akcpup (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#4 | Pace University | Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/16/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#1 | Rutgers State University Newark | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | ||
#2 | New York Law School | Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: 12/13/20 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/07/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#1 | Cardozo-Yeshiva University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/01/20 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | ||
#3 | Seton Hall University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/04/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#5 | Albany Law School of Union University | Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/05/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#1 | Vermont Law School | Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/22/20 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#6 | Appalachian School of Law | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/15/05 | Upd: 19 years | ||
CUNY Queens College | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years |
Visitor Comments
pace never even crossed my mind. hm, maybe i'll look into it. make it my 28th application. *vomit* if we both go to vermont law school that'd be sweet. let's be homies.
Congrats on Albany!! I applied there too...I am jealous!!! ;)
Hi, we both got an acceptance letter from albany on the same day. I also got a big envelope. do you know when they will send scholarship info? What do you think of this school?
have you ever been there? I'm not sure exactly where Albany ranks for me but I guess its somewhat of a backup. its 3rd tier, not 4th so thats good. I was really happy about the acceptance though. you?
Thanks for the encouragment! I hope to hear from Pace Law pretty soon too. They are one of my top choices! Did you interview with them? I was able to schedule one while I was home for Thanksgiving break and I thought it went pretty well!! I'm pretty psyched...like you said, hopefully we will hear from them soon!
i went up there to check it out. it seemed nice. the director of admissions was really nice and the students seemed friendly.
i went up there to check it out. it seemed nice. the director of admissions was really nice and the students seemed friendly.
Congrats on Pace! It isn't binding is it? You should have a great chance at your first choice!!! You may also be able to qualify for a scholarship at Seton!
on Pace. If I get in Pace, I would have a hard time deciding between that and Albany. Which do you think is better?
Yes, NYLS is crazy expensive! I won't be going there without a scholarship! Pace is binding and it isn't. It is kinda wierd. I really like it there so I plan on going unless I get into Cardozo.
I thought it was to, but the letter I got cleared it up. It is binding if you accept their financial offer. Once you send in the deposit (which is due Feb), you have to withdraw. They sent me a letter where you can check a box saying you reject the offer and you will be attending another school
Congrats on all of your applications. However, if you are not planning on going to Pace, please withdraw asap, b/c I would love to go there. I don't mean to sound like a gerk. Once again, congrats and I hope you get into Cardozo - its a great school.
Congrats on all of your applications. However, if you are not planning on going to Pace, please withdraw asap, b/c I would love to go there. I don't mean to sound like a gerk. Once again, congrats and I hope you get into Cardozo - its a great school.
Congratulations!! When did you go "complete"?
My acceptance came in the mail. You have better numbers than me so i know you'll get in too! Good luck!
Did you get any scholarship money from Pace? Thanks.
Did you get your $5k from Pace in the same big envelope or separately? Thanks.
I'll update my numbers as soon as I get replies from all my target schools. Thanks for answering.
i didnt get any scholarship info yet either. but dont worry b/c they said they will start sending that stuff out in january.
What do you think is better, Hofstra or Syracuse?
congrats on vermont!!! i got waitlisted from them today... eeeee!
Congrats to you too on Albany! I haven't received any $$$ yet but I'll let ya know if I do. How about you? BTW do you have a "top" choice?
I've heard nothing but good things about VLS, and if I don't get into UA or ASU, I will probably attend. I lived in DC and worked for the Justice Department last year; I really liked the east coast, and would practice back east. However, I have family ties out west that will play a major part in deciding where to practice. I think the question we both need answered is: does a VLS degree transfer? I suspect it does if you specialize in environmental law. But anything else, it may just be another tier 3 degree. Thoughts? Also, have you decided on attending Vermont? I think I'm going to schedule a visit soon.
by "transfer," I meant "travel." -- as in "not regional." Does that clear things up? :)
I hope something pulls through. This is the third year I am applying to law school. If anything, they should be impressed with my persistance!! Good luck with the rest of your apps, looks like you have some options.
Thank you. NYLS is $36,480 for a full-time program. And they hardly give any scholarship. Pace is $31,224.
Good luck! I just heard yesterday and I'm guessing since I'm in you should have no problem (and will likely get some $$$). Let me know!
Sorry for the suprise, but I thought Vermont was your #1! What is swaying you toward Pace (since I applied there as well, though I am not sure of my chances)? BTW, I don't think I said congrats on Albany, those tricky WLers for me!
great job with ur apps so far... when did u graduate rutgers... im at seton hall right now graduating in may
My problem exactly (passing up such an awesome scholarship). Hae you visited Vermont? If you're in NJ it's not THAT far (though I did move to VA from HI lol). Pace does have a lot of great qualities, though. It's a great, tough decision to have to make! Congrats!
thats cool, what have u been up to in ur time off? my first choice is rutgers newark because of the instate tuition and reputation, but my deferral isnt to appealing. All of my friends with a sub 156-157 have been deferred so far so im not sure if i even have a chance later on down the road. Im also waiting on hofstra and syracuse, both of which i would go to. if not, duquesne is probably where i may end up... what about you??
I like Vermont; it's definately in my top 5. However, the tuition expenses render the possibility of my attending Vermont unrelaistic. The acceptance packet did not enclose any information regarding scholarship awards - though the free issue of vermont life magazine was a nice touch. So, i am assuming that I am going to have to finance the entire 28,000 dollars in order to attend. If this is the case, I already have better offers elsewhere. Nevbertheless, I am going to ride this application cycle out to the beginning of April, for I could very well obtain information regarding financial aid that may sway me towards VLS or somewhere else.
Some people have told me negative things. Of all the schools in NYC, I think it's held in the lowest regard with employers. But just like you, I think it would be AWESOME to go to school in NYC. Also, I don't think it's fair to rip on their reputation TOO much...their competition is coming from schools like NYU and Columbia. NYLS is still a tier III too. We'll see! Like you said, hopefully they will get back at us soon with good news!! They took MONTHS to pull my report.
it looks like you've already decided on pace, but i wanted to give a plug for Vermont. south royalton is a beautiful little town, and the class i sat in on there has been second only to BC in all of the classes i've sat in on so far. the school itself is freakin' awesome.
it looks like you've already decided on pace, but i wanted to give a plug for Vermont. south royalton is a beautiful little town, and the class i sat in on there has been second only to BC in all of the classes i've sat in on so far. the school itself is freakin' awesome.
I also was accepted at pace with some $$ which is nice bc it is expensive. I think it will come down to pace and VT for me, although vT has has not offered me money. I plan on trying to use PACE scholarship as leverage. I was wondering what made you choose pace?
Im going throught W plains next week on my way to Roger Williams and VLS. I went to pace for the interview and Im just going to stop in quick, but I doubt I will go to admitted students day because its a 5 or 6 hour drive. If you go let me know how it is. Im going to have a tough time deciding between the two, and Im thinking I may end up getting the MLES with my JD if I go to VLS or get my LLM after my JD at pace.
hey - got into pace. strongly considering it. maybe we could talk? i'd love to know why others are saying yes there. feel free to email me. p.s. any scholarship money? p.p.s. don't think i'm a nerd or anything, just kind of lost. have 6 acceptances so far.
I just totally kind of stalked you and left you an IM. Hopefully you'll be flattered by that and not freaked out. We should talk about Pace - it's slowly making it's way up my list.
Hi! Are you going to the admitted students day this sat? I live in Rockland, so my big question is whether I'm going to live at home/in a dorm/in an apt. off campus.. Are you going to live on campus?
Did you attend the admitted students day last weekend? What did you think? I am happy I went. Seems like they really make an effort to maintain an open door policy for all students. I also received my financial aid package and I was granted some money. One more reason to go to school there if Rutgers denies my application.
I'm happy so many of us got admitted into Pace. I haven't had a chance to visit the campus since I live in Oregon, so I'd love to chat more about the school & why you chose it. I'm on MSN: punkbvr@hotmail.com
Cardozo is the best school with reputation, but Vermont has the program I want. I guess I have to make the choice between sticking with enviro law or going with the rankings... that is assuming I get in! I really don't know what to do!