BrooklynPeach (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
North Carolina Central University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/26/05 | Rec: 12/26/05 | Comp: 01/17/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 06/30/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
University of Dayton | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/24/06 | Rec: 01/24/06 | Comp: 03/07/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 06/23/06 | Upd: 18 years | |||
Florida Coastal School of Law | Accepted A | Type: RA | $5,000 | Sent: 12/26/05 | Rec: 12/26/05 | Comp: 01/16/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/13/06 | Upd: 18 years | ||
Valparaiso University | WL, Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/26/05 | Rec: 12/26/05 | Comp: 01/13/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/24/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Ohio Northern University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/12/06 | Rec: 01/12/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Detroit Mercy | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/26/05 | Rec: 12/26/05 | Comp: 01/09/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/29/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Rutgers State University Newark | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 02/16/06 | Rec: 02/17/06 | Comp: 02/27/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/26/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Southwestern University School of Law | Waitlisted | Type: RA | Sent: 12/26/05 | Rec: 12/26/05 | Comp: 02/03/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/10/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Alabama | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/30/05 | Rec: 12/30/05 | Comp: 01/17/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/03/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Thomas M Cooley Law School | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/24/06 | Rec: 01/24/06 | Comp: -- | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/10/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Richmond | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/24/06 | Rec: 01/24/06 | Comp: 02/01/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/24/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Baltimore | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/26/05 | Rec: 12/26/05 | Comp: 01/17/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/23/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
New York Law School | Pending W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/03/06 | Rec: 01/03/06 | Comp: 01/20/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | |||
Whittier Law School | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/26/05 | Rec: 12/26/05 | Comp: 01/13/16 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/20/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Widener University | Accepted W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/26/05 | Rec: 12/26/05 | Comp: 02/06/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years | |||
Georgia State University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/28/05 | Rec: 12/28/05 | Comp: 01/20/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/09/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Georgia | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/23/06 | Rec: 01/23/06 | Comp: 01/31/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/07/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Howard University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/26/05 | Rec: 12/26/05 | Comp: 01/20/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/24/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Emory University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/26/05 | Rec: 12/26/05 | Comp: 01/12/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/20/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Seton Hall University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/28/05 | Rec: 12/28/05 | Comp: 01/12/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/21/06 | Upd: 19 years |
Visitor Comments
Hope the cycle goes well!
i answered. don't forget that app to regent. i am calling them next week to see if they will waive an app fee for a brotha. i would go there with a full ride. i'd go to a lot of places with a full ride. my 4th tier (free-ride) dream school is john marshall-chicago. i'd take a full ride there over most tier 2s and some tier 1s. honestly. they have journal on intellectual property law and i would love to do ip in chicago. you should send an app to catholic. they are the only school i know of that does communications law. it would give you a nice school specific statement.
I feel your pain about the lsats. Good luck with all of your applications. I hope we both get in somewhere!
thanks for the support. I have actually done just that, and am hoping for something nice to work out in the end. good luck with your cycle.
Thanks to you too! My first choice was Howard and I think to some extent it still is, but most of these schools are a great fit for me. So, hopefully I'll get several acceptance packages w/offers of scholarship money as that may be the deciding factor.
TJ, Sorry I didn't get to you sooner, but yes I called them. However, turns out HU is still waiting for me Certification letter from my undergrad. school so it's not of 1/11 anyway. I'd call them if I were you, just to make sure there's nothing else you need to get them. GSU did send a postcard though. Good luck.
I see you applied to FL Coastal. Try FAMU, Nova and Barry if you are interested in Florida Schools.
Thank you...yes, good luck to both of us indeed. I'm sure we both have more going on than that LSAT! :-)
Hey TJ, I hope so. I am having trouble with my cert. letter. My undergrad still didn't fax it to HUSL so I called and left a message today as well as sending an email. Now I'm really going crazy... Anyway, I hope it's indeed a positive 'notification'. Wow, we could be at HU this time next year! Did you submit Fin. aid application to HU or just the FAFSA so far?
Best of luck to you on your apps. I have a 146 so know what it is like to apply with a lower LSAT. Anyway, regarding Florida Coastal, I recieved viewbook after I applied and was wondering if you got anything more than a viewbook? I got the packet about the same time as you are reporting getting one.
Good luck to you as well -- let's kill em' this cycle!!!
Hey BrooklynPeach, Do you remember me telling you that I requested another review of my file after being rejected from Coastal. Well I just got an email from the Dean of Admissions stating that my file is being reviewed again. They apologize for not waiting on the results, etc..., and they will notify me of the decision by phone as soon as it becomes available. As you stated it never hurts to ask. Thanks for the backup. Now I will wait and see.
For the support, but it is (statistically) an uphill battle... You should be proud; good "creds" and more friends and "well-wishers" here, than most...
I am in at Cooley. I got the letter in the mail today with 25% of the tuition covered.
Good luck and thanks for the incouraging statement. You and I have about the same LSAT, (well my average is worse). I wish you all the best luck in the world. Let me know how things turn out. Take care y Vaya con dios.
Thanks for your note. I really wanted Howard, but all that matters is that I'm going to law school. You have a shot a few schools on your list. Valpo, UDM, NCCU, FCLS. What about Texas Southern? I got in with the same LSAT and lower GPA. You should apply. They're a pretty good school, and they are on the rise.
One school said no, you still got ALOT MORE still pending. Besides, you've got TONS of experience than I do, so you KNOW you'll get into a great school. You just gotta. . . . . . . . KEEP HOPE ALIVE!!!!!!
I was in the waiting phase for a long time last year and I really didn't know what to do. Make sure that you know as much as possible about the schools and that you are doing good things so that you can get an additional packet put together if you are put on a waitlist. I was waitlisted and pulled last year, but it was too late for me- thank goodness, though because I am in such a better place now.
i went complete there really fast. did you apply via lsac or their site? i would give them a call.
i applied for free on their site! i was complete within 2 weeks! you're going on 6 weeks now. i think something might be wrong. i have found that if you contact schools regularly things seem to move quicker. at least it gives you something to do. they also have a status checker on the site. it was with the application. it might only work for those who applied via the widener site. if you have a list of top schools, try to stay in contact with them.
You wouldn't know if they had a stack labeled "Negros who will get money" didya?
Hey, I too keep getting a million and one mailings from UDM. As you said, everything but an acceptance letter. The admissions office told me that my admissions councelor has my file, pending delivery to the admissions committee. They said I could hear a decision anywhere from within the next week until a few months from now. As you can see in my profile, UDM is my #1 choice. I pray to the almighty God I get in. All the best with your applications.
Hey BrooklynPeach, You should hear from FCSL soon. I received a letter of acceptance yesterday. Yes, after they initially rejected me. Anyway, I called to speak with my counselor and request a packet and was told that a bulk of letters went out last week and more this week. Hopefully yours is in the mail.
Thanks BrooklynPeach, Both of our applications were complete at NCCU on1/17/06. Does anyone have any idea when they will start making decisions. It would be nice to see at least 1 person on the list with a yes or no.
Hey TJ, I got the official tour but we didn't go into the new library because it was so cold out and we didn't have our coats. I figured since it's new, it's pretty nice. I didn't meet any professors but I saw a lot of them and/or other faculty walking around. No I didn't go to the main campus because I had been there before, even though it was some time ago, plus which I was going to be there to see a b'ball game. They're buildings look a lot better than they used to but not sure how the inside looks. I've learned that many buildings in DC, MD, VA and surrounding areas have GREAT facades but the insides look old. Anyway, I like that Howard Law was somewhat quiet and laid back. Maybe it's the day I was there but I'm sure it's not so different on other days.
Thanks for the message! My friends and family are pushing me to stay within in driving distance, but will support me regardless. The flexibility at TC is desirable, too. You should hear from them soon. My turn around time was aobut 2-3 weeks, I think. Re:age...I'm entering law school with a very different perspective than the young'ens. Money is not a concern (except to repay the loans), no desire to be a partner, etc. I actually want to make a person at a time. As long as I can pass the bar in 2009, I will have met my goal. Things work out they way they should...a good lesson I've learned in my advanced years . I went to UG at Purdue. I like my visits for the yearly football game vs. ND, but no big desire to spend much time there again. I sending good thoughts your way.
I was waitlisted and not the admissions pending. However, I am also going to be considered for their part time program as well. Best of luck to you
I am really hoping to get in somewhere...good luck to you too. I will keep an eye on your progress since we have similar numbers. Good Luck!
on your first acceptance. how does it feel to KNOW your going to law school? good luck with the remaining apps.
we're gonna do this. have you thought about the CLEO program? i know, i know i must sound like a troll but i feel strongly about programs like cleo and seo. i really believe these are the types of stones many of us leave unturned. i think that most of the time it's because we were not aware they even existed. good luck with the rest of the apps. hey, of these apps what's your "i'll cry if i get in school?" oh, tell me you had a party after that big ole envelope was found in you mailbox. :)
Congrats on TC!!! I'm very happy for you. The more I think about, the more pluses it has. Maybe we will be classmates come Sept! ?! I'll be waiting for your other accepts!
Did you apply for te ABA Scholarship that howard sent out in an e-mail? Just wondering if ppl with low lsat/gpa have a chance at the $ and how many ppl actually get the scholarship.
I see you. People are going to think this is crazy, but you and I know the inside joke. Wasn't that amazing the turn around of that guy/girl. His conviction is powerful. Have a great day.
waiting does suck!!! But we will make it... email me
To show some love and comissserate with you about the wait. Why must we wait so? Good luck and congrats!!!
hey just writing back...yeah I forgot when I submitted them but they were all early January... PS.. NYLS rejected me which I forgot to put down. Just thought you would be interested since we have similar stats.
Could it be that we will meet at FCSL and make it through together? I think we should officially withdraw from Ohio Northern. I'm sooooo happy for you. I guess I have to put a dollar in the jar, because LSN was suppose to be offlimits this weekend. Oh well. It was worth it. Congratulations my friend.
TJ, What happened to your page? Is there a something withthe system or maybe I overlooked it. Anyway, who knows what that person was thinking? Perhaps he's assuming there's a reverse 'minority' rule or something. Probably considered minority at HUSL. Regardless, just like anywhere else, that doesn't automatically mean you're in! Plus which, like you said, if he really doesn't care to be there, then why apply. I'm not sure if that's what he intended by his comments though. Oh well, we'll just have to keep in mind how qualified we are regardless of numbers! Thanks for keeping me posted.
I needed to hear that I can make it through despite my shortcomings. I need to know that there is a will for me to excel and a way for me to gain. Thank you so much.
Thanks for the encouraging words. Congrats on your accepts!
NCCU decisions. They are starting to roll in. Acceptances/rejections and all. Check it out.
...those NCCU decisions.
On Florida Coastal...I could not be happier for you! All the best!
Thanks. I am indeed happy to know I'm going somewhere. As far as my first choice, I really change time to time only based on where I want to live. It goes from me wanting to stay in NY area and then maybe just going south. I'm just going to wait and see what happens. Guess I'm just playing it safe for now...for feelings' sake...LOL...
Howard and Emory. Their loss.
Listen, you will be attending a wonderful school this Fall. Most importantly, it will be one that can see past the numbers and see what you have t offer their school. Hold your head up and move on. I'm taking those same words to heart after reviewing all the profiles of those accepted at the Univ. of SC. Hmmmmmm...... as much as I hate to admit it. I think it was partyguy708 who summed it up for me as to why I could not get in to USC. We'll talk about it later. However, if you have some time take a look at it and it will be very obvious as to why they are on the top ten list. Have a wonderful day.
about howard brook. that really makes me sad. you know, maybe they just were not good enough for you. you know what you should do? when you become a big rich & famous atty (like i know you will), write howard law an annual check for $1 and let them know that the 0s are missing because they rejected you. you have a lot of apps still pending so keep your chin up and get ready to ride the next wave.
.. for noticing ! And, in having so many applications still in "limbo" I do agree with you: "the waiting doth sucketh, hugely."
Hey TJ. Yeah, I was wondering where ya went. So I guess the email thing knocked you off the LSN or did you just remove your profile? Anyway, so what did you like about U. GA? I was hoping it's a nice school, although I haven't heard from them yet. I was going to plan a visit some time this month too...actually visit all the GA schools I had applied to but with the rejection from Emory, that's one less school to visit. As for J Ville, I've only been to Orlando when I went to disney world...LOL. So, I have no clue what the rest of Florida looks like. I do know that I'd enjoy that warm weather since I really hate the cold. Well, if you do end up in FCSL (did you get accepted? can't check your profile anymore), then that would make you, me and Proudmother...That ain't bad at all! What happened with Howard, nothing yet, huh? Well, either way, hope all is going well for ya. Hope to hear from ya soon.
this is your month. you should probably be hearing some good news in the following couple of weeks. take care and as always good luck on those apps.
Yeah, I am just under TJ now because when I tried to change my email I typed it in wrong and since emails are used for verifications I can never actually verify the change I made. Did you get an email about the Howard open house? I doubt I can go but it would have been nice to attend. No official letters from Howard yet. I just got home today and had a pile of other mail. Do you think you will play the transfer game next year? I am not throwing the option out. TJ
Good luck on GSU, i'm in the same boat...a decision was made on my file today..have you tried to login to GoSolar?...I did and it let me in but said nothing about an acceptance...try it and see what it says for you...let me know the so anxious for both of us!
i'm so sorry about emory, uga, and howard. that is truly sad. you ok? that took 5 seconds to write and that's as long as you should allow yourself to feel down. "we fall down to get up!" this is still your month. there are still 12 pendings up there. you still have 12 oportunities to do that 'acceptance dance.' i just wish i could see you do it. :-)
Girl, that's okay indeed. I have a definate thing and that's all I wanted. It's great to see you back here. Have a great day.
thanks for the comment on my profile. i do think this is the month. i really have gotten to the point where i want to know one way or the other. at the same time i am prepared to wait as long as it takes to get good news. this thing is just so crazy. the sad thing is that i might be going through all this again next year, as a transfer applicant. if you do go to fl coastal, i have heard that the top students have pretty good transfer options. question: why no app to cath u? i always wondered why you didn't apply to catholic. i hear they have a great communications law program. good luck on those pendings. i really hope you get into ru-newark.
I am so sorry about GSU. I know you really wanted something in Georgia. Well, FCSL isn't bad and you have VALPO and the others. I received 2 packets from them this week. One was a booklet and the other was a DVD. FCSL is looking good to me too. We'll see, I still have 30 days to decide and receive some more acceptances.
i know this one hurt. well if you do end up at fl coastal, knock it out the park! hey, there are worse places to spend a couple of years. i'd still hold out on udm and ru-n. you might even get some good news from 'bama. take care and as always good luck on those apps.
for YOUR pep talk. ;-) i'm over it. it's just the waitlists that are killin me. they're giving me bad dreams. i need to find a job (better than the ocurrent one). that should take my mind off this stuff.
you still have a lot of apps out there...dont get discouraged. And if you end up not going where you wanted to just remember there is always the option to transfer! Just rock the 1st year!
I hope to hear from Widener soon, good news of course.. I am happy for you. Boy this waiting is humbling...
When did they say the program starts in May?
for your note. Congrats on your acceptances also. I am pretty much decided on Drexel at this point.
I din't know you got $$$ also. Congratulations. WOW, I wish I could get some money. Anyway, did you get the invitation for the minority recruitment weekend? Rooms are paid for and looking at the schedule meals will be also. Do you think you will attend?
No need to run to the box. Instead you should be checking your email like crazy for the invite. That's how I got mine. Oh Lord, I know you will. Sorry, I didn't mean to cause a transfer in your addiction. LOL! Well, I'll email it to you so you can see what I'm talking about. It was emailed by the same Dean who has been apologizing since receipt of my review requests. I'll tell you what he's been sending all kinds of things in the mail trying to get me to send in that deposit and attend. I need to hear from those other schools, but I can't help but think that this may be a sign that I'll be in Florida this Fall. Oh well, what he needs to be sending me is some $$$. Even 5 will do. LOL! I'll bug you tomorrow.
I was just in your area yesterday. Saw a lot of a very slow pace along 278 at 4:00PM. Damned Mapquest. I noticed you have decided to not go to the Widener Harrisburg TAP. I just heard from them that they are waiting for spaces to become available and if they do, they might offer me a spot. If you haven't done so, I would appreciate it if you would let them know. As well as anybody else who might see this. This is a rather unexpected form of begging that the application cycle brings out in us! Thanks and good luck with the rest of the cycle!
how's it going? edit for my former post: i thnk that should say 5000 cases. sorry :-) i'm still pyaying you get into udm. good luck w/ the apps.
On FCSL, and good luck with Rutgers. I like the fact that Rutgers allows a different approach to the application process, and I took advantage of it. I'll keep my fingers crossed! Where do you live/work now?
Check the stats on that NYLS program. I did that on one school's program, and found out that only about 25% of those admitted into the conditional program actually passed and were allowed into the Fall class. NY is a great area to go BIGLAW, something that may not be possible down in FL though. That may be something to consider. There are many more opportunities up there if you like the NYC area.
Yes, I am still holding on. I hope to hear something soon. Talk to you later.
I've been busy researching apartments in Jax too. I'm actually anxious to leave since I'm in St. Louis, MO and the weather is terrible right now. I planned on moving right before the Fall semester begins but May is becoming more of an option. I would love to chat with you sometime. Feel free to email me off board. Take care!
on your still have a few more aps open...good luck! We need to get together and boycott GSU and SHU because we were both rejected lol!!! I'll be prayin for you on those other pending aps...jtr
Good luck with your apps!! Praying does help to an extent..I'm still praying right now
I do want to stay in NY because I'm so close to my family but leaving wouldn't be hard for me...time for a change of scenery..just praying i get in somewhere i can be comfortable going...I don't even go to the mailbox anymore..its too stressful...i know these schools not gonna respond to me til like mid April or end of April..maybe even May...don't know why they taking so long...chile waiting does suck...
Thanks for the support! I would love the extra books you have...That is very thought of you ; ) I seem to have a mental block when it comes to the LSAT...I have taken the Princeton course and I even had an additional private tutor...So much for that...The next thing is to do it alone...Locked in a library room for 6 hours a day for 2 months straight...I plan on retaking the LSAT again in June 2006...I will keep you posted and thanks for the support. Maybe we can arrange something for the delivery of the books. Let me know?
brooklyn peach, NW it is. I sent in my deposit last week. Thanks for the message. Good luck to you with the rest of the cycle and congrats on the money from FCSL. BNM
good luck to you too. And btw, I did some time at HIU too.. back in the 90's. Go Pirates!
I hope so. I would love to be in Florida also. I wish I would see what you do for real soon. I'm exhausted by this wait. Yesterday, I only came to this site about 10 times. LOL. Don't laugh, because that's 10 compared to about 50 or more any other day. I'll talk to you soon by email.
Congratulations on UDM...gonna go? Do you mind telling me how they notified you? good luck the rest of the way
congrats on udm! guess what? we might be neighbors! with my offer from toledo i'll be like a hop, skip, and a jump from you. toledo is so close that detroiters get in-state tuition. really! how about that!
Hey. We chatted a bit last year, I think... Are you going to go to UDM? I was accepted there also. I'm curious about what your thoughts on the school were. Congrats! Great luck to you! =) (Hope this doesn't double post. My first "submit" seemed to not go through.)
Hello there, Please accept my congratulations on your acceptance at UDM!!! You must be very proud. How did they notify you? e-mail, snail mail, etc... All the best!
I have 4 out and no word yet. Am I suppose to believe that hearing absolutely nothing is perhaps a good thing. BEfore getting any word from your schools did they make any contact with you at all? This is driving me nuts. I would give anything to hear at least you're in the conditional program. Three of the four have them and I applied for all. Enough of this. I'm done.
Very cool. Well, you still have others to hear from it looks like. Good luck! I'm also stoked about UDM. The administration is friendly and helpful. I've also received positive feedback from current UDM students happy with their choice of law school. I believe it is one of the better lower tier schools. As far as Detroit goes, I'm struggling with finding a place to live. I did visit Detroit briefly last year in November. The city is rough and definitely has its issues; however, there is a lot of redevelopment going on and certain parts of the downtown area (Greektown, near Wayne and UDM) are fine. The school is across from Renaissance Center (GM's HQ) and is a decent area. If you are ok with a commute (and I'm wondering how well this California boy will do driving in snow) I hear Dearborn (20 minutes) and Royal Oak (15 minutes) are great suburbs to live. Even Grosse Point, which is just a few minutes east/northeast of UDM/downtown Detroit, is fine. The facilities (library, building) are old, but some people like the look and feel. UDM is building a new campus somewhere. (near the river front?) I don't know how long they've been at it and when it will be complete. This is second-hand info, so I'm not too certain. The dean is a Harvard grad who is working hard for the school. I think their alumni could be a little more financially supportive. They are about 80% tuition-dependent - but so are most private law schools. BTW, I love NYC and Brooklyn. Keep in touch. I may see you at UDM's orientation!
i just gave toledo the 'A' for this cycle. i can't wait until the fall. of these acceptances and pendings, what's your top three?
the response will not be any slower. I dreaded filling out another app., especially, having to write an essay, but they took the time to ask me to apply and the location would be great. I contacted all of my pending schools last week and most all said I should hear by April 15. Only a few days left. Finally!! Any decision where you will be attending? (Hint: I think you would not be happy at Ohio Northern - from someone that grew up in that part of Ohio). Keep in touch! Maybe we can meet halfway in Ann Arbor for lunch (or at Cooley).
I thought everyone I met was nice. Several professors spoke to us. They seemed helpful. The information on the curriculum was very promising. Another turn off was the price. The federal max student loan doesn't cover tuition. I was expecting almost perfection based on what they sent me. The students seem happy and had no complaints. I just don't think they are for me.
All the best to you as well. It's been a long application cycle; I'm glad it's over. Enjoy your law school career. All the best to you and yours.
Hello there, Did you get into tho summer program at UDM, where you start in the summer or will you be directly starting in the fall. Have a good weekend!
Thanks for the tidbits on FCSL! I haven't heard a decision back from them yet. But since I live here, I'm thinking that I might just go ahead and schedule a law school tour---this way I can really see what this school's all about and can quit guessing and making up stuff based on what I've heard! :) But all in all, if you are considering FCSL, I would definitely say that Jacksonville is one of the most beautiful cities around! It is not too big and not too small. And there is always something to do here. The location is pretty central to other places also (Atlanta, Miami, Orlando, Tallahassee, S. Carolina etc.)! So you could definitely make some nice weekend getaways! If you do decide to go to school here be sure to live on the Southside of town---it's nicer, safer and that's where everything is, incl. the law school. Good Luck and keep us all posted on what you decide to do. I appreciate your support. It's nice and comforting knowing that someone else is going through the same situation as yourself. Talk to you later!
Thank you very much for your kind words! They mean a lot to me. I am overjoyed about your success! Bye.
On Valpo, are you going to be a Crusader as well? lol
I was offered fulltime. Hopefully you get offered what you want too.
if you need to know anything about Valpo, Im from Northwest Indiana so I know the area well, and let me know what you decide
Yeah I seriously would like to attend Rutgers too. I thought about applying to schools like Cooley, e.t.c., but the reality is that I'm not willing to invest in a school that I will not be happy at. Happy meaning, knowing that there would be "reasonable" job prospects post graduation. I know that transferring is always an option but not guaranteed. This process is just ridiculous. TRUST ME I do not want to retake the LSAT but these schools place so much emphasis on the darn test. I really can't afford the $1000+ that a prep course would cost but my original self study method didn't prove to be very successful. Do you have any idea whether there's any kind of deadline for responses? Is there a chance that I could roll into June w/o a response? Funny thing is I saw your profile earlier and saw where you found the Rutgers online status checker. I then decided to peruse the web and located it. THANKS FOR INTRODUCING ME TO MY FIRST HIT OF CRACK!! LOL!! And goooooood luck. Maybe we'll be fellow 1L's in the fall. P.S. I'm from Brooklyn too. I'm sick of VA so I'm trying to make my way back to the New York City area.
Thanks Peach. Yeah, it looks like Stetson for me. I am heading down in July again to secure a place to live. My wife is also going to be down there job hunting. Good luck to you and hope they dont keep you waiting much longer!
I live Jacksonville, FL right now, hit me up if you have any questions: cost of living, best places to live, entertainment, people, gas cost, restaurants, schools etc.
Yeah, I called Dayton to let them know that it's on the way and had the guy note my file! And I'm going to call again after 12pm to make sure that my express delivery got there okay. Good looking out though! Oh and of course I got your really long email, but that's okay b/c I sent you a really long email back!! LOL Why'd you withdraw from NYSL? My cousin currently goes there and is going on her 2nd year. If you get accepted into Dayton, you should consider going there! (well, basically since I'm going there! he, he,he) Let me know how that goes. But anyways thanks for the good luck on FL St. Holla back on the email! :)
Hey, Rutgers didn't take me but Touro did so it looks like I'll be packing up for NY. I'm going to live with my grandfather for free so that's one less thing that I have to worry about. I'm nervous and excited because I had already decided that I was going to reapply next year. Guess not huh? I know God has a plan so for now, I'm going to roll with the punches. Good luck to you in your 1L, I know we all have a bumpy road ahead.
Hey there - How is Coastal treating you? I might be there this fall 07....Not sure if you are still checking this but since you DID say you were an LSN addict, LOL I thought I'd try...... question - why did you pick FCSL over NCCU? Was it a location preference? Did you visit both schools before you made a decision? thanks much!
Yo good luck ma