Mightyhim (2022-2023)

Views: 21075 User Since: 10/27/07

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#4 Stanford University Pending W Type: RA Sent: 09/03/08 Rec: -- Comp: 09/17/08 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 16 years
University of Chicago Accepted W Type: RA $48,000 Sent: 09/03/08 Rec: 09/04/08 Comp: 09/09/08 Inter: -- Dec: 12/23/08 Upd: 16 years
#3 University of Michigan Ann Arbor F Accepted W Type: RA $141,000 Sent: 09/22/08 Rec: 09/29/08 Comp: 10/09/08 Inter: -- Dec: 11/24/08 Upd: 16 years
#1 Harvard University Accepted A Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: 09/22/08 Comp: 10/16/08 Inter: -- Dec: 11/25/08 Upd: 16 years
#1 Yale University Rejected Type: RA Sent: 09/03/08 Rec: -- Comp: 10/03/08 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 16 years
University of Virginia F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 09/03/08 Rec: 09/04/08 Comp: 09/08/08 Inter: -- Dec: 01/09/09 Upd: 16 years
New York University Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 09/03/08 Rec: -- Comp: 10/22/08 Inter: -- Dec: 12/22/08 Upd: 16 years
Georgetown University Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 10/02/08 Rec: -- Comp: 10/09/08 Inter: -- Dec: 10/29/08 Upd: 16 years
Columbia University Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 09/03/08 Rec: -- Comp: 09/16/08 Inter: -- Dec: 02/23/09 Upd: 16 years
University of California Berkeley Rejected Type: RA Sent: 10/01/08 Rec: -- Comp: 10/21/08 Inter: -- Dec: 02/19/09 Upd: 16 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 177
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.47
  • Degree GPA: -
  • School Type: State
  • Major: -

Demographic Information

  • City: -
  • State: -
  • Race: Black
  • Gender: Man
  • Under Represented Minority: Yes
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: -

Extra Curricular Information

Average ECs. A couple jobs and some volunteer experience, but nothing spectacular. I genuinely wish I had done more, but you know what they say about hindsight...

Good upward grade trend.

Additional info & updates

10/29 - IN AT GEORGETOWN! Feels sooooo good getting that first acceptance. The feeling of knowing you are an acceptable applicant and that no matter what happens, you'll have the option of attending a school as amazing as Georgetown is a huge relief.

10/31 - TS1 invite! Best.Week.Ever

11/11 - TS1 at 1:40 PM. Lasted about 6.5 minutes. Sudden onset stuttering/repetition of what I wanted to say/choking on my words. I don't think it went that poorly, but definitely not one of my finer phone conversations! lol

11/24 - In at Michigan! Handwritten note from Dean Z. I know it is done for everyone, but it's still a nice touch. I'm so excited!

11/25 - In at Harvard! TS2 at 12:16. Wow.

11/27 - Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

12/10 - Semester over. Darrow invite from Michigan. Fantastic day!

12/22 - In at NYU! Feels good since they rejected me for undergrad.

12/23 - In at Chicago via phone call this morning

1/6 - Woke up at 11:30, and receive a full Darrow invite at 11:35. Unbelievable. I'm absolutely shocked right now. Full tuition plus 7500 stipend.

1/9 - In at UVA! Recieved a "please call us" email early this morning, and was given the good news when I called. Very friendly call.

1/24 - Columbia acceptances mailed 1/22, but nothing at my house about an hour away (despite some having made it to California already). Is my mail just slow, did they mail out another wave on the 23rd, or could this be my first rejection? My index should make me a very competitive candidate. Color me nervous.


2/12 - I still have no idea what I'm going to choose between HLS and Michigan with the Darrow. Just last week I was certain I would be at HLS, but UMich is gaining ground in my mind this week.

Opinions, people!

2/13 - $48,000 scholarship offer from Chicago via snail mail. Sweet.

2/19 - Rejected @ Berkeley via status checker. For some reason, it doesn't hurt all that much... :)

2/23 - WL (Reserve) at CLS. The whole concept of a WL is ridiculous. "Yeah, we'll consider you at the end of May." Really? Except for the fact that deposits are usually due May 1st, I appreciate it. Will be withdrawing later this evening.

2/23 - Did some withdrawing today (as you can see from my profile). Hopefully I opened up a spot for some of you guys still waiting to get in!

2/25 - No word yet from either YLS or SLS is very interesting. It's nice to still be alive, especially at YLS since it is far and away my top choice.

You hear that Yale? I want to be your bff!

4/16 - I've decided. HLS class of 2012! Turning down the Darrow was the toughest decision I've ever had to make. Michigan is an absolutely fantastic school and I would have been very happy there. I just wasn't ready to sell my HLS dream. It has been the dream for as long as I wanted to go to law school.

4/21 - I know I haven't been very good at responding to comments, but within the next week or two I plan to do a thorough update and answer some FAQs I've received.

Visitor Comments

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Saturday, October 27 2007 at 08:00 PM

I think I I will apply to HYS. I guess I maybe surprised. Stay tuned! Best of Luck!

Good luck this cycle
Friday, October 19 2007 at 08:00 PM

I'm going to add HLS to my list just for fun. Sending out my applications starting tonight, so I'm gearing up for an interesting cycle. I'm sure you're going to have some great results too.

good luck
Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

hey man, GOOD LUCK. not that you need it. honestly if I were you I'd apply just to HYS, CCN and then maybe Michigan if you're interested in full darrow. its always great to see other black males doing well

don't understimate yourself
Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

you are without a doubt probably among the top 10 black males numbers-wise in the country. haha don't underestimate a 177 - thats just unheard of for us, which is unfortunate but i mean take advantage. no i haven't taken the LSAT yet. I took a diagnostic last October with a 152, got a 157 a couple of months ago (no additional prep, just figured I'd check to see any progress) and I'm doing full-time LSAT prep over the summer. I'm hoping to get what I think is a realistic target of 172 so I can get into H-Bomb. Thats the goal But yeah man any advice would be great

Friday, October 19 2007 at 08:00 PM

I think you're going to have some tough decisions too.

Congrats on the LSAT
Monday, January 15 2007 at 07:00 PM

Did you self-study or take a course? I'm leaning toward Testmasters.

Saturday, April 14 2007 at 08:00 PM

I never went complete at Columbia. Because I was on academic probation 8 years ago, they required a letter from my dean at my old university, and she never sent it despite repeated requests. I probably could have tried harder to get the letter out of her, but I was never big on Columbia anyway - not a fan of NYC.

don\'t waste money!
Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

hey man, to be honest unless you\'re getting a fee waiver, if I were you I would just apply to HYS. With your stats you really don\'t need to apply lower than that. You should get into HLS basically a few weeks after you go complete.

Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

hey i didn\'t take it. i got a 165 on my last prep exam and testmasters starts next week, so things are going pretty well considering i still have 3 months

i hope so...
Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

i\'m not sure about a 177, but as long as my score starts with a 17, i\'ll be happy

Great LSAT
Sunday, July 06 2008 at 08:00 PM

Thanks for the message. How did you prepare for the LSAT? Any tips?

Great LSAT
Sunday, July 06 2008 at 08:00 PM

Thanks for the message. How did you prepare for the LSAT? Any tips?

good luck!
Sunday, July 20 2008 at 08:00 PM

with your LSAT and being URM, i\'m sure you going to get into some GREAT schools. good luck this cycle!

re: Thanks!
Sunday, July 20 2008 at 08:00 PM

Penn, I think. It would be Columbia, but I\'m just barely within the number ranges there and it probably won\'t happen =(

Sunday, July 06 2008 at 08:00 PM

I cant help but be wowed by your LSAT. Any tips please? Would be taking in a lil over a month.. Anxious and nervous times!!! :)

amazing LSAT!
Saturday, April 05 2008 at 08:00 PM

congratulations, and good luck with this cycle (not that you need it!) cheers!

Saturday, April 05 2008 at 08:00 PM

i hit a wall around 170, so i took a couple weeks off and am resuming studying now. i really *really* want to break 175 on test day, since my GPA is waitlist territory for a lot of schools. hopefully PTing once every day or two will help me get there!

thank you so much!
Saturday, April 05 2008 at 08:00 PM

it\'s SO nice to meet people who are sincerely good and kind, you deserve everything you want with your cycle and MORE -- i\'ll be in touch! best wishes!

good luck
Monday, September 24 2007 at 08:00 PM

good luck! you have better numbers than i did and i only ended up applying to three schools. hey you could probably just apply to HY and be golden.

Friday, February 22 2008 at 07:00 PM

good luck trying to compete with me! i'm the best law school applicant ever!

Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

you have your apps in already? yeesh

Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

whatever dude you're money, good for you though. i'm just trying to study as hard as i can for this thing. i just hate it so much, haha. its just getting tiring. BUT i got a 173 the other day, and while that was on the older curve (-10), it still means I'm improving. still have 3 weeks, i'm going to work as hard as i know how...wish me luck god knows i'll need it

Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

it was preptest C...i thought the older tests were easier? i think the biggest difference is the curve. one of the '98 tests i was doing had -10 at 176. which is absolutely ridiculous. i'm just struggling with mbt/weaken/assumption/flaw. my score is pretty much going to be determined on how well i can improve on those areas between now and test day

i hope so...
Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

i did the june 2007 and that didn't go so well. but i've definitely improved since then...i've been focusing on refining my reasoning. i'm going to start doing a post 2004 preptest a day starting on monday

Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

why are you applying to so many schools? I could see HYSCCN and then M if you're interested in the darrow, but the others? as long as your rest of the application is good enough i'd be surprised if you didn't get offered a hamilton from Columbia

got it
Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

well good luck. and the HLS application is available, in case you want to submit it the 14th at midnight, haha

Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

you know, we'll see on October 27th thats all i can say for certainty at this point

Friday, February 22 2008 at 07:00 PM

what are your numbers?! you are going to get in everywhere! congratulations!!

You're not the only one
Saturday, October 04 2008 at 08:00 PM

Who is checking the status checkers every five minutes. The sad thing is I'm not even complete yet, still waiting on my lsat score! Good luck!

wow interesting
Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

i'm shocked you didnt get a T1 already but you'll definitely get one soon enough!

Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

dude whatever you'll be fine i really wouldn't worry about it

you got me
Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

haha well i've had a lot of work to do in school so i haven't thought about it too much - i have kept checking my LOR status on my school's website every five minutes. it takes then 3-5 days to process the recommendation, then they have to mail it to LSAC and then it takes them another week to process it. I was hoping to go complete next Friday, but I doubt thats going to happen at this point. in regards to the LSAT, I know that I got at least 4 wrong and I know why (which is even worse!). Other than that, I'm bound to have a few surprises, but I actually probably didn't do *that* bad. I'm retaking in December though because although I'd love to prove myself wrong, I don't think I got a 172 and no 172, no HYS so its worth a re-take.

Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

are you sure you checked the black box? haha

no ts1 for me
Tuesday, June 17 2008 at 08:00 PM

I didn't get a TS1 either, but my application just switched to "under review" yesterday. I haven't gotten the "complete" email yet, but I'm not looking for anything until at least 10/27 (per that email posted on TLS).

Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

i just hope i didn't bomb it. i know exactly what 4-5 questions or so I think I got wrong and I just hope that was it. it'd be really disappointing if after all that I didn't do well. we'll see what happens. and you'll be fine. just have to wait a couple of months

they need to give me my score already
Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

like, seriously

Friday, October 24 2008 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on Georgetown!!! Oh my, I better get my app in--didn't know they'd get back to people so quickly. Hope to see you next year!

Wednesday, July 02 2008 at 08:00 PM

on G-town!

Tuesday, June 17 2008 at 08:00 PM

on georgetown!

Sunday, July 06 2008 at 08:00 PM

On Georgetown - You are in for a very successful cycle....

Friday, January 11 2008 at 07:00 PM

on GULC!

Not yet...
Friday, January 11 2008 at 07:00 PM

but I just submitted it last week ::nervous::

Friday, January 11 2008 at 07:00 PM

It would be awesome to be accepted... but I would not be able to pass up $$$ at other schools

Friday, January 11 2008 at 07:00 PM

I didn't include all of the schools Im applying to. I'll put all of them up near the end of the cycle. I don't want to do big law so Im pretty averse to big school debt.

Monday, May 12 2008 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on the email - you were my partner in worry! I'm sure it will go great!

Sunday, July 06 2008 at 08:00 PM

I am retaking it in Dec. I got so nervous that I canceled.

Tuesday, June 17 2008 at 08:00 PM

on the ts1 and georgetown. good luck with the call!

still waiting indeed
Monday, May 12 2008 at 08:00 PM

no call - probably better for me. this week has been a mess. here's to monday. :)

Wednesday, October 08 2008 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on your acceptance. With your numbers you should get great scholarship offers as well. I am happy for you.

Uh Huh.....
Friday, January 11 2008 at 07:00 PM

You think TS took notice of your e-pouting? :) Congrats on getting the call!

Congrads on GT
Wednesday, November 12 2008 at 07:00 PM

Good job with GT!

I see you...
Friday, January 11 2008 at 07:00 PM

with that Mich acceptance, I found out today as well! Hell Yeah!

Wednesday, July 16 2008 at 08:00 PM

TS2s are fun aren't they! Congratulations on Harvard, maybe I'll see you there.

Told you so
Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM


Saturday, April 05 2008 at 08:00 PM

congratulations on harvard -- the best for the best :)

Wednesday, July 16 2008 at 08:00 PM

Oh yeah, my recording WILL be playing at Thanksgiving dinner a few times. Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, March 07 2008 at 07:00 PM

no i'm going to start studying (briskly) for the LSAT & GMAT again come new year and probably take both in June. I'm only going to apply to T6 and if I bomb the LSAT again/don't get in to one of those then I'll just stay on the corporate track. Because while I wouldn't mind being a lawyer, I definitely don't have to be a lawyer. I definitely want to run my own financial consulting firm one day and I think that a MBA would be significantly more useful for than than a JD from Cornell. Particularly since its painfully easy to get into Tuck Business School having gone to Dartmouth for undergrad, so I'm not really worried about getting in there. BUT CONGRATS ON HARVARD!!! Are you pretty set on going there or are you holding out for Yale and Stanford?

Sunday, July 06 2008 at 08:00 PM

On Harvard... Wow, I'm sure your thanksgiving went splendid.. Well, I'm retaking the exam on Saturday. I canceled in October but I'm feeling much more confident... Will you be matriculating at Harvard?

Sunday, July 06 2008 at 08:00 PM

hey man i'm black got a 172 and thought i was hot ish. big ups to you my man, congrats and best of luck going forward!

Wednesday, October 08 2008 at 08:00 PM

Congrats to you. I am so happy for you. You are an light to all of us. I have the worst of worse so hopefully I can just get into law school. I want this so bad because law is a passion for me.

Wednesday, July 02 2008 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on G-town and H. :)

Thanks for the reply
Wednesday, October 08 2008 at 08:00 PM

How do I send you a private message, only because you didn't give me your email, but I will include mines. Also it's funny you mentioned that because just last night I talk to someone who suggested I retake the June LSAT, which gives me great time to study and hopefully if my score increases I can then send that score to DePaul which may help me get off their waitlist and if that doesn't work then I can use that score for 2010 cycle (but I will surely hate to start school in 2010). Please offer suggestions.

Sunday, July 06 2008 at 08:00 PM

right now probably hls. im hoping they give me a need-based scholarship, thatll make my decision much easier. how bout u?

Great Lsat
Wednesday, December 03 2008 at 07:00 PM

I definitely give you kudos for a fabulous score. I am taking the LSAT next summer, and pray that I get a score in the vicinity of yours. I'm studying on my own with various practice tests and different books. Not sure if I should pay money for an actual course though....

Sunday, September 28 2008 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on Harvard and your other wonderful acceptances! I saw your profile on here before with your amazing LSAT score, but now seeing that you've been accepted into the best law school in the country, I had to say something. You are truly an inspiration and I wish you all the best this cycle. I have a feeling it will be amazing for you :)

G'day mate
Tuesday, December 09 2008 at 07:00 PM

I was checking out my numbers clones, and there you were - admitted to Harvard already, too. Onya mate! I'm no URM, but I am from New Zealand, and worked through college. Hopefully that'll be enough to get to Harvard/Yale/Columbia.

Sunday, September 28 2008 at 08:00 PM

Thank you for your kind words and congratulations. I hope we both hear much more good news in the near future. Wishing you and yours all the best and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season :)

You'll get to NZ, for sure
Tuesday, December 09 2008 at 07:00 PM

New Zealand is indeed a beautiful country. I figure if you're Harvard material, you'll be able to make the trip someday - assuming you can get time off from the crazy white-shoe firm you'll probably work for straight out of law school... ;-) Oh, and happy birthday!

Thursday, July 31 2008 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on Chicago and NYU, as well as your other acceptances!!

Thursday, July 31 2008 at 08:00 PM

I haven't really made any decisions yet. Both the Darrow and HLS are persuasive, but I'm going to wait until I know the various scholarship amounts and then start to narrow it down. Thanks again and I hope the rest of your cycle goes well!

Friday, January 11 2008 at 07:00 PM

Im leaning towards HLS at the moment.... its going to be very difficult! I visited Mich and Columbia and Mich was more impressive to me, so we'll see.

Friday, January 11 2008 at 07:00 PM

You just had to ask, didn't you? :) I PM'd you

Thursday, December 25 2008 at 07:00 PM

Thanks man. Best of luck to you! congrats on Harvard! If we end up going to the same school we'll have to exchange information.

Wednesday, December 24 2008 at 07:00 PM

Hey, congrats on Harvard. Have you wrapped up the cycle, or are you still holding out for Yale and Stanford? Do you really think I'm looking good at Harvard given my mediocre GPA? While I'm aware that our demographic doesn't perform so well on the LSAT, you would think that one test wouldn't be enough to make up for an entire undergrad experience, but I'm certainly not complaining. By the way, if you'd like, I think you could apply to a few for schools and actually sweep the entire t14. Perhaps you could get some sort of championship belt to wear around next year to commemorate the achievement.

Sunday, January 04 2009 at 07:00 PM

Congratulations on the full ride to Harvard!!! Best of luck to you!

Sunday, January 04 2009 at 07:00 PM

Apologies...I meant Michigan :)

Hey numbers twin, I'm heading to Berkele
Thursday, December 25 2008 at 07:00 PM

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we'll be going to the same law school but both of our futures are looking up. My S/O was accepted to Berkeley so that's where I'm also going. Good luck on your future endeavors.

Friday, December 19 2008 at 07:00 PM

It is good to see a brother doing so well! Great job knocking that LSAT outta the park! What the heck are the rest of your schools (with the exception of Yale) waiting for??

Tuesday, January 29 2008 at 07:00 PM

Hey, I'm finding myself in quite a similar situation to you! Trying to decide between the fabulous free tuition at Michigan and HLS. Have you made any headway on that choice yet?

current thoughts
Tuesday, January 29 2008 at 07:00 PM

Well, those change all the time :) One day I'll be leaning H and the next it'll be Michigan. I know I'm interested in clerking and then working for a big firm (but with the ultimate goal of transitioning in-house). But let's be honest, the money is way tempting!

I'll say Darrow
Sunday, July 06 2008 at 08:00 PM

I know HLS is HLS but I think coming out of Michigan with zilch to pay off, you'll be glad you made that decision in 3 years when you find out those that went to Harvard don't really have better prospects than you do.

Tuesday, January 29 2008 at 07:00 PM

I'm feelin' you on the dilemma. I have gotten a lot of pressure from everyone to pick HLS, but Michigan is so sppealing to me for a variety of reasons (and the people there seem so amazing)! I guess I'll have to look forward to getting a financial aid offer and ASWs to make this decision for me :)

Tuesday, January 29 2008 at 07:00 PM

I'm signed up for the March ASW at HLS and the April ASW at Michigan. I don't know if I can swing a whole week off work (especially when they don't know I'm leaving...shhhhh!!) without drawing attention, so I think I have to break it up this way. Let me know what you think of the BLSA scholarship banquet at Michigan. I'm bummed I can't make that!

Friday, January 02 2009 at 07:00 PM

Hey congrats on an amazing cycle! And thanks for withdrawing from NYU and CLS. :-p Good luck with your decision!

lsat advice
Monday, September 28 2009 at 08:00 PM

Hey man, any advice for the LSAT?

Tuesday, December 23 2008 at 07:00 PM

congrats on your cycle!

oh man
Friday, December 19 2008 at 07:00 PM

You are funny....also, I'm glad Yale wasn't your BFF.