PhillyGirl257 (2022-2023)
Application Information
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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
#1 | Mercer University F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 03/09/09 | Rec: 03/09/09 | Comp: 04/17/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/13/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
#3 | John Marshall Law School - Atlanta | WL, Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/01/09 | Rec: 01/02/09 | Comp: 01/02/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 05/05/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
#5 | Widener University PT | Accepted W | Type: SP | Sent: 01/01/09 | Rec: 01/01/09 | Comp: 01/01/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/11/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
#6 | Southern University | Accepted W | Type: RA | $7,000 | Sent: 01/05/09 | Rec: 01/07/09 | Comp: 01/07/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/10/09 | Upd: 15 years | |
#4 | Loyola University New Orleans | Accepted A | Type: RA | $15,000 | Sent: 01/01/09 | Rec: 01/02/09 | Comp: 01/17/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/23/09 | Upd: 15 years | |
#2 | North Carolina Central University | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 12/18/08 | Rec: 01/06/09 | Comp: 01/30/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/15/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
#1 | Howard University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/11/08 | Rec: 12/12/08 | Comp: 12/19/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/30/09 | Upd: 15 years |
Visitor Comments
Best of luck to you!
good luck to you!
Hey, I see that my GPA is similar to yours, but my first time taking the LSAT was gut-wrenching and I got a 142. It's frustrating! I noticed that you're applying to Loyola and Southern too. I feel a little better about Southern, but my first choice is Loyola. What did you do in your LSAT prep the second time around to bump your score up?? I figure it'll take at least a 150 for me to have a chance at the part time evening program. If you have any advice, I'd appreciate it. Thanks -Darryl
Never doubt, believe & speak the words into existence!! I believe everything will work accordingly to the plans of God and how God orders our steps.
I see that we have applied to a few of the same schools. I wish you luck in the process and try not to get too nervous! :-)
Did you receive an invitation in the mail for Southerns annual pre law day? I did and was just wondering.
Maybe! I guess ya never know what'll happen! Do you have any top choices? What are of law would you like to focus on?
I have similar numbers Philly and I applied to NCCU too! You will get an acceptance letter soon - speak things as though they were:)
Good luck with your cycle, I'm really rooting for you this go round! With regard to Regent, I'm in the VB area (born and raised) and while it's always worth a shot to see if you'll get in, the school gets no real love down here as far as jobs go. The curriculum is also heavily faith based in case you're not the super bible thumper kind. I went to a recruit program they had two years back if you had any questions about it.
Best wishes on your applications. I too worked Full time during UG so I can definitely identify. I applied to Widener PT and went to their open house a couple of weeks ago. It was good to check out the school first hand.
Hi PhillyGirl, Any word from HU?
I'm glad I could help! I was afraid I would come off sounding like the anti-Christ. Compared to Duquesne and St. Thomas, Regent's application reads like an application for admittance through the pearly gates.
Sorry to hear that HU is no longer considering you. Their loss. NCCL is in an ideal location, and their clinical programs give an edge to anyone seeking a career in practical law.
Sorry to hear about Howard, I know it was your top choice. Hopefully the other schools see what you can bring to the table and offer you admission!
I see your LSAT score rose a lot, that is really good! I managed to bring mine from a 142 to a 145, not too much higher but I am still trying to get into law school anyway! Not going to let my numbers hold me back! I think you have a really good shot at these schools, best of luck to you!
Sorry to hear about HU. I got into TAP at Widener and you have better stats so something will happen. Stay prayed up. Hope to see you at Widener or the school of your choice.
Good luck
Live news.. the zombie. That kid should apply to Harvard.
Did you visit Widener? That's on your block just about.
on Southern. This is going to start the postive momentum for you!
Congrats on Southern!
No I did not. Could you clue me in.
Kongratulations on Widener and Southern. Yeah Im reppin CHS 262 baby! My cousin Ivy graduated with you though.
Crap. That story is all too familiar. I have been hearing more stories about Appa students losing themselves and shooting folks on campus. This seems to be the trend in isolated VA colleges. Thanks for the backstory and support.
On Southern U. How did you manage to get a decision so soon? I was told from admissions that they won't start looking at applications until after Feb 28th?
CONGRATS ON LOYOLA AND THE SCHOLARSHIP!!!! Talk about positive momentum:)
Close to making a decision yet?
Looking good so far..
LITERALLY on the floor with that one! Congrats on Loyola! See scrubbing floors with a Regent degree wasn't in your future after all. :O)
Isn't Loyola a 3T though?! LOL And no hail mary's required!
Thank You...I hopefully it'll all work out the way I want. Best of luck to you. I noticed that NCCU is pending..otherwise have you decided on where you want to go?
lol thank you!!! and congrats on your acceptances!!! :) Funny enough, when I applied the first time to law school, I bombed the LSAT with the same score, thankfully I went up 7 points for applying to this cycle :)
what did you write about for Loyola NO? Anything in particular?
I say go to southern. Their numbers as far as the money grads make in the firms are higher than all others on your list but Howard. Good luck!! I may be up their with you.. Kevin
Thank you! Congrats on yor cycle! :)
Hi Philly Girl, Are you planning to visit the remaining schools on your list.
This is mgreen19, congrats on all the schools, hey not only did we get alot of the same fee waivers but we both go a nice lump of change from southern. I got the full tuition scholarship so i guess i'm going to southern!!! lol
Loyola is a great school! Congrats! I am orignially from Louisiana (Baton Rouge) - I absolutely love New Orleans -there's no city like it!!
Thanks for your kind words! I'm so happy we're both going to great law schools this fall. Good luck! :)
My first piece of hate this cycle... I'm honored. Thanx for takin the time to comment on my LSN page.. must be someone who didn't get in anywhere with similar stats..LMAO!!!! So where u headed this fall...hmmmmm?!???
But what you fail to realize is regardless of how I got them..the fact still stands that I got them! And I realize that it is a tremendous opportunity, and your opionion that I should be more modest.. is just that. YOUR opinion. and doesn't change the fact that I have been blessed ;) kisses xoxox next time don't leave the bogus e-mail's annoying! but I must concede that u r this what u do in ur spare
THANX!! I already have.....
Way to go PhillyGirl257! Wish you all the best in your first semester and to your future as a lawyer. Even after a few false starts you picked yourself up and accomplished a goal that will open many doors throughout your life. Its great to read that you did not quit on yourself. Johnysuede
I will see you there. When are you going down?
Thanks so much!!! I'm from Los Angeles from there to Detroit is about a good 33 hour drive, that should be a fun one lols When do you start at New Orleans???
how has ur 1st yr at loyola been? im applying this year.
Thank you so much for your kind encouraging words, means alot coming from someone who is battling law school currently. Congrats to you on finishing your second year!!!! One more to go, Lucky you!
Do not doubt yourself.