rosiesrules (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
University of Dayton | WL, Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/26/08 | Rec: 09/29/08 | Comp: 09/29/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/03/09 | Upd: 15 years | |||
University of Arkansas Little Rock | WL, Rejected D | Type: RA | Sent: 12/19/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/09/09 | Upd: 15 years | |||
Oklahoma City University | Waitlisted D W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/16/08 | Rec: 09/18/08 | Comp: 09/25/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 15 years | |||
Texas A&M University School of Law | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/24/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/06/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
South Texas College of Law | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/14/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 02/06/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
William Mitchell College of Law | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/12/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/21/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Thomas Jefferson School of Law | Pending D W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/20/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/25/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Southern University | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/19/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
University of The District of Columbia | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/24/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 16 years | |||
Valparaiso University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/12/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/27/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Texas Southern University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/29/08 | Rec: 09/29/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/12/08 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Florida Coastal School of Law | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/14/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/12/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/16/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Thomas M Cooley Law School | Accepted W | Type: RA | $6,000 | Sent: 09/09/08 | Rec: 09/10/08 | Comp: 09/20/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 09/23/08 | Upd: 16 years | ||
Hamline University | WL, Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 12/18/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 12/27/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/02/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
University of Missouri Kansas City | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 10/12/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/30/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Howard University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/24/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/06/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/06/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Loyola University New Orleans | Accepted W | Type: SP | Sent: 09/22/08 | Rec: 09/29/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/03/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
Washburn University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 09/27/08 | Rec: 09/29/08 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/26/09 | Upd: 16 years | |||
St. Thomas University - Florida | Accepted W | Type: SP | Sent: 12/20/08 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/16/09 | Upd: 16 years |
Visitor Comments
Just wanted to wish you luck on your applications, we have a couple similar schools that we will be applying to.
What school do you really want to go to. I wish you the best on that school but also you can be proud because you received an acceptance letter anyway.
I know that have to be a great feeling to know you are going to law school this Fall.My top choice is DePaul. I have to stay in Chicago and I have to do PT evening because of I have to work and I have 2 children.
Thanks so much for the encouraging words! I hope we both get in somewhere!!!
Congrats on your acceptance.
Thanks for the congrats on Texas Southern. Right now I'd have to say my top choices are Indiana, Baltimore, and Charlotte. However, my top choices are always changing. How about yours?
Thanks -- good luck with your apps!
lol, i'm somewhat kidding about the kansas comment. I've been living in jersey for the past few years so although kansas might not be my idea of heaven, it is definitely better than NJ aka 'the armpit of the earth' what is your top choice right now?
Well, searching for fee waivers can be pretty tedious... I pretty much go straight to the search engine first if available on the site and simply type in fee waiver. If nothing comes up, then it becomes difficult, I pretty much start clicking on any link that is possibly related, and hopefully come up with something, and if that still doesn't work, I e-mail the admissions dean and ask if one is available, and if not, request one... Hope this helps. Amy
You will get into better schools than Cooley. I would strongly talk you out of going there. Please look at the atrition rate at this school. What is your first choice? What do you think of Loyola NO? I think that we both have a strong chance there.
I was just wondering how your progress was going. I got my first rejection from Baltimore the other day :-( I'm getting NERVOUS!
Yeah, the waiting sucks. I am so nervous because I already got one rejection from a not so great school. I really hope I get in somewhere decent. I don't know anything about financial aid...guess I will figure it out if I get into school anywhere. I'm starting to doubt myself, which I hate doing. Western New England and Regent sent me these big packages to apply and they would waive my fee and such. I'm not interested in those schools, though. I know I have no right to be picky with my awful stats, but seriously...those schools don't do it for me.
Yeah, I don't have much faith anymore...this is too much for me.
Yeah, I just deleted that jerk's comment. I hate when people make comments like that because no one asked for their opinion. I just hate that my LSAT score is hurting me so much. I didn't get amazing recommenders either because they were 3 people who knew me well. One was a professor, one was a director of a company in Pittsburgh (and my close friend's dad), and one was the assistant superintendent and former teacher of mine from high school. I didn't seek to get alums and stuff because they'd write me generic letters, you know?
University of DC is also a good addition. We will both see what happens there. I am astonished about Texas Southern. However, it is still early in the game. They could take you off the waitlist eventually. The fact that you are from Kansas may play in your favor. Your gpa is also pretty solid. We should be receiving more results this coming week.
Thanks for cheering me up! Since we have similar numbers, I am definately rooting for you!
This is just a little reminder to get your apps out before the new year. You have a significant advantage if you get them out before the big rush of new year people apply. I'm really rooting for you!!
Yeah, I know the speeding ticket had nothing to do with it. It just sucks. I'm really hoping for Dayton and Duquesne right now.
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement!! It really means alot to me. Like you, I studied very hard for the LSAT and practically lived at the library the whole time. I'm not going to retake that exam. As for your question - I studied abroad at Cambridge as an undergrad and then at Oxford last year. You have a great selection of schools, many of which are on my list too. I'll totally be rooting for you too girl! You're officially on my watchlist. Let's stay positive and strong. :)
Thanks for the congrats. I believe you will do well. Hey the bright side is you already got an acceptance from one school so no matter what you are going to law school. FYI, we have so much in common, do you know I was born in Kansas (but please don't ask me anything about there because my family moved back to Chicago when I was 6 months old). Best of luck my fellow 145er.:-).
Congrats on submitting all of your apps. It must be a good feeling. We will stay in touch.
Good Luck with your cycle. We have so much in common with our LSAT scores! I cant wait to hopefully get into one of my top 3 choices so this test cant haunt me anymore! What is your first choice? There are a lot of schools in the SE that you would have a great shot at!
I think you would have a great shot at Nova Southeastern for sure. The only thing is I think you would have to stay in Ft. Lauderdale for a little while after graduation for a job. Also, I believe the new Charlotte School of law would be a good place. I understand though you want to be close to home. My family is moving to NC so that is why I am targeting that area. I am really hoping for anywhere in NC! I strongly suggest against this conditional program.
Thanks for the comment. I had a 146 before. This last time I took the LSAT in a different location and seemed to be a little more comfortable based on environment alone. Good luck with the rest of your cycle!
Ya know, I really have not decided on a top choice yet...still weighing my options. I think Washburn will be a good choice, based solely on cost. But still waiting on a few schools. As you know, I've applied to a couple :) lol
Thanks for your kind words. I think the biggest factor that helped raise my score was changing the location. I had to drive 1 hour and 45 minutes away and got lost because the school decided to change the location of the testing room. By the time I got to my seat to take the exam I was overly excited just to be there lol. That "journey" may have woke me up more than when I went to take the exam that was just 5 minutes away from my house. The section I scored the highest on was the logic games, but I scored the same on the reading comp and logical reasoning portions. I tried to slow down more for this last exam and that may have helped. But specifically for the reading comp I tried to focus on finding answers straight from the passage. I guess I improved on skimming and note taking in order to do that. It felt to me that skimming and note taking instead of reading for detail helped keep my mind from wondering. But yea, it would have been nice to get the scores I was receiving on practice exams, but I won't complain. Which school is your number 1?
Hi! Thanks! Yes I refuse to settle. I think Loyola so far is by far the better choice over Cooley even if they give you a free ride at Cooley don't do it so sweet about wanting to be close to your girlfriend...i'm a lesbian too but I'm sinlge..I'm worried about the lack of gay community if I go to William and Mary but I can't focus on probably good for me to be away from it..too much of a i'm girl ha Good luck!
Hey! You should have no problem getting accepted. Did you receive a Christmas card and the law centers catalog in the mail,from Southern?
Well, you definately came to the right place for info on this program. A 3L friend of mine just finished telling me about it recently. The Council for Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) Program is designed to help students with a low LSAT and/or GPA get an opportunity to get a legal education. You must be low income, a minority or in a disavantaged group. The Summer Institute Program (six weeks) will teach you how to write legal briefs, perform legal research, take a real law class, etc. There are several benefits to the CLEO Program. They will help you find placement during the summer of each yearof law school, you're eligible for scholarships, they help with permanent placement after law school, offer bar exam prep, etc. Additionally, if you apply to a CLEO member law school and let that law school know, they may endorse your application for CLEO. For instance, I applied to W&M again this year and notified them I applied to CLEO. If W&M is interested in me then they could contact CLEO and say that if you accept this person into the program then we will offer them admission. Most often, CLEO will compy with the request. Of course, some schools are more helpful than others. The program cost $2000 to participate and is very selective (only around 40 students per school and their are only two schools). For more info, you can go to The ICLEO Program is only for Indiana Law Schools and is not connected to the CLEO Program. It is based on the same concept but the benefits are even greater with this program. You can get more info at Hope this helps. ;-)
Just snooping around and happened upon your page. Good luck this cycle and congrats on your acceptances thus far!
Hey Rosie, I will take as many Congrats as you give me. Thank you for checking up on me. Congrats to Loyola, hey it's the Summer Program but look at it like a foot in the door. Plus you have so many more to hear from, all will end well for you.
Thanks. I am praying really hard thatI get into howard. Good luck with your schools.
She's applying to MPA/MPP programs. We're casting wide nets so I think we'll find somewhere that we can both be happy with.
Well I wish you the best of luck this cycle!
Hey there. I did not retake the lsat. My 150 is what I applied with :-) Congrats and good luck with the rest of your schools!
How are you feeling so far about the process? I am feeling uneasy about the upcoming decisions.
Well I hope I get in at at least a couple of the schools I've applied to. I am feeling VERY uneasy at this point to be honest. A 150 on the LSAT would make me a lot more comfortable at this point. No I have not started the FAFSA, there is really no point if you don't have your tax returns from what I've learned during my time in undergrad.
We do have similar numbers! Good luck to you!
I was an anthropology student at WSU back in the 90's - currently I am a 1L at UMKC. Let me know if you have any questions about the school. Good luck on your applications.
Well I thank you for your kind words. However, I feel I am pretty much a long shot at UMKC and Creighton. I also feel I am 50/50 at best for a lot of the schools on my list. Maybe I am just being pessimistic, but if I can get accepted to 8/16 I would consider that a success.
Your comments are always SO sweet! Thank you so much for the encouragement! I hope you're right...and I hope we are both in law school next fall :-)
on your acceptances so far and thank you for the encouraging have a strong GPA as well....what is your top choice?
UTK is deff my first choice. But I would pass out if I got into Washington and Lee or William and Mary....U of Louisville is also up there for me! Good luck with the rest of your cycle!!
I wanted to wish you luck on the rest of the cycle. I too have an undergrad degree in anthropology and struggled a lot with the LSAT. I have to say that the GRE was much easier than the LSAT to the tune of a 20 point percentile difference between my scores. Lol. Anyway, best of luck on the rest of the cycle.
Thanx for the comment. You are absolutely right, Washburn is a really good school, and I am definitely considering attending (we'll see). I feel so honored to have been admitted. I wish you a happy admissions cycle!
Hi there! When did you hear from St. Thomas? I am still waiting to hear from them. Congrats on your wait lists and acceptances! I got two rejections this week and am trying (hard) to remain positive... I wish you lots of luck!
I dont know anything about St. Thomas's conditional admit program. But I am hoping for it, too. If I find anything out, I'll be sure to let you know. Was your letter a big envelope or small? Re: how many people are in the class- probably not a whole lot, I'd imagine. I would think that they offer the option to way more applicants than who actually accept. Its a risk to move there and potentially not get full admission, so I would think the enrollment is not super high.
I haven't found out anything. I don't think I am going to do it though. I don't want to take that risk. Top 20% is going to be a challenge esp. since we don't really know who our competition will be. What are your thoughts?
Congrats on being accepted to the summer program at St.Thomas! I agree with your update about the good news on not seeing any rejections!
Yes I'm very excited. The rejection letter was a lot easier to handle considering I know I'm going to go somewhere. Congrats to you too on your acceptances. Of the ones you've been accepted to, which one is your top?
Thanks!! I am really excited about it, although it seems like a totally different country in terms of the distance from NY! lol BUT I am thrilled nonetheless... I have heard great things about it! Have you decided which program you will attend???
Actually, the waiting is not over for me, I still have alot of law schools to hear from. I reveal each school [on my profile] as I receive the decision. You are right, St. Thomas's offer is not competitive with Washburn's. But I really don't know where I'll go; I am completely open. I am just honored with the privilege to know that I'll be going to law school. Once I receive all of my decisions, I'll take a look at my offers and make the best decision possible. I am not ruling out any opportunity.
Okay I get you! I am waiting for all the rest of mine too.. The wait is killing me... Especially for the ones that I sent in earlier! Oh well.. time flies fast so we will know soon enough! Good luck!
No, I guess I haven't arrived at a top choice yet. I can say that of the schools I've heard from so far, Cleveland, Washburn, and Drexel are probably the ones I'm leaning towards. But I'm really open to all of my offers. I'll just wait and see what more comes along. Hopefully I'll get more good news. No matter what, I'll have to make my decision by March, since deposits are due at the beginning of April. Congrats on the Valpo news not being a rejection. I know you'll be getting good news very soon.
Did you receive an invitation to Southerns pre law day?
Southern is my top choice. What about you?
It looks like you and I have very similar numbers. Congratulations on all of your acceptances thus far. I know this whole process is a pain, but in the end I'm sure we'll get through it.
For Valpo, the check your application status, does the online site work fine? For some reason it never loads for me.
Yeah, truth be told the first time I didn't study like I needed to and my score just proved it.. I'm thinking of re-taking it but I just don't have the money right now and it's also too late for this cycle..but good luck to you and Congratulations on your acceptances!!!
Thanks! I don't really know much about Washburn or Valparaiso so I'm trying to learn some stuff, but I'm hoping some of the other schools work out for me too! but thanks for your kind words! ...I know some acceptances are on the way for you too!
Hey there, looks like I'm apart of the Texas Southern waitlist team.
Hey I see that you got in Loyola to! Maybe ill see you there next year?
We have the same numbers and applied to similar skools, like you I am not sure about St Thomas conditional program but I will wait until April to make my final decision. It's soo expensive!!!
I can't believe you haven't heard from Washburn yet. You couldn't have sent your app in any sooner than you did! Well, good luck. I, too, am awaiting word from them.
Hey, BTW, I just saw you were accepted into Loyola-NO. I see that you're from KS, so you may not know this, but that's a good school. My mom was born and raised around NO and that's a very highly-regarded school in LA. Congrats.
Thanks for the congrats! I sent you a note. I would encourage you to call them, or send them an e-mail if you received the same letter I did.
Oh yeah, I see your point. Those programs probably are pretty hard. At least you know you're going somewhere! You'll have a big decision to make; plenty to choose from it looks like.
Thanks! We have quite a few schools in common... Good luck!
Hi. I wouldn't be to worried about how long Washburn and UMKC are taking. Washburn has a spring class that they have to review for in the fall, so they always take longer. I spoke to both a week or so ago and they were both in committee, so we should be hearing something soon. I think you can be're still being looked at or otherwise you would have been sent a rejection. Keep up your hopes, it is a long and nerve racking process. I am sure you will have good news to celebrate soon. Keep me posted.
Thank u so much!!! I cant wait until you get more good news. It will come!
Yea if American accepts me ill be floored! lol but I will remain positive and apply to a few more skools to be on the safe side.
The waiting drives me crazy! I'm still waiting on U of Georgia!I'll be glad when this i sover and we're actually in school! :)
Just wanted to let you know that I got should be hearing something soon I would think. I am sure you will have good news soon. Keep me posted.
School is going good! Can't wait for this year to be over though.
No, I just received a complete rejection. There was no offer to enroll in a conditional admissions program. Oh well. It's their loss!!! ;)
Thank you for the kind words! I hope all is well with you and I wish you luck with the schools you have to hear from!
Just about all of them. William Mitchell's deposit is due in late April (but April nonetheless). I believe that law schools still make decisions well after their deadlines and deposit dates. But unfortunately, whether I hear from all of the schools I've applied to or not, I'll be making my decision in March.
Hey Thanks! KU was my top choice but that scholarship from Washburn really has me thinking. It's basically down to those two. I think there are positives and negatives with both. Anyway, I hope the regional schools get back to you soon, and hopefully with nice shiny acceptance letters! Thanks again and good luck!
Thanks for the congrats and for the message. Your posting prompted me to explain more about the acceptance. Please see my profile. I hope that you can get off the waitlist here. I would e-mail the committee and tell them that you are interested in participating in this workshop.
I have been waiting on Dayton forever as well. My top choice is likely Whittier and I have been waiting on them for just as long. Your top choice?
I'm sure you will be just as lucky!!! :)
Congrats on the schools you did get into though. Those WL letters are so frustrating I know.
Thank you Rosie for your input and advice. Congrats on your acceptances. Best wishes
Yes, I will have some tough choices to make. Hamline did accept me, can u believe it!?? They are so wonderful. I still have a significant number of schools left to hear from, I hope I get more good news soon. Dont worry, I know you'll be hearing something! Have you sent any follow-up e-mails to the schools you haven't heard from yet?
I noticed we have similar numbers. I wish you all the luck with your applications!
Wow, congratulations on your promotion! I'm rooting hard for you to get off those waitlists! You won't believe this but I got a promotion yesterday too! What a strange coincidence!
I called! The lady told me they had made the decision Feb. 9th! I still have yet to receive anything in the mail, but she def said I had been wait listed! MN mail comes in real late for me, no clue why!
Hey there! I'm sad to see the decision at Washburn, because I know you really liked them, but i love your outlook on the whole situation, it really how i feel about schools too, cause I've gotten in nowhere near home!! As for Hamline, I just wanted to tell you that i received the official WL letter Friday and that they actually made the decision Feb. 19, which makes the transmit time a little more reasonable since they mailed it on the 24th! Also, just wanted to wish you the best of luck on the schools you are still waiting for, i know some good news/another acceptance is on the way for you!
Yeah, the WL @ Washburn kinda hurt. I am planning on visiting OCU later this month. Pretty neat they do travel reimbursements.
You have a good outlook on it Rosie. It is their loss.
Good job on being waitlisted at Thomas Jefferson. I was shocked. They sent me a curtailed rejection letter yesterday. The school has some problems. Therefore, if you are interested, I would be glad to share them with you. We will stay in touch.
I would say just write a letter keeping them updated on your current affairs and re-expressing your interest in the school. I plan on writing North Dakota as I am very high on the school.
Thanks, it should be fun visiting the campus. And yeah! They reimburse up to $200 if you travel over 100 miles roundtrip to visit. I'm pretty sure you have to be accepted first though? I could be wrong though. But that's nice, because otherwise I wouldn't visit. So I'm glad to get the opportunity.
Hey, what's new? Any news from any schools? I don't really have anything...Dayton needs to stop their sweet time, wouldn't you say?
Have you heard from OCU yet?
Thanks so much. No, I haven't visited Cleveland-Marshall, but I intend to. I did speak to the Dean of Admissions, and he really helped to bring clarity to my decision. He has really been so nice and wonderful! There are still some schools I haven't heard from yet that I would've definitely liked to give equal consideration to as I did with all of the other schools I've heard from, but as I told you before, I had to make my decision this month, whether I heard from everyone or not. Consequently, I've begun to withdraw and close my applications. I'll still hear from these schools, and it will be wonderful to find out what the results are. Whatever they turn out to be, it would've been nice to have gotten them sooner. Like any law students w/ enough options, I can always change my mind (within reason), but I'm very happy with the overall outcome and my decision (I think this is obvious). I never expected my cycle to go as well as it has, and I recognize how rare it is, especially with my LSAT range. But I'm also glad to be able to post my profile, because getting into law school when you're in the 140s is realistic, especially if you are deemed to possess really strong soft factors. I have definitely sent you plenty of positive energy.
Thank you for your message and for your kind words. How have you been?
By the bye, good job on Dayton's waitlist. I feel confident about Hamline.
I, too, was waitlisted at Dayton. Did you have to fill out that form to stay on the list? I did. I'm still in mourning over Duquesne and would like to appeal it. That's the only school I thought I really had a chance, and they sent me such an insincere letter. They kept my app for over 4 months, and that's all they could muster. Makes me sad...
I'm going down there on March 26th for Preview Friday. I'll let you know how it was! And yes, I'm trying to get off the waitlists at both UMKC & Washburn. I sent both of them LOCI this week.
I really can't get up to Ohio to visit the law school. I've been to UD a couple times, though, because our volleyball teams were in the same conference. It's a pretty nice campus; there's just not much around to do around there. You'd have to go into Cinci to do stuff. I hope I get off their waitlist and get admitted. I have yet to see an acceptance, which SUCKS!!!!!
I am fully admitted into the Fall 2009 class no matter what my GPA ends up being (Indiana University-Indianapolis has the same program). Thirty students get a head start over the rest of the admitted students. Since we have lower LSATs, they give us a head start to get up to speed with our counterparts. I think its too late for SSP consideration but you can apply for regular admission. I wouldn't apply to any more schools either (except Ohio Northern, I mean it's free). Your credentials are stronger than mine so you will get your full acceptance this year!
What are your thoughts on the cycle? I think the cycle sucks! but I mean what can I say my numbers just aren't that great! As far as Wahburn, I visited March 6-7 for ASD and I just really really liked the dean's and faculty and everyone wa so nice, even students actually attending that i happened to run into, also drove around the surrounding area and while there aren't a million things to do there are thngs to do on a weekend per say!!! So great, I decided after the visit I couldn't justify visiting valpo, cause I'd be perfectly happy at Washburn and it's tier 3 and the money is nice too! Basically, all the schools that are still pending are schools I would attend over Washburn, but not too sure about Hamline or U of St. Thomas ( I like the pictures of these two schools, they seem more city like than Topeka!!! But all in all I would be happy at Washburn ( I do plan to try and transfer to a school closer to home/one that I wanted to get in now!!!) Best of luck to you too!!! Also, what about you??? What WL are you most hoping to get off?? and would you got to cooley if wl didn't work and just try to transfer???
I withdrew from Hamline's waitlist. Hope it helps you!
Hi...sorry for the delay in responding back. I sent withdraws to OCU, RWU, and Mississippi today. I am pretty sure that I am going to end up at Washburn, though Tulsa and UMKC (if I get off the waitlist) aren't out of the question entirely. My wife is in the process of job hunting now, and a lot will depend on where she ends up. Good luck on your remaining apps!
Yay!! No more Cooley. Congrats with Florida Coastal acceptance Rosie.
I am so happy for you!
Did you recieve a letter or e-mail from TX Southern? I just got an e-mail telling me that I needed to update my Financial Aid File. When I went on to their cite my status was FULL-TIME for Fall 2009. THey never told me if I was accepted of not.
You're close! Letter of Continued Interest. Just a good idea to send them a quick letter stating that you are still interested in attending their school if you get WL. That way they know they're not "just a school" that you applied to just for the heck of it. Hopefully it helps.
Hey, how'd your visit to UD go? Did you like the campus?
Thanks & I'm sure you will!!! I was surprised as I didn't even write a LOCI for them! You visited the school right? What did you think??....not too sure if I would pick them over Washburn at this point tho!!! I think maybe Saint Paul tho is more city like! We'll see!
That's great you had a good visit. I am really hoping I get into their school because I just got rejected from Capital. They didn't evem keep my application for a month...jerks. I decided to do the TAP program at Widener because I'm desperate! Temple has had my app for almost 6 months, so I don't know what's going on there. Temple is my top choice, but there's no way in hell I'd get accepted there with all the rejections I've had. This is SO frustrating! I'm really hoping Dayton will accept me, but with the way things are going, I doubt it. I didn't write a letter or anything to them and maybe I should have. I just signed the form they sent me to keep me on the waitlist.
Thanks sweetie! I'm surprised at how mean and rude people are. It scares me that they will be attorney's one day!
I wrote those letters and sent them out. Louisville isn't getting back to me at least a couple weeks, so hopefully I bought some time. I hope Dayton gets the letter in time because they have now become my top choice. Temple zinged me pretty hard the other day. See if this alumnus donates a penny to them after that!
I'm so proud of u... I knew it!!!! I told you this would happen... So tell me, are you going to accept it?
I am from MN and Hamiline is great school...good luck to you in your studies :)
Congrats on Hamline!
OMG! That is so great! So happy for you hon! :)
I'm actually having a hard time choosing between them and Washburn (i have to call and talk to the hamline admissions office, my biggest thing is i want to have the opportunity to transfer if I want to and I'm not sure that's possible through FEP!, so we'll see)...If you had to choose between the two, which do you like better????
Good work on Hamline! Does this mean that Hamline is in your top list?
How did they notify you of your rejection?
LOCI... Is that a letter of consideration? They sent me a form that I emailed back to them for them to keep me on the list. I gave them a date unitl August 1.
Law preview sounds promising but i am belly broke! (I'm still tryna figure out how imma pay me rent and have my second deposit by May 1!!!!) I spent over a grand on LSAT prep so I am alittle skeptical about some programs that cost a grand, but I will research it some more, someone told me not go that route but instead buy a few supplements and skim thru those over the summer, it the most least expensive and will expose me to every course for the 1L curriculum, so i will have some familiarity before trying to figure it out during 1L. I already bought a book called "getting to maybe" and so far very good! I would recommend that to you, its very easy read for a novice and full of explanations and examples of the types of question tested on the final exams. I will use it to structure my class notes...
Hey! I decided I would stick with Washburn! I liked them a lot plus they gave me money plus i could transfer if I wanted to! I did my own research of places i would want to transfer and I wouldn't have enough credits to transfer through FEP, so therefore I decided not to visit and sadly no scholarship money either, not that i expect that at all (thankful to washburn for the money!)! I see you decided on Hamline so congrats & best of luck, I'm so ready for school!
I did construct an essay about being considered for Founders Enrollment, so hopefully that may work out in my favor, but at the same time since i am semi-conmmitted to Loyola, I dont want to take a spot if chosen from someone who really want/need it.
Girl, I hope you're right! I'm REALLY hoping for Dayton!! They have EXACTLY what I want to study, which is advocacy and dispute resolution.
And by the way, CONGRATS ON HAMLINE!!!!
Congrats on hamline!! What does the founders program mean, anyway?
Congrats on Hamline! Way to go!
congrats on Hamline! :D
No problem! I heard from ICLEO via email with a pdf attachment. It was dated 04/07/07 but I am pretty sure it is for this year since I was still in school in '07. ;-) I'm leaning towards Indianapolis (pending decision of course) but I really like Tennessee also. I will visit Indianapolis if I'm in or waitlisted. I know it's a slim shot at W&M but I did not like my treatment during my visit anyways so I won't be hurt if I am not tapped. I had a great visit at USC and WVU. It would be a toss up between the two if they were my only choices.
Thanks on the congrats. I also want to say congratulations on your acceptances too. Hamline and Loyola are pretty solid. I see you have decided on Hamline. Congratulations again and good luck with your journey.
Thanks! I hope it helps! I'm still so nervous about it all! Maybe you can send some positive energy to Dayton for me :-)
Great! Your decision is made, the stress is over..such a relief! :)
Thanks so much. I sent them a letter today stating that I am not merely staying in school because I am unsure of my path. Hope it works out. The obviously want me for my life experiences not my LSAT score.
Congrats to you also, I see you made your decision to go to Hamline. That must be a huge weight off your shoulders. As a fellow 145er, I can really appreciate your success this cycle. I glad to see there are schools that actually can look pass test scores. Again congratulations and I wish you the best of luck.
Congrats of Hamline! Just wanted to drop you a quick update. I finally made my decision to attend Washburn this fall. My wife was able to find a good job in the area, we are from Kansas so it is like going home, and I know that Washburn is a great school. Good luck this fall. I am know you are going to do great! Knock'em dead. Take care,
Congratulations on making a decision! It really is a lot of mental stress doing so.
I never called, although I must admit Hamline really does a good job of trying to get you to come there once they accept you! And no you would finish in three years I'm pretty sure you would just take the two classes your third year (read that somewhere). I think at the end of the day I just really liked Washburn...prob only W&M and may U of St. Thomas could take me away! ...and as far as transferring I'm not sure cause I never asked! Congrats to you though, St. Paul, MN definitely looks fun! :)
Hi there! Thanks for the comment on my page. You are is unbelievable how much are profiles have in common! Looks like we were both offered summer program at St. Thomas. I have two more days to decide if I am doing it...but since I've been accepted at SIU, I am thinking no to St. Thomas even though I'd like to end up in a warmer place...and bigger city. But St. Thomas hasn't even so far fulfilled my request to speak to someone who has went through the program. I have called twice already. Ridiculous. Not only that, but the guy who answered the phone discouraged me from doing the program since I had already been offered outright admission to another school. It was really wierd. It was almost like he was subliminally trying to tell me that the program was just a money maker for them. I don't think they limit the number of people they let into it. Congratulations on your acceptances!! I am waitlisted at Hamline currently, so perhaps we will end up classmates!
Hey, congrats on the Hamline acceptance. In general, for the Midway (which is what they call the area where Hamline is because it's midway between downtown Minneapolis and downtown St. Paul) the closer you get to University Ave, the sketchier the neighborhoods tend to be. The area right around Hamline is pretty nice to live in, but Snelling Ave is a pretty heavily travelled road so living right on Snelling would not be ideal. I was just at the admitted applicant program on the 3rd and they actually give you a nice little sheet on the neighborhood/areas around Hamline. St. Anthony and Como Park areas are nice, so is the Mac/Groveland area, but I would suggest staying away from Frogtown. Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions about the area. Congrats again.
Also, I thought I'd pass this along. William Mitchell has a very cool housing bulletin site and you don't have to be a WM student to use it. Many of the places are actually closer to Hamline than WM. Anyway, here is a link
You are awesome! Thank you so much your support. I don't think I'll send out anymore apps because I'm doing TAP at Widener yet still hoping to get off the waitlists. Cleveland will probably reject me, but they're sure taking their sweet time to do it...haha!
I went on a mini Mid-West Law School tour...visited Loyola-Chicago, Depaul, Hamline, and U of Wisconsin. Saying no to Hamline was the most difficult decision thus far if you want more details I could email you... I have 5 more schools pending but as of now I put a deposit down for Depaul!!
Girl, that person is an asshole! I'm done wasting my energy on them. Thank you for all your words of encouragement, though! They REALLY mean a lot to me! I hope my wish comes true about law school!
Thank you so much for your comments they were very encouraging, were greatly appreciated and definitely added a little more wind in the sails you know what i mean? So far i am hearing from a lot of schools that i figured were reach schools with my low LSAT score but haven't heard much from the schools i thought i would be competitive number-wise so i am somewhat taking that as good news...for now...the list is getting shorter as the weeks come by and the rejections are slowly creeping in but regardless i am certain i have to go to school this fall.(Well not have to but i don't wanna sit around for another year twiddling my thumbs and especially not trying to take the LSAT again unless it becomes an absolute necessity). I looked into the CLEO program but i think i have missed a lot of the deadlines so once again in the worst case scenario if i have to wait another dreadful year..i will try and go the CLEO route..arrrggggghhhh so enough about me...where do you stand right about now are you def going to Hamline? I'm glad to hear that at least one of us was able to get a few acceptance letters. Please keep me updated and i want to say thank you once again.
I hope you are correct in your prediction, but since I have yet to hear from either Hamline nor St. Thomas my feelings are becoming more and more negative. I am from Rockford, IL. so going to a MN school would not be a problem nor would going to John Marshall assuming my pending turns into an accepted. This cycle has been pretty rough thus far, and has led me to start preparing for the June LSAT while eagerly awaiting news from my last three schools. I have written and "update" letter to all three schools and have only visited John Marshall because of the proximity. Good luck on the rest of your cycle and lets keep our fingers crossed!
Do you write a letter of intent or interest to Hamiline...if so what did you write about or do you have any suggestions?
Your persistence paid off.. YAY!!!
Congrats on Hamline! Not sure if I ever mentioned that.
Hey, what's new with you? Still no word from any of the schools. Cleveland is taking their sweet time, which I don't understand. They should send me my rejection and get it over with. I'm still doing TAP at Widener, even though it's not my first choice. I need to get myself back in school mode since I haven't studied for anything in awhile.
Yes, let's definitely keep in touch. I left my email address in case you don't have it. I'll be commuting from Philly to DE where Widener is located, so it's not very far at all. Thanks so much for your encouragement! You have no idea how much it means! Please keep your fingers crossed for me!
Hi! I haven't checked this in a while and just saw your message. Congratulations to you too on Hamline! My wife was in charge of finding us a place to live, because she's more picky than I am! We ended up getting an apartment in Eagan, about 20 minutes south of Hamline. Like Odin, I had the housing sheet from Hamline but we didn't really use it. My wife was mainly on and Good luck! I left my e-mail in case you want to chat more.
To answer your question, Anonymous, I am gay. And being gay is a URM.
Great advice.. and congrats on getting into law school!!
I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!! I'm still going to finish up TAP, though, since I paid for it and all. I'll just take this experience as practice and try to pass for my own personal satisfaction. It's A LOT of work, but it's VERY interesting. I really love the material. We need to keep in touch! Are you on Facebook or anything?
just saw ur profile, we have similar numbers (and great name btw). good luck on your cycle.