OperaSoprano (2022-2023)
Application Information

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I took time off and also have a GPA disparity as a result. Best of luck this cycle!
I'm still rooting for you! With those numbers you should be a lock.
I'm still rooting for you! With those numbers you should be a lock.
So nice I said it twice!
I've seen your posts over on TLS - specifically on AS. I like the way you write and I wish you the best of luck this cycle!
Don't let my paranoia inform what you do - I highly doubt adcomms, after reading your app, will try to find you on a forum. I imagine they have enough to do. Even if every adcomm at every school at which you applied knows exactly who you are and reads every one of your posts, you represent yourself (seemingly) honestly and quite well. Cheers!
I did not apply for LEOP....
Thanks. No, I didn't do LEOP. I am a CA resident though, which probably helped since it's a public school.
Hey good luck to you too, how has your cycle been going? I applied pretty late due to waiting for letters of rec and last semester's transcripts to process.
Good Luck! We got kind of similar numbers and applied to similar schools! Make sure to send that LOCI asap.
Don't be, I received it cause I got a LSAC fee waiver so automatically does not charge me the app fee at checkout. It just means that I am poor not that Columbia has any interest in me.. lol keep me posted of any decisions...
Thanks! It is def great getting that first acceptance. Not so much because you know that you will be going to "a" LS in the fall but because it reassures you that there is nothing terrible wrong with my application, lol. Sorry you got bad news from Gtown but I know you'll be getting some good ones from Santa Clara soon.
hopefully youll hear some good news from hastings soon and we can be classmates in the fall! but youve applied to such a nice spread of schools you really can go wrong. best of luck and take care!
I'm really not counting on anything this cycle. Note: LSAT score. Oh, well. Things always fall into place. Whatever happens, I'm blessed. ;D Your numbers are promising. You've chosen some great schools. Congrats on Temple. That's amazing. Don't give up on Fordham. I'm curious to see what happens with the other ones. Good luck!
Congratulations on Santa Clara!
on Santa Clara with $$! Now you get to make a choice! I'm a little jealous! lol So is SC ur #1 now?
I'm guessing I should get the letter by tom. I'm scared as hell... What's up with Dozo? They r being very picky this cycle!
Lol I would def have to consider them. $$$ is always good, especially when you already have some debt. I'm getting kind of worried about Fordham, absolutely nada from them either...
Thanks for the congratulation! Your numbers look fantastic for Hastings as an LEOP applicant, and your opera background is quite a unique soft factor. Hastings is going to love you. :) What are your top 3 choices? Also, any preference for location? If California is a strong consideration, definitely throw an application to UC Davis. It's a strong program and has great job prospects similar to Hastings in the Northern California area.
I'm still recovering from the GULC WL. I'm gonna start writing that LOCI and cross my fingers. I saw you are gonna start studying for the LSAT again, GL with that! If I see another LR section I might puke, lol
I heard there is a 50-50 shot of getting out of the P-WL for the FT program. I don't know how easy is for PTers given the fact that if you want PT, GULC is the Yale of PT programs. I saw on TLS a bunch of people got in at Fordham today (but not me) so lets hope they keep it rolling cause they hadn't admitted anybody for a while.
Congrats to you also on the awesome Temple scholarship! There's nothing that brings a bigger smile to one's face than getting money from a school! :D And yes, let's definitely hope that we'll get into hastings! Did you apply LEOP? And also, if u don't mind me asking, how many days or weeks after your acceptance from temple did u receive ur scholarship package? And lastly, i'm jus curious but watz ur number one choice?
I'm sorta expecting WL @ Fordham, but I'm also confused why it's taking them so lng to get back to me about it. Also, congrats on the Temple scholly. I think it's sorta ridiculous that they won't give me anything. It's making me not wanna go there just on general principle. Good luck with the rest of your apps!
Hey, i jus got into Hastings today! WOOT. I applied LEOP also. Thank goodness! I really hope u will get in also! With ur high lsat score, i'm sure there's a very very good chance! As for the scholarship info from temple, i've still yet to receive it. :( But it's all good. And as for ur first choice, i'll definitely ask u after ur acceptance (i'm sure) from hastings :D
another brutal cycle :/
I just got waitlisted at GWU. I don't know what to expect anymore from schools. It's such a rollercoaster ride... PS, I have given up on checking the Fordham status checker.
Thanks for the congrats! Though I got into hastings, imma still hold out for UCLA (but i doubt i'll get in). I was actually hoping that i would've gotten some money from loyola cuz that was and still is my #1 choice. I'm so sad... argh.
wow, i can't believe u got dinged at loyola! i think they thought u were too good for them and that u'd accept better offers. stay hopeful! on top of ur great scholarships from temple and scu, u still got hastings, cardozo, and maybe even fordham! :D
Thanks! I always liked BC and will probably go visit before making a final decision. What's up with Loyola? They are crazy! Don't worry I'm sure you'll get good news from the other schools you got left. PS, Fordham has completely pissed me off. They have finally started making decision and it seems like a WL slaghterhouse and they are still only reviewing mostly from early december complete dates...
Congrats on the new job!!! I'm still looking but losing hope by the minute. I got even more worried the other day when I read that overall, recent grads are the ones in the worst situation currently in the job market.... :s
UCI's definitely tempted me, although I haven't made any decisions yet. Hopefully Fordham will let me in eventually, even if I don't end up there. It's still nice to get in. I asked Temple for reconsideration on the $ issue but they wrote back that I wasn't gonna get anything, which is pretty lame. Apparently the difference between a 3.1 and a 3.4 is $36,000. Oh well.
already retested, same score it's up the fate/the adcomms now
hi there.. are you going to the ASD this weekend for SCU?
i actually don't mind the conservative nature of pepperdine cuz i'm a christian :D But i'd still much rather go to loyola cuz itz soo close to where i live. i'm jus hoping for mo' money! and i also wish u the best of luck with dozo (haha, i like that abbreviation) especially since u're from ny! i really hope u get in! would that be ur top choice if u got in?
hey... yeah i'm here already staying at a hotel down the street from the university. maybe i'll see you tomorrow. ;)
I withdrew today (it was hard, but I was thinking of you). Hopefully you get the seat.
I just want you to get into Hastings already. Oh and I have a good feeling about Fordham PT, just be persistent!
It's GWU and the margin seems to grow daily, unless I'm overwhelmed by UGA, which I think is a real possibility from what I hear. Cost difference of GWU over UGA would be $100k, which is a lot to a middle class kid from the Jersey shore. I can't see any way I get into UT even with sister doing so well off the waitlist (she was 167/3.3 but split GPA pre/post pre-Med classes at NYU). I don't like to tell her but she masy be exceptional; I'm not :) All the best.
good luck to you too! we can be number twins any day!!
the money is definitely sweet! :D But i hope i can get the same from loyola cuz that's actually where i really want to go. :( But man, even though i know i'm not gonna get into ucla or usc, the waiting is killing me! hope is tortuous at times... I hope u'll be hearing some good news soon!
heyyyyyy thanks! duke asd was pretty cool! so it looks like youre pretty into the bay area schools eh? =)
on Northeastern!! so are you still studying for the LSAT? I don't know how to feel about CLS. I should be happy because I was expecting an outright rejection but I don't how likely it is going to be for a low numbers URM to get in out of the reserve pool. I'm gonna try though and see what happens. I want to stay in NYC so bad...
Thanks, best of luck to you too! I've got tough decisions to make in the next few weeks, but maybe we'll both be there =)
on USF! Now it seems decisions are finally starting to come in a rush, right? lol I heard from Dozo today. In with some $$. I want to see what are their renewal req before getting to excited. Good luck with the LSAT and the Fordham WL. I'm feeling they are probably going to wl me too. It's been so long already...
well you arent the only one that got wled at fordham, just joined the club
Thanks OP, hopefully we will both get some good news! I'm leaning towards staying in my geographic region, but who knows, maybe I will have second thoughts and consider NYC. tty soon!
and congrats on your acceptances as well! esp. fordham! kinda wish i applied PT, oh well. yeah and i have no idea what is up w/ cardozo :P
Yeah I am going to ride out all my waitlists, I guess there is no point in not doing it but I'm not going to let it hold up my plans. Ive already sent LOCIs into ND and Emory and will be writing my WandM one tomorrow, and will send in my 2nd semester grades as well when I get them. How was Fordham by the way? Our numbers put is in the most frustrating spot because so many of the 30-50 schools arent very appealing...
geez where are my reading skills? good luck getting off the waitlist at fordham and thanks for the info on cardozo! btw i am j.hodgman on TLS, though i am more of a lurker :P
I saw your thread on TLS. We've got to hold on for Fordham. I mean, anywhere else we go we're just going to wish we were there. I've been praying to every god I know. I even sacrificed a goat.
hey there, i saw your thread on TLS and thought A'nold gave some pretty solid advice. i hadn't even considered taking June LSAT and even just thinking about it makes me sweat! for now i'm sending in a deposit to one of my acceptances and will ride out the reserve at columbia. anyway i'm sure you'll end up at a great place whatever you decide :)
I am waiting on Hastings LEOP too. Is hastings your first choice? The waiting is killing me.
CONGRATS on USF and NORTHEASTERN. That's fantastic. How are you feeling about your current selection. Are you leaning anywhere.
Getting off that WL would be sweet, would you go to Fordham for sure if you got off it? How is the area around there as well?
I am on TLS on the same name but I am not too active..
Hey, Opera! I am pretty much the Queen of waitlists this cycle haha :| I've sent in a deposit to Osgoode, where I'm 90% sure I'll be going, but I think I may stay on a few WLs for at least a little while and see how things play out. Good luck to you too!
Sorry to hear about your WL at Hastings. However, I honestly think you should remain positive. Nearly everyone I talked to at Hastings' ASD mentioned either being on a few WL's or still awaiting responses from higher ranked schools. Given the fact that so many people are submitting so many more applications than in previous years, despite a lower pool of applicants this year, it's not hard to conclude that there will be A LOT of WL movement.
Well, last nite you became a rock star! It was great thank you!! I know I should have asked you if you had a BB pin so I could have gotten some real time updates as well... hahahaha
Props on getting the rankings chica... :) There were a LOT of interesting shifts and changes. goodness...
Did you get Hastings and Fordham??
Woohoo! Congrats!
CONGRATULATIONS.... THAT'S ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC.... I saw your thread on top law school and had to stop by and wish you a major congratulations... you defintiely deserve it. wahoooo...
once again... congratulations on Fordham!!! gonna write up my loci today... with any luck, we'll be classmates this fall. :)
Thanks, I'm not sure if I have a true number one at this point. It will depend a lot on the financial packages I get. I don't really want to go into massive debt! I've been to a few of the schools I applied to, and Madison, Wisconsin was probably the coolest place I visited. Good luck to you, are you hoping to stay in the city?