blastergirl (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
Oklahoma City University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $42,000 | Sent: 01/21/09 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/30/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/20/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
Regent University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: -- | Rec: -- | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 15 years | |||
Washburn University | WL, Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/22/09 | Rec: -- | Comp: 01/30/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/27/09 | Upd: 15 years | |||
#1 | University of Missouri Kansas City F | WL, Accepted A | Type: RA | Sent: 10/31/08 | Rec: 12/15/08 | Comp: 12/31/08 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/02/09 | Upd: 15 years |
Visitor Comments
I withdrew because UMKC isn't ranked any better than Washburn and since I was coming from out of state KS lets you get in state tuition by second semester, Missouri doesn't. Sorry I couldn't be more help, good luck on Washburn though, let me know if you have any questions about them. And of course good luck on the waitlist.
The pass rate at Washburn was 92% last year, our law library is in the top thirty, so is our moot court team and our advocacy program is in the top 50. Don't pick a school because it's "better" pick it because it does well with the program you think you want to do and look at whether the school even offers programs you'd be interested in specializing in. UMKC and Washburn are both tier 3, you won't find a ranking beyond top 100 so no matter what anybody says, a tier 3 is a tier 3 and a tier 4 is a tier 4 until you get into that top 100.
Thank you for the kind words. I am expected to get dinged from UMKC, but I guess anything is possible. I would say at this point I am holding out for Valpo, South Dakota, North Dakota, Washburn, or OCU if I had to make a Top 5.
Thanks for the nice message. Yeah, I have been waiting on Washburn for awhile! I am hoping the waiting will be over soon. Best of luck to you as well! As for Loyola, they accepted me but only into their summer conditional program. Had I been been offered outright acceptance I would have liked that more. But as it is, I am not sure if I want to do a conditional program. I think it would be fiercely competitive, much more than 1st year of law school. Or maybe I am wrong about that, but either way, there would be enough pressure once in, so I don't want to have that kind of pressure just to prove that I have what it takes.
I called Friday and they said decision had been mailed, so hopefully soon. Right now I am leaning toward Nebraska or Creighton unless another one of my reaches comes through. Good luck to you!
Good luck with UMKC - I'm still waiting for word from them. Hope we both get good news soon!
thank you good luck with your schools
thanks a lot! I have no idea where I want to go yet; i am getting anxious. good luck with UMKC!
Hey thanks, not sure. Leaning that way. We'll see how things work out (read that as scholarships).
BTW - Washburn is an absolutely great school. If it's between that and UMKC I would go for Washburn if possible.
Thanks for the congratulations. I applied to Washburn about 2 weeks before you, so hopefully you'll get some good news soon. Good job on improving your LSAT.
The 45k is over 3 years, so 15k a year. It wouldn't be a full ride since I would pay out-of-state tuition. Still a good scholarship though, but I'm guessing I'll end up at KU or WU.
Are you looking at any of the Dakota schools?
Did you think about Creighton? It's closer to KC than Oklahoma City, and they've accepted several people with your numbers. It seems that they put more weight on GPA than LSAT.
I dont really like Kansas City as a place to live, and SLU I can't afford. Probably leaning towards Oklahoma City, Kentucky, Louisville, or DC. You can have my UMKC spot if ya want!
Thanks for the congrats...I am pretty pumped about it. I am sure you will hear good news soon. Keep me posted.
Shoot me an email and I will tell you my numbers. My gpa was embarrassingly low.
But at least we're still in it, right? I refuse to lose hope... Best of luck on UMKC! (PS- Don't let the list get you down!)
Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll get in somewhere soon.
Thanks for the congrats. As of now I am looking to stay in the midwest, and I guess of the 3 I have been accepted at Missouri is leading the pack. Hopefully you hear back from UMKC soon on the WL along with your other apps, good luck!
Any updates with you? I got waitlisted from my top choice today too. It is very frustrating!!
Thanks for the congratulations!I loved UMKC but I am still hoping for Mizzou (my undergrad) because I love Columbia and think it will give me broader geographical options. I truly think that you will get into UMKC - good luck with your cycle!
Thanks! I appreciate the advice. It's going to be a tough decision. Good luck with your cycle.
I'm sure you'll hear good news from Regent soon! They didn't take long at all with my application and I didn't spend very much time on it! I am visiting there next month so I guess we'll see how and if I like it...My fingers are crossed for Brooklyn--I would really like to be in NY! Good luck with the rest of your cycle girl!
Correct. The money was included in the formal letter and not the email.
The only school I called so far in my cycle was KU and they were really nice about it, and they probably are used to getting tons of calls anyway. As for Washburn, I know I got a letter in the mail letting me know I was complete and going to be reviewed so if you haven't got that yet it is worth a quick phone call to find out your status. Plus, the lady from Washburn admissions who called me was nice.
Thanks!!! Congrats on OCU. Do you plan on attending?
That is suprising since you went to UMKC for undergrad & had that LOR. I am still waiting to hear from them (everyday.) I called Washburn once and the admissions person I spoke with was super friendly, especally as a fellow Kansan. I was anxious about getting notification from them as well so I found an excuse to call and slipped the 'WHEN THE HELL WILL YOU SEND ME SOMETHING!?' question in on the sly. I bet you'll get accepted, maybe see you there.
I'm sure you will hear from Washburn soon too! I didn't call any of my schools, I just sit and wait...I'm just scared it would sway their decision to no!!!
I've decided calling a school can't hurt, just called one and found out over the phone I was waitlisted! So I say go ahead and call!!!
I had called them a while back because I needed to get some additional documentation for my application. As far as you calling them...I don't think they would mind. They are a pretty small school and have a personal touch / involvement in most of their students. You could just call to inquire about the status of your app. I don't think it would hurt you any. Hang in there. Congrats on OCU!
Hey I was checking your page to see how you were doing and I thought I would give my two cents. I had an issue with WU regarding a rec. letter so I just emailed the admissions director. She got back to me right away and it wasn't a big deal. Their whole admissions staff is really cool so just give them a ring. It won't be an issue. Good luck!
I see you got waitlisted at Washburn. Hey, its still better than rejection! Waitlisted means they think you are qualified and you still have a chance. If you haven't visited OCU yet I would take a trip, they are a great school.
Wow, I'm seriously surprised you were waitlisted. I'm sure you will be at the top of the WL because your numbers are WAYY better than mine. As for me, I have a lot of extracurriculars, have participated in various study abroads, internships, and post grad have worked for two prestigious law firms in the T50, plus I went to a T20 school undergrad. I guess my biggest weakness is simply my numbers (which is a pretty big deal!) as I think if I were to take away my numbers I'd be so much more competitive at more places lol! I'm wishing you the best of luck with UMKC since that's your number one and Washburn since I know you really like the school! Best of luck with both!!!
I am surprised by the waitlist from Washburn. It doesn't look good for me there apparently, they had emerged as my #1 as well :-(
I'm not certain anyone understands admissions. I spoke with Washburn after being waitlisted and they still seemed interested. I think they are just very careful about admitting people in our LSAT range, like a lesser form of yeild protection, you know? (I don't)
I agree law school for free sounds great!!! Like I said before I'm sure you will get off both wait lists! As for me, I'm from Virginia! Best of Luck!
Enjoy your trip to OCU! It is a good school. I didn't know they had travel reimbursements, that is awesome! I am hoping I get accepted there too. I e-mailed and they said my file was on hold til probably late this month or April. At least I am still being considered!
I see you got a hefty scholarship at OCU -- that's great! When are you visiting? I will be there March 12-14th. Are you considering it seriously?
Haha, I was actually rejected by MU, not UMKC. I haven't heard from UMKC yet. I don't even know how I made that mistake on my profile!
When is your visit to OCU? I would like to know how it turns out for you. Are you trying to get off of the waitlists at UMKC and Washburn?
What is LOCI? Letter of current interest? Have no idea but it sounds good.
Hi...sorry for the delay in responding back. I sent withdraws to OCU, RWU, and Mississippi today. I am pretty sure that I am going to end up at Washburn, though Tulsa and UMKC (if I get off the waitlist) aren't out of the question entirely. My wife is in the process of job hunting now, and a lot will depend on where she ends up. Good luck on your remaining apps!
Good luck on your waitlists! OCU was awesome... I am realistically going to end up there or UMKC, so we might be class mates.
Thanks for the support and good luck. Are you hoping for Washburn or UMKC, or either one? I'm really anxious and can hardly wait for a response from Washburn. How long do waitlist decisions usually take?
Hi girl. I am originally from KS, and have been to the school several times. That is one reason why they have always been on the top of my list. My wife is in the medical field and there are a few positions around right now. Fort Riley is really building up, so there is lots of jobs around Manhattan currently. Currently, she is in the process of interviewing and comparing offers. We hope to know something in a week or two. Just takes time to get everything coordinated. I am sure things are going to come together soon. Hows things going on your side? Any news? Hopefully you will know something from WU or UMKC soon. Even if you don't OCU will still be an great opportunity. I know living away from everyone, but you can always try to transfer after 1L. Keeps your hopes up! Take care,
Thatks for the congrats. Not sure what I am going to do yet with this cycle. I have not heard back from a lot of places which I find a bit odd and that will determine where I end up.
I will be at UMKC next Tuesday! I got an increase on my scholarship at OCU yesterday, which makes things really tough. Good luck to you on the waitlist... really hope you get in! At OCU, make sure to sit in on Johnson's class if possible, she is amazing.
Hi girl. Thanks for the update. Glad to hear the OCU visit went well. Sounds like you were impressed by the school. My personal opinion is that you have to be happy where you end up, or you risk being frustrated for the next 3 years of your life. While rankings do play a part in everything, don't get too hung up on them. Washburn is T3/T4, but guess where the newest Kansas Supreme Court Justice went to school...Washburn. Guess where the Justice he replaced went, yep, Washburn. So, just because a school is ranked lower doesn't mean that there aren't opportunities. Just remember, when considering some of the lower tier schools, you have to do your homework about the school. Remember also you can't always count on scholarship money. A few schools have been known to lure students with big $$$, then the school ends up having a hard curve, and then the person loses the money because they can't keep up their grades. My advise, look at the $$$, curve, employment chances/numbers, and where you felt you wouldn't mind spending the next three years as the major factors in selecting your future school. Keep me posted. Hope you hear something soon. Can't be much longer, seat deposits are due soon. Email me if I can help you any. Take care,
Sorry I have not responded for so long. I have not been on this site for quite some time. I am sorry to see that you were waitlisted at Washburn. I don't think I will be attending Washburn, maybe I can tell them just to make sure they give the seat to you :) Good luck on whatever you decide.
I will be at UMKC at the fall. I hope to see you there!! If not, OCU is a great school, too.
Hi girl! Just wanted to drop you a quick update. I finally made my decision for the fall. I will be going to Washburn. I am pretty excited. My wife was able to find a good job in the area, we are from Kansas so it is like going home, and I know that Washburn is a great school. Good luck on your remaining decisions. I hope you get what you want. If I can help you in anyway, let me know. Take care,
Congrats on making the decision on OCU. Good luck on your remaining wl decisions, but I think you will be happy at OCU. Regarding choosing Washburn over TU, it was mostly because of the job...and the cost of school itself. Tulsa just raised their cost per your today by 5%, and they are a private school. This makes them about twice as expensive as Washburn. My wife found a job that is making a 1/3 more than anything she found in the Tulsa area. Finally, I am originally from Kansas and have lots of family in the area. All in all, Washburn just made more sense to me. Good luck in school also. Don't stress too much (easier said than done). Just remember everyone else is just as scared and stress as you will be...even if they don't show it. Take care,
Congratulations! See you this fall!
Congratulations! I knew that things would work out for you. Email me if I can help you in anyway. See you in August!
was mine...I hate how this site handles logins...Take care
Well, congrats on UMKC. Sorry we won't see you at WU, but you've got to go where it makes the most sense. Good luck!
Thanks so much for the congrats! I think both UMKC & Washburn are very good schools. But Washburn is highly reputable (and so is UMKC). I'll put the energy out there in the universe for you to get in!