bigboi54 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Indiana University Bloomington | Accepted A | Type: RA | $6,500 | Sent: 06/28/10 | Rec: 07/06/10 | Comp: 07/12/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 07/27/10 | Upd: 14 years | ||
Duke University | WL, Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 06/30/10 | Rec: 07/01/10 | Comp: 07/13/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 07/15/10 | Upd: 14 years | |||
University of Notre Dame | Rejected | Type: RA | $9,500 | Sent: 06/28/10 | Rec: 07/01/10 | Comp: 07/19/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 07/23/10 | Upd: 14 years | ||
Yale University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 06/21/10 | Rec: 06/28/10 | Comp: 07/13/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 07/19/10 | Upd: 14 years | |||
Vanderbilt University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 06/30/10 | Rec: 07/06/10 | Comp: 07/08/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 07/24/10 | Upd: 14 years | |||
University of Chicago | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 06/18/10 | Rec: 06/22/10 | Comp: 07/09/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 07/22/10 | Upd: 14 years | |||
University of Michigan Ann Arbor | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 06/20/10 | Rec: 06/24/10 | Comp: 07/09/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 07/09/10 | Upd: 14 years | |||
University of Virginia | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 06/14/10 | Rec: 06/14/10 | Comp: 06/23/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 07/09/10 | Upd: 14 years |
Visitor Comments
You're so welcome...make sure you apply to more tier ones!!! And I wanna be a sports lawyer too!!! :)
I agree with phenomenalwoman. You've got a lot going for you. I would at least toss a few apps toward some top 50 schools. I think you'll have as good of an opportunity there than any tier 3 or 4 schools. Good Luck!!
i agree, you've got a TON of things going for your app! have you considered studying a little harder, and trying again for the LSAT? a february score could still be added to a late application... i'm sure people have suggested this, i was just wondering... anyways, i wish you the ABSOLUTE BEST OF LUCK with your cycle!!! maybe we'll see each other at USC, UGA, UTK, IU, or W&M!
Sorry to hear about your first rejection letter. I am sure I will see some myself soon, and I will have to brace myself, but as long as we get accepted to one or more schools we will be good! Your extra-curriculars are very impressive! Best of luck to you. Don't let the rejection get you down.
Don't give up. I think you have awesome softs and a good list. You are bound to have some good fortune. Good luck to ya
What are your thoughts on West Virginia? I am interested in attending, but how is its reputation in the region?
Good Luck on the upcoming schools hun! Sorry about Fla Coastal, I'm waiting to hear back... my second time around as well so hopefully this is it! :)
Hang in there..Someone will give you a shot! Have you looked into the CLEO program??
No problem! It always helps to encourage one another during this crazy, cut throat process! I'm still waiting on LSU, but I got accepted to Fla Cooastal so I'm excited! Thanks for the support as well! ;)
I keep seeing the CLEO program on everyone's posts. What is the CLEO program? Is it good?
Your info that you gave me for the CLEO program is very helpful. Thank you!
I wanted to wish you good luck for this cycle. I see that we're applying to a few of the same schools. I also wanted to recommend that you might want to consider NCCU. It's fully accredited and they do tend to look more at some of the other parts of your application than the LSAT score. (Recommendation based on the fact that I see you have a ton of extracurriculars)
Just dropping by to give you some encouragement!! Hang in there, the perfect school is waiting for you =) Simone
I've been pulling for ya so I'm so glad you've been accepted! Congrats, you're going to law school! Good luck with the rest.
Congrats on your acceptance! Valparaiso is a very good school! I see this is not your first time applying, you have worked hard and you deserve it!!
Congrats on Valpo!
where r u placed for CLEO? i just got into pittsburgh!
Congrats my brotha!! CLEO is a well respected program!!! Good things happen to good people....
That is awesome about your promotion, too! What a strange coincidence! :)
Congrats on Ohio Northern!
Yes, I do have some very interesting choices to make...don't remind me! But I'm happy to have choices I am truly grateful. I just hope I make the right choice. Looks like you volunteered for every club possible. Looks like you're in at a couple of your top choices--congrats!
Congrats on Ohio Northern... is that a conditional program or just one where you get to start earlier? I am debating on whether I should apply there myself. I have decided not to apply to any more schools with conditional programs though.
Congrats on your acceptances! You are doing great! Thanks for the warm wishes.
Congrats on WVU!!!!!!!!!!!! Nicely done.
Congrats congrats!
Good work on all your acceptances! I see you may be making a tough decision next month! ; )
Congrats to you Frat! You have an extensively admirable service list as well as credentials. Which school do you REALLY want to attend on your list? It is a blessing thought to get that one yes and you have three thus far so congrats to you. Peace & Blessings as you continue to wait out the rest of your decisions and also make a determination as well on where you would like to go!!!
Hey just dropping by to say hi! Have you decided on a school as yet? Simone
Congrats on the grant for ONU. That is wonderful! Good job on the waitlist at William Mary. I was rejected there. So, nicely done.
Thanks so much for the kind words! :)
the grant money that you received from onu; was it for the entire year?
Good luck! I believe you'll get in!!
Thanks for your kind message about Hamline. I am soo excited about it, it's definitely the best offer for me at this point! Congrats on ICLEO, that's awesome!!! So... what do you think? Are you leaning more towards West Virginia or Indianapolis? Or is there another school that you really want to hear from?
How did you find out you were accepted into ICLEO? I applied for that as well, but I only applied for it for Valparaiso.
22,000 a year is a lot of money for ONU. Their tuition is around 27,000 so you would only be a few thousand short. I saw that you withdrew. Do you just really not want to go there? Where is your first choice?
Wow...Good job on Tennessee!
My homegirl just got her acceptance letter yesterday. I think you are in my friend :)
Congrats on Indy law my friend I told you that you were in!Thank you also for your support! We will definately stay in contact and keep pushing one another!
Congrats on Indy Law. Are you considering it? I know that you are looking at full time programs. However, Indy is a good school. Congrats again.
... on Indy!
Yo you are on a roll!!!!! Indy and WVU!!!
Yea, I spoke with Ms. Williams about AIE, and she told me that the students that did not get into CLEO can do AIE, so she sent me a form in which I must send a $50 deposit. That will very nice if you got the benefit from ICLEO and CLEO's AIE, because as a CLEO associate, you will receive the benefits of all that CLEO has to offer plus ICLEO's resources!! You are in a great position for success! Also, your fratbrother went to Vermont!? Wow, I did not know that their alumni stretch beyond the Northeast (even though that's where I am interested in practicing!) And his position as ADA aint bad either! If you do AIE, I may see you since I'll be attending the one in ATL, we definately gotta stay in touch!
Congrats on your cycle as well! Your extracurricular activities are amazing. From the email we recieved from Pitt (about CLEO) states we are going to have single room to ourselves so thats a good start lol. Anyways Im glad you got assigned to pitt and look forward to seeing you there!!
I definitely appreciate the love from one of the bruhz. Proud of you with this admissions cycle as well, luv. Have you decided what school you'll go to?
Yep thats what it says about the rooms lol, anyways I have forwarded the email to you, let me know if you didnt get it and I will send it again.
r u doing CLEO or ICLEO? i might not go to CLEO nemore... PM msg me!
Yeah I definitely understand your hesitance. That's a HUGE dip in the rankings. If you really like the school, though, know that those rankings are really B.S. and the methodology is so arbitrary and borderline stupid that, in the end, it doesn't even matter. If you get there and are able to BEAST 1L, who cares?
We did it man..We did it! Congrats again on Indy. Great school.
Hey there fellow W&M waitlister....I saw from your profile that you were waitlisted there last does it go during the year as far as them giving you info about your status? Any other info about being WL would be great! Congrats on your cycle by the way!
..and best of luck to you in all that you aspire to achieve. I think I'd like to ultimately teach and/or become a judge. Blessings and Peace.
Hi you have to forgive me I am new to this site, but I just read what you posted about the CLEO Program, I wish I would have known about that program sooner! I am down to 2 schools left out of a total of 24 so I am praying hard. Congratulations!
Hey bruh. Have you managed to hear back from W&M or Tennessee yet? If not, good luck hun. Coleman love is rootin' for you, lol.
When you applied to WVU, do you remember if you were pooled first? I have relatively similar numbers to yours and I was recently pooled. I really want to go to WVU and their process is driving me crazy.
Thanks a lot, man. Are you at IUPUI now? I'm from Indiana and applying there too, how do you like it there?
Its so amazing to see you handled business and have put yourself in the position to transfer to an even better love the op to be in the position you are in....Was being an ICLEO member a major factor in your success? I applied for the program i pray i get me thanx
I think with numbers like those, as a black male, you can definitely get into tier 1 law schools. I think you should definitely put more on your list!