Niesene (2022-2023)

Views: 6661 User Since: 10/09/11

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
#5 Whittier Law School Pending Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 13 years
#1 Southwestern University School of Law F PT Pending Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 13 years
Phoenix School of Law F Accepted A Type: SP Sent: 10/10/11 Rec: 10/10/11 Comp: 11/09/11 Inter: -- Dec: 11/30/11 Upd: 13 years
University of Detroit Mercy Pending Type: RA Sent: 01/03/12 Rec: 01/06/12 Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 13 years
#3 Thomas Jefferson School of Law F Pending Type: RA Sent: 01/09/12 Rec: 01/11/12 Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 13 years
#6 Florida Coastal School of Law F Pending Type: RA Sent: 12/06/11 Rec: 12/06/11 Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 13 years
#4 Thomas M Cooley Law School F PT Accepted Type: SP Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 11/28/11 Upd: 13 years
#4 California Western School of Law F Intend to Apply Type: RA Sent: -- Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 13 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 141
  • LSAT 2: 139
  • LSAT 3: 141
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 2.88
  • Degree GPA: 2.87
  • School Type: University
  • Major: -

Demographic Information

  • City: -
  • State: Texas
  • Race: AA
  • Gender: Woman
  • Under Represented Minority: Yes
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: 5-9 Years

Extra Curricular Information

Skills, Achievements and Organizations

-National Thespian Acting Scholarship

Activities in School
- Women of the Word, Women in Communications, NAACP 2005-Present, Orientations Team, Student video Network, 2006-Present, National Association of Black Journalist, Student Video Network, Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of America. 2008- Present

1. Southwestern School of Law
2. Thomas Jefferson School of Law
3. California Western School of Law (Reach)
4. Whittier
5. Cooley
6. Florida Coastal

Additional info & updates

Jan 9
So I should check my status checkers more thoroughly .... Just got into Phonix school of law !!!! Based on that horribal LSAT score .... Lol they have a new program called Asp !! I got in through that ....only thing is I would start in two weeks I got in to their spring term .... Yikes .. Going to talk everything over with parents in A.M ....

The committee has completed its review of your file and you have been Conditionally Accepted. As a condition of your acceptance it is beingrequired that you participate in our Academic Success Program (ASP). This program is NOT the same as the AAMPLE prgram and should not be confused with it.
ASP is a single class you will participate in for 1 hour per week during your first academic year and is part of your regular tuition.

A letter of acceptance will be mailed to you shortly and you will also receive an email with the next steps in the admissions process. Please pay close attention to your seat deposit due dates.
These deposits secure your spot in the class. Nonpayment of the deposits will result in the cancellation of your offer of admission. Please get your first seat deposit in as soon as possible to secure your place. If space is not available by the time you submit your second seat deposit, you can consider matriculating in the next entering class. However, admission offers may be impacted if you decide to be considered for a future start. Mail deposits to: Phoenix School of Law, Admissions, 4041 N. Central Ave #100, Phoenix, AZ 85012 or call 602-682-6800 (888-PHX-LAW1 outside of AZ)

Jan 6

Did awful as I knew I would 139 to a 141 2 lousey points ...
Taking feb test start study plan back up next week .


December 7

Decided not to cancel because I am taking febuary test anyway. Also, I have already been accepted to Cooley. The majority of the school I want to apply to don't average the scores they only look at the highest score.

I dont plan on starting to study again untill, 12/18.I plan on taking more practice test.


December 3

Took test . Feel horribal.. Not sure y I froze up .. Debating canceling not sure yet. :(

December. 1st

In a Cooley !!!! Thank god ! At least I know I'm going somewhere !!


November 30th

Offered to go to AAMPLE through Phoenix Law school

waitlist is all I could think of ...

November 28

Decision checker for Cooley says letter sentb11/28/2011
Guess I'll know by the end of the Oweek. I don't think I'll open it till after LSAT on Saturday though.

I have dont met with tutorer yet just going to wait till febuary test for that

I have Taken 4 practice test in the past 3 days . 146 145 147 147 two were old test two were current test . I scored higher on the test I took later in the day than the ones I took in the morning ... So I dunno ... Looks like I will be scoring anywhere between a 145-147 on the test on Saturday . ... I am going to take another practice test tomorrow morning . I have the whole week off so I'm plan to get 3 more test in....

I can't wait till this is all over and I have the acceptance letters rolling in :)

November 27

Ok i just want to make myself clear .... My target school is not cooley !! If u want to be negative on my blog that's fine we are all entitled to our own opinions however , I try to form my own opinions on true facts .. Know this about me Father is funding all three years of my legal education .(no debt )
2.i have spent mths and several hours into studying for the LSAT which I plan to take over this Saturday !!!!
3. Cooley law school is not my top choice ..

Sorry for all the people who have been encouraging , to the others .. Get you facts straight before you try and talk down or belittle someone.

To all those taking the test Saturday , happy studying this week!! :)

November 21

All this studying is starting to get to me.... 2:59am just finished a couple of practice sections .... And my brain is fried ... I sure hope this all pays off. : /

*cooLey update*
Called today and they said they won't make decisions for another 2 weeks ......... Smh

November 19

So I just got back form the lsac forum today, and it was a really great experience it really open my eyes to what it really going to take to make myself an competitive applicant . I would really suggest anyone to go to one if they are offered in your area . I got a bunch of fee waiver to schools on my list and got a chance to talk to reps.

In short feel pretty good about Southwestern after having a long conversation with the rep . She said I have a better chance getting in applying to their PT program .

*Cooley Update*
Oh, still haven't heard of from Cooley yet ... Not sure how I feel about that... But apparently no one has yet either. My guess is beginning of next week.

November 8th

Hired a private tutor via powerscore ! Meeting with her once a week for 2 hrs . They gave me a really good discount!

November 7th

Just found out I took the LSAT in 2009 not 2010 so I went ahead an sighed up for the febuary test! I was also approved for a fee waiver ! So it was free! Score! I am feeling so confident now!!

In short this is not my last chance like I thought it was ! Lol u don't know how much pressure that relieves !!


October 27th

Registerd Law School forum via lsac and Black Law School conference !

October 14th

Registerd for December 3rd LSAT ! Its official!
October 13th

Enrolled in a powerscore vitural class. After tons of reaserch online and callin in comparing the other prep programes. I am confident they can help increase my score 10 points

139 - October 2010
155 - December 2011Goal
reach goal ---163

October 12th

So I have decided to just grind really hard and study for this test on my own. I took Kaplan the first two times and didnt really find it helpful at all... Alot of ppl I am NOW finding out don't recommend Kaplan at all! I wish I would have known that a year ago... My question is I am looking for the most cost efficient and time efficient way to study around this time. Does anyone recommend the LSAT blogger's program? Or Powerscore? I guess my question is Powerscore vs. LSAt:blogger? Please leave me feed back ! thanks

October 11th

After careful thought I have decided to go ahead and retake the LSAT. Regardless of what the answer is at Cooley. I need to take this test over for myself. I am confident that i can score above an 139!!! Wish me luck . I am taking the December LSAT!
October 9th
Hey Guys I just got back from the Profession Exploration Program program that Cooley offers applicants that LSAT scores are bellow a 143. My thoughts for the program were that it was extremely challenging both emotionaly and academically. I am tremendously grateful for the opportunity to have been selected to participate in the program. It really opened my eyes to see just how bad I want to go to law school.

In my "class" there were about 38 of us. One person dropped the second day of class. The class was very divers and we had people from all over. We were instructed by two main professors that taught the 7 intentional torts and went over about 30 different cases.

There were two main "exams" a quiz and a final. I think i did pretty well on the work however my final exam I did not finish my essay. I was totally bummed.... However, I am trying to look on the bright side, they are giving a total assessment of our overall performance while there, and they repeatedly said they were looking for "potential" not perfection. In my own opinion I displayed potential...but hey i'm not on the admissions council. If I could grade my own individual performance I would give myself a C / B- . If I could grade my overall experience I would give it an A!

Looking to get into Law School for Fall 2012!!
Orginally apart of the 2010-2011 cycle
My Law School Journey began a year ago, However i wasnt very motivated to go to Law school it was more my parents wanting me to go. I took the Lsat Twice already the 1st time scoring a losey 133 and the 2nd time scoring an 139. I took the Kaplan prep program both times. However i can honestly say with work and school i was not focused and did not give the test all of the attention it deserved! With the scores I didnt care how low . I decided to go ahead and start applying . I applies to:


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Saturday, May 14 2011 at 08:00 PM

thanks for the comment. I self studied and concentrated on the art of "guessing on the lsat". There are so many well written articles about it. so google it. It paid off for me. If you bomb your retake and plan to take it again. Try my method. It works

Saturday, October 08 2011 at 08:00 PM

@Blackman thanks alot ! This is my last chance to take LSAT anddo well ! I have already taken it twice!

Saturday, August 20 2011 at 08:00 PM

I'm glad to see you're retaking the LSAT. Don't give up, keep studying! Just one tip that you might want to consider is just looking at LSAT questions and their answers/explanations, instead of trying to solve questions. By reading the explanations of the answers, you might better understand what makes an answer right and might begin to recognize patterns.

Monday, October 03 2011 at 08:00 PM

similar scores we have, gl on ur retake

Good luck!!
Sunday, March 15 2009 at 08:00 PM

You can do it!

Tuesday, September 20 2011 at 08:00 PM

Thanks, I hope u get into your top choice. I'm sending good vibes your way!!! Word of advice, Don'y go to Cooley or phoenix. A lot of their grads are working at community colleges and not at law firms. But are you AA, because Southern University is a great Law school that I think you'd have a good shot at getting in. And their NAME has a better brand than Cooley or phoenix..

Never give up
Friday, October 28 2011 at 08:00 PM

Have similar scores and retaking in Dec. too but most likely in Feb '12. Took test-masters and didn't really help working full time either. Focus on your weak spots and try improve as much as you can. Good luck!

Fl Coastal...
Sunday, July 24 2011 at 08:00 PM

But didn't you apply to them in the 2010/2011 cycle? From what I see, no one in this cycle has gotten any info from them. I looked at last cycle and notice that most of the applications at Fl Coastal didn't start being reviewed til early December. So I was just going based on the tread according to the people on this site that applied and got a decision. I'll just be glad when I hear something! I'm really thinking that FIU might render my first decision since it's been "under review," according to the status checker, since last week.

F*** Florida Coastal and *TSU
Tuesday, September 20 2011 at 08:00 PM

First of all, Florida coastal and TSU are horrible anyway.. So "F" EM. You're better off without them. All you have to get is 145 are above and you'll be good. Trust me, you are a double minority. I got a 145 and I didn't even study for the damn test.. I just took it on test day. I guess, its really because I am not that enthusiastic about attending law school seeing as I already been in admitted to my alma mater's master program. But what I am saying is, Dont settle for trash schools because you think you wont get in. You are much better than that. I know you said you were trying to get out the south, so apply to Rutgers. They have a really good program and they are welcoming to URMs. Especially women.. So please don't settle for a low ranked school. I don't care If you got a 120, don't ever settle. You can do so much better.. Good luck, I know you'll get into a GREAT program

Monday, September 19 2011 at 08:00 PM

Have you applied to any of these schools part-time? And what is your #1 choice?

Monday, September 19 2011 at 08:00 PM

Yes part-time does make a difference depending on the schools for ex. you didn't get in Florida Coastal with your numbers, but part-time you may have.

Friday, October 28 2011 at 08:00 PM

How is prep for the Feb test going? I'm finding the site helpful too.

Monday, September 19 2011 at 08:00 PM

Yes you can always switch from full-time to part-time or vice versa once your admitted, but it will require the dean's permission.

Maybe not...
Sunday, July 24 2011 at 08:00 PM

Apparently today wasn't my lucky day. No news/changes on my apps.

Sunday, July 24 2011 at 08:00 PM

Alrighty then. I'll give you a grace period. Lol. I'm sure everything will come out in the wash sooner rather than later!

Thursday, June 30 2011 at 08:00 PM

Saw you signed up with a Powerscore tutor, awesome start! I took there class and did a lot of self study. When are you planning on taking the exam?

Good Luck
Wednesday, October 26 2011 at 08:00 PM

Hi Niesene, Just wanted to wish you luck and thanks for this blog. I scored a 140 the second time and am also attempting to take it a final time in 2/ I know how you feel...I did kaplan as well (classes and then private tutoring) but I must say I just didn't take enough practice tests to score higher...I'm self-studying now but was also thinking of going ahead an applying to Cooley with a pending score awaiting...any suggestions? Do you know how you did in their PEP program?...if you don't mind sharing that...

Tuesday, June 28 2011 at 08:00 PM

Sorry I'm so late getting back to you I haven't looked at my profile in a while! To answer, I self studied for six months and then took a Kaplan online course for the last six months. Kaplan was really expensive but definitely worth it! Good Luck on the December LSAT!

Thursday, October 13 2011 at 08:00 PM

you should try Southern in Louisana...maybe you might have a chance there. but otherwise, good luck rest of ur cycle.

Saturday, October 08 2011 at 08:00 PM

Who said I was going to Cooley ???? Have u read my blog ???? My father is funding my legal education . So I won't be in debt. As far as Starbucks coffe , I'm ok thanks . .... :-/

You're a riot
Tuesday, August 02 2005 at 08:00 PM

Hahaha. Thank you for your recent post on your profile. It had me smiling. Some people on these various blogs just don't know that some of us have multiple factors that go into our application choices. And as I've always said, I laugh at people that comment about Cooley because I know someone that went through Cooley and is now working for a large bank's legal dept.. Good luck on your upcoming LSAT!

Keep working
Wednesday, November 23 2011 at 07:00 PM

Good luck this weekend. It sounds like you have made some good progress so far.

my bad
Monday, October 03 2011 at 08:00 PM

i don't wanna mislead u cause i don really know fosho

Thursday, November 17 2011 at 07:00 PM

Thanks for the well-wishes. I hope you get accepted into Southwestern! Good luck!

Monday, October 24 2011 at 08:00 PM

Good Luck to you too!! :) I'm taking the LSAT this Saturday too! We can do it!

way to go!
Wednesday, November 23 2011 at 07:00 PM

Congratulations on your acceptance!

Monday, September 12 2011 at 08:00 PM

Good luck tomorrow!

Dec. 3
Sunday, July 24 2011 at 08:00 PM

I'm sure you did fine, girl! People always walk away from the LSAT feeling not-so-confident! It's just how the test is, unfortunately!

Congrats on Cooley!
Thursday, January 14 2010 at 07:00 PM

If you decide on Cooley in Tampa, there is a Facebook at that someone started, if you are interested.

Thursday, November 10 2011 at 07:00 PM

I personally got really screwed by not canceling a score that I felt iffy about, and it was my third time taking it so i can't take it anymore for two years. i would strongly recommend canceling if you feel that you did not do your best.

Tuesday, August 02 2005 at 08:00 PM

Have you thought about what you were going to do with your LSAT results yet? I forget what the stipulations are time-wise with having to cancel results. When are you expected to get the results back?

Friday, October 28 2011 at 08:00 PM

Stay positive! No one comes out confident after taking the Lsat so its normal to feel a bit nervous. I'd advice not cancel since you are already in at 2 schools. Spoke to some attorneys in Phx here and I'm told Phx School will prepare one well to pass the Bar exam & at the end of the day, that's all that matters. Don't worry about the other variables now. Just get your JD and the sky is your limit regardless of what others think! God has good things in store for you! Believe that!

Tuesday, April 19 2011 at 08:00 PM

don't worry about your LSAT! i'm sure you did fine! hope you have a great cycle ! :)

RE: Feb Test
Friday, October 28 2011 at 08:00 PM

I'm not sure I'll be taking it in Feb! Not feeling ready yet. I'm tempted to do the AAMPLE program at Phx School or Florida Coastal. Trying to do more research on Negotiable Instruments! I'm hoping to make a decision soon though! Happy New Year! :)

Good luck!
Thursday, January 05 2012 at 07:00 PM

Good luck on taking the LSAT in February. My score wasn't that great so im thinking about taking it again as well. Unless I get accepted to one of my Top 5 schools LOL

Wednesday, November 23 2011 at 07:00 PM

Good job on the score increase. Keep up the good work. I'm rooting for you.

Thursday, November 10 2011 at 07:00 PM

I don't know where I am going to go. There is too much information to process to make an educated decision. Have you made a final decision? I saw Phoenix contacted you.