likeitshard (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Cleveland State University | Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
Michigan State College of Law | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
Hamline University | Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
Valparaiso University | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
University of Florida | Rejected D | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: 12/22/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/09/07 | Upd: 17 years | |||
Western State University | Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
University of the Pacific | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
California Western School of Law | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/26/07 | Upd: 17 years | |||
Capital University | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/22/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
University of Detroit Mercy | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/30/07 | Upd: 17 years | |||
Ohio Northern University | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
Chapman University | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
Florida Coastal School of Law | WL, Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: 02/21/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years | |||
Southwestern University School of Law | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of La Verne College of Law | Accepted | Type: RA | $9,500 | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/02/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
St. Thomas University - Florida | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/16/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/26/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of Akron | Pending D | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: 02/21/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years | |||
Thomas Jefferson School of Law | Pending D | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years | |||
Seton Hall University | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years |
Visitor Comments
I think you have a very good chance at a lot of these schools. I think you are going to have a great cycle.
I looked at your list and I have been to visit two of schools you are applying to; Samford and Coastal. Almost all of the ones on my list I have been to visit. Coastal is a really beautiful place and the people are super friendly, I loved their campus and enjoyed all of the students whom I met...seemed like it might be a hard place to study because it is looked like such a fun place. Samford was ok. As you can see by my list I am no longer applying there. They have a beautiful campus and the people were really nice but it didn't have that comfortable, this is home for the next three years kind of feel, I was looking for more. I would really take any of the schools on my list, I have a few favorites but I have been to all of the campuses and love them and love the people, I went to visit a lot more than are on my application list and got rid of them for various reasons. In the end each person has a different fit. I love sports, I am sure that will be a very interesting aspect of the law to focus. What state are you from? I am kind of suprised you didn't apply to more of the same schools I did. Good luck to you though, our numbers are similar. Let me know where you end up. Maybe I will see you at Coastal. Let me know if you have anymore questions. Take it easy.
Hey Thanks for the congrats...I was really happy. I guess that means that no matter what from here on out I am going to law school. Don't worry though you will get them too. You should apply to Denver. Of all the places I have been in the states it is the most amazing and I am not just saying that. You will meet the most friendly, outgoing people EVER! They have an awesome nightlife, great ski resorts and pretty much anything else you could ever want to do. If you love sports Denver is the place to be. I really love Colorado. I think they are called mountains though...not hills. Haha, just kidding. Well good luck, I am sure you will hear something and if you ever want to talk more just email me! Take Care
Hey I saw that you are interested in sports law and we have applied to some of the same schools. Best of luck!
Hey..I have not visited any schools yet. I am hoping to get a few acceptances then visit to see what I like. You should also look into Marquette. They have one of the best and most comprehensive sports law programs. Good luck in Feb!
Congrats on St.Thomas. I am also going to apply there in a few days time. Have you heard from Florida Coastal yet..and for which term have you applied there? Good Luck !
Naa, haven't been on any visits and I am currently at U of I. Do you know anything about a tax law program at coastal?? Do you know anything about the tax law program at coastal? I haven't been able to find anything..
but yeah, i am seriously considering the three that I applied to
U of DM is high on my list because of their immigration law clinic. They also have a very solid in state reputation. Also, you can get a dual Canadian-American law degree through University of Windsor. I like the diversity that U of DM offers. Widener is great for me because of the location. Philadelphia is close to where I went to high school, so it would be like a home coming. Not too familiar with St. Thomas yet, but I will share any information I have with you. Best of luck with your cycle and congratulations on your first acceptance!
Awesome job on U of DM. Very exciting news, and it is a great feeling to have options. As far as living in Detroit, it is not really neccessary if you go to UDM. There are some really great areas around the city and you can easily make the short commute. Once again, congratulations!
Must be nice to be in somewhere.... best of luck for the rest of the cycle. Do you have a #1 choice?
I've got a few hidden apps that I'll show if/when I hear something. Mainly, I want to go to the best school I can get into that is near the east coast or gulf coast. Good luck with the LSAT coming up - if you don't get a great score, I'll give you a few points of my score in exchange for a few tenths of your GPA!
...For those kind words. I'm sure you be seeing an acceptance any day now. You're right, their bar passage is superb, the attrition is a little scary (16%?). I was also rejected by Barry today, but not too sad, based on their lower bar rates and provisional accred. You were smart to apply to a lot of schools. Any preference? Good luck wherever you wind up as a 1L
You asked for any info and i didn't answer. I'm going to check it out the weekend of the 9th and let you know what I find from the tour
no i didnt play that up at all actaully.....i played up my work at the Attorney General's offce of NY state...and how i was a reporter in the Buffalo NY Market...i feel those are more important then soccer/hockey awards and stats.....IM me sometime PrimeTimeDC20....congrats on ur acceptances!!! wicked huh u must be from Boston haha
I have heard some good and bad things about all of those schools. I think of all of them, Valparaiso might have the best rep., but I am still hoping to get accepted into others. However, UDM offered a nice amount. That amount is for all 3 years, not per year. They also offered some other money. If I don't get in anywhere else, I'll consider UDM.
Thanks for the message, hopefully, we'll both finish our cycles off strong! I have no idea where I'm leaning towards right now, I'm trying to narrow it down, I think maybe Loyola is my top right now? I have no idea, it looks like you'll have a tough decision too, and I'm sure you'll get even more acceptances to make it tougher. Best of Luck with everything, keep me updated
Hey! Congratulations on your deferral to Thomas Jefferson, too! It sounds like there's a great possibility for an acceptance! I don't know a whole lot about the school, but was told it is the worst of the three in San Diego (Cal Western being second and U. San Diego being first). From what I have read though, students seem to like it there and the education/career prospects seem to be decent. Have you heard much else about TJ or Cal Western? I want to visit, but can't justify a flight out there until I get an acceptance... I'm not retaking the LSAT--I'm just taking my chances. Best of luck to you though--I hope you see an increase!
Only go to Cal Western if you want to say in San Diego for a while.. I know nothing about the schools sports/enter law. But hey,,, its Feburary and its warm and sunny. San Diego has access to everything.. Ocean, Desert, 2 hours from snowboarding, 4 hours from Vegas. Its the greatest place on earth.
you have any idea when we should be hearing from uf? thanks!! =)
i noticed that about the deferral. I'm hoping my application just gets accidentally stuck to someone's who had a 165 or something... I really hate the LSAT. :(
i'm not really sure. i've never heard much about FIU and if it came between FCSL and FIU I'd still pick Jax. I keep hearing great things and I love Jacksonville & the campus, etc. & I don't know. I think secretly I thought I'd get into most of my schools- I didn't realize how LSAT obsessed they were. Or that Stetson would start thinking they were the Harvard of the South?!?!?? lol I thought it was a myth nad that good GPA and extra curriculars/work exp/recs... Etc. etc. would boost me up. Apparently, not so much. :( Best of luck with your retake scores!!!
I was concerned about the attrition rate as well- but the majority of those who leave, state the reason as non-academic. However, I my theory is this: Some people are just poor standardized test takers (ie: ME!) but do excellent in school. Well as we've seen the LSAT is really the most important so these people end up going to lesser ranked schools. There are also those who do not do well on the LSAT and do mediocre in school but get into the lesser ranked schools because standards are a bit lower etc. These are the people that I believe are weeded out. Not ones who work hard and do well in undergrad. but those who kind of just slipped in... Thats my theory. I could be wrong. It makes me feel better though. Haha
Nova is a lot nicer than St. Thomas. Nova is beautiful. I visited both and work at a forensic accounting firm in Boca Raton. We perform marital services for divorces and all of the attorneys we deal with are from Nova. Their reputation is way better. By the way.....I love the name, hopefully you'll cum to Nova!
I have toured both schools. Nova is way more cutting edge with technology and has a better reputation AND a much nicer campus! I was just to another Nova open house today. They did it up! Understanding my partialness to Nova, I say as objectively as possible it is better (it feels dreamy every time I visit and meet with Beth Hall and the students). Nova was my first choice and Miami my second. This is because of my visits to both schools in addition to many others! Best Wishes, Scott
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
It has been a wierd cycle, that's for sure. I'm going to FCSL though. I'm sending my deposit in today! I'm so excited after all the things I've heard and after seeing the campus. My b/f lives is from Jacksonville too so it all just kind of works out best. When do you find out your new score? Do you feel better about your last test? Best of luck. Keep me updated! We might end up at the same place! =)
yea i just called them up on the phone and the lady looked it up was like " yea didnt get in...etc" i wonder if FC is starting to become like a lot of lower tier schools and only accept students from the state or within the close area. Kinda bummed at the reject, I was thinking it was a done deal and possibly some money :( lol You got waitlisted though so you've already got me beat:) good luck with your apps
Hahaha, thanks for the input!! Yeah, I'm still a little confused, but it's ok either way. :) Good luck --- I see that you still have a lot of schools to hear from!
Yeah i remember reading your ps too! I have no idea where i will be heading. I would like to hear from all of my schools before i decide. Florida Coastal would definitely be a nice place to spend three years. Did they tell you when they would notify you about the waitlist situation?
Yeah i remember reading your ps too! I have no idea where i will be heading. I would like to hear from all of my schools before i decide. Florida Coastal would definitely be a nice place to spend three years. Did they tell you when they would notify you about the waitlist situation?
How did you find out that you were waitlisted at Fl. Coastal?
They are pretty new and to tell you the truth I didn't know much about them before applying but their school is in a remote location and is very pretty. The people who I know that live in Jax believe it has a good reputation and I know people from undergrad who chose Coastal over bigger named fl. schools b/c of how much they liked it. I would love to go there... so we'll see. My LSAT sucks but so have all my other standardized testing experiences (SAT, GRE). EW. Good Luck... I hope we get in somewhere gooood!
At least you got a response. I sent off my TJ app on 1/20. As far as I know my file isn't even COMPLETE. Never mind its review status. The more I think about it the more I realize that TJ may not be a good choice: It's more expensive than other T4's to which I have been accepted, and the COL is far and away highest in SD than anywhere else I've applied. Still, I would like to get SOMETHING from them letting me know that they are at least reviewing the file. How long did it take for you to receive a response from them?
Have you considered Barry? I think you'd get in with your numbers, maybe even get some $$$ as well. Just a thought.
Well did it go better than before??? I really hopeyou got what you wanted!!!!
I've heard Cal Western has a high attrition rate. I didn't realize that was the case for TJSL as well. I saw that their bar passage rate is atrocious...seems that most T3-T4's in CA have low bar passage rates. I actually was accepted to FCSL last cycle with $5k/year in scholarships but I couldn't attend. I didn't apply this time around. I figured if I'm going to stay in FL and I'm stuck at a T4 I might as well go somewhere like Barry, as I am already established in Orlando. I've visited Barry twice now and it seems like a great school. The faculty and administration have been nice and helpful in answered any questions I've had.
Damn.. how frustrating.. I hate the LSAT! You can try to tell Coastal that but I'm not sure if the it is easier to get in for spring or not. You should call and ask what the %tage is that get in off the waitlist and if they know where you stand. If you want to stay in Florida you should look into NOVA. They have a good program if you want to practice in S. Fl. I don't know if you should wait... you could always start somewhere else and then transfer. Let me know what happens... G'luck!
yeah I applied there. I don't know much about the school, nor have I heard anything back yet. I getting nervous that no one wants me ... booo
Thanks for the encouraging words! I'm really, really hoping I don't have to resort to Cooley, but I guess it's better than nothing. I'm flying down to Miami next week to try to push my deferral at FIU into an acceptance. It looks like you've got a lot of hope in this process--2 acceptances and a lot of waitlists and deferrals (some of which I'm sure will come through). I'm deferred at TJ also--what do you know about the school? Have you been there?
Thanks for all the info! I don't know why UDM is taking so long...I applied back in November. What is you number one choice right now?
Is the $9,500 per year or is it for 3 years? What is it contingent upon? I am seriously considering going there if I cant get off any of my waitlists.
Yeah, I thought I wanted to go to Cali for awhile and applied to 6 schools there, but then I heard that the bar is the most difficult in the U.S. to pass and a lot of schools weed out way too many people. It'd be nice living in SoCal, but I still think Florida has one up on Cali. I don't know a whole lot about Western State and LaVerne. LaVerne is accredited, Western State is provisionally accredited. I know both have had some troubles with getting accredited, which is a bad sign. Hang in there, you'll get some better choices!
I would recommend La Verne from what I've heard. Western state is either in probabtion or is provisionally accredited. Also, La verne is brand new in an area that is prime for jobs. I am seriously considering la verne but I am worried about its accreditation...
Thanks for the message! I was pretty upset after I took the LAST the first time. I studied a lot afterwards. The low score really motivated me to do better. I studied all three books of the 10 real LSATS which helped A LOT. I studied untimed until I got most of my answers right. Then I started timing myself until I reached test speed. I still received a lower score than my practices tests, but I think thats the case with most people. Anyways... lots of good luck to you.
I believe Western State is frowned upon and ULV is unheard of. ULV is provisionally accredited in an area that does not have any nearby law schools. ULV definetly has potential though...what are you thinking?
I was bad at all three section types but RC was my worst. To improve it, I started reading a lot more.... probably about an hour each day. I read all kinds of stuff like philosophical fiction (like Rand), non fiction, even some Dan Brown (which turned out to be an amazingly easy read after some of the more dense novels). Reading gave me a break from studying while keeping my mind focused. When I was studying, I spent 10 minutes on each RC question after slowly reading the passage until I can identify exactly where the answer was stated in the passage and why the correct answer was correct.
I know a little about the school. Feel free to email me if you have any specific questions. A coworker of mine is attending their law school.
Haha thanks for the kind words. Yeah I really worked hard for my gpa, the whole time assuming that was the major thing law schools would be looking at. I get upset when I see people that did well on the LSAT but have horrible gpa's get in and I don't. Those people are lazy and they probably aren't going to change. Uggg you have a very solid gpa too. Good luck to you!
Those guys rejected me! They must be pissed for me not withdrawing after they accepted me last year and I never showed up lol. Come to FL! The weather is nice! I'll show ya around if you ever make it down to Orlando.
I have not visited personally, but I have heard good things from those who have. I guess it all depends on your perspective. I got an e-mail from Steve Jones at FCSL this morning. It stated, "Since we did not receive your seat deposit, we assume you have made other plans for this fall. We wish you the very best." I responded tersely that I received a rejection letter from them on 3/30. lol Keep me posted as to what you decide.
yes! i'm very excited about it. you should go there too!!! :) (& congrats on your acceptance!! told you!)
I have no idea which one i should choose...FCSL sent me a very nice DVD and I already paid my seat deposit for cousins girlfriend went to Nova for undergrad and loved it down there...i'm still waiting for a waitlist response from hamline and i think that if they accept me i will go there..what do you think??
Hamline actually has a decent reputation around the midwest...last year I interned for a lawyer who is partner in one of the most prestigous firms in la crosse, who happened to be a hamline grad. Many other lawyers in my area also hold hamline in high regard, so I would recommend going there. The cities would be a great place to live and I will go there if they pull me off the waitlist, even for a PT program...
in the previous post. Forgot to log in.
yaa.. no intentions taking the lcrap again.. also, i have many other options!! and yes.. you do have to think about going 120k in debt when that is more than my parents make put toghether, in like 3yrs... i have a science degree.. so there are other masters programs that i could go into, at top schools, and come out with zero debt.. and then apply to LS again when i have more experience.. if i really want to.. or.. not.. i actually scored much higher on the GMAT, and i could get an MBA.. or i could go into chiro.. or a masters in neuroscience... sports administration.. health administration... so yaa.. i am thinking about other options now, not just law! so thankk you.. and whatever you ment about your friend in art school.. good for her.... 100k.. whatever.. i dont even kno what u ment, i just want to go to school and graduate with a job!! making decent money so i can pay back my loans before i am ancient... i also, have not decided.. i am torn between FCSL and Cal Western for law.. but the negative attitudes of students at cal western.. coupled with the hard bar exam actually puts me in the running for FCSL.. and yes, if i go to LS that is where i am 99% sure i would go.. but like i said, i am looking at other options and if that means waiting 6 months to be 100% sure on my decision.. i will do it!!! thanks.. btw.. if u have opinions on the school, or my life.. i would 100% appreciate it!!!
so is sitting around not trying to make your life better. that is funny, i never said i was sitting around trying to make my life better.. i dont kno where you got that idea from.. i actually have been working, getting experience and money.. haha;) secondly.. i really have no opinion on ur friend in art.. i dont know her background/options.. but obviously she was passionate about art! that is awesome! true dedication!!!!
Hey whats up? Actually i have never been to jax in my life nor have i spoke to anyone who has actually been there... but it appears i am going to be living in the southside, which is apparently the closest area to campus... let me know how your search goes and where school you decide upon... best of luck
I actually withdrew from an mba acceptance for this fall in favor of going to law school... I just think its a great opportunity and that I can always try a joint program or pick it up later in life... in terms of entry level positions (at least at my current employer) an mba = about a starting pay of $10000 more per year... so the year or so i would invest in acquiring that i doubt would make a more significant change in my earnings potential than the 3 years spent working on a law degree...
what did the administrator say that discouraged you?
Hey. May I first say I love your answer for the race question, a little track humor is always good :) I'm from Akron so I have been to Cleveland a lot. I'm not sure what exact details you are looking for. It is a fairly large city with a lot of neat historical buildings. Cleveland is a pretty poor city, but they have made lots of newer improvements like Jacob's Field, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.... The law school is really close to the theater district The employment rate looks like most of the other law schools in OH. The average starting salary is around $70K which is pretty decent, especially considering how inexpensive their tuition is. I have no clue about the competitiveness of the students. I'm guessing there is so competition since it is law school. Hope that helps. I am about as clueless as anyone right now :)
Hey there...Well, I live in the Cleveland area currently. For me, CSU was the best school I got into. The in-state tuition, along with their improved bar passage rates, was an easy choice for me. Their employment stats are pretty good and have a good regional reputation. There are a lot of opportunities if you want to stay in the area (federal and private - lots of federal jobs here). That being said, if you do not want to stay in this area, you may want to consider going to a school in the area/region in which you'd like to practice. I've read things on their website (their student paper) and heard from alums that it can be hard to find employment outside of this area. It is a Tier 3 school, so keep that in mind. regards to asking if it's is law school...but CSU also has a pretty strict grading curve (around a 2.7 or so). This means only a few people will be in the top. Look carefully at all the schools you are considering at see if they have strict curves. Generally, I've heard that the lower-ranked school, the harder the curve...however, I'm a 0L, so take my advice for what it's worth. So...after my rambling...hope that somewhat helps. Good luck with your decision! Let me know what you decide!
Hey there...Well, I live in the Cleveland area currently. For me, CSU was the best school I got into. The in-state tuition, along with their improved bar passage rates, was an easy choice for me. Their employment stats are pretty good and have a good regional reputation. There are a lot of opportunities if you want to stay in the area (federal and private - lots of federal jobs here). That being said, if you do not want to stay in this area, you may want to consider going to a school in the area/region in which you'd like to practice. I've read things on their website (their student paper) and heard from alums that it can be hard to find employment outside of this area. It is a Tier 3 school, so keep that in mind. regards to asking if it's is law school...but CSU also has a pretty strict grading curve (around a 2.7 or so). This means only a few people will be in the top. Look carefully at all the schools you are considering at see if they have strict curves. Generally, I've heard that the lower-ranked school, the harder the curve...however, I'm a 0L, so take my advice for what it's worth. So...after my rambling...hope that somewhat helps. Good luck with your decision! Let me know what you decide!
I have received emails/postcards/information packets from many schools. If you check a box when you fill out your information on LSAC it allows your numbers & information to be released to a law school database that the schools can pull from. If you fall within a certain bracket, they send you information because sometimes people don't know of a certain school. It is done in order to help students as well as advertise for the school. Especially with FCSL being newer it makes sense. Anyway- best of luck to you!! Let me know where you end up!
I have received emails/postcards/information packets from many schools. If you check a box when you fill out your information on LSAC it allows your numbers & information to be released to a law school database that the schools can pull from. If you fall within a certain bracket, they send you information because sometimes people don't know of a certain school. It is done in order to help students as well as advertise for the school. Especially with FCSL being newer it makes sense. Anyway- best of luck to you!! Let me know where you end up!
I have received emails/postcards/information packets from many schools. If you check a box when you fill out your information on LSAC it allows your numbers & information to be released to a law school database that the schools can pull from. If you fall within a certain bracket, they send you information because sometimes people don't know of a certain school. It is done in order to help students as well as advertise for the school. Especially with FCSL being newer it makes sense. Anyway- best of luck to you!! Let me know where you end up!
Tough one, but its worth a shot. The problem is, the school is in San Diego, so they get tons of applications based on location alone. Give it a shot, if it doesn't work out, retake the LSAT.