my back-ups!

02/06/10- first acceptance! at Hofstra (tier 1!)- not bad :) I can stop worrying now knowing that I'm going to law school for sure.

01/26/10- am I going to be rejected everywhere? :((

01/12/10- got rejected at my soon-to-be alma mater.

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Wednesday, December 17 2008 at 07:00 PM

Hey! Welcome to LAWSCHOOLNUMBERS! This will pretty much take over your life. haha. Good luck to you!

Wednesday, December 17 2008 at 07:00 PM

hahahaha......well since I decided I wanted to go to law school, THIS has been more addictive but facebook is a close second!

Saturday, October 17 2009 at 08:00 PM

Haha, my screenname is relevant to my undergrad university. Good luck on your cycle too!! I'm sure it'll go well :)

Tuesday, October 27 2009 at 08:00 PM

You've still got a ton of apps out there, something good will come through. Don't sweat DePaul and Loyola, who knows what their deal is anyway. Chin up!

Don't sweat it
Sunday, February 01 2009 at 07:00 PM

I'm sure you'll get accepted at plenty of schools. Or at least waitlisted at ones you want to go to like me. Best of luck on your cycle!

Saturday, October 17 2009 at 08:00 PM

Hey, being deferred basically means that the admissions committee will not evaluate your application until a later date. This can be good because, unlike being waitlisted where the admissions committee will only admit you if a seat opens, when you are deferred the admissions is still interested in your application. I'm not sure how long it takes but I got deferred at Hofstra until March. All in all, don't sweat it. I'm sure the rest of your cycle will go well!

Saturday, October 17 2009 at 08:00 PM

I chose the "experiences and accomplishments" evaluation since I'm very involved with different programs and research as an undergrad. I also had a pretty strong personal statement and a diversity statement that I submitted to them. How about you -- which did you choose?

Sunday, December 13 2009 at 07:00 PM

Congrats on Hoftra! Good luck with the rest of your schools! You will definately have a lot more schools to celebrate by the end of your cycle!

Saturday, October 17 2009 at 08:00 PM

Yeah, I figured that applying under "experiences and accomplishments" would only be more beneficial if I sent in an additional statement. I guess it helped in the end. I'm sure you'll get in as well!

Saturday, September 12 2009 at 08:00 PM

'number twins' (hate that expression) but it's true. did you withdraw from rutgers? why do you think you got waitlisted? i applied super late and i'm banking on that acceptance...

Marquette WL
Sunday, April 12 2009 at 08:00 PM

Hi there! How were you notified of your Marquette waitlist acceptance? It is my number 1 school and I am waiting to hear from them! Thanks for any info. Congrats on your acceptances.