moxylaw07 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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Looks like rolling the dice worked for you. That is exciting about UM. I am still waiting for that first yes to come...and I'll be super excited. Which school do you want to attend most?
I see you got accepted to Miami too! Congrats! Have you gotten any emails or letters about money? I saw some people discussing that some emails were sent out but nothing on my end...
Congrats on UF!!
I love the school and it was my goal/aim to go to UF for Law school. It'd be difficult for me not to
Thanks, GL w/ your decision
Just a momentary spark of brilliance, I assure you. Best of luck on your cycle! :)
I was wondering how Florida notified you of your acceptance, and if it was by mail, did they send it to your current or permanent address? thanks!
How did they not let you in? Oh well the other Florida schools are better...still that's nuts that they waitlisted you. Good luck with the rest of your apps.
Arizona is my top choice but I'm not too excited about my chances. Seattle is prob. where I will end up going, I really like the idea of their summer program. What school is your top choice?'re telling me. When I saw you were waitlisted, even with your numbers, a couple of weeks ago I started getting nervous. There's obviously something strange going on with this schools admissions committee. Congrats on your acceptances, you don't need stetson anyway. Right now I'm deferred at Miami, if that works out I'll be perfectly happy...cause i don't really see UF or FSU workin out. Good luck w/ law school next year.
I was wondering why you were concerned about not hearing from FSU yet if you have already gotten into UF. Would you prefer to go to FSU over UF? I was just wondering because I have gotten into FSU but not UF yet.
Waitlisted and rejections seem to ba all they are handing out if your LSAT is not 160+, oh well congrats on all else and thanks for reopening a spot at Mercer
At this point I would go to FSU, but I think that I prefer to go to UF over FSU. Also UGA is a wild card, but I kind of want to get out of the state of GA. On the other hand UGA grads make significantly more out of school according to statistics. We'll just see.
like seriously.. WTF?!?!? who does stetson think they are?? i mean, i dont wanna knock them bc they are a good law school, and i wouldnt even get in post 2007 with my current score.. but i mean, it is a joke whatever they are doing!!! but glad to see u have wicked options!!!!! that is awesome;) UF and Umiami.. those are 2 hard choices for sure!!!
Thanks for the congrats! I have never visited the UMiami campus, but I have been to Miami (if that helps!) and fell in love with it. I am seriously considering going for Admitted Students Day in March...but that's probably it as far as visiting goes! Best of luck to you - you have a good LSAT so you should be fine!