abbygal0330 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Cornell University F | Accepted W | Type: | Sent: 10/30/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/07/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/11/07 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Columbia University | Waitlisted W | Type: ED | Sent: 10/25/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/01/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/08/07 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Georgetown University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/04/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/12/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/12/08 | Upd: 16 years | |||
University of Pennsylvania | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/18/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 12/17/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/06/08 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Harvard University | WL, Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 11/01/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/29/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/07/08 | Upd: 17 years | |||
University of California Berkeley | Accepted D W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/25/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/08/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/12/08 | Upd: 17 years |
Visitor Comments
Well, from what I gather from looking at last year, you and I will probably start to hear back around mid december. But who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and hear back this month. I check my e-mail and mailbox everyday holding my breath haha. This is NOT good for my health! What's your next choice after Columbia? (Besides Harvard obviously). I would love to end up some where like berkeley or chicago, get away from the east coast. But i'll take whatever i get !
Hey! I also have an interview with Georgetown coming up and I haven't found many other people who were also asked to interview. Do you know who yours is with? Also, do you know what it means? I can't figure why some people with the same LSAT/GPA were chosen and some not. Anyway, pleaselet me know if you any info at all about the interview. Thanks!
Hey, yea same numbers, but your soft and undergrad trump me. I'm sure Cornell is yours for the taking - BTW, did your status check switch to "EA Deferral" yesterday? A lot of people have been experiencing this and I'm wondering if it may be a glitch... We'll see.
Congrats on your great numbers and great prospects; you're going to get into a great school
Thanks for getting back to me! I had my interview last Thursday in person. It only took a few days from when I accepted the interview to when the alum contacted me. I think it may be because she is a judge so she has 3 clerks working for her and it was one of the clerks that e-mailed me. However, my status check still says interview. The judge told me she was writing them right away so I don't know if I'm complete and they haven't updated it or what. Anyway, it's annoying that you haven't heard anything yet but I think it's worth it in the end. I had a really great interview experience and I'm sure you will too!
Keep your hopes up!
hey! i applied to columbia ED as well and i was just wondering whether you were informed only via snail mail or were you also sent an e-mail? thanks!
ah ok, hopefully ill get my letter soon. im worried about my gpa (3.3). itd be great ift eh 180 made up for it! good luck with the decision in the spring!
on Cornell! I knew you'd get in... How did you find out? I went complete right around the same time as you. Hopefully good news is coming.
That's awesome, as well as encouraging. Good luck on your GULC interview.
Congrats on Cornell! That's great news! Sorry I didn't get back to you in time but how was your interview? Let me know details when you have time.
yea I found out last friday. They sent me a letter in the mail in a white envelope. It was disappointing but at least it wasn't a rejection =)
I found out via mail. I had no interview- in fact, I didn't even know they granted them! Congrats on Cornell. Great school with an AMAZING law school campus
I don't know man, I'm going crazy with desire for them, though. My eight weeks is up this Friday, so I'm hoping they won't make me wait any longer... Congrats on your acceptances thus far! I visited Cornell two years ago and it's beautiful.
Ah man, I'm really sorry about your hold. It's crazy that your numbers and work experience weren't enough... If it's any comfort, it seems like a lot of other very strong applicants got put on hold today. Ugh, now I'm really nervous. Nothing has changed for me yet :(
From what a woman from Georgetown admissions told me, the interviews are a new part of their applications process designed to help them make distinctions among a narrow group of borderline candidates. I got the feeling that the majority of interviewees would probably be admitted; just maybe not in the first wave. In any case, perhaps we are both headed to Cornell.
that's such a bummer about northwestern! we have similar numbers and when i enter i'll have about 2 years WE too... i haven't heard but am getting really nervous. you didnt apply ED right? did your letter say they wont look at you again until may or that you'll hear again by may?
Hopefully its good if they've been stalling on us for so long ;) I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Just as I got a scanned version of my deferral in December, I received an e-mail in the early afternoon on Monday from 'Admit', which had a pdf of my acceptance letter attached. Oh, and congrats on Cornell and Boalt. Maybe I'll see you in Berkeley next weekend.
where are you leaning towards? maybe we'll be classmates in Ithaca?
i think i know who this is haha. ::promises not to out abbygal:: ;)
oh my god. congratulations. i don't think i need to say more. holy shit.
On Harvard!
how did you do it? i'm applying this cycle with different numbers but a similar index. i'm anticipating quite a few waitlists over here. what would you recommend for getting in off of the waitlist?
Hey there numbers twin. Good luck with the Columbia ED! I'll be watching your cycle closely...hopefully it will be a good one for us 166's and high 3.9ers.