alexb240 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Yale University | Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 10/19/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
University of Pennsylvania | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/01/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/17/07 | Upd: 17 years | |||
University of Michigan Ann Arbor | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/22/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/01/07 | Upd: 17 years | |||
University of Chicago | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/28/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 10/01/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/22/08 | Upd: 17 years | |||
Stanford University | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/12/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 10/23/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 17 years | |||
New York University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/28/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/03/07 | Upd: 17 years | |||
Harvard University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/08/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/21/07 | Upd: 17 years | |||
Columbia University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/07/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/25/08 | Upd: 17 years | |||
Duke University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/12/07 | Rec: -- | Comp: 09/22/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 09/28/07 | Upd: 17 years |
Visitor Comments
Your soft factors are great (URM and founding a corp), and your numbers are way above the median. I would say you have nothing to worry about. My preferences are close to the rankings but not exactly. Location counts to an extent.
thanks! though your softs trump mine by quite a bit. best of luck to you too :)
There's no way this profile is for real.
hmm not quite. several personal things playing into preferences... location being one, the possibility of pursuing hobbies of mine being another... it throws off the US News ranking quite a bit.
yeah we're twins. And yes I'm directed by numbers, a desire to be in east coast maybe do a joint degree. HYSCCN would all fit. I'm looking for funding for JD so I guess NYU And Columbia are most likely. May put off a year to work a little
You're obviously a genius... I hope you're putting all of those skills to work by tutoring.
On Duke.
On Duke! :)
thanks, congrats to you too. the other apps are coming along slowly. i tend to be a procrastinator. they'll get out eventually. i hope.
Congrats on Duke, good luck on the rest. GO STEELERS!!!!
I went to North Hills. I know where Taylor Allderdice is, though - my aunt went there.
I'm jealous of your numbers man. Have fun at Yale.
I got that e-mail too! ahh I'm so nervous!
Yet - it's fun nonetheless. In any case, it's not real jealousy. I'm envious, sure, but I mean, who wouldn't be? You're set at wherever you want to go, people would kill for that position :). I'm happy for you though. Choose the school that you like best, it's yours :)
I love The Last Samurai! I haven't run into anyone else who has read it before . Congrats again on the HLS email.
Entonces sos xeneize. Yo tambin. Una lstima que los mejores siempre se van (Tevez, por ejemplo, y muchsimos ms) pero todava podemos ganarles a los gallinas de river!
Entonces sos xeneize. Yo tambin. Una lstima que los mejores siempre se van (Tevez, por ejemplo, y muchsimos ms) pero todava podemos ganarles a los gallinas de river!
On your Harvard phone call!
congrats to you too on Duke! Yeah, I know, I'm a little nervous that he'll call during class or something.
Yeah, I'm just leaving my phone on vibrate. I'll leave class for a few minutes if necessary. Honestly though, I'm not worrying too much. When it comes down to it, I'm not really that competitive of a candidate, so I'm thinking that Harvard just plans to lead me on prior to waitlisting/rejecting me. You, however, have amazing stats, and I'm sure you have great news in store for you! :)
Wonderful interview with Toby over on LSD. Congratulations!
I see you on TLS... congrats on duke, and good luck with your cycle!!
...wouldnt have pegged you for law school. best of luck, though, and congrats on the harvard interview. for those skeptics, i can vouch for alex's 'realness'... -former brack fellow
congrats on the HLS interview. It looks like we got a long couple of weeks ahead of us before we find out. Best of luck this cycle...though you def. won't be needing it!
...on Duke & HLS progress so far! You're the closest thing I have to a numbers twin, I think, so I'm hoping some of your luck rubs off on me - if only I could give up on my quest for the "perfect" PS and submit my apps already.
project was on left-libertarian theory...
I didn't post my numbers but they are very similar to yours, so I wanted to say good luck! And I was going to ask did you by any chance write your thesis on the new wittgenstein?
put down accepted, dammit!
It was obvious you were in after that wonderful interview with Toby!
On Harvard!
on harvard!!!!!!!! i don't know why i'm so excited good luck with the rest.. altho' you won't need luck
Congratulations on all your success. Do you mind if I pick your brain a little bit? Do you have any LSAT study tips? Any LSAT-related wisdom? Much appreciated
Congrats!! I'm not surprised at all.
That's funny, me too. I'm especially interested in his discussion of the games and later authors that picked up on him. Have you read any Stanley Cavell? Hope you had a great Thanksgivig!
If powerscore is a good starting point, is there anything else, besides practice tests, to "end" with? Kaplan 180? Nova? A course?
at your harvard/geico announcement. but seriously, congrats!!! are you set on harvard or are you going to look for $$$$?
you know me. i'm a hustler.
i owe you a drink. my life is insane until classes end. are you still around the 12th?
You really need to tell Big Ben that he needs to throw all over the field this week. I need him to have a big fantasy day :) Congrats on Hah-vahd.
I love the Geico plug. Gives a little perspective to all the other big things we should be paying attention to, other than our mailboxes/phones!
I think you've got reason to be happy about your new GM. Some sense of organizational direction is the baseball equivalent of a Harvard acceptance......almost......
On Michigan!
On NYU! :)
Hey, fellow TSLer. Congratulations on your great acceptances.
for all of your support!
Alex, You don't know me, but I've seen a lot of your posts on TLS. Can you send me the link for the HLS 2011 facebook group? Like some others, I can't find it in a search and I couldn't find the link others referenced for it. Thanks. Also, since I haven't gotten my acceptance packet, can you email me the date of the ASW for HLS? Thanks in advance.
on UPenn. That's awesome.
On Penn!
On Yale!
yale! now!
Congrats on Penn and Yale!!! I'm not surprised at all.
Hey numbers twin- great cycle- gives me hope for next year when I get around to applying
On Yale!
I knew this was coming for you. Enjoy everything great that you've earned!
congrats on yale!!!
I have a couple of top choices, but I've only visited one of them and I really want to visit the schools before deciding. How about you?
On your entire cycle so far! You should probably toss a couple of reaches on there, though. ;)
Of the ones I've gotten into so far, I;m considering UT, UCLA, and Harvard the most. I try not to even worry about the schools that haven't let me in yet, but there are a couple more of those that I really like too.
haha... i don't know... it's a dilemma. i just really like harvard, and i really don't think i have a shot. (and other reasons. will discuss later)
my entire family (and pretty much everyone i know) has been told by my parents that i'm going to harvard... so it would be hard to correct all of that.
good numbers man, I myself come from an Argentine background and will be putting hispanic despite my European blood (as are most Argentines), were you born there?
Looks like we have similar choices so far. Did you get your Yale package yet? I just want it in my hand to believe it exists.
Hoping I'll find one in the next few months =) What about you? I'll probably be going to Harvard and NYU in March and Yale in April.
Can you withdraw from Boalt please once you make a clean sweep of HYS?
with your numbers you dont need "the box." i love argentines, and i love you from TLS--enjoy yale ;) katkins
I don't know -I was pretty careless with their application, which no one should be for a school as good as Penn. I don't remember writing a Why Penn essay. I wouldn't be surprised if they rejected me, but I'm sure it will sting a little =)
On Chicago! You've inspired me to get back to the three chapters of Friedman's Price Theory that I've been putting off to stare at LSN.
On Chicago!
On Columbia!
on columbia! have you decided where you'll be going?
Last Samurai! We can be friends. That's probably the one book I've committed to purchasing an Owning copy and a Lending copy. I'm shocked it isn't more well-known -- everyone I've given it to has loved it. (And this is where I channel Natalie Portman with my 'It'll change your LIFE.') Anyway. Yay, good taste.
Judging by the cycle so far, I'd be SHOCKED if it was anything but a reject. On the bright side, maybe I will end up at a lower ranked school in the same city that you end up in, and we can figure out where to catch Steelers games in the fall. Oh, who am I kidding,..there's no T1/T2 in New Haven! Congrats on everything, man.
Shame if she doesn't publish again. It's so rare to find a book that makes you feel like you really have company in the world, you know? As it is, I shared it with my SO - now whenever the world gets on his nerves he says he's going to write a letter and sign it 'XX, age 28'.
Congrats! I got the call yesterday as well (full + stipend)- the decision just got about 10x more difficult...ugh. Where are you leaning?
Congrats on the Darrow. They always make decisions so complicated, huh? Great predicament to be in (especially with a few months to think it over, instead of a few week), but still.... I try hard to keep the LSN updated, in part for other people but mostly for me (and my neuroticism)!
I wish Stanford would hurry up and accept you so that my first prediction will be true! Congrats again on all of your great acceptances!
they're frustrating me too. i'll see you in a few :)
Nice meeting you at Mich and Harvard. Maybe you'll hear from Stanford soon? Our undergrad doesn't really seem to be a problem. Good luck with your decision. I'm leaning toward Harvard right now, so maybe I'll see you there. Just kidding. Go to Yale. (Just kidding.) Burn a couch for me if Pitt makes the Final Four.
Hi numbers twin. Curious about the fin aid offers you got. I deferred apps to next year. Congrats on Butler, what are details?Any $ from YLS, HLS or CLS??
Congratulations from a number twin. I decided to defer apps to next year. if you get a minute let me know what the fin aid looked like. I'm also curious whether you appplied URM. And of course whats ypur final decision.
good luck at yale!
On getting accepted to all of those schools. It might not have happened yet, but it will.