vnareik (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Visitor Comments
I'm also an Eastern Euro immigrant, though not an asylee. My best advice would be to apply as an international (you're not considered a URM) if not a citizen. Make sure to talk about your background in your personal essay. Email me if you have further questions. Best of luck.
sorry to hear about DePaul! You have an amazing story. Good luck to you!
Thank you for your support. Good luck to you!
Hey there, I would highly recommend sending an addendum to each school you are waiting to hear from and the schools from which you were deferred. I would write about how the expulsion for political beliefs affected how you perceive the role of law in everyday life. I would bring in the EU, the International Covenant on Human Rights, and the International Court of Justice. Furthermore, I would write a slightly different addendum for each school, tailoring each one to the school's programs and classes that fit in with your experiences. For example, you could write, "I am particularly interested in Loyola's clinical program on International Human Rights, through which I could help bring justice to people like me." Or something like that. But it's just a suggestion, and good luck no matter what you do!
I would definitely highlight that you are a political refugee, that you were previously engaged in legal studies, and that your experiences have further developed in you an interested in and passion for the law.
like you've got all your bases covered! I guess from here on out it's just a waiting game. Don't lose hope--last cycle I was admitted to two schools that deferred me--without sending any additional material or showing any sort of interest.
that is actually credible. I don't buy into the whole "I'm an oppressed minority within the US so admit me with lower numbers; it isn't because I'm less qualified, it's beauce I'm opppreesssseddddd." That's complete bullshit, in my opinion. However, a person from another country would have a valid argument that the test is more an examination of one's mastery of the English language than any sort of judgment on rationale or logical though processes. I thought there was a foreign-language test, though. The TOEFL or something...?
и удачи тебе
Do you speak Russian?
kind of...let's see how well this goes: Я училась по руссуий язык в университете и жила с хозяуой в Санкт-Петербурге два года назад. Сейчас я тольуо читаю книги потому, что я не знаю не кого, которого говорит по русский. That took forever; I hope it makes sense.
some of those 'y' are supposed to be 'k' like is hozyaikoy (?) and the heading, which was correct when I typed it, didn't survive the translation. It said: Говоришь по русский?
Я люблю Россию.
So why would you not attend NIU? Why did you even apply there in the first place if you had no intention of even attending? What is wrong with that school?
I didn't even know NIU was 3rd tier. I mean, heck, that's better than John Marshall for crying out loud. If you get accepted to JM, why would you go to a 4th tier school instead of go to NIU, whose tuition is way cheaper and they are higher ranked? Just curious again.
The reason I have such a negative opinion of JMLS is that I tried to go there. It was a terrible experience, so after two weeks, I withdrew. Their facilities are pathetic and they have the worst bar passage rate and employment opportunities out of any of the Chicago law schools. You would actually have a better chance of getting a job graduating from NIU than you would from JMLS. But like I said, I know what goes on there, so that's probably why I have that kind of an opinion.
For the heads-up. I sent deserveanother a message addressing the very point you brought up. And I agree with you.
You aren't a URM for law school purposes but you certainly have an interesting personal story that will make for an awsome personal statement and diversity statement.