hoodcelebrity (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#2 | University of Oregon F | Accepted D | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 15 years | ||
#2 | University of San Francisco | Accepted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
Washington University in St Louis F | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
#1 | Seattle University | Rejected | Type: SP | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | ||
University of Denver | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
University of Nevada Las Vegas | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
University of Wisconsin Madison F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
Lewis and Clark College F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
University of Pittsburgh F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
DePaul University F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
Gonzaga University F | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years |
Visitor Comments
Hey....good luck on your cycle..I hear that a good foundation in labor and employment law can be helpful in sports law. You should think about joining BESLA if you get a chance. It provides great networking opportunities.
Hey...I just checked and the Black Sports Agents Association (BSAA) is another organization you may want to look into.
No problem. I was fortunate enough to have so many lawyers help me during the process, so I'm glad to be able to help someone else along the way. Let me know if you need help or advice.
I started off wanting to be a sports agent, but that fizzled. I realized that there is a lot of corruption in the sports agent business and as a lawyer, I'd be at a disadvantage, because I would refuse to sacrifice my license to do something unethical. I looked into other avenues and being general counsel seems interesting. I also took Labor & Employment Law this semester and I loved it. As it turns out, many of the franchise general counsel have a labor & employment background. Plus I'd still get to do contracts. But, real estate law is interesting and very lucrative. Who knows where I'll end up, but right now I am trying to get into the best school possible and make connections along the way.
If your are representing athletes or people in the entertainment industry, having some knowledge of IP law is helpful, especially with rights of publicity. Look into Santa Clara. I'm not applying because I am not a fan of Northern California.
Ya I am a pretty competitive person, but after learning about the O.J. Mayo, Reggie Bush, Leigh Steinberg situation and other horror stories, I decided it didn't really fit my personality. But, it's good that you have a leg up.
thanks man! good luck to you too! im sure you will do fine. hopefully you get what you want on the dec lsat.
For the comment! Best of luck to you this cycle - maybe LSAT scores will be release today?? I've added you to my watch list.
Thanks and the best of luck to you too!
I wish you the best of luck in this cycle. What is your first choice?
Congrats on Denver! Did you apply full time or part time? Were you admitted last year? I know that you will do good things here. Let's keep in touch. In terms of my choice, I am going to play the cycle. We will see what happens.
What do you think of U of O? Do they take people with below 150 lsats? Do you know anything about their admission policy? I wanted to pick your brain.
Thanks for the support. I just finished sending off my information for the CLEO program.
Congratulations on the LSAT bump...Hope the New Year is kind to both of us.
I actually really like DePaul and they are definitely in my top 5. They have a great alumni base in Chicago and I would say they are number 4 or 5 in Illinois behind Northwestern Chicago and Illinois (maybe Chicago-Kent). Pretty Good OCI firms that have ties to sports. George Mikan graduated from there.
Congrats on your score increase! I am quite proud of you.
good luck on Seattle U and the rest of your cycle. I took the LSAT and got the same score 3 times! it bites.
We have similar numbers--best of luck
I wish all the best for your cycle too and I hope you'll get into your #1! Seattle is a really cool city =]
Good luck with your cycle, especiialy Seattle, hope you get in!
Would you consider part time at USF? I think that you will have a strong shot in their part time program.
I am sooooooo happy that I got a waitlist and that it wasn't a flat out rejection. I feel blessed that I have a chance. Good Luck on your apps, I think the fee waivers are a good sign. Glad to hear you got everything out.
Hope you get into Seattle U. Denver the first time around? That's pretty good. Even though it's a long shot for me, I went ahead and applied. You never know, right?
That you so much!!! Your encouraging words mean a lot to me! I wish you the best on your app cycle!!
the sports law program is really attractive and something im considering. its actually the only reason i applied there. in the package they sent to me, the program helps students get general counsel jobs and internships with professional sports teams
this cycle! Sounds like you're able to focus more on your law school process this time around. Good job on raising your LSAT. I think you'll get some solid schools as well.
Hey thanks for stopping by! Good blessings with your cycle. KIT. Simone
Thanks, good luck to you too. Hope you get into your #1.
Thanks so much for the congrats! Best wishes to you!
Thanks and good luck to you with this cycle!!
Good luck!
I think Southwestern is a pretty good school although it has tough competition with the other SoCal law schools. I hear its pretty good for trial lawyers/judges and they have a Entertainment Law Institute, which has produced Execs for major studios. Sports wise Donald Sterling, Clippers owner, Jeffrey Birren, Oakland Raiders GC, and the Tampa Bay Bucs GC are alumni. They are having an entertainment law panel on Feb. 21st. When I get more info...I'll let you know.
good luck to you too
haha ya i dont run a 6.5, im a lot faster than that. i also can a lot more reps than 2. anyways, im just hoping a few more schools will bite but im def expecting some more rejections. im sure you will start hearing back soon. u have no need to worry. it sucks because i see people with a better gpa(like 3.5) and similar lsat getting into top14 schools. its like damn, does football and not having time count for anything?
good luck with you too! It seems like your athetlic background will get you places. I'm doing everything I can get to get off the list.
hey bro.. i'm with you on the football end.. i'm bankin on admissions offices taking that into consideration too, playin in bcs conferences and tryin to balance school and ec's is damn tough...good luck with your cycle fam
appreciate it fam..im doin the sports & entertainment route too..looks like you got them west coast ties, i got alot of people on the east coast so holla
A few years ago, I know that you would have been accepted to DePaul. A buddy of mine is a DePaul grad. His scores were very low. I received a denial from Loyola. This hurt man! We will stay in touch my friend. Let's cross our fingers for Seattle.
Thanks again for suggesting the CLEO Program! I just got into it!
I was admitted into Idaho. I am quite pleased! I am still waiting on Seattle, on Oregon, on Lewis & Clark, and on Southwestern. How is the process going my friend? I just wanted to check in with you.
I hope that you get into Seattle. I applied part time there. I received an e-mail in December that I was being considered for the Access Program. I thought that I had a strong chance there. I fit their criteria, but ah well. We will stay in touch my friend. Crim
Thanks for the encouragement. I never thought that I would have received an acceptance from Idaho. It is full time, so I am definitely grateful. The 25th percentile lsat is a 151, and the 75th is a 159. I am not anywhere near those lsat numbers. I am quite grateful my friend. I will keep you in my thoughts. I wish you the best of luck. Idaho showed me that anything is possible man.
Thank you for stopping by! Howard is great! I actually visited the school a few weeks ago and I loved it! Best wishes with the rest of your cycle. KIT.
Good luck on your cycle too!
i love your spirit! i have a feeling that SU will come thru, u had to wait this long so the decision should lay in ur favor! im rooting for you!
Thanks!!! I think I got hot in the 4th quarter and I took over like Steph Curry haha... I am pulling for you to get into Seattle
Hey man. Yeah I got in through their special program. Sorry to hear you got bad news from Seattle U...don't lose hope though. Go into that meeting with the dean with confidence and you might just turn the tables
I would love to hear your story man. Would you be willing to share via e-mail? I am sorry to hear about Seattle U. Have you thought about applying to Idaho?
Sorry to hear about Seattle..hopefully your meeting with the Dean goes well at the end of the month. I have a blemish on my record, so there is hope.
Nicely done my friend! Wow....
Hey, I just stumbled across your page. Im so sorry to see that things aren't working out as you planned. But I applaud you for your courage and determination. I hope things get brighter for you in the near future. Keep your head up.
Hey... I am sorry to hear about your situation with Seattle U. I believe God will make a way for you! What neighborhood of Seattle are you in?
Hey. First off, I want to say sorry for the rough cycle you've been having but keep up the faith - you'll be where you're supposed to be. Anywho, pertaining to Wash U, speak with Dean Bolin as much as possible and let her know that you really want to attend the school. There are a ton of people who have been put on the waitlist recently so you need to make yourself stand out as much as possible. Write a Letter of Continued Interest and update the school [in writing] on what ever new things are occurring in your life. For example, if you've been admitted into an honor society, have a new letter of reccommendation, etc. Write a "Why I Want To Go To Wash U" essay. Essentially, just let them know that you really want to attend and that you'd be an asset to the school. I think you'll be fine. Good luck!
Congrats on USF! I am sorry to hear about Seattle but at least you have an option now.
Congrats on your acceptance!!!!!
I'm not too sure yet. I think I'm gonna wait a couple more weeks before I decide anything.
Congrats again. I left me e-mail...send me a line.
congrats on usf! i know a few people there, and they say good things about the school. it's in a good location too! i think you will like it.
i put my deposit down at W&L. hopefully, we both get into Wash U!
yo u had a loong cycle and even thou SU did not work out, USF say something special that unfortunately other schools missed. im sooo proud of u! u are very inspirational and would love to hear your story. best of luck with ur meeting with SU, u never kno wat may come out of it. im sooo excited for u!
whattup fam.. just wanted to say congrats on the SF acceptance..good shit happens to good ppl kid..be easy
Congrats on USF. Have you settled on them? I, too did feel the sting of rejection from SU, but I guess it was meant to be.
i'm happy about Case.. only a lil over an hour from the crib.. got alumni as GC's at the browns/reds/cavs/indians, IMG, and the CEO of warner bro's is an alumni... just glad to have an acceptance as you now feel..keep me posted in the next few weeks as these cycles start to come to an end.. be easy kin
This is my third time around as well so I can relate! Wish you all the best - I hear San Francisco is awesome - congrats! Were you waitlisted before you sent your LOCI to Seattle?
Thanks! How long had your file been complete for you sent out your letter? I am considering some out before a decision is made. Def. will keep in touch!
looks like the USNWR leaked over at TLS tonight... SF broke the top 100..congrats fam
Yea, let me know how your visit goes and also your meeting with SU. I'm rooting for ya, and thanx for the support!
I read all of your postings...and I am glad that got accepted at a law school and never gave up!
Yeah I'm stoked about going to San Diego. I'm still holding out on U of Hawaii (my hometown) though..good luck!
Hi, It looks like you have led an interesting life thus far, and will have a lot to bring to the table in law school and beyond if you put in the work. Best.
I really don't know how to thank you for your advice. It is because of you that my cycle is going so well! I was accepted into IU-Indy. Make sure you keep in touch even when we head off to school!
I am going to UO this weekend for admitted student weekend...their paid for my ticket and hotel...so I am excited...but I think about going to Northeastern than UO...but I am going to check out the school
I will tell about the visit when I come back ...and I hope I will get off a least one of my wait listed schools... :)
Haha thanks, good luck to you at San Fran this fall
USF is great school. I work for the Bar Association of San Francisco, they offer a generous scholarship for URM students attending Bay Area Law Schools: http://www.sfbar.org/diversity/scholarships.aspx deadline is May 15th so apply ASAP!! Congrats again!
unless I get off a WL at Miami or get into San Diego/Loyola/Pepperdine.. i will at Case in the fall..one of my boys just got drafted by the niners.. stay in touch fam & glad you were feelin USF on your visit
one of my boys was their 1st round pick last year- the dtackle balmer.. and my man from Pitt just got drafted in the 4th this year.. you'll love the Bay... im having a UM alumni send a LOR and another professor as well so we will see.. if case wasn't in the damn midwest i'd be sold on them lol
Congratulations on USF! We should meet up for sure! I definitely can't wait. The Bay Area is going to be an incredible place to go to school!!
Congrats on the second look by Oregon. I hear that they dominate the legal market in Oregon. But USF is still a great school. Did you still end up talking to the Dean of Seattle?
Congrats. Third time definitely seems to be the charm. And you are obviously focused, so I have no doubt you'll be successful. I am no guru on getting scholarship money, but you might try writing a letter, letting them know that you, like the rest of us, have financial difficulty. But you have to sell yourself. I am hoping for money from Loyola, but if not there are numerous opportunities for 2Ls and 3Ls. I am trying to get my foot in the door with sports franchises, so we will see how that goes. Maybe I can intern for one during the summer.
Thanks my friend! Go Dons! I am proud of you with USF.
go to oregon! it's cheaper and it's closer to where you stay at now. bay area does have more athletics opportunities, but oregon has a few players getting drafted every year. it is def a tough decision though. good luck with the decision.
yeah, i was supposed to go to oregon out of high school but couldn't because of grades. i had to go to jc first, then i decided on cal after that. i have a bunch of friends who still play ball there or just finished the last few years. i know a few people on the hoop squad too. it's a nice place. i like the small town feel there, plus athletics are EVERYTHING there! actually, i would have gone to oregon for law school if i was promised a legal job with nike after grad lol. i really wanted to go there. i think it's a good fit for you.
Congrats on Oregon...I see you deferred...are you still planning on attending since I noticed you deferred or are you thinking of applying again to more schools this next cycle? Good luck either way :o)
well it sounds like you have a great fit after all that hard work getting into law school .... good luck in your studies!
Thanks man...really wish the LSAT would've worked out better...but I'm sure I'll end up where I'm supposed to be. Best of luck to you.