skaiserbrown (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#15 | Washington University in St Louis | WL, Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: 02/11/06 | Rec: 02/20/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/11/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#10 | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | Accepted D A | Type: RA | $24,000 | Sent: 02/09/06 | Rec: 02/13/06 | Comp: 03/01/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/01/06 | Upd: 18 years | |
#16 | American University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/03/06 | Comp: 02/06/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/16/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
#20 | University of Houston | Accepted W | Type: RA | $15,000 | Sent: 01/17/06 | Rec: 01/18/06 | Comp: 02/02/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/21/06 | Upd: 19 years | |
#17 | Brooklyn Law School | Accepted W | Type: RA | $105,000 | Sent: 02/19/06 | Rec: 03/10/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/25/06 | Upd: 19 years | |
#10 | Fordham University | Rejected D | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/03/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/11/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#17 | Cardozo-Yeshiva University F | WL, Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/04/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/11/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#17 | Northeastern University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/03/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/05/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#20 | Suffolk University | Accepted W | Type: RA | $75,000 | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/06/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/31/06 | Upd: 19 years | |
#10 | Boston University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/03/06 | Comp: 02/16/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/20/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#6 | Cornell University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/05/06 | Comp: 02/10/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/07/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#1 | Columbia University F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/02/06 | Comp: 01/25/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/28/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#7 | Duke University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/23/05 | Rec: 12/29/05 | Comp: 02/15/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/22/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#5 | Northwestern University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/03/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/21/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#10 | George Washington University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/03/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/20/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#10 | Boston College | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/02/06 | Comp: 01/26/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/05/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#3 | University of Chicago | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/09/06 | Comp: 01/26/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/27/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#8 | University of California Los Angeles | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/04/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/20/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#4 | New York University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/04/06 | Comp: 01/29/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/05/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#9 | University of Texas Austin | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/13/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/20/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
#1 | Georgetown University PT | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/29/05 | Rec: 01/03/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/22/06 | Upd: 19 years |
Visitor Comments
way to double post! you're the best!
i figured i'd get comments from splitters. i guess i'm wrong. oh well. at least i'm the one going to heaven. ^_^
i'm a beer! sam adams winter lager. why do you hate so, benji?
wouldn't that be a huge waste of time? besides, i'd be MUCH happier if i had just gotten my ass out of bed when i was 18 and gone to class at UMass. then i'd not be wondering if i'm even going to get into a top 20 school and instead be making plans for HYS.
Hey good luck. I think most of the above posters are just jealous that a four hour test can make up for four years of having fun (you had fun at least, right? I did).
wow. everyone is a hater. i believe in second chances though. i hope your incredible LSAT score gets you into a good school. you know you messed up and you whipped out a killer LSAT. you deserve to go to a good law school.
Freakin' 179s always come with baggage. I have a 164+179. When the heck are they gonna get the multiple LSAT thing back up??
welcome to haterville. here is your complementary haterade. i hope i get into NYU or Chicago just to rub it in all the hater faces.
i need to learn how to not backclick after posting here...
I'm guessing that last poster meant "someone with less than a 3.0," but I prefer to read it as "someone with a heart."
What was your method of preparation? Anything specific?
Not sure how you're bringing the haters out of the woodwork, but good luck this cycle. That absurd LSAT is enough to make up for your GPA and then some.
all hate my stunning good looks and brilliant charm. ;)
to whoever posts the best flame.
maybe they are jealous because you are smarter than them? : ) best of luck
Yeah seriously. You are going to kick ass. I have the feeling the poster is the same person who went crazy trying to manipulate his GPA during undergrad and then got burned by the LSAT.
What are you waiting for? I think you have much better chances than you give yourself credit for, but if you've already taken the LSAT (and rocked it btw, very nice) then apply already! I wouldn't be suprised at all if schools looked beyond your GPA (with a proper addendum) are so going to clean house this cycle. X
i'm taking 11 classes this semester (33 credits) and have an internship for 6 more that ran from June to November (mayoral assistant and campaign staff). with those grades being mostly A's (fucking sociology professor who's impossible to get an A from, that'll be at best an A-, more likely a B+ or B) it'll significantly improve my LSDAS GPA. i don't want to apply until that happens, as my estimated 2.74 is currently around 2.3ish.
you are an inspiration to all sub 3.0ers. remember us all when you wind up at a top 10 school! oh and screw all these nay-sayers on your comments wall. you seem like a cool dude and neither a "beer nor queer" whatever that whole schpiel was about.
I'm in a similar situation, although my LSAT is not nearly as high. I was a jackass when I was younger, but also got myself straight and have kicked the requisite ass since resuming my undergrad. Although I am of the opposite persuasion (worked on Bush/Cheney 2000 and 2004, Forrester for Governor 2005), I still admire anyone who doesn't give up on their dreams. Its what makes this country great, that no matter how many times you fail, you can still acheive your dreams. Good Luck in the process and forget these dumbasses who try to drag you down. Their just bitter because you're probably gonna beat their asses into Harvard. Good Luck and God Bless!
now if y'all would just send me a fee waiver, i might just do it. (ps: i rocked the writing section too, but you don't get points for that)
umass amherst student here. congratulations on your LSAT score and your GPA of late. like others here, i think you have a good shot at the top schools and encourage you to aim high (if that's what you want). everything i've seen and heard about the admissions process suggests that in cases of a dramatic low grade/high grade split, admissions committees will take the high GPA with a good explanation (as long as the high GPA *follows* the low GPA, as in your case). patrick or reilly?
yeah, i'll have an addendum that points out the fact that i busted my ass once i grew up a little and learned how to work hard. hopefully they'll like my GPA trend. rhombot: not sure who i like more between the two. reilly's done some really good work as AG, has a ton of cash, and will curbstomp Romney. but he's also not as liberal on some important issues as i'd like. Patrick is pretty good on all of the issues, and i think he could beat Romney, but he doesn't have the track record of Reilly at getting shit done. he did a good job in the justice department, but i don't see his working for coke helping him. so i'm doing a wait and see before i decide who i'm going to support.
Good luck! You definitely have a good chance at the schools on your list. An amazing lsat like that should def. counteract gpa, esp. given that youtook time off and have had a near perfect gpa since.
anon: there's more than enough black marks on my record to already knock me out of contention for me to really concern myself with what i post on LSD. if they find my frank discussions about sex or calling someone a punkass, or verbal battles over some political issue, or take some joke seriously, then so be it. screed: i hope not, i had to sign a written waiver to be able to take that many credits!
fellow splitter
You should apply to Harvard, they will let you in.
they have enough supergenius's applying that they'd take one look at my 2.6 and then show it to everyone in the office, and have a hearty laugh. then they'd call me and say "hello, is this skaiserbrown? yes. this is toby stock. we're just calling to tell you that there is NO FREAKIN' WAY that you'd ever get in here. why'd you waste the money? you'll need it to survive after graduating from Cooley. HTH, kthxbai."
are you offering? and are you any good?
Hey super congrats on the LSAT, I believe you. However, it does hurt a little to think that a 5 hour test made up for the rest, while some of us busted our butts... but hey life aint fair and I know that and I hope this time around you appreciate the treasure being offered to you and don't blow it like you did in undergrad. Good luck (although with a 179 you probably don't need it, I guess) :)
1) it's nice to have some natural aptitude, but i'd give a lot of points off my LSAT to have a decent GPA, and to not have gone through the shitty life i had for a couple years because i failed out of school. i'd be much happier with a 169 and a 3.8 coming out of UMass than a 179 and a 2.6. but, i'll get into some place like cardozo at least, and then i think i'll do well there, since i actually turn in the papers i write these days. 2) i started studying in may, originally using a kaplan book, and then shifting to real LSATs after i decided the questions weren't close enough to my liking. I believe that my first LSAT's worth of questions was a 166, and on my first real LSAT i got a 171. i highly recommend the logic games bible, it helped me immensely on the games section. (well, that and the games are hella easier than they were back in the 1990's).
Chiashu (granted, not the most accurate tool) lists your odds of admission at Georgetown FT at over 80%. I think you are a little bit too down on your chances.
how bad my degree granting school was. only 4% of LSAT takers got above the 80th percentile, only 18% were over the 50th. a full 45% were between the 1st and 19th percentiles, with another 12% between the 20th and 24th percentile. all those pretty A's i got there to bring my GPA up to a 2.82 won't mean crap considering they're based against people who scored like that. besides, i'd rather be pessimistic and be pleasantly surprised than optimistic and crushed. rejections suck, yo.
My GPA definetly had an upward trend, I was on Deans List my last semester. Hopefully I'll pull something out
for the congrats on my nw acceptance...good luck on your cycle, especially now that you have your ugpa sorted out. if nothing else, i am proof that other factors are taken into consideration...
Good Luck and I don't think you should have a worry in the world. This cycle seems to be a little bit easier than some of the previous one's and many schools will be salivating for your LSAT score!!! ;0)
well, i'm thinking i have an ok shot at those 3, but i'm sure as hell not counting my chickens before they hatch. and tbh, i'd be perfectly happy at any one of my choices outside of suffolk- prestige would be nice but so would less debt.
F all the haters, man. They're just the ones who couldn't even score a 165 on their practice tests, so they deem any higher scores to be fakes. I guess they forgot that if you wanted to lie, you could lie about your GPA too. Anyway good luck, I applied late like you, hopefully we get in everywhere. And then actually get up and go to class once we're there...
To question the validity of a high LSAT based on low undergrad grades is preposterous. I'd rather hang out with this guy than a bunch of bitter grade obsessors. But then again, I am a filthy hippy. haha. But seriously, best of luck to you. With your life experience & work exp (& LSAT), you'll do alright.
it's not even that my grades were low (i had fewer than 10 non-A grades)- it's that mixed with all the A's early on were a ton of F's. my GPA says i'm a low B student- but i hardly got any B's.
Thanks for letting me know about Vermont. A family friend graduated from there and can't say enough good things about the school. It was my first choice (wanting an envi law program and all), but financially Vermont is daunting and taking out all that money is loans is a very scary though. Pace has a great location, game me $$, has housing, and a great EL program so after months of deliberating I made a tough choice. I don't think I'll regret it, but heaing rave reviews such as yours makes me second guess my decision for a split second. Anway! Good luck to you... it's a shame there are so many people on this board with nothing better to do then make fun of others...
with Tom Reilly? ??
i dunno wtf happened with them. i did have lots of traffic tickets and got my liscense suspended once. had an addendum about that. had a disciplinary addendum for an incident that was wiped off my record at UMass. (broke a glass wall) had an academic addendum for failing out twice. reilly is fine :) i like both him AND patrick. about vermont & pace: yes, definitely hard to turn down that much money.
back in the early 90's they dinged my aunt... who ended up at George Washington. weird.
To score a 179 is huge! regardless of what your GPA is. You're definitely no idiot... Goodluck!
got the email. thanks. i'd wondered how yield protection worked. makes sense now that i read it. the thing is, i'd have really considered american due to their int'l law program and location. and my GPA doesn't really make me a safe bet anywhere. i'm just more irked that i got bounced while people with lower GPAs and LSATs got in. and of course now i'm having the dreams of being a 23 year old in high school again... those are not fun.
pretending to me. i sent UVAGrad an email about his options and some suggestions and ideas on what course he could take, instead of just being a prick. next time you want to pretend to be someone, do a better job. kthxbai.
be more convincing if you were, y'know, logged in to the LSN account when you're saying i'm not the real skaiserbrown. or if you weren't a stupid douche. hth.
Too bad about American... but I"m sure you'll get in somewhere even better. :o)
i would too. so no, you may not.
you know i love you!
for the record, i hate whitey.
about Cornell & BC, Scotty. They're silly.
Hello rejected from American buddy. I don't have any TTTs to fall back on. God I hope I didn't screw the app process up as bad as I did my UGPA. Good luck and see you at GULC, god willing.
You are going to get into a great school with that LSAT...a T-14 or T-20 at worst. It might take a while for these adcomms to make sense of your app, but you will get to where you want to go.
They don't think your school is academically rigorous just because you can pull a 3.9 carrying over 70 units a year? There are online universities that will let you take as many as 75 units per year, and those schools are well respected. Yours has an actual campus! How dare they dismiss it!! Add to that your impressive WE of stuffing envelopes during campaigns, and I'm shocked that those TTTs can turn their backs on your LSAT score. This truly is an unfair process. Don't worry, though. I'm certain Columbia and GULC will see you for the bright, hard-working, highly-accomplished man that you are. They practically have to admit you!!
Check1: you might want to not refresh after posting flame. idiot. somehow despite being TTT i've learned that lesson. Jaclyn: no, was a family member. all my mail gets sent to my folks place, since i've been moving around a lot recently. i wish it was an adcom. i also wish i had transferred to a better school, but at least my TTT was free.
Take it easy, bud, I was just trying to figure out a way to get the special sig in and to do a funny flame better than "fag, liar, fag."
This is by far the best LSN account ever.... As a fellow failer outter, I sympathize..... and I'm quite scared that this many people with poles up their asses will be attending law school. Anyway good luck.
Your other law school applications are still pending; don't lose hope! Good luck with your legal career. Regardless of your educational background, you can still pull through if you prove yourself to be an excellent attorney through practice. Take care-
If that was a serious comment it may not be a bad could prolly do really well on the GMAT, I took it a little while back, and thought it was easier than the LSAT Also, sorry about NE :( I'm surprised you havn't gotten into more of these... :(
i'd get dinged at the good B schools too. and business would hurt like doing biglaw will hurt.
Plus most B-schools will want to see significant business experience. Actually, I think that for you the problem has been less your UG and more the fact that you have such a low GPA and you haven't had enough time for it to become less relevant - you haven't even graduated yet. I think that being out of college for 4 years helped me. All is not lost though - you haven't heard from everywhere, and it only takes one.
First, let me say I'm sorry your cycle is going so shitty. It just shouldn't me. One thing glares out to me though - you applied late in the cycle! Dude, when you are a borderline candidate (and because of your GPA, you are.. don't worry, I am too), you NEED to get those app's in early. I really, really think if you reapply next year, but reapply EARLY your cycle will go much much MUCH better. You still have hope though!
This is prett ymuch the most entertaining profile EVER! I love your responses to people. Atta boy! (I'd be off crying because I'm a baby like that. Oh well. I'm a girl, so I get away with it.)
but poor flame. coulda at least made it interesting.
That's what you get for badmouthing you're going to end up here. Bwahahahahahahahaha!
How did you find out about Northeastern? Did they notify you in any way? I called and they gave me an ambigious answer which I took to be a deferral. I think it's a good sign schools haven't given you a decision yet - at least you are still in the running. GOOD LUCK and congrats so far!
kruddler: def should not have mocked houston. moocow: sent an email asking if my file was complete, was told i'm on hold. guessing it must be because of my addendums. if i reapply i won't have to send any disciplinary addendums, so huzzah.
Yeah! Yeaaaaah. Why are people so mean to you? 'Cause they jealous, dat's why. I think schools are sucky if they are punishing you for being someone you haven't been in years. Booooooo.. :) If they let you put you LSAT on transfer apps, maybe you can kick ass at a T2 and then transfer up. I actually know someone that transferred to Harvard from a top of the 2nd tier school. Just a thought.
that's what i'm hoping to do. work really hard and then transfer up. i won't get harvard, but i'll get something good.
Vicious cycle for some of us splitters. How are you dealing with the slew of rejections you've received?
yeah, we took the bitter end of the stick this time around. i was pretty damned upset last week when most of the rejections came in. mostly better this week, because i've yet to be dinged from anywhere new but Chicago (and i knew that was coming)- and because if worst comes to worst i go to houston and am near my beautiful girlfriend :)
Hey scott, I was thinking about this earlier, and you and I are so much alike academically, its almost scary. Only difference is I did in HS what you did in college, so maybe you'll do in LS what I did in college? ;) Anyways, sorry about the rejections! :(
Sup Scott? Just checking in with the only LSD regular who seems to know what I'm going through. I hear Denver has no deadline, so I'm trying my luck there. Lots of smiles for you. -Britt
it really depends where my girlfriend ends up. she goes to UT or Colorado or Vermont, i'll probably take the year off and reapply. maybe even take the LSAT again in june. i have enough things i'd like to do, certainly, and i couldn't do worse by applying early and not having to include a disciplinary addendum. if i go to a tier 2 school, i'll just bust my ass off to transfer. minnesota and fordham and wustl are all valid targets still, people with LSAT's 10 below mine and my GPA have ok shots of getting in. if i get one of those, i'll probably go and just work really hard to try and transfer to someplace that has great clerkship placement rates.
Hey your LSAT is killer!! You will get into a good school from those alone. Did you write an addendum explaining your low GPA situation?? I think you will be fine. You already got into some decent schools. Good luck on the rest!
i'm considering it because A) i teach the LSAT and it'd be a breeze. and B) it'd prove that my score wasn't a fluke, and maybe give more weight to it. as is, getting waitlisted at cardozo is pretty much proof that i went complete way too late.
UMass wiped my record totally clean of any disciplinary actions taken against me. thus, i reported a disciplinary action that they stated never happened on my deans certifications. having to check one less box in the fitness area might help a little.
I know you're frustrated and you want to do SOMETHING, but retaking the LSAT won't help, could hurt, and no matter what makes you look like a tool. You know that you're smart enough to do well at a great law school, but they need to see some evidence that you are willing to work. How can you make them realize that? WE? Doing well at a different law school and tranferring? Doing well on the LSAT - again - does nothing to address the concerns that I imagine schools have about you. It's like Vince Young offering to run another 40 to allay fears about his Wonderlic score.
Are you taking the summer start? Sorry about NYU :(
it's not bad, you get a ton of material and study aides, and if you take full advantage of all the peripherals it might even come close to being worth the rather pricey cost. if you're excellent at self motivated study and start off basically knowing what you're doing, and understand the answers you get wrong, it probably won't be super helpful, but then, you're going to be scoring a 170+ in that case anyhow. if you need someone to give you a structured program or aren't as quick to pick up the logic, i think it can be very handy. like most things, it's what you put into it, some students will slack off and waste their money, others will work really hard and see score increases of 15-20 points.
I don't know - GW let in 0/6 applicants with sub 3.0, 175+, and "only" 10/16 with 3.0-3.25, 175+. Granted they are top 20. As I said above, I think the biggest problem is coming straight out of undergrad. The fuckups are too recent. In a couple of years, I think he'd get in at tons of the same places.
so you're the one who posted about sucking my wang? cute. i accept.
Congrats on Minnesota!
Glad to finally see a school with some sense.
Good to know some law schools have sense.
Congrats on MN.
it's not bad. decent pay, decent hours, doesn't stress me that much. generally not a bad job for a short term thing.
Hey! Can't tell by your profile who you were, but I was another one interning for Bob. All the way up through the pre-primary all-nighter. Good times. Just thought I'd say hello.
Sorry to hear. And with that LSAT! wtf?!?!?! How'd they let you know?
1) Missy: $17/hr 2) Starlacarla: Letter. it doesn't bother me, i'd go to MN over Fordham. 3) Dunson: go to MN. WUSTL is peaking this year, i think, and i like MN's emphasis on clerkships.
1) i'm not sure i'm eligible and 2) i sure as heck don't deserve it.
i did consider going to Brooklyn. there were two things that made me really wary, though. if i do well at Minnesota and don't really love the place, i'll probably try to transfer up and out. an idle fantasy is to be able to transfer to some school in the t6. i hear columbia likes transfers.
search xoxo for "brooklyn dean" that and needing to stay top 1/3rd of my class. they kinda combine.
zoomass, baby! 9th best party school in the nation. also, overall most violent school. so whoever we can't out-party, we can stab.
Last I checked, it was Houston or bust. Glad to hear things turned up for you.
do you even know what OCD is? 'cause it sure doesn't seem like it. also- Cheney failed out of college. so i have good company ^_^