FTS (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
University of Michigan Ann Arbor F | Accepted A | Type: RA | $140,000 | Sent: 09/29/06 | Rec: 10/05/06 | Comp: 10/17/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/16/06 | Upd: 17 years | ||
Harvard University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/29/06 | Rec: 10/06/06 | Comp: 10/26/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/28/07 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Yale University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/19/06 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/25/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/02/07 | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of Virginia | Accepted | Type: RA | $60,000 | Sent: 10/08/06 | Rec: 10/12/06 | Comp: 10/18/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/09/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
Northwestern University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $120,000 | Sent: 09/30/06 | Rec: 10/02/06 | Comp: 11/02/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/23/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
Loyola University New Orleans | Accepted W | Type: RA | $93,000 | Sent: 10/07/06 | Rec: 10/12/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/26/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
Duke University F | Accepted W | Type: SP | Sent: 10/07/06 | Rec: 10/11/06 | Comp: 10/20/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/01/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Cornell University | Accepted W | Type: | Sent: 10/08/06 | Rec: 10/12/06 | Comp: 11/21/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/18/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of Pennsylvania F | Waitlisted W | Type: | Sent: 09/30/06 | Rec: 10/06/06 | Comp: 10/31/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/12/07 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Washington University in St Louis F | Pending W | Type: | Sent: 10/07/06 | Rec: 10/10/06 | Comp: 10/16/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years | |||
Vanderbilt University F | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/06/06 | Rec: 10/08/06 | Comp: 10/18/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 18 years |
Visitor Comments
A friend of mine would like me to apply there, so I have tenatively marked it down as a possibility. I see that you've been accepted there...any thoughts or opinions you might be willing to share?
You're welcome for sure and I'm glad I could help! If you're who I think you are, then I owe you a "thank you" too. I did have my schools up before, but they all disappeared when I switched to the new cycle. I thought perhaps deleting them and then redoing them might cause them to show back up again, but once they were gone I couldn't put them back. Oh well, when LSN fixes the kinks I'll get them back up.
I don't know about your GPA obviously, but your writing skills are impeccable and you're certainly smart enough to rock the LSAT. Thanks for your help and good luck on September 30.
My writing skills are far from impeccable, but thanks :) I appreciate the well-wishes for LSAT day, too. I need all the help I can get!
I know LSDers are going to dominate this cycle! Good luck on the Sept LSAT.
You may want to investigate Michigan's tuition cost for Native Americans. I believe there is a serious discount, but I'm unfamiliar with the specifics.
I'm in a similar situation and, overall, I'd have to say it was worthwhile. Who knows, maybe it will make you look better to have performed so well in a national level exam when your peers usually do so poorly.
Was wondering what Loyola was doing up on your list? With your numbers you are a lock for T20 if not T14. Best of luck this cycle, the acceptances will be rolling in for you.
What qualifies someone for fee waivers on applications? I know this is probably something I should/could look up, but figured I would ask Mr. 171 =)
On the early applications. You already have great numbers, this should make for some auto-admits! I hear that Northwestern grants interviews. Let me know if you go to the interview.
You beat me to it! Damn you Mr. 171, damn you! OK, sorry, had to get that out of my system. I should have my app off by this weekend. I am hoping to go down to N.O. for a visit sometime this spring, before the summer and all the heat/humidity.
That would definitely be an awesome time to visit, although I am not sure I would make it to campus...
Good to see a fellow American Indian applying. What tribe are you from?
from Loyola yet? I am suprised you haven't already received an acceptance and full ride.
At least if last cycle is anything to judge by. It looks like early January is about when they start handing out their decisions. I guess we've both got a bit of a wait for them, don't we?
Looks like Duke didn't waste any time offering you a seat. Congratulations on the acceptance! Definitely a nice boost of confidence. Wonder if they are going to offer you some $$ as well. Loyola. Yes, time for the waiting game. I just hope I get in somewhere. My resume came out great, and I was very happy with my PS. Guess I will just have to wait and see what the admissions offices think about it. You mentioned that you have a lot of school work this weekend. Are you in grad or undergrad? One more question, and I apologize for the rambling post; are you interested in studying tribal law? I have researched some very interesting law schools that teach tribal law. If you are interested I would be happy to discuss this with you. Good luck and congratulations!
I will be logging off my user name to leave you a nasty message.
That hater, who could he be? Wait, how did I know it was a he...
on your lsat score and Duke acceptance! I know its the first of many. Haven't seen you around lsd much lately. I was in Nashvegas a few weeks ago and had a great time. Thanks for the suggestions.
Nice one "U Suck!" If I ever figure out who you are there'll be hell to pay :P Hi Moni and thanks for the kind words. I'm expecting to see a huge amount of success for you this cycle. I've been really busy with school -- undergrad for those wondering -- and everything is basically piling up right now. Once I'm done with this last hurdle, however, I should have smooth sailing and obsessive posting on LSD.
on your Duke acceptance!! I'm sure that's the first of many to come for you :)
like U Suck definitely have issues (not to mention just flat out being wrong). Just wanted to say congrats, Duke is definitely the first of many acceptances for you! :)
The kind words are appreciated and I'm looking forward to following the cycles of other LSD members among a few others.
I just sent em in and applied for regular decision. I am chomping at the bit to hear some news. I am going to start calling the admissions offices if I don't hear anything soon. I can't stand the waiting game.
Thanks for the kind comments. I'm definitely going to be going to the Michigan Admitted Students weekend. How about you? And congrats on your two acceptances-you're totally going to sweep this cycle. MARK MY WORDS.
I've been out of town for a while and now I come back and people are already being accepted all over the place. Crazy. :) Congratulations and thanks for the comment.. The score was good enough for some random waivers I probably won't use (Cornell, William and Mary, etc.) but I can do better. We shall see... Can't wait to see how the rest of your cycle goes. I know you'll continue to kick ass.
Also noticed you were in the top 10 for LSN! (bet that feels even better than a 170+ LSAT) =)
I am looking forward to going and visiting. Their Immigration Law clinic is something I am excited about.
Wonder why they haven't offered you a full ride yet? Congratulations on Cornell too.
On the Darrow! That's an amazing accomplishment. Do you think it will sway you to Michigan?
And many congratulations on your Darrow! I'd have picked you. :)
I'm extremely surprised and quite happy about everything. Michigan looks very, very, very good right now and it's hard for me to imagine anything aside from absolute disaster swaying me. Britomart...I did too but I never would have guessed anyone else would. How NICE it is to be wrong. Thanks and I know good things are headed your way too. I don't even need to keep my fingers crossed to make it a reality.
I appreciate the kind thoughts, Mantis, and I hope you're right. Penn was my undisputed #1 coming into the cycle and still remain tied for that position with two others. I'd love to get in and tour their campus/meet with their professors and students before I commit anywhere, but it might not be in the cards. But again, color me extremely impressed and very pleased by your recent LSAT success. I know it was about what you were looking for, and you put in the effort to get it. That drive certainly bodes well for your legal endeavors and your future.
On your acceptances. I just went to Philadelphia today for a visit to the local area law schools. I had a discussion with the admissions director and dean and they both remembered my personal statement and application. It was an awesome feeling knowing that all those drafts and rewrites actually meant something! Today was a really great day. It is always a nice confidence booster to hear kind feedback. What did Penn say exactly? Also, I spoke with some of my buddies who went to UMich. They all said it was awesome and that the career opportunities are second to none. Thanks again for your positive reinforcement. It keeps me grounded and reminds me that good things will happen if I keep pushing.
Not that there was any doubt. =) So is Michigan one of your top choices? Good luck on the rest of your apps!
Thank you for the congratulations, and I wish you the best of luck on your remaining applications. I have a close friend who self-identifies as Native and was put on "preferred hold" by UPenn. Did you receive a similar classification? It will be hard to say no to UM, that is, of course, unless New Haven comes knocking.
is from a Dane Cook joke. I made it when I was at work and really bored one day this summer, didn't put alot of thought into it. I found out that it had something to do with with nightcrawler the other day and thought it was very funny.
I'll definitely be peeking in on your responses since our numbers are so similar and you got your apps in earlier than me...too bad you didn't apply to NYU (my #1 choice)...love to see your results from them!
Thanks for the kind words! I am still undecided at this point, but it looks like my decision will be based primarily on location and job prospects for my SO. We are looking to stay in the Bay Area or, alternately, head out to the East Coast if he can find a good job out there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. =) I hope the rest of your cycle goes well! Sorry to hear about your Penn deferral-- I suspect it might be yield protection. A URM with your amazing stats/backstory seems like a total auto-admit. Did you write a Why Penn essay? Anyway, good luck, and I hope to see you at the UMich admit weekend!
Thanks Reach, you're a sweetheart. I think you are a wise one indeedl, and I especially admire your zen approach to this whole process. I have no doubt that you will continue to clean up.
You are such a sweetheart. Look at you and all your awesome schools. Congrats on UVA, that's fantastic!
Congratulations on UVA. You should really be proud of yourself. Your cycle was beyond successful. You should really feel great about how well you have done. Not only are you being offered acceptances to T14 schools, but you are being offered awesome scholarships, as well. Re Penn - Why do you say it is basically a rejection? Is Penn's waitlist impossible to get accepted off of? Explain to me pls.
Thanks for your congratulations. You seem to be doing very well for yourself, as I expected. Good luck wherever you end up next year. You have so many great decisions.
My bad brunhilda...I had intended to change the Michigan amount to 130 (given the new tuition costs and everything), but I changed NU instead. It should have been 120k and not 130.
:) I just got my financial aid from UVA and they tossed me some cash. Given my GPA I'm honestly THRILLED to have the options I do. Anyway, I also wish I had applied earlier, just to see what had happened... but I'm excited to be able to begin in the fall, so c'est la vie. Keep that LSN updated! Maybe we'll both be at UVA!
Finally accepted my @ss. Too bad it wasn't a month and a half ago. Oh well. =) So it's definitely UofM? Congratulations. Graduating with little/no debt is going to make your life a whole lot better.
I'm really interested in attending Northwestern (Fall '08)... did you do anything special in the application process with them, did they offer you a scholarship immediately, etc, etc? Were there any strings attached to the money? (Right now I'm testing between 171 - 176 on practice tests) Thanks for the help and congrats!
why loyola new orleans??