violaboy (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
New York University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/08/09 | Rec: 11/03/09 | Comp: 11/03/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 15 years | |||
University of Pennsylvania F | Accepted A | Type: RA | $45,000 | Sent: 09/17/09 | Rec: 09/18/09 | Comp: 10/06/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/14/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
University of Chicago F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $30,000 | Sent: 09/15/09 | Rec: 09/15/09 | Comp: 09/22/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/29/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
Northwestern University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/25/09 | Rec: 10/27/09 | Comp: 12/27/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/05/10 | Upd: 15 years | |||
#1 | Harvard University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/15/09 | Rec: 09/17/09 | Comp: 09/17/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/16/10 | Upd: 15 years | ||
Boston University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $116,500 | Sent: 09/08/09 | Rec: 09/17/09 | Comp: 10/06/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/13/10 | Upd: 15 years | ||
University of Virginia F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $75,000 | Sent: 09/20/09 | Rec: 09/21/09 | Comp: 09/21/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/17/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
University of Michigan Ann Arbor F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $67,500 | Sent: 09/21/09 | Rec: 09/28/09 | Comp: 10/08/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 11/07/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
Duke University F | Accepted W | Type: SP | $75,000 | Sent: 09/08/09 | Rec: 09/09/09 | Comp: 09/09/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 09/10/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
University of Southern California F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $75,000 | Sent: 11/24/09 | Rec: 11/25/09 | Comp: 01/13/10 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/16/10 | Upd: 15 years | ||
University of California Berkeley | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 10/20/09 | Rec: 10/21/09 | Comp: 10/21/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 12/17/09 | Upd: 15 years | |||
Stanford University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 09/17/09 | Rec: 10/02/09 | Comp: 10/29/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/12/10 | Upd: 15 years | |||
University of California Los Angeles F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $75,000 | Sent: 09/08/09 | Rec: 09/09/09 | Comp: 10/14/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 10/22/09 | Upd: 15 years | ||
Columbia University | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 09/17/09 | Rec: 10/28/09 | Comp: 10/28/09 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/13/10 | Upd: 15 years |
Visitor Comments
and good luck!
Yeah, Reading Comp just killed me somehow. Good luck to you next time as well!
I thought I would let you know... I got into UCLA as a transfer student!!! I\'m free!!! Good luck on round two with the LSAT. I am sure you will do amazingly. And if not, it\'s not the end of the world (I should know ;)
Thanks for the support, good luck to you also!
good luck to you as well, especially on the october lsat!
Good luck to you as well! Hopefully your October score better represents your PTs and the amount of effort you\'ve put forth.
Thanks for the post. As a fellow string musician...yes, it is nice to see. :)
I think I'm bordering on neurotic, submitting half my apps at 12:01 to get them out of the way. My boyfriend thinks I've passed the line for legally insane already...
It's a popular boat to be in (retaking that is...) - best of luck in October!
Good luck with studying this last week and a half!
Seems like I'm getting a little bit better, more consistent at least. Hope you're doing well also, good luck to you next Saturday!
Yea I hope you're right. All the work will pay off though. It has to! you too! Hope the prep has gone well. Mine has been okay. Some hits and misses, and a bit of a break in between. Hopefully Saturday will be a 'hit' for both of us! I know we're capable! Once again - good luck!
I felt like it was really easy overall, depending on which LR was the wrong one. I misbubbled on the RC and had like thirty seconds to recoup and bubble the correct answers. Hopefully things are good for both of us.
Hope your LSAT went well today. Thanks for all the encouragement
thanks for the good luck wishes! hopefully it helped!
Here's hoping my score will be higher - but I wouldn't count on it. Bombed the last game and a half, and then because of that, tore through the last LR. Don't know yet whether that's good or bad. I felt better overall in terms of timing, but who knows how that will translate! Glad you felt so much better and good luck for the rest of your cycle!
Good luck with the October LSAT score. Looks like we are going to have some similar schools, and a similar (hopefully) split between our LSAT scores.
I'm glad to see you felt good about the test. I did too. Hopefully it'll translate into score improvements!
Thanks :) Yeah, it really hurt sending that cancellation form in. I had a tough time with one of the RC passages, lost my focus and ended up not even getting to the last passage at all. I knew all the random guessing that ensued probably wouldn't make for a good score haha. I'll be retaking in December, though; disappointing, but I guess that's life. Thanks for the encouragement though, and hope things go well for you!
"I actually walked out of the test smiling. Who does that?!" When I read this part of your comment, I was confused and thought I had accidentally posted on my own comments... Because I had a smile on my face when I left too! Hopefully it's a good omen. Nerves are killing me.
Thanks for the congrats! Def excited. How are your apps coming?
Congrats! 171 is amazing, way to go! This really gives me hope that you can make a comeback after one less-than-stellar score :) Good luck!!
We got that score split we both wanted! Congrats!
On the great re-take score! So pleased for you! Wish I too could have proved that it can be done, but ah well. At least one of us did it! Great luck on your cycle though you no longer need it!
I saw your post on LSD. Congrats on your retake!
OMFG! I got a 171 too!!!!
Congrats on your retake! My score went up almost as much as yours :) Good luck on your cycle!
I know, I think it was just one of those things where I had a great day. Congrats on your latest LSAT score as well.
Yeah...and I wouldn't have a problem attending Cornell. I would just rather attend a school known for its international law programme, so I'll retake in June and hold out for Georgetown and NYU. Congrats on the good score, and good luck with the cycle!
I'm a bit jealous of your Michigan fee waiver! But, I guess that since it's (probably) my top target school, I can shell out the money to apply...
No addendum or diversity statement. And I cannot believe my cycle ended so quickly. I'm still in shock. You're waiting until next year? Best of luck!
I really enjoyed reading your updated and am reeeeally happy that you got 171! yay! but why are you out of the cycle???
Aw why are you postponing til next cycle? Your numbers are WAY better than mine D: Also, yes, represent music majors. I hope that a degree in music will tip the scales in my favor for all the IP programs I'm applying to. =)
Why postpone? You were looking great. 2 majors, great GPA, working? What's missing?
haha ty. Now I just need scholarship offers so I won't be a pauper. =)
Hey I saw your post on lawschooldiscussion and I noticed that you scored a 158 your first go round and got a 15 pt improvement on the test the second time. I took the LSAT June 8th (157) and want to take it again in December. Im great at LG but I suck on LR and RC, I can never get more than 19 right. do you have any study tips???
Good luck to you, too!
thanks! any advice for this coming cycle is greatly appreciated!
how did you prep for the lsat? i'm taking mine in spet.
Good luck!
Good luck on this years cycle!
Hi! Did you receive fee waivers unsolicited from all those schools (Penn, Mich, etc.)? Or did you write and ask for them? Just wondering, because I would LOVE waivers from some of those...
Our numbers are almost identical, good luck on your cycle!
Hi there, Congrats on finishing your personal statement and addendums! Way to be on top of the game. I have the same question as Shoshana, did you get the fee waivers unsolicited? Anyways, thanks and good luck!
Just curious, was that just your waiver from last year
on Duke!!! Took awhile for us to get there, but doesn't it feel great to arrive?!
The first one is always a huge relief! However, I'm still waiting for my school to come through for you when you apply :)
Wow! Congrats on the first admission!!! I'm hoping to move my 158 up in two weeks like you did! : )
I saw that our test history is largely similar (160, 170). Did you attach an addendum to your application, or did you feel that the difference in score (outside of the normal statistical deviation) was large enough to obviate the need for an explanation?
congrats on duke!
Hello fellow musician! Do you have any advice for a music major for the application process? :-)
Hello fellow musician! Do you have any advice for a music major for the application process? :-)
Hey, you've got acceptances already? That must feel good. You applied very early. I'm trying to get mine in within a month.
Thanks for the note. Here's hoping you can land Harvard!
close numbers, hopefully this cycle will be good to both of us.
Good luck!
With a scholarship offer already--that's great! Congrats!
Congrats on the UCLA acceptance (and scholarship!). Did they notify you when you went complete there via email?
congrats on ucla and duke! good luck on the others! :-D
Heard from UCLA already? Man, I hope I hear from them soon too.
Congrats on Duke. Good luck with your cycle buddy.
Thank you again!! NYU says I am under review now hopefully they dont stop review before getting my deans certification
Congrats on Michigan! No decision yet for me. Hopefully soon!
Way to represent! 3 for 3 -- two t14s and UCLA is a great track record to start with.
How were you notified of UCLA scholarship money? I am currently abroad and just got an email saying I was in but nothing about $$, thanks
I will be paying close attention to your results. Good luck.
Congrats!! You're doing great so far. I'm just as anxious as you, but I'd like to think us type-A people will do well =)
Thank you! I'm so excited. Congrats on your acceptances thus far too!. I'm sure you'll be getting many more.
Congrats on your acceptances, but why have you applied to a lot of schools for the second straight cycle? Assuredly, with your numbers, you would have gotten into a terrific school last year.
You are really rocking this cycle, way to go! Looks like retaking the LSAT, waiting a year and re-applying worked out well for you. Good luck with the rest of your apps!
Thanks! I'm waiting for Dean Deal to call back and say it's all a misunderstanding, but until she does I'm going to start planning on Palo Alto next year! Congrats today on UVA and Berk; I'm definitely going to be at Berk's ASW, so we'll probably meet there!
Wow you are on an amazing streak. Congratulations, I'm sure a lot more acceptances are coming your way!
to a fellow BYU student on Chicago! I may see you out there in the fall.
Congrats on the acceptance. What day did you first go under review there?
for the info. I went under review for the first time on 12/16, so hopefully I'm in the 2nd batch. Best of Luck.
Nice to see a fellow musician here!
Congrats on the Michigan scholarship. That's amazing dude. You've got to attend now!
Congratulations on a great cycle so far - we're pretty much mirroring each other. Will be interesting to see where things land!
I'm a violist here at Michigan, finishing up my graduate work this semester. Good luck with the rest of your pending apps...
That is very possible.
Hi! I have a question for you... I assume you are a viola major from your username? I am actually a viola major too and I'm going to be applying to some of the same schools as you next year. Do you think that helped you in the admissions process? any recommendations to make my apps look better based on having a music major? where did you go to undergrad? Thanks for the help!
So I don't actually hate jm686... I'm just jealous of him. Good luck in your LSAT preparation :)