hollah7 (2022-2023)

Views: 7470 User Since: 10/01/10

Application Information

F - Fee Waiver A - Attending W - Withdrawn D - Deferred
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# Law School Status Type $$$ Sent Received Complete Interview Date Decision Updated
University of Maryland Waitlisted W Type: RA Sent: 10/07/10 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 14 years
University of The District of Columbia F Accepted W Type: RA $8,000 Sent: 10/05/10 Rec: -- Comp: 01/18/11 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 14 years
American University Pending W Type: RA Sent: 10/06/10 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 14 years
Catholic University of America F Accepted W Type: RA $7,900 Sent: 10/01/10 Rec: 10/06/10 Comp: 12/03/10 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 14 years
University of Baltimore Accepted A Type: RA Sent: 10/01/10 Rec: -- Comp: 12/13/10 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 14 years
University of Maine F Accepted W Type: RA $6,000 Sent: 11/02/10 Rec: 11/02/10 Comp: 12/06/10 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 14 years
Marquette University F Accepted W Type: RA $11,000 Sent: 10/13/10 Rec: 10/14/10 Comp: 11/22/10 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 14 years
Michigan State College of Law F Accepted W Type: RA $17,500 Sent: 10/12/10 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 11/16/10 Upd: 14 years
Thomas M Cooley Law School F Accepted W Type: RA $10,000 Sent: 10/04/10 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 10/15/10 Upd: 14 years
Drexel University F Accepted W Type: RA $15,000 Sent: 10/01/10 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 12/17/10 Upd: 14 years
Hofstra University F Accepted W Type: RA Sent: 10/01/10 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 12/14/10 Upd: 14 years
Brooklyn Law School F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 10/03/10 Rec: 10/04/10 Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 14 years
Indiana University Bloomington F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 10/22/10 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 14 years
Washington and Lee University F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 10/01/10 Rec: 10/04/10 Comp: 12/02/10 Inter: -- Dec: -- Upd: 14 years
George Mason University F Rejected Type: RA Sent: 10/01/10 Rec: -- Comp: -- Inter: -- Dec: 12/01/10 Upd: 14 years

Applicant Information

  • LSAT: 152
  • LSAT 2: -
  • LSAT 3: -
  • GRE : -
  • LSAC GPA: 3.01
  • Degree GPA: 3.01
  • School Type: -
  • Major: History

Demographic Information

  • City: Baltimore
  • State: Maryland
  • Race: African American
  • Gender: Man
  • Under Represented Minority: Yes
  • Non-Traditional Applicant: Yes
  • Years out of Undergrad: In Undergrad

Extra Curricular Information


Additional info & updates

First two applications just sent out. Now just time to wait and keep working at my classes.

Just sent out 3 more apps. Waiting game begins now.
On a lighter note, received a scholarship from my church today. Excited about that.

Was contacted by a third year student at Michigan State offering me a fee waiver. She's a member of the Black Law Student Association. That's pretty nice. I see that they're hurting for diversity (aka: the want some Negroes to come to Michigan) so why not?

Fee waiver from Marquette in Wisconsin. Just sent application today. 10/13/2010

Accepted to Cooley. Knew I would get in. Family wonders why I even applied: no Black people there. Still, it's nice to be accepted and have options. 10/16/2010

Just applied to Indiana Bloomington after they sent me a fee waiver. Miami will be going out tomorrow. 10/22/2010

Application in review at Brooklyn. Staying hopeful. 10/27/2010

Accepted at Michigan State Via Phone call with half scholarship. Actually monetary value may be wrong. Will update later with more accurate information. Feels good to be into a decent school. 11/16/2010

Accepted at Marquette via snail mail. Small letter scared me. Thought it was a denial. 11/22/2010

Rejected at George Mason via Email. Can't say I'm surprised. I'm still keepin' my head up. 12/01/2010

Rejected at Washington and Lee via Status Checker. 12/02/2010

Accepted at Catholic University of America via Status Checker. 12/04/2010

Accepted at Maine via Status Checker. 12/06/2010

Accepted at Baltimore via Status Checker. 12/13/2010

Accepted at Hofstra via Status Checker. 12/14/2010

Accepted at Drexel via Status Checker. Was on my way to a date and got the call. Two awesome things happening at the exact same time. 12/17/2010

Accepted at UDC via email from the Dean of Admissions. 01/17/2011

Rejected at Indiana Bloomington about a month ago. SOrry for not updating sooner. Been busy with senior year stuff. Maryland Letter was mailed yesterday and should be here by tomorrow at the latest. 03/10/2011

Thanks to everyone who has followed me during this time. I have decided to attend the University of Baltimore. Have a great summer and maybe I'll see some of you guys in classes in the fall. 04/18/2011

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Good luck!
Thursday, September 30 2010 at 08:00 PM

Best of luck to you too. I know there are a lot of talented people out there competing for spots. But, no matter how many No's we just need one good Yes.

Friday, May 28 2010 at 08:00 PM

I noticed we have similar numbers. Good luck with your apps dude, keep in touch on UBalt! I noticed you're from the area, have you visited the law school?

Friday, May 28 2010 at 08:00 PM

Yeah I visited UDC too and LOVED it. Probably should have visited UBalt when I was in the area but whatevs. So yeah, maybe I'll see ya at UDC!

Monday, October 18 2010 at 08:00 PM

Applying to Michigan too I see! They called and gave me the whole "Apply and we'll give you a scholarship". I was already going to apply anyway. Good luck!

Wednesday, October 13 2010 at 08:00 PM

Good luck with brooklyn, I plan to apply next week! **Crosses fingers**

Good luck!
Wednesday, October 27 2010 at 08:00 PM

I got into Cooley as well. Well, considering Cooley has four campuses. Which ones are your top preferences? My first is Ann Arbor, followed by Lansing. Good luck to you on the other schools!

Monday, October 18 2010 at 08:00 PM

Did your status checker change at all? Mine has been Application Complete since October and nothing else

Wednesday, November 10 2010 at 07:00 PM

I am applying to UDC as well i hope i have a fighting chance with my LSAT and GPA (part-time program). I was just wondering if you heard back from them for a online application and update/check? Most schools have sent me information about that so far except UDC. Then again its only been a week...

Monday, October 18 2010 at 08:00 PM

The guy was basically like "Your lucky you are black, you got into American with a 2.7. Your lucky". I wanted to say "Let's see where you get in with your grammar". But thanks for filling me in on MSU. I probably wouldn't go even if they gave me a full ride but I'm wary of withdrawing. I'll choose when I have to choose :)

Sunday, October 24 2010 at 08:00 PM

I creepily read your comment on spack's wall and just wanted to say that you're amazing!

Michigan State
Sunday, October 24 2010 at 08:00 PM

Also, congrats on Michigan State! That's a pretty good scholarship :)

Sunday, January 31 2010 at 07:00 PM

Congrats on MSU!

Sunday, January 31 2010 at 07:00 PM

congrats on MSU!

Wednesday, October 27 2010 at 08:00 PM

Congratulations on MSU! I haven't heard from MSU yet, but I am assuming I will hear from them soon. We submitted our applications about the same time. Hope you receive more acceptances!

Monday, August 30 2010 at 08:00 PM

Congrats on Marquette! Im waiting to hopefully get that letter today aswell!!

I'm late..but Congrats!
Monday, October 18 2010 at 08:00 PM

Yay! Congrats on Marquette! This past week or so was pretty good to you :D

Sunday, November 21 2010 at 07:00 PM

So what school do you think you will attend?

Sunday, November 21 2010 at 07:00 PM

No I take the LSAT on Sat. I hope I do well.

Tuesday, December 07 2010 at 07:00 PM

Whats up man? Looks like we have similar #'s and applied to a few of the same schools. Congrats on your acceptances and best of luck to you!

Tuesday, December 07 2010 at 07:00 PM

I wish I knew where I was going! Ideally, I would like to stay in NYC. I am waiting on Brooklyn (kind of a reach), St. John's, CUNY,and Pace. This waiting is killing me!

Tuesday, December 14 2010 at 07:00 PM

First of all, I wish I had your LSAT. I would have been accepted two years ago if if wasn't for my number. Nice to see that your from my hometown! I wonder what church you go to! LOL I look toward see you get accepted everywhere else. I have hope again! I just took the December 2010 LSAT so wish me luck!

Thursday, September 30 2010 at 08:00 PM

Way to go on all those accepted's. I can't lie, I'm jealous!

Sunday, December 12 2010 at 07:00 PM

Both are hurting for diversity. I have a AA friend from Bmore that went to Cooley though. He's back in MD working as a PD now. Good luck on your cycle!

Sunday, November 21 2010 at 07:00 PM

Had the schools let you know that they had made a decision or did you just come upon your decisions after checking daily [like me >(]

Tuesday, December 28 2010 at 07:00 PM

Congrats on your Marquette/Michigan State/Drexel apps! So awesome!

good job
Monday, August 16 2010 at 08:00 PM

Hey, Just saw that we have similar numbers, great cycle! I am finishing up my applications now. Looks like you finished your apps in the beginning of the cycle. I now may considering applying very early for fall 2012 cycle.

Saturday, December 04 2010 at 07:00 PM

congrats on your acceptances and good luck with your pending apps! we have a couple of the same schools and our numbers are similar so ill be rooting for ya! what school so far is your top choice?

Tuesday, December 14 2010 at 07:00 PM

It looks like you are going to have a hard decision to make. I'm also in MD and applied to all the MD/DC schools. Where are you leaning towrds going. Best of luck. I also wanted to thank you for posting how you knew you got accepted. That's helpful as I await to hear from schools.

Friday, May 28 2010 at 08:00 PM

Congrats man! How did you find out?? I'm still waiting!

Wednesday, November 10 2010 at 07:00 PM

Congratulations on UDC! so they are finally sending out decisions. Did you find out online or through the mail? i hope i hear back soon!

Best of luck!
Saturday, January 22 2011 at 07:00 PM

Congratulations on all of your acceptances so far! I've finally begun to receive acceptances and I know the feeling! It's good to know that you have choices. Best of luck with American!

Just checking in..
Monday, October 18 2010 at 08:00 PM

Just checking in on you. Congrats on all the acceptances! I'm still waiting on a few (which I know are probably rejections) but I have pretty much made my choice so that's fine. Your cycle seems to be winding down as well and I hope those last four are acceptances.

Sunday, November 21 2010 at 07:00 PM

So have you decided what your top choice school is yet?

Have you decided
Tuesday, December 14 2010 at 07:00 PM

Just wondering if you have committed anywhere yet or what your planning on doing?

Tuesday, December 14 2010 at 07:00 PM

Hey, Congrats on making your final decision. Glad to see that you are attending UB

Sunday, November 21 2010 at 07:00 PM

Wow really? You turned down the The University of Maryland for Baltimore? Home Rsick.