rabbit9198 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Yale University | Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 11/17/07 | Rec: 11/19/07 | Comp: 11/30/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/29/08 | Upd: 17 years | |||
Stanford University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/10/07 | Rec: 11/12/07 | Comp: 12/19/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/19/08 | Upd: 17 years | |||
Harvard University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/10/07 | Rec: 11/10/07 | Comp: 12/14/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/13/07 | Upd: 17 years | |||
University of Michigan Ann Arbor F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $135,000 | Sent: 11/06/07 | Rec: 11/11/07 | Comp: 11/29/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/15/07 | Upd: 17 years | ||
University of Virginia F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $126,000 | Sent: 10/31/07 | Rec: 11/02/07 | Comp: 11/15/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/17/08 | Upd: 17 years | ||
Columbia University F | Accepted D W | Type: RA | $75,000 | Sent: 11/09/07 | Rec: 11/12/07 | Comp: 11/30/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/14/08 | Upd: 17 years | ||
New York University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $75,000 | Sent: 11/08/07 | Rec: 11/12/07 | Comp: 12/05/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/10/07 | Upd: 17 years | ||
University of Pennsylvania F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $107,000 | Sent: 11/07/07 | Rec: 11/16/07 | Comp: 12/19/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/23/08 | Upd: 17 years | ||
University of Chicago F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $64,000 | Sent: 11/09/07 | Rec: 11/09/07 | Comp: 11/21/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/07/08 | Upd: 17 years | ||
Northwestern University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $105,000 | Sent: 11/07/07 | Rec: 11/12/07 | Comp: 11/25/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/21/08 | Upd: 17 years | ||
Georgetown University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $120,000 | Sent: 10/31/07 | Rec: 11/02/07 | Comp: 11/16/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/03/07 | Upd: 17 years | ||
Duke University F | Accepted W | Type: SP | $75,000 | Sent: 10/31/07 | Rec: 11/01/07 | Comp: 11/20/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/27/07 | Upd: 17 years | ||
University of Southern California F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $90,000 | Sent: 11/19/07 | Rec: 11/20/07 | Comp: 12/14/07 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/25/08 | Upd: 17 years |
Visitor Comments
OMG, I wanna be you, just without the boobs and stuff.
Well Im jealous that you got right LSAT score the first time! I worked really long and really hard on my PS, editing countless drafts and bothering my friends and family to read it over and over againI think youre on the right track. Best of luck to you, I predict that your time investment will be well worth it :-D
I'm also jealous of all your fee waivers!
thanks for the congrats! Looks like we are just about numbers twins. Yeah, the PS can be hard -- find someone you trust who can assess it honestly.
For the encouragement. While we do have similar schools, I think your #'s blow mine out of the water. Are you not applying to Boalt, btw?
"11/05/07: Michigan e-mail offers $22k/year if admitted, apply by Dec 15th. " Good thing that Michigan qualified its e-mail with "if admitted." ha. Awesome numbers though, have fun at H/Y/S!
We have similar numbers, so I'll be very interested in seeing how you do. I'm applying mostly midwest because I want to practice in Chicago, and I kinda want to stay close to my wife's family and my own. Good luck - I'm sure they get snow in New Haven!
Feels great to finally get my first one out of the way. Let's just hope that it's not my only one as well ;). I'm sure you'll sweep the cycle so it seems rather silly for me to wish you luck, but GOOD LUCK nonetheless.
If we're number twins, you're the Arnold to my Danny Devito. You do amazing this cycle. My preemptive congrats!
Congrats on the LSAT score! Hope the cycle goes well (not that you need any hope/luck...)
Thanks for the note; didn't see it until today :) I'm sure you'll rock out.
With those numbers, you're cycle is going to be great!
I'll be watching you as well. Best of luck to you!
hey thanks for the condolences. Yea I'm pretty bummed out about the waitlisted, would always be nice to start off the cycle with an accepatnce (something you'll be experiencing :D ). But such is life, and I've still got the december lsat and 14 more schools to hear back from. Good luck, and I'll keep you updated and you do the same!
...and congrats on the many acceptances that you are sure to receive in the coming months :)
yesum. chenequa outside of Milwaukee. How bout you. Your stats are sick. You'll go far.
you're only going to have to decide between H, Y and S...
I guess you were able to submit those applications in early after all :) Now just wait for Yale and Harvard and Stanford to admit you and all will be fine :)
i see you're complete at duke, too, on 11/20! fishy fishy. i think they put that date on the status checker thingy just to keep us OCD applicants happy and assuaged. good luck, though you won't need it - we'll be celebrating your first LS acceptance tomorrow! (it should be tomorrow, right? 7 days after you go complete?)
On Duke!
First congratulation of many :)
It's nice to have a few in the bag, but. . . I don't think you have anything to be jealous about!!! You're going to have an amazing cycle, and lots of great options. I'd kill to be in your position -- in line for a Hamilton/Darrow. Do you have a favorite at this point?
Thanks for the note. :) Joint degree is JD/MA in Economics. Here's the relevant quote from the e-mail from B. Hoye: "We can send an official admission letter as soon as we receive notification from the Graduate School. Unfortunately, some graduate departments do not begin to review applications until after January 1. Therefore, it may take some time before you will receive the official admission letter." I got notification from the grad school online about 2 weeks later. Snail-mail came just a couple days after that. Now that I've provided that info, care to throw a few LSAT points my way or a Stanford acceptance that you'll surely turn down for Yale? :-p
that's funny. i actually run a small prostitution ring pimping out my sorority sisters. i had that on my resume. do you think it'll keep me out of law school?
Thanks, and congrats on Duke (and all of the other acceptances I'm sure you'll be receiving shortly!) Well, it's a two person move, and my boyfriend really doesn't want to go to CA. So yeah, Stanford wouldn't really make much of a difference at this point.
CONGRATS!!! :) now hand that duke acceptance over to me when you send your deposit in at yale!
I'm sure you'll have a perfect cycle! Great job on the LSAT and GPA. Congrats on Duke.
I'm sure you'll be joining the HLS party quite soon :).
for the well wishes. It does feel good hearing back from places before Thanksgiving b/c it takes so much of the pressure off. But, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. best of luck!
thats... interesting! chinese mafia. quite an aspiration. so though my GPA is a bit lower, i'm going to be watching you carefully. hopefully we'll both end up at HYS. (i'm sure you will.) have you gotten the first toby stock email? we might be in the same cycle for that.
for the congrats! I wasn't sure how the Geico quip would play (at least one person found it annoying), but I thought it would be fun to mix things up a bit. It would have been REALLY gutsy if I had said it to Dean Stock. Anyway, glad to see that you're in at Duke! Let me know if you want to talk shop about the HLS phone interview, as you'll be getting an email for it rather soon, I suspect. :-)
that will be the most anticipated e-mail i ever receive, i think. i hope it comes sooner rather than later or else i might go nuts.
for the note! I'm going to add HYS b/c, like you said, the "what if" factor. Congrats on Duke!
Thanks for the comment. I tried to pick schools in sunny, temperate, semi-urban places with pathways to D.C. I could get excited about attending any of them, though some more than others. I rowed. Are/were you an athlete?
yah it was, thanks a lot. with your numbers, id say youll be getting a call soon enough
Congrats to you also on Duke! And best of luck with all the others!
Good luck to you too, although with your numbers I don't think you'll have any problems!
Yeah Georgetown was a complete surprise as my status checker still says "complete." I'm sure you'll be getting the little envelope next week, if you didn't today!
And congratulations on Duke. Good luck on the rest of your applications, although it looks like you wont need it!
Best of luck with your cycle as well!
How do you indicate on your profile that you got a fee waiver?
Good luck, and congrats on your cycle. Are you a fellow hoya?
to you too! I see that Georgetown came quickly for you too! Although I don't imagine that you'll end up there! Good luck!!!
Thanks a lot, I really do hope more good news arrives. Your LSAT, GPA, and major are all awesome. I'm very envious of all three, wish I was better at natural sciences. My GPA would be higher. Anyway, you're going to sweep the cycle. Best of luck, but with those numbers you don't need it. Be patient, is what I tell everyone (myself included).
Congratulations to you as well (Duke/assuming GULC is a yes for us both). Looks like we applied around the same time to many of the same schools. My Boalt call was very surreal...funny circumstances.
Same here, got an email on Nov. 16 notifying me that my app had been received but nothing since then. Though I doubt you have anything to worry about, you're gonna have an awesome cycle. Good luck deciding where to go!
Yeah, this soon in the game (espec. w/ your numbers) its most likley an acceptance. But I don't want to jinx anythign by assuming before I get it in writing. As Tom Petty said, "the waiting is the hardest part."
Thanks for the advice. I think I'll do a LOCI and 2 extra LORs. Hopefully I get better responses from my other schools! Congrats on Duke and a preemptive congrats on Gtown!
You're from Sconnie??? Cool, meeeee tooo! good luck at all your schools!
It looks like a lot of the ppl with 12-3 decision have strong numbers- hopefully this is a good sign! Anyway... no mail again today :( good luck --i'm sure you are in!
On Georgetown!
and nice JD/MA joint decision at duke. :)
I saw you had a conversation on here with someone about WI, so I figured. I know what you mean...I was home at Thanksgiving and it made me realize how much I really really really want to go to Madison. Cross your fingers!
oh wow that must have been a nice surprise- you can celebrate immediately! I actually live really close to the law school also, which makes me even more confused that I haven't received a letter yet. Oh well, if I don't hear back by next week I'll give um a call. Congrats again on Gtown and all your upcoming acceptances.
hey thanks! good luck!
Congrats on GULC and DUKE. And goodluck with all the rest... If I could put money on your chances I would bet that you will sweep all but Y.
we got the TS1 on the same day! congrats. when did you tell him to call you? i'm super nervous, but really excited!
Way to go on NYU!
just had the interview! i was so nervous. i bet he'll call you soon. good luck!
Do you think there's any chance that Toby will do the TS2's before x-mas or will you (and, dear god, hopefully me as well) have to wait until January?
complete at penn today... have you heard anything?
on H-bomb today!!
On Harvard!
yep, they e-mailed me. congrats on harvard! you're sweeping the cycle :)
Way to go on Harvard! Thanks for noting that you hadn't yet officially gone complete, I haven't yet either and I was getting REALLY nervous!
on harvard!! maybe i'll see you at the ASW. i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who went complete today... haha.
...to you too! Now the long waiting begins...
On Michigan!
i sooo wanna be you. the waiting is killing me.
And yeah, Michigan's not so bad, most of the time... although it gets a little hard to remember why I love it in the middle of January. =) Anyway, great list of acceptances there! Congrats, and good luck with the rest of your cycle, although I doubt you'll need it.
Thanks for the words of encouragement! I am actually 99% sure I am waitlisted at GULC since I cant access their admitted students website, but I am going to let them know of my continued interests and updated grades which will hopefully help! best of luck with the rest of your cycle..i am sure it will go very well with your stats! :-)
Thanks for the congrats! My status checker didn't change at all. I went complete on 10/30, so the decision came right around the 8-week mark as they said it would. You have nothing to worry about!
Right now it's looking like Harvard or Yale, but I'm a big fan of NYC, so money from NYU or an acceptance/money from Columbia could really make my decision tough. What about you?
Thanks!! You too! Of course
Sorry, but I have no idea if my status changed before I was contacted regarding my admission. I hadn't been checking-up online. I got an e-mail on Friday telling me that I could access my official acceptance letter on Monday through my account. Today I signed into my account and I had to download a PDF in order to know that I'd been accepted (I mean, I knew I'd been accepted, but I wanted further confirmation...you know how it is).
I guess when you apply to as many schools as I did, it hopefully means a lot of acceptances! ;) Congrats on your amazing acceptances so far!
...for the vote of confidence. I'm crossing my fingers! You certainly look like you're going to place well this cycle. Good luck at YS!
You're looking like you've had a good cycle too. At this point, I'm pretty undecided, it probably depends on some combination of financial aid and prestige. Do you have a top choice?
Congrats to yourself as well! It's gonna be a hard choice, but I'm leaning towards Harvard and Stanford (if I get in)... I applied to the MBA programs there for the dual-degree, and if I get in to a JD/MBA (I'll find out in March) it'll be a sure sell. How about yourself?
and Congrants on all your acceptance! Just wish if I had your LSAT...seems that you are familiar with DC...Not sure if I will attend because I heard that American does not give any money to Int'l student like me...
Hey, Thanks for the congrats. I have no idea where Im going to end up. If I could get big money somewhere (like Mich or Northwestern), I'd probably take it. If not, probably H, but I'll make some visits and see. Congrats on all of the acceptances. I'm sure more are on the way. Also, congrats on the Darrow. That's awesome.
Congrats on the Darrow invite!
Thanks for the shout. Congrats on what you've achieved.
yeah, you know, once you drop that into a resume, it really helps haha, but seriously, congrats to you as well. i'd like to say we're numbers twins, but your GPA slaughters mine. i'm jealous of that Harvard acceptance.
Have you heard from them? I haven't, nor did I receive a deferral email. I'm wondering if we're headed for the waitlist because of YP. BTW, congrats on your latest acceptances!
Yeah, I am really really happy about Stanford. I visited the Bay Area, and I got a really good vibe at Stanford. My decision will probably come down to my experiences at the Harvard and Stanford ASW's. There are things I liked about NW, but I applied there with the assumption that I probably wouldn't get into Harvard and Stanford, so I feel better about the NW deferral knowing what I do now. Are you big on any particular school?
to you too! You've already got some fantastic options (might I mention one in particular that starts with a HAR and ends with a VARD!), and I'm sure it won't be long before Stanford comes knocking. Just finished a first draft of the Darrow essay but I'm struggling to make it not be a rehash of my PS and Why Mich essays. Good luck with yours, but I doubt you have much to worry about. Fingers crossed for both of us!
I'm pretty bummed about all the deferrals, but at the same time I know I am a very non-typical applicant and so I'm not surprised that a lot of top schools are choosing to wait before they get back to me. I am just hoping that it's not YP. I do plan to submit some extra material, probably an additional letter of rec, so they know I am serious about their school. Good luck on all your amazing acceptances thus far! Hopefully there are more in store for both of us :)
but it's not #5 (not that there's much of a surprise to ruin). Congrats on the Big H acceptance and the Darrow invite. I'm ultra jealous.
I'm sure your Chicago acceptance will be coming soon, and that you will comprise many green dots and no red dots (knock on wood).
Congrats to you as well. I imagine you have a lot more acceptances on the way too, with the stats you have. Good luck!
On Virginia!
'grats on UVa =)
And I won't be surprised once you've swept your cycle. Best of luck :)
Congrats on Northwestern and good luck with the Darrow!
Congrats on UVA! I'm not surprised why they gave you the scholarship, but I'm still trying to figure out why they gave one to me... :) Yes hopefully we will hear good news from Columbia pretty soon!
Done and done. I have posted that info, and I am indeed headed out to celebrate. Not for too long, though. I have to graduate still! Congrats on all your success - I am sure there is more to come for you.
...assuming they win the last one. Still, I like their (our) chances.
On Penn!
On Penn and SC. I visited Penn and I really loved it. Good facilities and great people. Your decision is getting tougher by the day it seems!
Are you also biting your nails waiting to hear from Dean Z? I have a long and embarrassing history of snipping my hair while tipsy- have learned, though, let a professional do it this time....If you thought that was funny, let me flesh out your mental picture. Had attack of iritis last week and ended up writing essay in eyepatch and glasses. I am so cool. Or at least my hair is. Kind of. You are on the West Coast, right? Guess you'll be hearing from CU tomorrow or Monday....Good luck deciding between your many great alternatives- any ideas yet?
For no good reason, I thought you were on the West Coast (late night posting, I guess). I hope they put us out of our misery soon- every day, I get more twitchy. Plus, I want to make plane reservations...I'm sure you will hear from Columbia any sec- obviously you will get in, and most likely with a nice scholarship! I'll be watching for you....
to congratulate you on an AMAZING day! Nice work!
Congrats on the Darrow! I was looking forward to seeing who would join us. And congrats on Yale. You have great options for what looks like it might be a difficult decision. Are you going to a Michigan ASW? Which one?
congrats on yale!!!
See you at some ASWs, indeed! Well done on Yale! And the Darrow, too! I am pleased to see my prediction has become reality. I hope to see you in New Haven in April.
on everything that happened today! Hope some of your anxiety is relieved =) Which ASWs are you going to?
On Yale!
I'm late to the party, I know, but CONGRATS!!! I'm really thrilled for you! Make sure you join the YLS 2011! Facebook group. Oh, also, you do a really impressive job of updating your LSN. Mine is completely half-assed and now I feel bad.
...on Yale! I am jealous :) Enjoy the happily difficult decision process.
to you too! Yale and full Darrow at Michigan, wow! Speaking of difficult choices, right? :) The fact that you haven't gotten into Columbia yet makes me very OK with the fact that I haven't... same goes for Chicago and Stanford :) I'm sure you will be hearing from them soon.
What an awesome week for you! Hope you had a (scissors-free) drink or three yesterday. Hope to meet up soon!
First off, congratulations on Yale! Sounds like you had a pretty amazing day yesterday (I'm in the same situation - trying to weigh full tuition+ stipend against the premiere legal institution(s)..it'll be tough). I'm sure you've gotten it a thousand times by now but major congrats! Anyway, I came across your profile because I was looking through the strong applicants that haven't been admitted to Chicago yet...a little strange, no? Do you know what's going on with them?
I see that we are Yale acceptance twins - so congrats on that and on your other great choices. I'm guessing I'll be seeing you at some ASWs down the line...
Sadly, no alcohol for me until Friday pm...but then.....I can't make ASW, but I'm visiting in mid-April. What schools are you planning to visit? So many choices for you....
I'm leaning towards Yale, but H and S are still in the picture. I just noticed that we also got into H on the same day! I have a feeling that you'll be completing the sweep soon and then will have even more tough choices....
I'm going in March - as a potential summer start, I wanted to visit on the earlier date (and keep the later weekend open for NYU). I'm visiting NU in a few weeks, since I can't commit to the ASW (too bad they can't have more than one). I really can't afford to take this much time off of work, and it needs to be planned well in advance so I'm nervous that late acceptances will mean I can't make ASWs. Have you applied for fin aid for NU? I was surprised how early they wanted it (means I spent the whole evening filing my taxes and filling out forms to make sure things were processed with enough time) and that if you missed the deadline you couldn't get scholarships... (and Yale isn't an automatic for you?)
Both Chicago and Columbia have a second major day of acceptances, that will probably be towards the end of next week. Yale has no such thing =) I'd say you have the win!
has definitely been very stressful. Don't really know what to do with myself now that it's pretty much over! I'm really looking forward to the asws though, just to meet everyone who has been through all of this in the last few months. I'm sure we'll run into each other at a few of them! (And I think Columbia's having some mailing issues...my letter took over a week to get to me, and I live in nyc. I really don't think there's any doubt about them giving you some good news.)
Congrats to you too! And I wouldn't miss the ASW for the world.
Thanks for the congrats. I'm currently leaning northeast, but definitely haven't made any decisions. Such tempting factors in all directions!
Nice job with Yale! Is that where you're going to enroll?
USC came in via a little envelope - I thought it was a rejection letter until I opened it. It was a really interesting read. I'm positive Columbia will get back to you soon. their acceptance packages are huge, they probably can't get them all ready by February.
Well, I'm not quite sure. I'm from NYC so I'm thinking NYU. I'm still waiting for them to send me some FA info. However, the money at GULC is looking pretty tempting. However, an acceptance to Columbia would override all of this. An acceptance and $$ would be ideal, but I'll settle for just an acceptance and figure out how to pay.
...on all your acceptances, including Chicago today! You'll hear back from Columbia and Stanford soon enough.
On Chicago!
And congratulations back atcha on a remarkable cycle so far. I don't think you get to be jealous ...
on an amazing cycle so far! Any idea what you did to piss off Columbia?
Being in at HY and the Darrow and Umich, I would assume you have more than just great numbers. With those options, are you still considering Columbia?
Just checking! Good luck with your LOCI. I feel pretty sure you'll be accepted as long as they know you're still interested. I've recognize you from TLS, so talking to you on here sorta makes me feel like I am stalking you :) Good luck with your choices!
I'm completely boggled by Columbia putting you on "hold" (what the heck were they thinking??) I guess when they see an outstanding applicant like you they do one of two things: give them a Hamilton, or put them on hold for yield protect purposes...but anyway, it looks like you have a few other schools to choose from :)
I'll be there if I can free my schedule up a bit. How long after your acceptance call did you receive your first Yale mailing? CLJ said the package would go out "soon", but the last school that used those words took about two and a half weeks to get me any additional information.
On Stanford!
Congrats! Nice HYS sweep. Now you have quite a tough choice to make! That is awesome.
Congrats on Stanford!!! Are you going to the ASW?
Congrats on Stanford!! Very exciting :) Have you made your decision yet?
You've got a tough decision ahead of you... lots of great schools to choose from, I can't imagine it will be easy. Best of luck with the visits, I hope you find the right fit for you :) Thanks for the kind words, and congrats again!
congrats for the awesome cycle know where you're heading yet?
congrats on everything!! you prob get this question a lot, but any inclination on where you'll be heading?
virusny was correct. Congrats!
on a clean sweep!
On Columbia!
I'm still not sure. I've gotten to visit a couple schools so far and I'm going to Harvard's ASW next weekend and possibly a trip to UVa and Duke the week after that. Have you decided yet?
Congrats on the Sweep! Good luck making your decision!
Yeah, I am really looking forward to it. BTW, you were nominated for "best cycle' on LSD. I don't think I can disagree with that.
Congrats on the clean sweep, and good luck with your decision!
I think you will sweep the cycle... just a hunch :)