dddhhh (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 11/01/10 | Rec: 11/02/10 | Comp: 12/02/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/12/11 | Upd: 14 years | |||
University of Georgia F | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 11/29/10 | Rec: 11/30/10 | Comp: 12/02/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/25/11 | Upd: 14 years | |||
Washington and Lee University F | Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: 11/26/10 | Rec: 11/26/10 | Comp: 11/26/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/02/10 | Upd: 14 years | |||
Northwestern University F | Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: 11/01/10 | Rec: 11/03/10 | Comp: 11/08/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/17/10 | Upd: 14 years |
Visitor Comments
Thanks and congrats to you too! I'm so happy they took other factors into consideration besides the LSAT, is W&L your first choice?
Thanks for the comment and absolutely congrats on W&L!!!
Congrats on Northwestern! You must have some amazing softs. Seems all they look at is LSAT, but your app must have been a knockout. I know that must sound like a back handed compliment but being that it's my second cycle, my rejects are starting to wear on me.
Congrats to you too! Northwestern is an awesome pick up!! You're definitely a strong candidate.
Hey I'm an NC resident too. I take it you'll head to Northwestern over UNC? Even though I got into UIC, getting into UNC would complicate things bc NC is just a great place to live!
Thanks! It appears we'll both be in the Windy City in the fall.
Wow, congrats on Northwestern/W&L. Looks like we were both accepted at W&L on the same day. Have you decided where you want to go? we have similar numbers and this gives me more hope!
Yes, I'm definitely going to the Admitted students open house at W&L. I was thinking february. Did you do the NU interview? I submitted my application on the first of november as well but didn't go complete till the end of the month because it took 2-3 weeks to set up my intervew :( ugghh. It may have reduced my chances of getting. It was definitely one of my top choices....
In at BU law today!!! I don't know what i'm going to do!!!
I'm hoping for that northwestern call soon. You must have some amazing volunteer work.
If you need any info about Chicago from places to eat to the cool things around NW law school. Just let me know. Hopefully I'll be admitted as well.
Thanks and congrats to you on NU! Are you going to ASW in April? If so, I look forward to seeing you there!
You're too kind. I am staying positive!!! God has been so good to me already this cycle! I just need to stay patient and keep trusting him!! On a good note, the recieved the W&L scholly email yesterday. They are mailing our scholarship letters on friday so we should get the next week! Hope its good!! :)
ahh sorry to hear about that. Any news on scholarship info from NU? and i wonder what is taking Georgia so long to get back to us?!
I know I'm late but congrats at NU!!! Is that where you plan on attending?
Congrats on your cycle so far. My top choice right now is UGA, but I'm still interested to hear back from UNC. Good luck the rest of the way.
Waitlisted at NU this week :( bummer. Let me know where you decide to go. My list is starting to really narrow since Iowa offered me a full ride but I am in a serious relationship and want to make a decision that is best for my partner and I. Iowa would not work out for us but I love the hawkeyes! ahhh decisions decisions.
Haters are gonna hate. Hopefully I'll see you at the Northwestern ASW (if I ever get accepted.:)
we might be at the UNC, UGA, and NU ASW together. Did you check your status checker for UNC yet? It would be cool if I got NU and UNC today. I'll let you know.
Sorry, I privatized my profile b/c i didn't want to be easily identified just in case Cornell would actually consider accepting me which they did today!! I'm in awe! God has done it my sister he has!!! He kept his promise! I suppose NU is your top choice yes?! T14 here we come!!
sooo, i heard from UGA yesterday...I'm in. but I will withdraw asap!! hopefully that will clear a spot for you :). I privatized my page again pending scholly offer from cornell. alot has changed lately. I will make it public again as soon as i hear back.
do they base our scholarships off our LSN being public or not? I must be really lucky because I have all my info up and I just got the biggest scholarship offer from Berkeley on LSN so far. Also got good money from UVA and other schools. I don't have superstar numbers. I am waiting on Harvard though? Should I go private? lol you making me paranoid now.
Sucks I already withdrew from NU because we could have hung out during ASW. But I live like 20 mins from the law school and have been there so many times I just decided to withdraw to open up a spot for someone one else. Oh and thanks for the comment. Cocopuffs had me scared for a second.
Your post made me laugh: man up & don't post anonymous.
Major congrats on Northwestern! Good luck with UNC and Georgia and making your decision. :)
Haha, yeah, maybe UNC! It seems like they're taking forever though?
Is it gonna be NU?
Thanks and congratulations to you too! Have you decide which one you're attending? Also, good luck on the rest of your applications!