Iffy (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#2 | Lewis and Clark College | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 02/18/05 | Rec: 02/18/05 | Comp: 03/01/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/01/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#3 | Ohio State University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 02/26/05 | Rec: 02/26/05 | Comp: 03/24/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/04/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#2 | University of Colorado Boulder | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 02/14/05 | Rec: 02/14/05 | Comp: 03/03/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/22/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#2 | Case Western Reserve University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 03/31/05 | Rec: 03/31/05 | Comp: 04/25/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/25/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#1 | Indiana University Bloomington | Accepted W | Type: RA | $8,000 | Sent: 02/23/05 | Rec: 02/24/05 | Comp: 03/08/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/05/05 | Upd: 19 years | |
#1 | University of Wisconsin Madison | WL, Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 01/24/05 | Rec: 01/24/05 | Comp: 03/01/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/23/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#1 | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/29/05 | Rec: 01/29/05 | Comp: 02/24/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/06/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#3 | Harvard University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/31/05 | Rec: 01/31/05 | Comp: 03/03/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/28/05 | Upd: -- | ||
#3 | University of California Berkeley | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/25/05 | Rec: 01/25/05 | Comp: 03/10/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/04/05 | Upd: -- | ||
#1 | Washington and Lee University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 02/15/05 | Rec: 02/26/05 | Comp: 03/07/05 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/18/05 | Upd: -- | ||
University of Akron | Intend to Apply | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: -- |
Visitor Comments
Thank you for your kind comment in my profile. Like tencigars, I am not upset at all now about ND reject. Boalt accept more than makes up for it. Good luck with your apps!! I am sure you will receive some good offers soon!
You have some impressive EC's hope the process is full of Accepts!!
...but I'm sure you will come out the other side with some great acceptances. You sound really dynamic with a lot to offer any school. Out of curiosity, if you didn't have the SO consideration, where would you want to go? CA and MA are really out of the question financially? (well, to tell you the truth, I work at Harvard and it's not all it's cracked up to be anyway) However it pans out, I'm rooting for you! Hope they don't keep you hanging too long. Thanks for the congrats on my page :) I'm over the moon about Boalt (woo hoo!)
It took them almost 1.5 months to order my transcript/LSAT from the LSAC. As soon as they do, they will send you an email with a link to check your status
good luck with app season! can't wait til we can celebrate with all the other acceptees. you'll do well!
Wow, A school has to be insane not to accept you! However, you got screwed by LSAC (they really took 1.5 months to transfer your stuff?). If you have a comfortable job, you might want to consider taking a Princeton review or Kaplan course and getting your LSAT score to where it should be and at the same time giving yourself the option of applying very early so LSAC doesn't hose you again. That way you will get some great scholarships or some great offers. The way I see it, there is no way someone like you should settle on a school that isn't Top 20! If it makes you feel any better: (1). I will pray for you and (2). Ohio State hasn't asked for my LSAC account either.
You won't believe this, but I did take Kaplan. It was pointless. I ended up w/same score as my diagnostic. I am starting to get used to the thought of working another year and retaking that damn test! Thanks for your support!
for the kind words I hope that your prediction is right, we'll definitely have to keep in touch. I've been sweating out this deferrment since January and it's stressing me out like mad. My girlfriend already goes to marquette law school so if I get in we were thinking of trying to live in catholic knights but I dont know much about it and I have to get in first..........ya know. She is looking for an internship in milwaukee this summer if your friend knows anyone that's looking let me know and I'll tell her. Keep in touch, good luck with your applications you've got great numbers and experience and should have no trouble getting in somewhere awesome.
The title was the coolest Autofill had to offer at the public pc I'm using. Appreciate found diversity. Are you, actually, "iffy"? Fear of decisions? Like the taste of medicine? Thanks for your complliment on the name and all. Seriously-- Send Boulder ALL your political activist work; any perceived mercuriality by the short tenure of your stays will be more than offset by the great passion they demonstrate, which is, after all, the essential thing about your application. Word.
You have amazing ECs, you dserve to get into your top picks. I'll also be the first college grad/lawyer in family. Good luck
good luck to you, too!
i, too am able to logon to l&c admitted students site... does that mean we're in??
that would be quite cool! congrats on l&c! and the best of luck with the rest of your schools :)
thanks for the good ones. here's to getting a hot date for the law school prom.
Hey, I'VE heard of PTK..VP of Pi Lambda chapter 2002!:) You've done some great things and seem to be a great person...I hope you get to Madison in August!
Wasn't your disappointment in being on hold tempered by a judicious amount of hope as you thought: "This isn't a typical hold letter!" Weren't you filled with consternation when you realized everyone has received the same letter!!:) It's like a guy who whispers sweet nothings in your ear, telling you how he's never met anyone like you before..you're special. The next day you see him saying the same things to smoeone else. Ugh. Ok, well probably it was just me who felt like that!! That said, you'll get in! I'm sure of it.
I withdrew from W&L, per your request.
cograts on your acceptances so far I'm sure there are many more to come. I'm still sweating out Marquette but hopefully I'll be in soon, Im supposed to hear by the end of the month and a waitlist or denial would be a crushing blow. My girlfriend is still looking for a summer job working for a firm so if you still need someone let me know or drop me an email and I'll have her get in contact with you.....she's smart, would do well. Let me know. Thanks. Killa
cograts on your acceptances so far I'm sure there are many more to come. I'm still sweating out Marquette but hopefully I'll be in soon, Im supposed to hear by the end of the month and a waitlist or denial would be a crushing blow. My girlfriend is still looking for a summer job working for a firm so if you still need someone let me know or drop me an email and I'll have her get in contact with you.....she's smart, would do well. Let me know. Thanks. Killa
Hey iffy, Congrats on your acceptances thus far. I left an answer to your question about the W&L scholarship bump on my page. Take Care.
i am assuming you were waitlisted at W&L? when did you hear back that you were rejected?
i am assuming you were waitlisted at W&L? when did you hear back that you were rejected?
I think I have done all I can about Madison at this point. If I don't get in there, I am most likely going to work for another year at the firm and do some volunteer stuff with Legal Aid that I have always wanted to do but didn't have time with school and work... Madison or Bust!!!!!!!!!
Any word from Madison yet? I'm waiting too. Rumors are somethings should shake out this week. Where is it!?? This is killing me.
I hear you about having to move on with your life (rent - job -etc). I have to make a decision about daycare for my kids this week! I'm really not used to having so little control over my fate.
you were right, I got in, thank you so much for your support. Any housing tidbits you wanna give would be great, thanks.
...for the kind words...many happy thoughts in your direction! Good luck!
...for the kind words...many happy thoughts in your direction! Good luck!
you are my numbers twin, I also took Kaplan and received the same score as my diagnostic (the worst part is that I got really really stoned before my diagnostic); what has prompted you to reject IU's acceptance?
Although I'm biased (I have a 163 on the LSAT), frankly I think your rejections are based on your tardiness more than the LSAT. Seriously, a 163 is not that bad. For all the pain taking the LSAT is, I don't think you need to do it unless you expect a significant score increase. Just send your applications in in September/October.
i hope you're right, though i'm not convinced. i'm sorry to hear you're not going this year, though it sounds like you're in a good position to put it off - not that that maks it any less disappointing. the admissions process seems so arbitrary despite everyone's insistence that it's only about the numbers. anyway, good luck next year! ps: perversely - did you get into l&c?
hey thanks and congrats to you too!! hope to see you in the fall!
I love this account! Thanks for the comment. My Yale app went in a few minutes before the deadline, so.... :-) I'm very happy for you, re: Wisconsin!
The reason for them is $$$. I live in WI and get reciprocity tuition at MN. I also have a SO to consider who can't support us in CA, MA, etc I also will adjust those rankings depending on whether someone actually accepts me! Its a long shot!