gkentch (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Stanford University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 10/26/06 | Rec: 10/30/06 | Comp: 11/16/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/30/07 | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of Michigan Ann Arbor | Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 10/26/06 | Rec: 11/03/06 | Comp: 11/14/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/20/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Yale University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/09/06 | Rec: 11/15/06 | Comp: 11/22/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/25/07 | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of California Berkeley | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/09/06 | Rec: 11/14/06 | Comp: 12/05/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/07/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Cornell University | Accepted W | Type: | Sent: 10/23/06 | Rec: 10/24/06 | Comp: 11/01/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/08/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Lewis and Clark College F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $89,000 | Sent: 11/03/06 | Rec: 11/06/06 | Comp: 11/13/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/17/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
University of Pennsylvania | Accepted W | Type: | Sent: 10/23/06 | Rec: 10/25/06 | Comp: 11/08/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/22/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Harvard University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 10/23/06 | Rec: 10/25/06 | Comp: 11/09/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/22/07 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Northeastern University F | Accepted W | Type: | $25,500 | Sent: 10/27/06 | Rec: 11/08/06 | Comp: 01/03/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/11/07 | Upd: 18 years | ||
University of Washington | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/03/06 | Rec: 11/20/06 | Comp: 11/29/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/19/07 | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of Chicago | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/23/06 | Rec: 10/24/06 | Comp: 11/03/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/08/07 | Upd: 18 years |
Visitor Comments
I think the only thing that separates us is your volunteer work and 1 point on the LSAT. Here's to hoping we both get into our schools!
You sound like the diverse kind of candidate law schools love. Kudos for aiming high - and all those fee waivers! Wow. I got (let's count em) 5 sent to me through email. Five! I was going to go Classics as well... but the dept at my university wasn't good enough to entice me into it. You have my respect and admiration, though.
...that 'aiming high' means you are in any way unqualified for these schools or should expect rejection. Just that, well, pretty much for any applicant (unless a Nobel Prize winner or a US president's offpsring), these schools (especially the top three) ARE aiming high, no matter your stats. I mean your application could be perfect and they still wouldn't be sure to accept you. Anyway, I do think you will do great and look forward to seeing how things go!
looks like we're numbers twins. good luck this cycle! i hope we both get in where we want to!
Good job on completing all your apps. Now don't panic if you don't hear from all of your schools next month. I just believe you will receive good news from a number of schools whether in November, December, or January. I'll keep checking on you. Stay positive!
Great News! Michigan is an outstanding law school for an outstanding law school prospect like yourself. So congrats for this and more good news to come!
Hey, Thanks for your help! Actually, my GPA stayed the SAME. boo~ Congrats on UMich. Wow, it seems like you are well on your way. 1 down, 11 to go! I am actually attending UW right now and the law school is fabulous! Plus you'll get used to rain. :)
Well... I agree that choosing just where in the world to go is difficult. I am definitely not sure whether I want to live in Seattle for good. I feel like with UW, there isn't much opportunity to move out to east. *sigh* I wish it would all end very soon!
Not only can gkentch read, he can also write. So he just may receive that acceptance letter from Yale. However, a stoic reaction to a Yale letter of acceptance is most unlikely, since gkentch is very capable of jumping and yelling! Good vibes my friend.
I can only imangine how much it would HELP you for an adcom to see your profile (on top of great numbers!)... you have a great personality and sense of humor, and it shows even in this bland format,
So if Cornell's 25th percentile is 165, what does that means for us? Hmmm.
I was just about to comment on YOUR comment regarding our chances on Cornell. And speak of the devil, you've been accepted. That's awesome dude. It's definitely among my top 3 choices.
I was just about to comment on YOUR comment regarding our chances on Cornell. And speak of the devil, you've been accepted. That's awesome dude. It's definitely among my top 3 choices.
Hey, I saw that you got into Cornell, along with a lot of other wonderful schools, like Penn, which I would love to get into. I've also gotten into Cornell and my numbers are very much like yours. How do you think you got into Penn? I really hope I have some chance at Penn given that Cornell accepted me. Good luck to you, you're already doing so well!
Meant to be logged in there...
How did you get into Penn? I would love to go there. My numbers are close to yours, but I feel like I will never get into Penn. I am so glad to see someone with numbers like mine get in, it gives me hope. Any advice? I didn't not apply EA, so I do not know when I will hear back. Congratulations!
thank you for your reply! it's nice to know you didn't do anything too out of the ordinary with your applications. i was also very careful to proofread my applications and PS many times over. i have the disadvantage of still being an undergrad, which i fear makes me less diverse and experienced. i can't believe you've gotten into so many good schools, you must be so proud of yourself. any idea where you might want to go?
I ought to spend more time checking up on my online friends and less time.. well, less time spent in the land of no internet. Huge congratulations on all your kick ass acceptances! I know you'd do awesome. Just waiting on Yale now eh? :P
1 point in overtime. ONE point!!!! Arrghhhhhh. I hate Idaho... >:-(
haha no problem, i deleted both of your comments just like you asked. i thought that i would find out where i wanted to attend just by visiting but i don't know how much that has helped so far. it seems that every school tells you that they are different and the students there are kind to one another.
Yes, I hate Boise State. screw em all - quarterbacks, cheerleaders, people who beat OU - screw em all!!! we don't need em. haha. so, football aside... we have some co-acceptances already :) which of your schools are you leaning towards?
Congrats, you're the first person I know of that got word from L&C. How'd they notify you of the details?
Your profile is very funny!
How do you get your GPA that high? ..Special classes? Honors?
Great numbers. How long did you study for the LSAT and how? Any personal advice? Thanks.
Thanks for the note, G. In my LSN lurking, I've seen evidence of your 'great voice' and 'keen intellect'...Good luck on HYS! Lysander of Athens, the one who loved Hermia (not Lysander of Sparta, the one who loved tyrants)
I was considering sending Penn some additional material. Did you send anything extra other than the required materials? I feel as though I need to in order to make up for my LSAT score, which is the same as yours. You've applied to all of your school's as "white," right? If you have no diversity (in terms of race), that gives me a lot of hope. I wish I was as awesome of a candidate as you.
You didn't come off too patronizing. Not in the slightest, actually. I understand where you're coming from, so now when I'm doing some of the compulsive law-school prep things like this, I think twice. (If that makes any sense.) I'm pretty enthusiastic about the whole law school/career schpiel, and I'm definitely not jumping into anything blindly. That's why I'm on LSN. It helps me avoid anxiety attacks brought on by fear of not getting into law school. Ridiculous, I know. Thanks for the advice, though. =)
You have some incredible choices man. I'm really in awe and just want to congratulate you. I guess it all boils down to which coast you want to be on. Berkeley, Cornell and umich are in completely different markets. But you got the cream of the crop in each one so NIIICe!
Congrats on U of Chicago!
not to discount your stats, but you are definitely beneath the low end for a lot of these schools when it comes to LSATs. Do you have any particular soft factors that you think put you over the top?
your chicago fiasco cracks me up. are you going to re-withdraw from them?
obviously chicago just really wants you, like that persistent person you keep trying to reject... your story is hilarious.
I just wanted to say that i think you are fabulous for withdrawing your app at NU (and chicago I suppose, for what it's worth haa). I would love to go to Northwestern, but my LSAT is lower than they like. Anyway, it is people like you-who know they aren't gonna go to school and thus, withdraw their app- that make me happy! Are you decided yet on where you are gonna go? You have so many great choices!
thanks for the thoughtful response about soft factors. I hope that you're right, as I find myself in a similar situation as you.
you make me so happy because our numbers are very similar and you got in to so many schools that i'd like to get in to. it makes me feel so much better that people are getting in without 170+ LSATs. and about the harvard thing...i think it's a good idea. let's both do it and see if they come crawling to us.
you make me so happy because our numbers are very similar and you got in to so many schools that i'd like to get in to. it makes me feel so much better that people are getting in without 170+ LSATs. and about the harvard thing...i think it's a good idea. let's both do it and see if they come crawling to us.
you make me so happy because our numbers are very similar and you got in to so many schools that i'd like to get in to. it makes me feel so much better that people are getting in without 170+ LSATs. and about the harvard thing...i think it's a good idea. let's both do it and see if they come crawling to us.
on behalf of myself and all other chicago applicants, we thank you for withdrawing. if i somehow manage to get in, you have my thanks :) this cycle is not going too well for me so far..
AWESOME job so far!!!! i'll give you my right kidney for penn!!!!! juust kidding. sorta. ;)
I always had this idea that, if I got the Yale call, I would cool and sophisticated and say, "What a pleasant surprise!" Thought you might be interested in knowing that did not happen. When the guy told me he was calling from Yale to congratulate me, I replied, "seriously?!" and sounded like a total idiot. Luckily I don't think they revoke admissions offers for being incoherent on the phone. ;) Congratulations (?) on Chicago to you. Looks like you're having one nice cycle yourself.
I'm really pleased to see you have so many acceptances. Your profile confirms my sense that a rigorous undergraduate program, strong recommendations, and interesting work experience go a long way. Soft factors beyond URM-status really can tip the balance in the case of a borderline LSAT. Well done!
I'm really pleased to see you have so many acceptances. Your profile confirms my sense that a rigorous undergraduate program, strong recommendations, and interesting work experience go a long way. Soft factors beyond URM-status really can tip the balance in the case of a borderline LSAT. Well done!
I think the power of a well-written, well-conceived personal statement also should not be underestimated. There is so much bad writing out there, even among people with high numbers.
= Harvard/Yale/Princeton. It's a sort of annoying and pretentious acronym, but it's used a lot on this site, and I think it is a slightly more helpful generic designation than "Ivy." That is, I think for admissions purposes, it does make a difference if the B.A. is from Harvard vs. UPenn, for instance. That said, there are obviously schools that will be equivalent to HYP for many admissions offices -- Stanford (you'll see Stanford students indicate "HYPS" as school type), Swarthmore and a few other liberal arts colleges, etc. Maybe I should just have listed my specific school, which, for the record, was Yale.
...is always welcome. Especially today, when I seem to have offended half of the posters on LSD with an inadvertantly insensitive question. Yeah. As far as mature perspectives go, all I can say is that it's probably not a coincidence that I am more than a couple years older than the typical law school applicant. I'd like to think that with age comes maturity and wisdom. Really, though, I'm just trying to reassure myself that there will be good things about still being in school at age thirty. (I'm not thirty yet, but I will be before I finish my J.D.)
for all of your thoughts. what you sent me is more than impressive, and don't worry about my sharing it. I'm too grateful for any of that nonsense. Anyway, GL on Northwestern. I'm assuming you applied EA because it's one of your top choices? =)
hello friend, just wanted to say hi and congratulate you once again on your acceptances! any idea on where you'll be heading this fall?
on all of your latest acceptances! =)
hope the visits went well. any idea where you're heading next year?
While you wait for Y and S, you do right by sealing the deal with Michigan. You've said all along that you wouldn't mind going there. Of course, I still hope that one or both of the other two come through for you. If they are smart, they will send you an acceptance letter pronto! In the meantime, stay the cool guy you are.
Hi, just wondering what Liberal Arts School you went to? I am considering going to the #6 LAC or the #2 or 3 public University. Would you have any advise for my predicament in light of the fact that I hope to go to Yale Law School
yeah, I was pretty relieved to get the e-mail as well. it came just in time for bed.
You've finally reached an ultimate resolve. I'm so happy for you! =)
You will do better than you expect. So stay positive and show the schools what you are made of. I will be rooting for you.