Bulldog13 (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Southern University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/17/10 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 13 years | |||
North Carolina Central University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/17/10 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 14 years | |||
West Virginia University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/18/10 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 14 years | |||
University of Florida | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/18/10 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 14 years | |||
Charleston School of Law F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/18/10 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 14 years | |||
John Marshall Law School - Atlanta | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 12/17/10 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 14 years | |||
Florida International University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/07/11 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 14 years | |||
University of Arkansas Little Rock F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/18/10 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 14 years | |||
Louisiana State - Baton Rouge | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/18/10 | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 14 years |
Visitor Comments
Hey, I also took the LSAT last Saturday and felt really bad about it. I think that is how everyone feels coming out. I definitely felt like I was on cruise control a lot, like you said, but hopefully that will turn out alright because I trust that I understood the material (even though there isn't really any material) pretty well, and thats all you can do. And I wouldnt bum out too much on the LR sections. You are right, they were hard ... (and my PTs were high 160s or low 170s, although we will see if that means anything), but they were hard for everyone. so, sorry to clog up your wall. best wishes
I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your positive approach to law school. Its refreshing to see someone who's not "T14 or bust"! I wish you the best of luck, and if I were an adcomm I'd admit you on attitude alone!
I was really glad to see your post on my page this morning. I was beginning to wonder if anyone was reading my stuff :) I do think that those of us that end up at non-T14 schools can have a positive impact in the areas we specialize in and the legal profession as a whole. It's good to see I am not alone! I have put you on my watch list (and encourage you to do the same with me). I'll be keeping an eye on how your cycle goes. Best of luck!
Good luck with your cycle!
Hey man, I've read your profile and I have to say I'm impressed with your attitude. Keep it up and I'm sure good things will come your way! Best of luck with your LSAT and apps.
I also posted on your wall - but wanted to say thanks and return the well wishes! :)
"At this point i would consider cutting of a pinky finger to get a 150 (willing to cut of the tip of my pointer finger for a 155 ) - more later" HAHAHAHHAH I AM ROLLIN I would too! man the hell with fingers I need a good score!
The sad part is I'm almost serious wiith that statement! Although, to go to Harvard, I don't know that I would want "nubs" on either hand and have to write with my mouth in order to have achieved the 170+ needed for entrance :)
I was hoping to get some advice from some of you about which 10 schools I should apply to using my GPA and LSAT score (from the list above). Idealy I'd like to apply to 6-8 realistic schools and 2 reach schools. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
I got a 145 with a 3.6 gpa... I have work experience... Do you think there is a chance I'll get into MSU? I'm so upset... Good luck with your cycle!
I sent you a message...
good luck on this cycle!
Hey, last year i applied with a 146 too, some schools I would recommend maybe, florida coastal, university of detroit mercy, florida AM last year a lot of people got into these schools with similar numbers, also try and research schools with EOP type programs, i hope this helps, best wishes for your cycle!
Thanks for the comments! :) Aren't part-time programs usually more selective? Fill me in.
Hello there! I have not received your e-mail yet. Maybe try again!
I just remembered that Nova Southeastern University in Broward is pretty good as well... Good Luck!
Hey, I just want to wish you good luck on your cycle and December LSAT! We have similar numbers and extracurriculars, so hopefully law schools will be able to see past our LSAT scores.
Thanks, clr688! I posted on your wall as well! :)
Good luck on the retake. I am sure you will get in to schools that will work for you.
Hello there! I was able to switch from Broward College to University of Miami for testing. I hope you found a center close to you. Best of luck to you!!
I have the same numbers as you and am also re-taking in december, and would also do anything for a score in the 150s. Unfortunately there isn't alot of time left for a course, at this point just take as many practice exams as you can and most importantly, work on your weakness areas where you can improve the most.
Hey there! thanks for remembering me lol! To be honest with you... I think I did WORSE. I am sick of the LSAT, I've never had to retake a class and this is just a slap in the face to me and is really questioning my intelligence. I was falling asleep in the middle of the test and I found myself daydreaming in the beginning of the reading comp section. I know it is too late to cancel the score. I am really glad you feel better about this retake. I know you did well and I honestly wish you the best. Please keep me updated! Denisse
Just browsing random users and I'm sooo anxious that Dec. scores aren't out yet. It feels like it's been FOREVER. Ugh. Anyway, I read your blogging and it's awesome you have an English bulldog. That's my future dream dog. Did you get it as a puppy?
Yes, I got him as a puppy :) I posted more of a response on your wall :)
Fingers crossed for your apps, man! We have similar LSAT scores, but I'm looking on the bright side. When there's a will, there's a way, right? I'll be watching your cycle!
I don't think the score is going to come out tom! lol I hope it will though..!! good luck!!!
Hey, Nogrindnoshine......wanna bet a beer on that? :)
We can bet! No problem its not coming tom! You can keep the beer just pay my app fee to a school of my choice hahahha....
OK....but I hate to take your money.... :)
Good luck
Happy Birthday...Good luck with that 170!
I just read your page because you showed up as "Recently Updated" on the LSN homepage...you are inspiring. I hope you get in to every school you apply to because law schools need people like you. T14 is overrated. Keep us updated!
Good Luck!!
Definitely sick of the weather! But also not a fan of rejections and BC and BU seem too far out of my league. I took the risk with Notre Dame because it was my top choice by leaps and bounds. This whole process is exhausting and kind of disheartening. In all honesty it is refreshing to see someone with such a positive mindset, and I really think that will translate through your applications. I am rooting for you!!
Yes, I am. Is my profile that obvious? haha.
Just wanted to stop by and say not to let the LSAT get you down. I know exactly how you feel, I took it twice and only got a 1 point increase (even with tutoring and countless hours of studying)! It's really discouraging, but I'm sure there is a law school that will accept you with your credentials as they are. Good luck with your cycle!
I understand your thoughts on the LSAT. I didnt do a whole lot better than before. I was dissapointed as well. LSAT SUCKS! I still plan on having a cold one with you.
Same here.
Hey there, I just want to share with you that I did worse! lol! I want to wish you the best for the cycle.
Lets cast a wider net. this is a blip a bump keep on keeping on. At this point all we can do is try. cast a wide net and see. It will be ok, keep the faith.
Sent you an email that was an artical on yahoo.
Hey, Sandbagger, I got it and responded. Scary stuff!
Thanks for the update, Tart! :)
Good luck brother. I really hope you get in to a school of your liking.
Have you used the LSAC School Search to see what schools you have good odds of getting accepted to? That is a really good way of deciding where to apply, assuming you are willing and able to make the move to whatever part of the country that school is in. I think that a lot of schools will definitely consider how much better you did recently in school compared to a long time ago. At least that is what schools have told me. Also, if possible, schedule meetings with the admissions people at the schools you are interested in. Even if you can only do it over the phone. When they talk to you, they see you more as a person than an application. Also, the more interest you show a school, the more likely they will be to show interest back. And it is a good chance to explain your GPA.
Thansk for the advice, Rachel!
Thanks, Blueblazer!
Good Luck man! I put you on my watch list we have very similar numbers and stories. I'm gonna retake that evil LSAT in June and maybe wait till next cycle. Still have a few apps in, though; there's always hope!
Hey, thanks for the kind words. I put you on my watchlist as well! Looks like we are both playing the waiting game. :-( On a positive note, I started doing P90X recently - and am sleeping much better. In fact, I figure "what will be will be." Here's hoping we both get good news and SOON!
See you changed your JMLS ststus to waitlisted. Were you actually waitisted or did you get the same email I did about being placed on 'hold?' They must be really busy.
Nah, my status checker says 'decision has been made' and 'decision will be sent via email' Then I got the 'you're on hold' email and also that it wasn't denail or waitlist, but hold possibly till June or July. You checked your status today?
Yes, it was a "hold" per the letter. But, LSN does not have a "hold" otion so I put waitlisted and commented in my post today that this was really a "hold". How many of you got the same typr letter today?
Hey, it said "under review", I think and then this morning changed to "Decision has been made" and under it "Decision will be emailed" - which I received about 15 minutes after reading it on my status checker.
I got the same thing. I suspect lots of folks on the edge did. I think JMLS has been really busy admin-wise too....recruiting and trying to open up a new school, etc. At least it wasn't a reject!! :)
Yea, not a reject, but it sure feels like one. I don't know if I can wait until July to hear from them and make the move from Florida and be all settled to start. An acceptance would have been really nice. :(
just typed otu a lengthy response and it disappeared into cyberspace. I think the wait is exactly what it says it is. I wouldn't think there would be an earlier chance at admission....just MO. I got a feeling they categorize by LSAT score an offer from the top down. Just a guess. They may like you app, but can't really check you out till others withdraw?
Good luck
Yea, I had that once. When you clear out your cache of websites it won't let you log in. As long as you don't clear your internet history in the future - you will always be able to log on. I was kicked off for 2 weeks at one point :( I hope you get back on soon -or- make a temp login until then.
BD13, What's the process been like at Southern? How has the school/admissions reacted? They seem a little old fashioned app-wise. I considered applying there, but might wait till next cycle. My wife's family lives a couple hours from there. Have you checked out Baton Rouge?
Southern does use LSAC for the application but they do not provide a status checker (like most schools) and simply tell you that you will be notified by mail of their decision. As of now I have received no further communication from them - and hound my mailman daily :)
Also, I have been to Baton Rouge but have not visited the law school. Like any city, it has crime problems and has been impacted by Katrina and the BP Oil spill. Overall, having lived in the south for several years, I like LA. Housing in the area is cheap and the school itself is cheap to attend (leaving you with options after school and not forced to take a job with your JD just to pay back loans). While not my first choice, I would consider going there is it was one of my only options.
BD13, Not to mention the Louisiana bar is a bear. Look at Southern's rate of passage. :( I talked to their reps at a LSAC forum and they said the bar was a long drawn out thing there. Don't know how easy it would be to work elsewhere with a degree from there either?
I agree. But, a good southern saftey (1 year and out) option to have if needed. :)
"St Thomas, Miami is in the hood" hahaha amen to that..!!!
If my application lands on the desk of an admission person...and no one is around...does it make a sound? :-)
"Decision rendered -, letter mailed" on status checker from FIU. If ANYONE has been in this situation if you could post on my page (or email me) how this turned out for you I would greatly appreciate it. :)
Sophie, thanks for the heads up! I really hope mine is an acceptance as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed :) Congrats to you! Do you have a profile on here?
I've really enjoyed reading about your law school journey - the way you've described everything I think really epitomizes the process. I still can't get over how stressful it is! I wish you the best of luck and hope you get into your #1 choices!
Thanks for the nice comments! I wish you all the best with your cycle as well! :)
Hola Bulldog13, I hope you are doing well. I love reading your profile, it makes my day. I want to motivate you and share with you that I spent almost two months thinking about my future panic attacks if I do not go to law school. The last thing I expected was an acceptance without a conditional program and I did! (this morning!) Apply to more schools, you are not going to graduate from a TTTT. You are going to kick butt your first year and transfer to an awesome school (where you belong). Take care!
I'm so happy for you! I know how hard you worked for the opp. to attend....and now you have the chance! Make the most of it!! :)
Hi, we have similar numbers. I have taken that horrible exam three times and no real improvement. I took the Kaplan course and I did not improve either. What is your opinion about the powerscore course? Kaplan sucks, a lot of materials but the instructor was terrible; he got lost more of the time. I really want to go to the law school, but I do not have a lot of choices because I am an international student and few schools accept application on paper and my international evaluator; and it is impossible for me to get another copy of my undergrad transcripts from Cuba. So,I need to scoe 150 or above to have any chance for those schools that accept my trasncripts evaluation. Thanks Yanglier
Yan, I'm not sure I can offer any advice. Your situation is unique but I am sure many law schools have delt with applicants like yourself and can provide some answers. Best of luck. :)
How about Florida A&M ?
Bizzaro, in short, "No". :)
Hey Bulldog: Put your seat belt on and settle in for the ride. Some of my apps have been ready for review for close to 5 months. I am sure you will get some good news but you may have to wait for it - hang in there!
Thanks, Washburn. Yea, the time is not passing quickly....my mailman runs when he sees me, and my keypad on my computer is stained with my characters from my user name / password for my status checkers. I might need professional help by the time this is all over :)
Why you do not apply to NSU?
Don't know how I wound up on your page, but just read your blog and have to say your attitude is very inspiring! I wish you all the best. You can always study hard core and retake and apply next year (although I'm sure you're tired of hearing that). I'm considering it. Good luck!
Thanks/you're welcome!
How did you hear from WVU? So sorry to hear about your cycle - keep your chin up - where there is a will there is a way! Perhaps you should consider Thomas Cooley, Florida Coastal, etc. or take the LSAT again!! The odds were really against me and I miraculously got in...I believe you can make it happen if this is what you really, truly want to do!
Hey Bunny, I got rejected via status checker from WVU
Thanks, Washburn! Again, I have to wait :) Yippie :)
Hey Dutch, no new news from JM-ATL either. We are mid-April so I would hope to have my hold lifted and either accepted or rejected soon. No clue when that will happen however. :(
Thanks for the kind words. I've attacked the mail-man today and nothing...it would be nice to get that big packet from NCCU telling me I am in. :) Best of luck to us both! Keep updating your page...ill be watching. :)
Just wanted to say good luck. I am looking to "hang out a shingle" myself and we have a lot of the same schools. I think being an adult non-traditional student gives a different perspective and reason for going to law school altogether. Good luck on your apps.