smack (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
St. Mary's University | Accepted W | Type: RA | $10,000 | Sent: 10/24/06 | Rec: 10/25/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/20/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
Texas Tech University | Accepted A | Type: RA | $30,000 | Sent: 10/24/06 | Rec: 10/26/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/07/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
University of Houston | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/24/06 | Rec: 10/26/06 | Comp: 11/20/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/20/07 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Texas A&M University School of Law | Accepted W | Type: RA | $45,000 | Sent: 10/24/06 | Rec: 10/26/06 | Comp: 11/09/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/10/06 | Upd: 18 years |
Visitor Comments
Hi there, thanks for the congrats. Yes, the scholarship info was included in the acceptance letter.
Curious why you're not applying to UT. I know it's a stretch with our numbers, but I think the post grad earning potential makes it worth the $70 gamble. Congrats though on TWU! It must be nice to know you're in somewhere, and with money!
Boss- I intended to apply to UT and also to SMU. I guess I ran out of gas. I may still give it a shot. TWU was a safety. The money is good though!
Congrats on getting in and the $, but I encourage you to apply to UT and SMU.
Congratulations on your acceptances. It's not even Christmas and you've already had the beginnings of a great cycle! :)
Congrats on your acceptance. I'm hoping to hear from them soon.
best of luck on the rest of your cycle! maybe we'll end up at the same school.
keep in mind where you want to live after law school. texas wesleyan probably places better in dfw tha st mary's
Congrats on the acceptances. I was just accepted by St. M. as well and I haven't received any info on scholarship awards. Have you called them and asked about $$ or have they sent you anything regarding that? I don't want to appear pushy to the admins, but honestly $ may make or break my choices for schools. Thanks dasboy
Thanks for your comments smack, we are applying to several of the same schools. My #1 choices are FSU and UF, but then TT and UH are close runners up for Texas. Good luck with your apps.
Congrats on your acceptances. Regarding the St. M's $, I did talk to a professor there (Pre-Law advisor for UG) and was told that they often make scholarship offers later in the cycle. I know a student who graduated from there '05 who told me they offer really small (5K) non-renewable awards. I know what you mean about the $. I would like to stay in S.A., but $30K a year on school is a lot!
I haven't heard anything from St. Mary's since the acceptance. Just waiting patiently...hoping something comes soon! :)
Congratulations part 2 from Matokah on! And with a scholarship! You're on a roll, girl! :)
Congratulations and good luck in law school.
Congrats on Tech. Did you apply ED there, or regular admit? I also applied to Tech and I haven't heard anything yet. Nice scholly too!!!
Dasboy, I posted the answer on your LSN page, but thought I'd post here too just in case. I was regular decision at TT. We applied around the same time and our numbers are similar, so you should get your letter soon! Let me know!
Yeah, I'm still waiting, but we'll see what happens. Also, I spoke with a admin from St. M. and she said that scholarships usually come out sometime in mid to late January. They want to see how much money they will have and what not. So keep an eye on the mail box around that time. Good Luck.
Congrats on all ur schools! Do you know which one you prefer? I'm from CA, so I'm not sure how Texas Wesleyan is. Is that a good school for criminal law, etc? Thanks!
I am so jealous (in a good way) of your TTU scholarship. My stats are very similar to yours and hope that I can receive a similar offer. TTU is one of my top choices so I hope I get in. Congrats on the acceptance.
Thanks for the congrats, and good luck with U of H :) With your score I think you have a good chance of getting in. Happy Holidays!
Chadindallas, Texas Wesleyan did say that the scholarship was conditional, but did not say what the conditions were. I had planned on calling to ask what the conditions were, but changed my mind when I got the TTU acceptance. You should call and ask. The admissions staff at Tex Wes is very nice.
Thanks, you too. Congrats on the scholarship, that would be hard to turn down.
That's a nice amount at Tech. Great job!
Thanks. I only have a couple more to hear from, but I think right now, Tech is my most viable option. Good luck with UH.
i'm still waiting on UH. them and UT are really taking their sweet time. good luck!
Hey Jer...the online status checker changed to decision mailed yesterday. File has been in review since 11/20/06!
That's awesome! I hope you get $$$, too!
I'm not sure if it is renewable. I have yet to call the office to find out. I would imagine that it is, but I've heard elsewhere that St. M usually have pretty high expectations for those wanting to keep scholarships past the first year.
To a fellow hard working professional; congratulations on your cycle. Do you have a top choice? Looks like TX is your home, and you are planning to remain there.
No I haven't visited TTU yet. Though I have heard nothing but good things about it I'm actually leaning towards SMU because of the prestige in Dallas. It would be nice not to be 100k in debt though.
Congrats on all of your acceptances. Have you decided on a school yet? I'm about 100% sold on TT, and plan on visiting for a 2nd time this weekend. Good luck with your choices.
Dasboy, TT totally sold me. I am moving to Lubbock in June! Hope to see you there! Do you have an e-mail address?
I chose TTU over U of H primarily for financial reasons. I got a great scholarship and the cost of living is low in Lubbock. I am a single mother and Lubbock seems like a better environment for my boys. I was also very impressed with the students and faculty that I met when I visted Tech.
1984. I went to school with Bonita Brown, Adrian Peterson's mother. I went to Westwood from 8th grade through nionth and then the last half of my junior year and my senior year (attended Midland Lee in between).
Yeah, I set up an email at Tech already. It should show up on this reply here. If not, send me a comment and I'll give it to you. I will be moving in July. Good luck.
Thank you for the congrats! No, I did not apply ED at TTU.