Blessed09 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#5 | University of Wisconsin Madison | Accepted A | Type: RA | $95,775 | Sent: 10/26/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/04/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/02/08 | Upd: 16 years | |
#3 | College of William and Mary | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/06/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/11/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/21/08 | Upd: 16 years | ||
#4 | University of Iowa | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/26/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/04/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
#2 | University of Georgia | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/09/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/17/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/13/09 | Upd: 16 years | ||
#8 | University of Tennessee Knoxville | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/26/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 10/28/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
#9 | Lewis and Clark College | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/02/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/12/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/26/09 | Upd: 16 years | ||
#6 | Tulane University | Accepted | Type: RA | $10,000 | Sent: 10/26/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/04/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |
#11 | Howard University | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/03/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
#7 | Temple University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 10/26/08 | Rec: 01/20/09 | Comp: 10/30/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
#10 | University of Kentucky F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/03/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
#1 | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 10/26/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 10/28/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/03/08 | Upd: 16 years | ||
#13 | University of Miami | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/26/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 11/10/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
#12 | Seattle University | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/27/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years |
Visitor Comments
Congrats on W&M!!!! That's fantastic. You've got to be doing flips. To be accepted to a great school, and this early. It's all downhill from here:-)
Congrats on W&M. We have the same LSAT score, LOL. :)
good luck on with your numers are a little bit higher than yours...but you apply early in the game...
I also have low scores. It is encouraging to watch your cycle. Anyway you cut are going to law school next year!!
I love your attitude about this whole thing.. you will be fine! CONGRATS on all the acceptances thus far!
I would love to apply to more schools. I'm limited to the Kentucky/Tennesse area due to my husbands of us needs to stay employed full-time!! :) Best of luck.
Congrats on your acceptances so far and good luck on the rest of your cycle!
I just read this part of your profile "With my LSAT and GPA being low I know that some of my schools are long shots but again I refuse to settle on somewhere like Florida Coastal ( no disrepect to anyone who applies there)" LOL.
UW Madison is a great place to study. It is my first choice, unfortunately, i just finished my statement this week and sent it yesterday. I'm gonna pray
Sorry about UK, but when you are 12 points below the median LSAT I do not think it is fair for you to be mad at them. If you had a better GPA you probably had a shot, but you were pretty far below both the 25th percentiles for them. Every school has its own process. But I am sure you will enjoy W & M. Any other applicant would have been rejected outright, not waitlisted, so don't be discouraged. Good luck with your schools!
Oh I understand, I probably would be a bit upset about being waitlisted somewhere. UC is a great school but as a KY resident UK is quite a bit cheaper, so I will probably be going there. Good luck with wherever you decide!
I love your attitude with applying to great schools. I also have a lower LSAT score, and have a few reach schools as well, but none in the top 100. I will be watching your updates, best of luck!
on your acceptances thusfar. I hope you hear more great news in the coming months.
Congrats on Tulane! It would appear things are looking up for you.
Congrats on your acceptances! I wish i could have your luck.
congrats on your acceptances! W&M is a great school, and much cheaper than Tulane! I hope to have your luck someday! :D
congrats on W&M and tulane!! great schools! it's so nice to see schools are looking beyond numbers! i'm hoping for w&m myself. congrats and best of luck with the rest of your cycle
Wow congrats on getting W&M two weeks after applying! that's great. as for me, I'm still waiting for them anxiously... W&M is def a top choice for me.
Good luck on your cycle! We have similar numbers so I'm going to add you to my watchlist.
thanks! i have extremely high hopes, I feel like if I don't take any chances I may end up at Florida Coastal...not like there's anything wrong with that for some...I'm trusting that God will make a way, I need to do something with this life of mine!
Good luck with Georgia. Even if it doens't happend you still have some terrific options. Nice job!!
Hang in there. UGA is coming!
Congrats on the additional acceptances!
Congrats on L&C. I got my acceptance letter this week also. Are you considering it, or are you sold on W&M?
congratulations on your great acceptances! It's nice to know some schools look beyond the numbers...i hope they'll be just as kind to me :)
& congrats yourself on your acceptances...FYI, I have a friend that's a 2L @ UW, and if u don't get in UGA, I HEAVILY advise going there...I know W&M is "ranked" higher, but believe me when i tell u, UW is the better choice & will be well worth it...
the faculty is top notch, the alumni network is much stronger since UW isn't just a regional school, like W&M... in summary, you'd pay less for a better education, with better job prospects after graduation...
I asked my friend that goes there to tell me the biggest strength and biggest weakness of UW...biggest strength he said is the quality of ed is underrated (his sis went 2 Columbia & she felt he's learned more than her @ the same point in ed ) & the biggest weakness was the weather (sad but true, lol)...hope that helps...
but still up 2 u...I'm sure it's a much tougher decision when you have good options...
Yeah, from what I have read Wisconsin actually seems like a really gay-friendly place. I'm just hesitant about the coldness... Very jealous of your acceptance to Tulane, by the way. I've been eligible for review since November and still nothing :(
Congratulations on how well your cycle is going! I'm sure you'll hear from UGA soon. At this point I'm just waiting to see what other schools I get into and the money offered from all of them. I know about UGA's network but idk if I want to pigeonhole myself into the Georgia network. I figure at least with Emory/Vandy I'll be okay for the entire East Coast. But at the end of the's all about the money, lol.
sorry blessed, but i think you'll have to wait until the end of my cycle for me to release my preferences. i've said a little about it in my additional info, but am waiting to reveal everything until my cycle is complete, due to a little paranoia. would any of your 3 remaining schools knock you off of w&M or are you pretty decided?
Thank you! Congratulations on Tulane! I have been eligible for review since 11/25 and have not heard anything. UH is killing me too but its good to know that if those two fail I have UMN to fall back on. Good luck with the rest of your cycle and making a final decision!
Hey girlie! Ummmm, UVA probably won't pick me up but if they did then I'm dropping any plans that I have to go to W&M, saying whatever to the rental debt and pissin someone off when they don't have a roommate EVEN if it's the day before class starts LMAO! Yes that's how badly I want to go back to UVA. W&M isn't too bad. I toured it UG and didn't care for it too much, but I think that has to do with the fact that I grew up 40 mins away and wanted to be a little further from my parents. Also, UVA was the best fit. But now I'm thinking about it all so differently. I actually like being closer to home now and I love the quiet surroundings of W'burg. It's not that bad if you don't mind being a little bored here and there compared to major urban/metro areas. You should go to the ASW on the 28th to get a feel for it. Let me know if you do! I put my email up there if you want more info.
Oh and congratulations on your cycle as well!!! :O)
This is in response to the negative comment: Of course people with negative comments DO NOT have the balls to reveal their profiles! Cowards..figues! ha! I'd like to thank you for the lovely comment you left on my profile. I realize that you are not intelligent enough to know that perspective, life experience, and hardship all contribute to a students value to an incoming class. Also a person's life experiences and challenges they have faced can drive them to succeed and in some cases excel moreso than a student with a 3.5/168. Even if you are correct in that I will have to work harder so what..I'll do just that. Do not be blinded ny numbers. You have no idea what my background contains. And please understand that there were other "quota fillers" the top Law schools I was accepted to with 3.5/165 that they could have choosen, but they did not! Do not be bitter. if they wanted a minority with a high score they could have choosen one. Clearly I have something to offer that the other vanilla students do not.
I Will probably be seeing you at Wisco this fall :)
Don't mind the haters. You'd be doing something wrong if you didn't have any :) Some people just can't some to terms with their own shortcomings, so attacking (percieved) AA beneficiaries is their way of coping. Anyway, look forward to meeting you this fall!
hi!! big congrats on wisc!!! its also a top choice for me. how were you informed about your award?
Yo Go! I'm sorry to read that you received negative comments but that is preparing you for what maybe later happen at UW. I hope that is not the case though...Good Luck to you and stay true!
hello! no unfortunately i will be traveling for work and cant make the ASW. i'm trying to check out another time to go and visit. it is def a top choice and if i were to get money from them (right now its my most expensive option) i would be able to consider it in a more realistic way. i sure hope to though.
I could delete all the negative comments but I love it! I love the jealousy and bitterness! It does nothing but motivate me! Thank you so much haters for helping me strive even more to succeed! Clearly I have something to offer that other students don't! Oh and I wouldn't suggest attending law school if you have not considered that maybe there were factors that contributed to my low GPA/Score other then "oh she's not smart" Open your minds!..You need to be open to both sides of an argument and understand that looks (numbers) may be deceiving! You have no idea what is on my resume!
Congrats on your acceptances! I have read some of the ignorant comments written on your profile and can only say to them, please research the justifications for affirmative action before you draw conclusions on future performance in law school based merely on scores and grades. This link is a good read and it actually comes from a Dean of Admissions at a law school. Those who judge her performance and what you may deem as being "unfair" can click on this link and learn some things. Being an AA female and completely understanding the disadvantages that exists in this good ol'US of A, I wholeheartedly give you a thumbs up!!! :-) For the individual who is Asian on here and reference his personal struggles and compared them to that of AA and hispanics here in the US, I have one thing to ask..."Why must we always compare tragedies?" That's like asking someone to compare the Holocaust and AA's being subjected to over 300 years of involuntary servitude? You don't compare the two. I have empathy for your struggles, however I suggest that you click on the link I provided above. And for the rest of you who call her situation "unfair" think of this survey that was taken: When a classroom of 29 students was asked the question, "In your next life, if you could choose your race, what would you want to be?" Mind you, this class included (mostly) white males, some white females, black males and black females. Almost the ENTIRE class chose to come back as a WHITE MALE. Some chose to become a white female, a couple of students chose to become asians, and 2 students chose to come back as black males. NO ONE chose to come back as a black female. Go figure....right? (A survey that one of my former professors chose to enlighten with a few years back)
I hate to blast up your these comments have only inspired me to be "informative." This comment is from the link (which the website itself is very informative and gives both sides to the "affirmative action" argument as well as helpful information on law school in general) that I posted. The Dean of Admissions stated, "Now, as to the 'we don't want unqualified minorities' line, I would assume we don't want unqualified white folk, either. Yet a number of admissions officers have told me that the rock bottom lowest numbers they took are not for minorities, but for children of wealthy alumni donors. I guess rich counts as qualified, huh?" Just some food for though....HAVE A GOOD DAY AND CONTINUE TO BE BLESSED! :-)
You Go!! and do not ever let the jealous people bring you down. You are going to law school and that is all that matters. No us low lsaters are not to be compared with a bunch of students who have no job, no family to take care of, and only time on their hands to study for the lsat. If i had 6 months to do only exclusive lsat studying, id get a higher score. They have never been challenged. Anyone white or black who has indeed been challenged in life should be encouraging you and championing your success. It is the unchallenged that cannot understand and therefore cannot empathize with you. So go and be a real attorney, not someone who can memorize minutia, pass the bar and just because they have a high number on the lsat thinks they can actually take on life. life is not that simple. it is not about the numbers and those who are blinded by this falacy will find out. Good luck!!
You're welcome :-) "Hating" can only get you but so far in this world..... Good luck again!
i was really happy to see that you were given a great scholarship package to Wisconsin! what a great opportunity! i think you'll love madison! may applicants would be stoked to be in your shoes right now, but don't forget to whom the praise and glory is due...
Hey I comment in December that great that you got accpetance to Wisconsin and the full ride...did they send you a letter or they give you the award later on...also the haters who love to comment on your wall...she is a person who has the right to apply to the any law school...if the school choose to accept her than it their right...
MADISON!...need I say more? See you on the flip side.
Wow, that is sooo awesome for you about Wisconsin! Hard to say no to a free ride! Graduating from law school without any debt, man that is a dream right there! Congrats!!!!
I can't believe some of the people on this website and how ignorant they are! I love the comments you posted in return to these people. You are such a strong person and I see lots of success as a lawyer for you! Continue to ignore the racists and haters like you have been and keep on being your fabulous self! Congrats on all of your successes!!!
Congrats on a great cycle! Best of luck at which ever school you attend.
Um Ella, no I don't think I'm entitled to anything. I am sorry that you do not seem to understand that the law school could actually choose URM applicants with higher numbers but they chose me. I would think that perhaps that would make you think, " hmm maybe there is something else this person has to offer." I guess you are not bright enought to consider any other factor besides GPA/score. You failed to consider my resume and many other factors that can make one diverse beyond race. How are you going to excel in law school with a closed mind! Anyone with average intelligence would have thought that there must be something more than the race because again there are URMs with higher numbers but they choose me. Do not try out for moot court because you can't see more than one side of an argument. Oh and grow some Balls!! Post your profile winner! HA!...You're a coward!
Congratulations, you got into some really good schools, I'm mad I didn't apply to more t1's .. ous LSAT's? GPA are similar...Ahhhh well, and for ella it always cracks me up that the people who leave those idiotic comments never post their info. Jealousy is an ugly thing!!!! and damn I wish I had a free ride ;)
Let your haters be your motivaters and success be your revenge! They are both personal mottos of mine. Congrats on your phenominal cycle and good luck at Wisconsin!
Hey there, I just wanted to share the news... I just got my best acceptance so far, to Hamline University through their Founders Enrollment program! I am sooo excited beyond words!!
on your great acceptances! And especially that amazing scholarship from UW-Madison! Buy a heavy coat, dress in layers, and think warm thoughts, LOL.
I think that the negative comments by people are unnecessary. I am against affirmative action and racial preference for the most part. However, if you succeed, then there was no mistake letting you in. If you don't succeed, then you don't. I hope that you do, and I wish you the best!
I didn't really connect with Wash U and I wasn't impressed with their scholarship offer. I was leaning heavily towards UGA, but decided to go with Howard instead. I visited it and loved it and decided it was where I needed to be this fall.
Your profile is informative and pleasing to read. I too applied to both W&M and Lewis and Clark...hope to see you at one!
What offends people is not so much that you have gotten into a few schools where your numbers are far below their bottom quartile, but it is your attitude that "you refuse to settle for a bunch of fourth-tier schools". There are many people with much higher numbers that have to do so. When you put down a school like Florida Coastal (even though you're quick to say that you don't mean to), you come off as if you think you are too good to go to school like Florida Coastal...and in reality, you are actually not. I'm also a URM, but I'm not going around saying that I refuse to settle for anything less than a top school, b/c my numbers might not get me there. When you say "I would NEVER attend a school that waitlsit me, EVER!." You should be thankful that a school is waitlisting you instead of flat out rejecting you based on your numbers. Re-evaluate how you come off, that's all. I def. don't think the LSAT is a good predictor of future success, but just think how others (including other minorities with compelling stories) feel when they get rejected and see someone like you getting into schools and then mocking lower tier schools.
Good for you, stand by everything you say (even if you come accross extremely conceited). I hope people don't look at all of us minorities in the same way because we all don't feel self-entitled because just because we have "something to offer". It is not jealousy or bitterness I'm speaking out of, because I haven't even applied, but I decided to post on your wall, so people don't think it's only the "white folks" "hating" on your success.
Congrats on the full scholarship at WI...I know you've had a lot of comments on here (and some truly distasteful ones, at that), but I just thought it was so cool that you got a full ride! See you in the fall :)
Absolutely! How about you? I need to check out apartments, etc as well...eek!
All the best of luck to you and I hope you rise to the challenge and come out successful! Have you decided on a school yet? Tulane is wonderful (I am a Louisiana native)- you have great choices - did you send a LOCI to any of these schools during the process? Congrats again - may your future be bright. Her name is Dannielle Shaw, a DeLoggio client. Not every 148 can get in here -you have to be rich enough to pay DeLoggio several thousand dollars to complete your app for you. Besides, for all we know she's lying about the LSAT or the scholarship money.
LMAO...a retard minority that thinks having the right skin color for admittance means the school saw something special in her intellectual background. Honestly, Blessed, would you trust someone that scored 148 to litigate a complex business transaction? You will be very "blessed" to make it through law school at a rank (top 10 percent) that allows you to get a job. Because, you know, U of W actually has people that score above retarded on their LSAT. Whether you like standardized tests or not, the fact is the LSAT is the best indicator of law school success and percentile ranking. Even if you get the rank, very few firms higher 35-45 year old grads with a pathetic employment history. Especially in this economy. Good luck!
Also, her name is Dannielle Shaw. See:
congratulations on W&M. i know you are pretty happy to have gotten in! i'm hoping to hear from them as well soon!