Angelicasassy (2022-2023)
Application Information

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# | Law School | Status | Type | $$$ | Sent | Received | Complete | Interview Date | Decision | Updated | |
University of Iowa F | Accepted A | Type: RA | $89,544 | Sent: 12/10/05 | Rec: 12/12/05 | Comp: 02/17/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/20/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
Duke University F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/13/05 | Rec: 11/15/05 | Comp: 01/30/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/28/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Harvard University F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/13/05 | Rec: 11/14/05 | Comp: 02/16/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/28/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Yale University F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/15/05 | Rec: 01/06/06 | Comp: 01/25/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/10/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Southern Methodist University F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 02/01/06 | Rec: 02/02/06 | Comp: 02/10/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/22/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Case Western Reserve University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $51,000 | Sent: 01/29/06 | Rec: 01/31/06 | Comp: 02/13/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/27/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
University of Pittsburgh F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/29/06 | Rec: 01/30/06 | Comp: 02/17/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/23/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Chicago F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/29/06 | Rec: 02/07/06 | Comp: 02/16/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/17/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Valparaiso University F | Pending D W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/28/06 | Rec: 02/01/06 | Comp: 02/17/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/25/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $60,000 | Sent: 01/06/06 | Rec: 01/10/06 | Comp: 01/24/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/13/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
Temple University | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/29/06 | Rec: 01/30/06 | Comp: 02/02/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/13/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Pennsylvania F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/10/05 | Rec: 12/12/05 | Comp: 01/13/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/18/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Hamline University F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 12/10/05 | Rec: 12/13/05 | Comp: 01/13/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/06/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Drake University F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $38,700 | Sent: 12/10/05 | Rec: 12/12/05 | Comp: 01/19/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/18/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
Indiana University Bloomington F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/12/05 | Rec: 12/19/05 | Comp: 01/23/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/25/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Michigan State College of Law F | Accepted W | Type: RA | $1,000 | Sent: 11/17/05 | Rec: 12/20/05 | Comp: 01/23/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 01/30/06 | Upd: 19 years | ||
University of Michigan Ann Arbor F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/18/05 | Rec: 12/16/05 | Comp: 01/18/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/27/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Wisconsin Madison | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 01/01/06 | Rec: 01/09/06 | Comp: 02/14/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/03/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Florida | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 01/01/06 | Rec: 01/06/06 | Comp: 01/26/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/23/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Georgetown University F PT | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/13/05 | Rec: 12/06/05 | Comp: 01/26/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/16/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Washington University in St Louis F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 12/11/05 | Rec: 12/19/05 | Comp: 01/23/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 03/18/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
University of Notre Dame F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/19/05 | Rec: 01/04/06 | Comp: 01/26/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/10/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Emory University F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/13/05 | Rec: 11/15/05 | Comp: 01/12/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/27/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Loyola University Chicago F | Waitlisted W | Type: RA | Sent: 11/15/05 | Rec: 11/16/05 | Comp: 01/17/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 02/06/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Washington and Lee University F | Rejected | Type: RA | Sent: 11/15/05 | Rec: 11/18/05 | Comp: 02/15/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: 04/01/06 | Upd: 19 years | |||
Florida State University | Pending | Type: RA | Sent: 12/10/05 | Rec: 12/13/05 | Comp: 03/14/06 | Inter: -- | Dec: -- | Upd: 19 years |
Visitor Comments
on your dec LSAT
thanks for your msg!
Wanted to good luck on the LSAT. Thanks for the message you left. Michigan is definitely in my top five for the very same reasons you listed.
Good luck next month. :) Have you been testing well??
Just remember while they are competitive, they look at EVERYTHING no matter what anyone tells you. Make sure your whole package is tight and you should be a great candidate.
Hope the LSAT goes well! Tips.....hmmm make sure you write about what makes you YOU in your statements.....and since we are all unique so should your me if any further questions.
Best of luck! You might want to add a few safeties onto your list - just in case the LSAT doesn\\\'t go as expected.
for your kind words on my profile. But do you really think those schools you listed would be interested in me even with my GPA? Thanks again and good luck with the LSAT
hopefully you wont need to rely on your safeties. i am pulling for you to get into your top choices, and i'm excited to see what you get on your lsat!
hopefully you wont need to rely on your safeties. i am pulling for you to get into your top choices, and i'm excited to see what you get on your lsat!
Thanks for the good wishes - good luck in Dec. Belieiving in yourself is the key. You'll do great!
i swear i didn't double click submit to post twice. belieeeeve me! :)
Your so sweet. I have lived an interesting life and it was definitely a neat way to grow up. Law school will be a new and great experience maybe we will end up at the same schools. Good Luck!!!
Thanks for your kind words. I am definitely interested in summer start, the only caveat being that I want some vacation time before starting LS. Good luck on your LSATs, I'm sure you will kick ass this cycle and have a good shot at Michigan.
Whatever you do: DO NOT LET THE TEST BEAT YOU BEFORE YOU TAKE IT! You have to walk into that test as calm as possible, you have complete confidence in your abilities, and you must remember that the test does not determine your ability as a lawyer or as a person. REGARLDESS of what number you get, you are still going to SOMEBODY'S lawschool if you do desire. Plus, you shouldn't take life so seriously, you won't make it out alive :-)
The WI area and specifically schools are good places for black people. Both Milwaukee and Madison contain the vasy majority of all black people that live in the state. Milwaukee is totally a beer town and the parties at Madison are crazy, goodluck with the LSAT and applications.
University of Idaho? compared to your other schools I don't see why you're applying there unless you have some interest in Idaho. I would consider Detroit Mercy for another safety school instead of Idaho as it seems you're interested in Michigan. Just making an observation, not hatin.
I figure we go to the same school, am I right?
Yeah, it would be cool to be classmates at UM... hope that pans out. I did a visit there before T'giving and sat in on a few classes -- really got me excited about going to law school. Funny how you crossed W&M off your list; I applied the day after I took the LSAT and when I got my score back I thought, "uh...oops" but it was too late. You never know, right?? :)
Good Luck tomorrow, I wish you the best.
You'll do great on your LSAT I'm sure. And quit going and leaving retard messages messages to people with my name!
Are you at UF? And given that list, I'm assuming your numbers are good so why Michigan St. as a safety as as opposed to GW, BC, BU etc.?
Well how'd you do? I know its going to be a long month waiting for your scores, but just hold tight!!!
Good luck with you LSAT, I still need $$$ to make a final decision though. Most $$$ wins.
No, they didn't...I'm not sure what their exact procedure is is for scholarships and financial aid, but if I'm offered anything later, I'll update my page. Good luck waiting for those LSAT scores...I'm sure you're in agony right now:)
for the congrats. best of luck to you! and you're right. texas sucks.
Especially to UM; here's to seeing you celebrate the your acceptance there before the cycle is all over!!! -- C
Thank you very much for your encouragement re: Duke. I sincerely hope you are correct. :) Good luck with Michigan, it's a beautiful school. When do you get your LSAT back?
thanks for the encouragement re my Fordham situation....good luck on everything. hope the lsat went well for you : )
I'm anxiously waiting for my LSAT score. I think I'm gonna apply to a few schools in the next couple of days, ahh!!!
I know you started this profile to keep track of the process for your own memories--but LSN is also a community. Other people would benefit more from the identifying information than from your personal rankings. (re: your 12/04 note) In any case, best of luck to you. Keep checking email for the score; the October LSATs were released a few days early.
Thanks for the encouragement
right about the Vanderbilt fee waiver--i didn't request one from them and i would not have applied otherwise. It's a good school, so i'm giving it heavy consideration. Best of luck to you on the UMich application. By the way, I live in Chapel Hill, NC and i've see Duke Law first hand--it's first rate, definitely consider it as one of your top choices.
for the kind words and best wishes on your LSAT results. We all know what you're going through!
thanks for the comment and best of luck to you! can't wait to see you post good news for your scores and acceptances
-smile- Both for posting my first comment and for it being a nice one. I wish you the best of luck, too!
for this process to be over. It is like torture. I have become obsessed with law admissions. Everyday that I check my mail I'm hoping for some kind of response. A rejection letter, app complete card, anything!
Isn't the point of LSN to show your numbers?
32 schools?
HEY! Good luck :) You definitely have the energy and enthusiasm that's necessary to get through this process! Take care
I'm complete pretty much everywhere. I just didnt update that column because I didn't keep track of the days the letters came in. Good Luck!
happy holidays and good luck to you.
I think you are applying to more schools than me, I'm impressed!
I guess all the chips don't fall where they should. Good luck to you. Cornell's a better school anyway. :)
Hey girl! I was wondering where you'd been lately -- nice to see you've resurfaced. Yeah, I was expecting the Mich deferral, but I keep telling myself that it's not a yes, but it's not NOT a yes either. :) Guess we will see! Hope you hear something soon.
Thanks for the kind words. Hope you got a score that you liked today...the scale was brutal. Good luck with apps!
Honey, I _am_ famous. Didn't you know? Everyone here is. It's why I want to leave.
Honey, I _am_ famous. Didn't you know? Everyone here is. It's why I want to leave.
Hey! I hope the LSAT went well :)
Thanks for the kind words. I really hope to get into UDM! I guess there's always Cooley if things don't work out. Best of luck...what's your first choice?
i know all about the score shock. i was practising in the low to mid 160s. i think your numbers are actually good though. i can see ND. i would bet all your twos and three are locks with your gpa. hey, after my 'shock' i'm looking at john marshall - chi as a target. good luck with the apps and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
dont listen to chiasu!! You will do great...Have a happy new year :)
Thanks for the nice message -- good luck to you as well!!!
Sorry about the LSAT; i can tell from the chiasu pediction % that things didn't quite go as planned. If I recall correctly, you are a URM. So, you may still have a decent shot at some of these schools regardless of whatever Chiasu is telling you. Good Luck!
...on the new year and your aps!
No, I didn't get any money at MSU yet...they acceptance letter said they would give out money in February.
God helped me, and He'll help you too! Just pray to Him and put this all in His hands.
Thanks for the comment. I wish you well on your applications!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't heard anything from them yet about money, but the acceptance letter that I got said that I would hear something by... I think it's Feb. 15th. I am hoping to hear good things soon though, and will def. keep you posted! I'll keep checkin in with you to see where you're getting accepted too! good luck!!
Hey there! I have a good feeling you'll hear back with your first acceptance in the next 10 days...I'll keep my fingers crossed...I think you actually have a great shot at your top choice (Mich)...they really respect URM status--continued good luck to you! Take care.
You are absolutely right, if you don't play the lotto, you can't win the lotto! That was my mantra as I applied to many schools, many people said I shouldn't have. I had many problems with the LSAT as well. I was testing in the mid 160's, but what are you going to do?! Good luck and congratulations on all of your accomplishments! Kepp positive and please keep in touch!
...that is quite a list! We have several schools in common. I am sure that you will start to hear back from some of the schools soon. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you! v/r
Thanks for the congrats. Good luck to you. Don't worry so'll go where God wants you to be.
It looks like you and I are applying to the same schools. I am in the same boat as you - 158 LSAT. I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.84, played 4 years varsity athletics, and have 2 years WE for a Fortune 25 company though, so I am hoping to get accepted to one of my long shots (it only takes one to impact the outcome of your life). Keep me posted as you hear back from the schools - I also was a December LSAT taker and applied to all my schools in early January.
lets kill em' !!! thanks for the support, much success to you!!!
waiting is awful...I feel better knowing I got in SOMEWHERE but I would really like to have an out-of-state prospect to consider. If I am going to pick up and leave my life here, its going to be for someplace great; but I would like to at least know thats an option so I can start planning! I'm sure you'll hear something soon, you have a great shot at getting into alot of the places you applied!
I must say, I am much appreciative of your positive energy. It is undoubtedly much needed in this super competitive process! I'm not only rooting for you, I'm praying for you (really). I know God will put you exactly where he wants you to be ... you've worked hard, now watch the rest fall into place. You are any school's dream student!!! \\\"Faith is hope in the unseen....\\\"
Hi Angelica, I must say I love all the positive vibe I am getting from your comments. You will be great as a future law student and as a lawyer. I hope you get your first letter soon. It truly is magical the first time around, but even the 2nd and the 3rd have their charm. Keep me posted. Best wishes!!!
You are goingto get in so many places!!!! You seem like a special person and I wish you all the best!!! I will be checkin to see if/when you get those top 10's!
no sorry i am in UF. do you go to ucf? i was at chillers tonight if you know where that is.
Good Luck on your applications!!! I had the same problem with the LSATS and I have horrible standardized test anxiety... and waiting for letters is giving me a fear of the mailman :)
Best of luck with your applications. I am checking my e-mail incessantly too, as I am still waiting for many of my applications to go complete. Waiting is so painful! I fear that the law school related dreams will come next. I hope you get a bunch of acceptance letters soon!
God is good. I didn't get that bad at chillers. It was my first time there...its pretty cool with the 3 floors and all. Thanks for the congrats. I'll be watching for what great schools you will get into.
All things considered I think I'll go to UIUC over Wisconsin, Madison is a great town, but Ill. offered $$ and I want to work in Chicago. I haven't sent my withdrawl letter yet, but it will go out this wknd. I figure if it gets somebody off of the waitlist earlier its a good thing. Don't stress too much this cycle, you will do fine, good luck.
Thank you for your words of congrats! I have faith that you will experience just as much happiness. I will be rooting for you and Florida! Good luck!
You'll do well this application cycle. The most difficult thing you'll have to do is figure out which school you want to attend.
Thanks for the kind words! I really like your philosophy and I wish you all the best.
It's still up in the air. I have started to visit, but it may come down to money. If there is none.... IUI, because you can get in-state after the first year.
Best of luck to you too!
for the congrats. Good luck to you with UMich. The adcomms are really great over there and the Dean of Admissions is awesome. I think they're one of the few t14s that looks at the whole package, so maybe you should try sending in more supplemental stuff or emailing Sarah Zearfoss. Worth a shot, no? Good luck!!!
Wish you all the best on your apps as well. We have a few schools in common, let's pray it works out for both of us! Believe in the power of PRAYER!!!!
Do you have a specific question about Hamline, or just what I know in general?
A "storylike" PS can be really excellent, because it's usually more memorable. You're in good shape--especially with a letter that supports what you've said yourself. I'm not sure what the typical turnaround is at these schools, but they're definitely flooded with applications right now. Try not to worry too much if you don't hear back very quickly. I'll be rooting for you! Best of luck with decisions and the rest of your semester.
I was a little suprised about indiana, but not that concerned. Arkansas and usc have always been higher on my list.
you know i saw your gpa once before you took it down. you have nothing to be worried about. you will get into most of the schools on this list. i think you will be pleseantly surprised in about a month. i hope to see you at cleo. my app goes in the mail tomorrow. i will hopefully be doing the one in minnesota. that valpo app will equate to a full ride+ stipend, i'm sure of it. good luck with the rest of the apps. actually located in St. Paul and is a relatively small private school. The Law School has a very well known dispute resolution program (ranked 5th in the nation by USNews). It has both a full time (~515 students) and part time (~199 students) program. I withdrew despite receiving a 100% scholarship because their degree is not as "exportable" as the University of Minnesota, nor did it have the employment rate of "the U" (Hamline - 40.7%@Grad v. "The U" - 90.6%). It is hard to argue with those type of statistics. If you have more questions feel free to email me. v/r
You aren't going to have any problem getting into one of your top choices. Really. Just relax and wait for your letters to arrive. You'll DEFINITELY be going to law school during 2006. Take care.
Thanks for the congrats. Here's to hoping you get the same good results. It's always nice to see my fellow Floridians do well.
Thanks for the congrats. Nice LSAT. You're going to do great this cycle! Take Care. -Bet
Thanks for the kind words. UF I don't believe is all about the numbers. While I doubt I will get in, I have seen instances where they except a student who doesn't fit their number profile. FSU though, that one stung. But I don't think being a Nolie would be that great anyway. Anyway, good luck in these last few months.
on your first acceptance! The weather will be a lot different in Michigan compared to Florida but I am sure you will have many more options to consider once this whole process is done. -MJ
Congrats on your first acceptance! I am hopeful to be accepted by them also. I was wondering how you notified of your complete status - I haven't heard a peep from them since I sent my app in and so I was just curious. Congrats again and good luck the rest of this cycle.
Congrats Angelica! Hopefully the first of many!
Congratulations on MSU! It is an awesome feeling to receive the first acceptance! v/r
msu is up and coming. i see really good things in store for you. keep me posted. in about a week you will receive another letter from msu. full-ride! too bad you'll have to send them a withdrawal letter after your acceptance to michigan. way to go.
Yes, we are applying to many of the same schools. I guess I don't know much about MSU law. I do recall seeing them ranked in tier 3. I'm not sure what their reputation is outside of Michigan. Good luck with the rest of your apps.
first acceptance!! awright! perhaps I will see you there next year?? Good job!
You did it!! You're def going to law school!!! The best is yet to come I'm sure!
Being an FSU (soon to be) alum, I consider it my duty to never be associated with the University of Florida, and the fact it was huge reach for someone with my stats, in fact I am already ruling FSU out, as I don't think I have much of a chance there. I actually want to go north too, I dunno, I might be regretting it, but I want to jump into something entirely new, Good luck, maybe we'll see each other at Mich State( but hopefully not, lol!)
sure! I live in the area and hear very good things. The facilities are very nice and pretty new, and the current Dean is working very hard to improve the quality of faculty and students. If you have any more questions, feel free to e-mail me!
on your acceptance. You have a great shot at Wisconsin. For me, it must have been my PS. It was more story like also. Have you heard from CLEO? You may want to let some of the schools know that you have applied to the CLEO program
I wish you the best!
Yes, I did get a scholarship - $25,500.
Sorry, my mistake. I was looking at the wrong row in my table. MSU didn't offer anything. name is Army2Law and I am a Law School application addict.... I thought that I was the only one who applied to that many schools. I sent out 29 applications, a Reach, Target, and Safety at each area I was thinking of moving. I broke the addiction when I received my first target acceptance. That way I knew I would be attending school. Best of luck to you in breaking your addiction and with your aps as well!
Nope, haven't heard about scholarship money from MSU yet, but they said they'd send scholarship notices by Feb 15th, so we should hear sometime the next week or so.
we went complete the same day at Drake too! I live in Wisco which is just a two day mailing period from IA and MN- I'll keep ya posted
Hey , trust me. You'll get some admits and the other stuff won't be a big deal. The first one hurts but not for long and then you'll get over it.
Hey-- No word for me on a scholarship from MSU, but the word seems to be that they come out mid-Feb.
Blessings in law school
I appreciate your congrats, and yes, as you know, it feels AWESOME to have one in the bag. I am sure you'll have a lot more to choose from pretty soon! GOOD LUCK!
My guess is that you will wish you had submitted fewer applications rather than more once you begin to get acceptances from your higher ranked schools. Good luck the rest of the way!
about the loyola waitlist. i have applied to all the chicago schools except ne and uc. i'll be happy with depaul or john marshall if i'm given some money. your waitlist dust not bode well for me. :( take care and good luck with the rest of your apps.
i hate these little comment boxes. ne? dust? good thing that wasn't my ps! you have got to visit temple. the law building is really nice (from the inside). the one class i sat in on was great.
Do you know how long it will take after they start reviewing your file?? I got an email saying they started reviewing it and now im curious
did you get into Michigan yet? Dang! You have to get admitted so I can have some hope. :)
Hey! We meet again! haha...what do you think of this Notre Dame provisional list? I can't believe we got waitlisted this early...what does that mean?
hey, i heard that being waitlisted at nd is not that bad. i think they try to keep their yield numbers good by accepting people with a strong desire to attend the school. i would definitely send a letter of continued interest. i would kiss a little tail by thanking them for even considering you for the waitlist. i then would go into all the reasons nd is the right school for you and what you could bring to the nd community. in short let them know that if they take you off the waitlist that you will attend. personally i would be writing this letter as we speak (a quick turn around could be quite effective). re: temple. i don't think there is a chance you WON'T get in. as for me, well.... good luck with the rest of the apps.
Do you go to UF? Also, I dont know you, but I think youre a wonderful person, I hope you get into your dream school! Good luck once again! If you wouldnt mind, can you tell me more about how you found out about Notre Dame??
haven't heard a thing. They keep sending me letters about other stuff, and I am tempted to call them up and say, "Look, quit sending me anything unless it's a scholoarship offer!" :) I hope we see some cash. MSU is supposed to be very generous with the funds ... if they don't come through, that will be disappointing. Good luck and lemme know if you hear anything in the next few days.
for your words of life and encouragment. Blessings and favor on your journey in law school!!
Thanks for the feedback...they have had mine since...September, which is fine (considering my #s) but I am human just like the people with higher scores and would like a damn letter :)
I appreciate the congratulations. I see that we applied to many of the same schools. Keep me udated as to where you choose to go. Best of Luck
Same to you, hope you get in where you want to go.
really sucks. have you considered CLEO? i sent my app off.
We have 7 schools in common. I hope you aren't feeling bad about the ND provisional waitlist. Admissions at ND Law is much more competitive than the school's overall ranking would suggest. You still have a shot at ND and I would view this as an indication that you will be very competitive at the other schools on your list. You have a lot of people on here rooting for you. I have officially added myself to the list.
Is the not hearing about scholarship money from MSU driving you nuts, too? And what makes it worse is that they keep sending us tons of mail, and you always think it's going to be about scholarships, and it's like the fifth consecutive letter from the Dean saying how great MSU's program is, and how glad he is that you got in, etc etc. I'm just like, "yeah, I know, happy to be in too, thanks... now how about that cash, pal??"
i think you just have to show need with/out parental help. i definitely qualify. i think you can get financial aide. hey, i don't even have moving money yet.
wow, your mail comes really early!! I'm jealous
I wrote to you yesterday about ND and now I am in the same boat. Are you going to make a push to get in off of the "provisional list"?
I just read about your law school dreams.. I have them too and I hate them. I had the most realistic dream about reading an acceptance letter from Miami... Then I woke up and was so disappointed. boo.
I called them this morning to find out what the deal was. They informed me that they were going to decide the scholarship stuff TODAY, and that it would go out either today or tomorrow. So there is hope yet...! :)
i know you been getting alot of junk mail lately but at least your hearing something. i went complete and now all i hear is silence. if it wasn't for my two acceptances i would be getting really discouraged. worse case senario i go to toledo. i guess that's not the worst thing that could happen. i;m trying to think positive. oh well, good luck on the rest of your apps. i'm sure you are going to get into some great schools. your numbers are just too good. have a happy
you crack me up! I'm the exact same way...this whole waiting game is absolutely killing me. Hang in there!!
that is really sad news about Michigan State. That probably means it doesn't look good for me either. that really sucks because I don't really have any other options for schools. **sigh** I wish you the best of luck on all your other schools. Please get into Michigan for me! :)
Thanks for the congrats on Fordham. Ordinarily, I would pass on the whole "provisional list" thing, but ND seems to be unique in their approach to legal education. So yeah, I am going to try to get in off of the list. If you are interested, I'll let you know how I am going to proceed via e-mail. I'd say you are due for a few more decisions.
Hey girl, just thought I would stop by and show you some love ( what is this, myspace?lol) I am feeling you on the waitign tip---I am constantly checking email--it's insane. I got dinged at Columbia and UC Davis but f em anyways! Keep your head up, the best is yet to come!!!
on drake. i think their campus is really nice. i was looking at them last year before this whole rankings nonsense. i do know that they are on of the oldest schools in the country. congrats again and i'm waiting to see some more acceptances starting popping up.
on Drake
I think you still have time to apply there -- according to their profile in the ABA-LSAC law school guide, they recommend submitting by end of Feb, and you can apply online. Another option for you might be University of Detroit-Mercy. Their app deadline is 4/15, and tuition is about half of MSU's (according to the ABA-LSAC guide). Course, you'd still be stuck in Michigan, where it was 5 degrees yesterday! :) Good luck!
on MSU and Drake. I'm with you on the whole waiting thing. It's driving my crazy. There was an ice storm here (in MS) this past weekend and what was I doing? Still checking the mailbox . Was there any worthwhile mail? Nope, just another damn Victoria Secret's catalog. Sigh..... Anyways, I'm rooting for you, especially w/ Michigan. Good luck!
Think you missed a school
"I am praying to God and putting my trust in him for this cycle. I know I will end up at the right school for me, it is all in his hands" . . . Very True, Very Real!. . .It's always in Gd's Hands, every little thing that's done is. Goodluck with everything!
i was worried about the degrees mobility. i also worried about the price v. starting salary. after that i worried about the 5 years i'd likely have to spend in iowa. then came my career options in terms of intellectual property. i figured that a drake degree equated to an llm somewhere else. but, at one point i considered being a public defender and drake seemed like a good place to go (if given a full-ride). and i must admit i thought the campus looked really pretty. :) why did you apply to drake?
You know, as of right now, I have no idea. Originally, I would've given anything to be accepted to Emory. Well, due to the fact that I sincerely doubt that I'll get in in the first place and sure that hell will freeze over before they give me any money, I think I'm w/o a #1 choice. I need to go out and visit some schools and see what I like. As of right now, I like $$$ and lots of it. Anyone who is willing to give me a lot of $ and good educational and employment opp.'s is at the top of my list. Why didn't you apply to Miami? I'm thinking my decision to apply there wasn't the best one. They're pretty expensive and I just knew that they'd love me. Yeah right-I got deferred and quick!
Yes, I got a letter through from MSU on Saturday. I was offered a half-tuition scholarship, which I am very grateful for. I signed the letter of acceptance today. It is a done deal! I've got to withdraw from Wayne now ... dunno about W&M. I don't think it's likely, but you never know. re: Detroit. True, it isn't that ...uh... picturesque. :) My entire family is from Detroit, so I am well-acquainted with the area. Let me know what you end up doing!
I was defered at Notre Dame as i was ED and then i was rejected. It turns out i cant live in the cornfields and iam happy to be returing to California
So you really call? There a couple schools I want to call ( Case, Temple) b/c I want to know when I can expect a decision..but I am too scaredto call Hastings or USC b/c I don't know if they don't like to be called. As for UW I have a friend ( who is not on LSN) that recently got in with a full ride to UW I forget your #'s before you took em down, but she wasn't like a 3.7/160+ so maybe that will give you some hope on the front! Thanks for the Berkeley well wishes---I am expecting a decision from them in 2-3 weeks!! EEEKKK!!!!
If you're on there look me up at the email below. Lol!
high on my list? i know little about the school. i applied because i knew i was applying to minn and wanted a transfer option. i am going to wait for their offer of financial aide. if i get a full scholarship, they will shoot to #1 on my list (for the moment). if i don't get any $$$, there's no way i can afford it. i can't wait for that acceptance letter to show up. :-) good luck on the apps. you should be hearing back soon.
I know that Drake has an excellent reputation in Iowa. If you are in the top 5% of the class I beleive one can score a job in Minneapolis, etc... From what I have read most people enjoy the school. I wouldn't recommend attending unless you want to work in Iowa, or unless you get an unbeatable scholarship.
bless you. I've never visited your page until now and I'm glad I did. I found great comfort here and needed that prayer. Also, I feel allot better about having bought my lottery tickets. Thanks and I will visit again.
If I had to make a decision today, I would likely attend UMKC because of the scholarship. However, if Drake would give me a good deal I wouldn't mind attending. However, I would like to attend either U of Iowa or U of Nebraska Lincoln, both of which I have been deferred at.
I am going to be calling some schools now...I got waitlisted at NU this morning, but it felt good. Maybe I am silly but it made me a little happy after those dings from CU and UC Davis ( f davis!) Sorry to hear about have bigger fish to fry anyways!
"I am praying to God and putting all my trust in him for this cycle. I know I will end up in the right school for me, its all in his hands." I think you might be forgetting that with your reaction towards UF. "They can go F OFF" Don't stop trusting in him now.
didn't mean to come off like that, I too need frequent reminders of my claimed commitment to God. I forgive one second and hate the next. (divorce sucks) I wasn't judging you, just suggesting that God might not wanted you to go to UF or used the rejecting to UF to "test" (don't like using that term with explaining God's interactions with us, but can't think of a better term right now.) anyway, to test your faith and trust in him. Your reaction and perceived indignation about UF's decision might reflect a bit of doubt on your part. (I hope this explaination didn't offend you more.)
I didn't know you were on, and responded already. sorry, sorry, sorry.
those were likely a product of yield protection. you just gotta get into mich now. i'm sendin a prayer for you. don't worry, i included the $$$$ too. :-)
don't leave us now. trust that it will all work out. i see that you went complete at harvard relatively quickly. how are you goin to feel when you get the call from toby? just take a breath and relax. remember, He don't close a door without opening a window! if you don't get into a particular school, it just wasn't the school for you.
It's all good, just keep strong and keep that confidence. You're awesome!! Know it!
Yes I am happy about it now, I made my interview appt. and I am heading out to Chicago soon. I hear they give outragous scholarships to minority students. I called Temple and they said a decision is in the mail--she sounded nice, but I don't know if it was fake, because she put me on hold before she told me that a decision had been made. I figure she was askignm permission to release the info to me, but who knows. You numbers asouper great they have change no? I think you should send that additional addendum--can't hurt!
in august, the whole lsn urm crew should meet up in a central location like chicago. it would be an awesome opportunity to network. it would be awesome to be able to keep tabs on everyone and see how their careers are blossoming. my dream is to start a large minority owned firm someday. you are welcome to join my firm at anytime.
Like you seem to always believe in "Gd has a plan for everything and it's all in his hands" You'll look back on this one day and Thank Gd to the fullest about this rejection. It's all meant to be.
Everything happens for a reason and I am ok with that. Now I am ready for some good news!!!
Whaaaaat?!? They didn't let you in? That's craziness! Stinky Hoosiers. Sorry about Florida, too. :( Well it will just be all the sweeter when Michigan says "C'mon in!"
took my numbers down too!! I think I will do the same for LSD. Wow they really looked at your blog huh? How could you tell?!?! :-O
i was on LSD today and looked at ur blog through that, and I have a email...could that be what you saw looking atyour thing today not a UF person???
wow, that is crazy about Bloomingdale..did they comment? Yes, I was at work and I was reading the UF Rejection stuff because I'm awaiting my letter
why do they look here for info on us. So silly.
yea i dont know if i was or wasn't, i was just putting that out there just in case..sounds crazy, but could be likely...good luck on the rest of your apps tho!
you made ME paranoid.
Just wondering if my e-mail(s) made it to you.
What is your number one choice?
Do you want to watch Grey's Anatomy with me?
i thought you were ghost. i was just waiting for your profile to go missing. :) well, i guess you were wrong about indy. i bet you get some good news today. take care.
yep, I am going to STate. I only got into two places, so it was between Wayne State and MSU, and my husband already works at MSU, so we don't have to move. Which is a big relief for us. Waitlisted at Indy, eh? I got that too. You still haven't heard a peep outta Michigan? That could be a good sign ....
i know where you are coming from. i thought about it. but, if you want to be anonymous, i think all you need to do is choose to hide your numbers or major. i honestly believe that my major makes me an easy individual to find. i bet there are very few bc majors in any one particular cycle. how many of those could be black? i always worried about this. maybe it is a little paranoid, but i am the ultimate statistical outlier. hey, i don't think you have anything to worry about. i read about how bad your first semester was. if that 3.6+ is your actual lsdas gpa, then you have both a phenomenal grade trend and personal story to tell. q: i see that you have apps at gulc and hamline, why no gw and u of minn?
I can't believe I applied to that many either; it became a bit of an addiction actually. Some of the schools to which I applied though I don't really have alot of interest now that I have gotten into a few places that I would actually attend so I am withdrawing from some today... I applied to a ton though since I have some pretty good soft factors and have a decent justification for my pathetic GPA and I was hoping that a school would take a chance on me even though my numbers were low for them (which Penn St apparently did since my index number was lower than any other acceptee as of Friday). Good luck to you, too!!
Yeah, I'm really not sure why they wouldn't have given you ANY money. Your GPA is about the same as mine, and your LSAT is the same. Is that GPA that you've listed above based on the most recent grades? Is it possible that MSU doesn't have your latest grades?? I'm just curious -- maybe you can sort of re-argue your case by providing your latest grades if they bumped your GPA way up. OK, I am done butting into your business for tonight. :) I just think you'd be a lot of fun to have as a classmate!! Good luck.
you will get into the school that is right for you. don't stress about the timing of your decisions (i know it's hard). prayers are not answered according to your schedule, but to His. always plan for the best. "always shoot for the moon...if you miss, atleast your among the stars." --from bet, back in the day relaaaaaaaaaaaxxxxx. :-)
congrats on case! yes! first tier! i knew you were going to get in to case. i really did. just wait, you are going to get into michigan too. case is VERY generous scholarships. i am so happy for you. case is one of my top choices. i really like the school. cleveland is so cheap. you go girl! how do you feel now?
Hey, congrats on Case! I read your post on another page about how some admissions officers read LSD. Do they also check out LSN? And what happened to Bigtex? Also, would you mind telling me about your story with UF? I'm very curious about this issue. Thanks.......
Thanks for the note and congrats so far. I wasn't offered any money at Wisconsin with my accepatance. I think what set me apart is applying early, using essayedge for my PS and an LOR, and having a parent who is a UW grad (for UG--but didn't donate to the alumni assn) Also my URM status since they have a strong AA program. Good luck to ya.
You have had a wild day...lots of ups and downs. Congratulations on Case! You will have more excellent options before this is all over. I received your e-mail and responded.
about michigan. i just knew you were in. :( i'll let you know when i hear from case.
Thanks! I'm really excited about Wisconsin. In my PS I wrote about my work experience with underserved populations and how UW's "law in action" philosophy fit into my plans to continue in non-profit work. I spoke little about my families low SES, but I did mention it and I did put a happy face on it. Overall though, I think that the specificity that I gave regarding my role in their law school, work experience, and commitment to non-profit service after law school was looked upon favorably. My PS to Bloomington (I was waitlisted) wasnt that specific, and everything else being equal, I think that those factors were the difference. I wish you the best of luck!
Stupid Michigan! If they weren't gonna let me in, I was counting on them letting you in. Oh well. They are pretty freakin' expensive though, so that does provide some relief. Good job on Case! If you had to pick today, which school would you attend?
read my 'additional info' and let me know if you're in. ask 'your girl' too. :) did you know that it says you're a dude in you're info? (:-p)
yeah... it's imitation gangsta. thanks for the luck! hang in there for those reaches. i know what you mean about feeling content with whatever happens, but i think we'll both get a few surprises in the next month.
Congrats on Case! I am still hoping that I get a few more acceptances; as of now its suffolk or penn state! Good luck on everything else...
Congrats on Case. That is so wonderful. I'm praying for many more acceptances for you.
for the support on Mason - Case is a great, coup by the way, and the full ride to Drake is nothing to sneeze at! With all of those applications, I'm sure you'll end up at your ideal law school.
for your message. Good luck to you too, for the rest of the schools!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! I am sooooo late, been busy at work trying to prep to leave for that NW interview. I am sooooo happy for you! This is great chica! I am feeling you on the at peace thing...these days I am cool with whatever happens! Congrats x 1,000,000
for your comments on my profile...i've definitely had those law school dreams too! i had one where i got into harvard (mwahaha). good luck with the rest of your apps!
did you take a stance on something in your ps? this makes no sense to me. i am so confused right now. how can you get into case and find yourself dinged at hamline. i know you would get dinged at villanova if your essay is pro-choice, but this is just puzzling. this HAS to be yield protection. gee whiz. what more could they want? i're the bomb! sassy. ;-p take care and good luck on those pendings.
Something we're missing here? Sassy, what's the deal? Hamline? You should have been a lock there. The only thing I can think of is that you "may" have applied a wee bit late. Other than that, this one is a real head scratcher. Go figure.
sassy, so that's not it. it must be yield protection. maybe they don't give full-rides and thought she wouldn't come without one? i hope you get into a top 25 so this can be one of the best ding-accepts ever.
WHOA! Congrats girly!!! That is a FAB scholarship!!! Are you giving them serious thought at this point?
WHOA! Congrats girly!!! That is a FAB scholarship!!! Are you giving them serious thought at this point?
that offer from case. case IS sweet. i talked to the dean of admissions once and he seemed like such a nice person. i could not help but think that if all the administration was like him... i really do hope that i get in. i hope that my waitlist at notre dame is a good harbinger for case and other schools. it would really be nice to go there knowing someone in my 1L class. hey, i can probably get free cavs tickets. my cousin is friends with the phenom. congrats again.
Big bucks from Case. Congratulations!
i have family in youngstown and cleveland. yes, it would be nice to go to case. knowing what i know now i should have sent that app off to cleveland state. the only reason i didn't was because my twin brother's wife got pregnant. cleveland was one of the cities we targetted because of the low cost of living. we were going to apply to both case and clev-state. i took cleveland state off my list after i reveiwed their course offerings and didn't see many ip classes. that was probably a mistake. i'm really worried about case because they have not yet reveiwed my file. and i really like that school. i'd be tickled to have a sheep skin from case on my wall. :-( how do you almost meet rubi dee?
Thank you :) I've never been to Iowa, although I've heard good things. What's it like out there?
I will send you an e-mail. I liked IU, the law school, and Indianapolis. I could easily see myself going to school there.
i'm on my way home now. *fingers crossed* i once had a day-dream that i got into illinois and became a law prof.
Hey, thanks! Leaning toward Case Western?
so why did you and another person I know get the news from yale today, but I am still waiting? I do have q for you tho, did you get the invite to the chat? Temple was cool it was just the vibe of the alums was " go to some place better if yo ucan, if you can't temple is cool" so i don't know...we shall see some serious $$$ could change my mind with the way things are going !!!! anyways I am going to be watching the mail because I am afraid my thin letter is lurking in the recesses of the post office!
Thanks for all the support Angelica. Just remember, good things come to those who wait!!!
Wow, that's quite a compliment. I don't dare dream about Duke, but thanks so much!
having all these pendings is driving me crazy. how are you dealing with it? oh, case seems like the no brainer choice. does the drake $$$$ have a gpa cut-off?
Look at you get, like, $1,000,000 in scholarship money at Drake and Case! Good job! Drake is the one in Des Moines, right? I know it's a longshot, but still hoping MSU gives you some cash so we can hang out next year! :) good luck w/ that and keep me posted.
I am in the process of writing an detailed and hopefully concise review for you and one other person. You will have a broader range of choices in the upcoming weeks. Isn't it great to be able to choose between $$ and $$$?
Congrats on your acceptances as well. This is a GREAT feeling. Like none other!!
Why do you think you were accepted at IL and rejected by so many easier schools?
I have some advice. Given your current set of options, you should go to Illinois. In mind my Illinois with money is the best offer you have to date.
I forgot to add, "Congratulations!!" and "WTG!!" to my last messge.
Illinois is a great school and a wonderful area, despite what other people may say. It takes a some getting used to, but you'll love it there (unless of course you want a big city, in which case you're SOL). If you want to know more, email me
i hear everything about the school is great: profs, career services, collegial atmosphere, but that the facilities are crappy. sounds good to me. congrats sassy! top 25 babe! (err 26, but who's counting)
Can you dream for me and inform me about my acceptances/rejections/waitlists????? Please :)
Congrats! From someone still waiting on UIUC, did they contact you first via email?
Thanks for the prediction --and prayers (for Harvard). I'll be checking your progress, hope it goes well, and hope your dreams remain accurate. Goodluck!
Thanks, I've been lucky.
Thanks again, Angelica. Actually, I'd love to get in touch with your friend about Iowa. Do you think I could email him, or could you ask him to email me? That would be so cool. Thanks again, you're awesome.
on UIUC and the $$$. that's a nice offer to add to your list!
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!! CONGRATS GIRL!!!!! You deserve this so much!!! Great job breaking in to the 20's and forget temple! They must have took a hit of the pipe befoer they decided on you! I am SOOOO happy for you! I feel you about prayer--always gotta remembe that there is SOMETHING higher then us!!! MY vote is for UI but I am a rankings idiot! 10gs is pretty snazzy too!
Thank you for the congrats on Wisconsin. I was also surprised, I knew my chances were slim. I didn't send anything else in after the waitlist, I really didn't have time to, the acceptance came after only about 2.5 weeks on the waitlist. I am blessed to have gotten in. Good Luck with all of your schools.
about gulc but it's probably for the best. uiuc is a great school that will get you a good job. i would take their offer and run with it. at this point the waiting is driving me crazy. the only thing that keeps me from sending in a bunch of withdrawals is the reality that i would likely try to transfer into most of my pendings. take care.
i'm very happy about my acceptances so far, and i wish everyone else the same unbelievable fortune. take care, and the best to you on making a great decision about where to go!
You were wise to make those phone calls. I am about to call one of my top choice schools because of a GPA requirement that is IMHO too high. Were you willing to talk to anyone or did you as for a specific person when you made your calls?
...wants a 3.33. After some extensive online research I noticed that the class of '07 cutoff for the top quartile is 3.4. So I would basically have to be in the top 25% of the class after the first year to renew the scholarship. A more reasonable grade requirement would make Minn a clear top choice. FYI, I am still waiting on UIUC. We applied at about the same time. Wish me luck.
...for the message. Best of luck with the rest of your cycle, and best of luck UIUC if that's where you end up!
I appreciate you kind words.
on illinois that is so awesome. Good luck with your decision.
I got one of those too! I was like, "uh ... you accepted me and stuff. and I, like, paid the deposit and stuff?" This is my undergrad alma mater -- in these big 10 schools, the left hand doesn't always know what the right hand is doing, even if they are down the hall from each other!!
wow! Good job on getting in there too! (I didn't see your acceptance till after I sent the last message) That will be a tough decision, but UIUC has a good rep. Nice job on the $$, too!
Congrats on all that has come your way!! Thank you for the congrats! I swear we need to meet up one day, perhaps at Law students in Illnois? :0) And thanks for the defense on the haters :) I love them.
When did you hear Iowa was over accepted? Still waiting to hear from them and hoping for the big $$$.
Thanks for your message. I can't believe all the messages you have recieved. I should have written a diversity statement about being the only accountant who was also in a Hollywood rock band signed to a record label! Take care and best of luck to you. Patrick
what's up? i can't believe you didn't get the $$$ at msu. did you ask in your statements for a scholarship? i did and my numbers are no where near as good as yours. i just wrote a personal statement that didn't apologize for anything. i acted like i had a 4.0 and 175. i think that's why i got waitlisted at nd. they thought i was johngalt. :-) hey, i have a question for you. the highest ranked schools i was accepted into so far are hofstra and toledo. toledo gave me grant covering tuition fees and books for 1 year. i am seriously considering going there for a year and attempting a transfer into chicago feeder schools. do you think this is too risky? it would save me a ton of money, but i really don't know if i want a toledo dipoloma on my wall. am i crazy? all this will be mute if i get into kent/loyola. i have also considered sending kent and loyola an email requesting that i be xonsidered for pt if the ft day is closed. i have been worried that
i was worried they would just stick me in the pt program and not consider me for fulltime. i also worried this would mean no $$$.
Good luck at all your other schools, esp. WI. I will almost certainly be attending their. They actually seem to care about the individuals they admit there, and are really trying to be diverse, so I think that you prob have a great shot there. It is good to hear other people's on the blog so keep it up.
Email me about how one goes about asking for more money...
Your prayer is inspirational and helps put everything in perspective. Thanks a lot!
just got a decision from Iowa. They must not be over accepted yet.
I honestly don't know. I am leaning towards OSU. They gave me some money and there is a good possibility that I may get in state the first year. But, I want to practice in Texas so, smu may be better. I am still waiting for BYU and UT. They are both my number one choices so will see. What do you think of OSU vs SMU (pt) vs U of W? I want to practice in Texas but I dont want to be 80-100 grand in debt.
You rock!!!! I am so happy and for some reason proud! You are really kicking butt and taking names! Forget those haters, I'm not christian, but I respect your dedication to your religion and having "known" you for these past couple of months this is the first time I ever really noticed. If a person is religious why does it matter if they are not pushing their faith on you? I can't stand people who hate on people just cause of that. Nobody forced them to look at your page! Take the blessings and be out people!!!! Congrats again girl-- and remember- shake 'em off!
take it as a badge of honor. they actually feel that your success somehow threatens their status quo. they are driven by competition and fear that you will somehow be 'given' their dream job that they have worked so hard for. can you believe that some of these people actually put off their winter in paris just to attend haarvaad? heaven forbid that they be forced to actually compete for a covetted position with a negro. what has the world come to? they only post if they feel you have done something right. when they start calling you 'friend' that's when you should worry. always remember, xoxo is how many of these people are in real life. in their heart of hearts they are scum. and they know it. they don't care. that's why many of them will fail at life. that's why many of them in their desperation will commit some kind of securities fraud, get caught, and be placed in a tiny cell with some minority who's looking for a new bitch. that's my dream, anyway. take care and don't sweat the small stuff. good is coming to you because you deserve it. don't you ever let anyone tell you any different. i KNOW your numbers. there are plenty of non-minorities getting into your schools with numbers less than yours.
on iowa. the best thing about your acceptances so far (case, illinois, and iowa) is that if you do well during 1L you can transfer into the top 10 (michigan!). you really can't go wrong with any of these three. congrats, again. p.s. i believe the two most important tenets of christianity are faith and grace. Ephesians 2:8 For it is by GRACE you have been saved, through FAITHand this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. how can "you make all christians look bad as a result...[?]" sassy, i wish i had your faith.
You need to leave her alone. Go find something else to do with your time and stop being such a lame waste of space.
hey, sorry to see that you withdrew from State, but not really a surprise at this point. :) But wow on Iowa and Illinois! Looks like you have some great options to choose from. You seem like the kind of person who will do well wherever they end up. Lemme know what you end up deciding. My fingers are crossed for you!
I'm not sure what the story is regarding these numbers and I don't care. I sincerely wish the the best regardless...
Way to go! You've been accepted to some very nice schools. Also, don't let other people get you down. Faith is a personal experience anyway and that's what makes it special. Thanks for the prayer, its appreciated, and best of luck on your applications still pending.
We can spread the love to you again!! Haters make the world go round. Who cares about pitt? :) Mean while, I'm still waiting---my motto is still "If I can get in to just one top 20, I'll be more then fine!" Well come on UCLA/USC/GULC/NYU/Yale! :)
your acceptances!!!
I'm from Jamaica..parish of Manchester/St. Elizabeth...
Congratulations on UIUC. Glad to see you have it ranked number one so far. Good luck with the schools you are still waiting on, hope to see you in Urbana in the fall.
UC is a pretty rural area, but there are still a good number of restaurants and bars. There is also a decent mall pretty close to the campus. The cost of living is dirt cheap, which is nice. You can get an apartment for between about $350-$600 per month depending on if your living alone or with roommates. I have been told the public transportation system is pretty good as well, so its not a big deal if your farther from campus. Also parking in the Assembly Hall parking lot is free and it is about a block away from the law building if you want to drive to class. The people I met at open house were very friendly and the atomsphere seemed pretty laid back. Hopefully that helps, if you have any specific questions, feel free to leave me a message and I will try to answer them as best as I can. Once again congratulations.
I am not sure what happened. The law school admissions decision process is not at all transparent. Each school seems to take a unique approach that reflects its values and institutional needs, though I concede that the USNWR rankings have, in effect, made admissions more formulaic than in past decades. With this in mind, I try not to spend much time thinking about how I could, for example, get into Fordham and W&L and also be waitlisted by Illinois and Notre Dame. Similiarly, I try to purge any negative thoughts when I consider how I am still waiting on a decision from a public law school in my home state that quickly admitted another applicant straight from undergrad with an LSAT score that was 13 points lower than mine. Some schools asked for detailed parental educational attainment information. Those that did know where my father went to LS and could have drawn conclusions about which schools I would seriously consider attending. I miss your daily blog.
Look at that, just terrific. So happy for you. Awesome and Congratulations.
so far doing good..waiting sucks for real but i applied late because i was still making up my mind..the only good news I got is that I got into CLEO so I'm pretty happy about that...we'll see how next couple of weeks go...I'll keep watching your progress
I swear those guys don't reject. They just like to waitlist everyone.
on window's page--- I AM NOT CRAZY!!!! I too am thinking of retaking and everybody I have talked to has been really negative about it. I realyl want to I feel like I can go 10 points higher than my previous score--I was practicing 4-6 points higher. I bet if I did that NU would let me in off the waitlist, but they re-evaluate in early june which means they wouldn't get y test scores. plus if i want to transfer I am wondering if that shows up... Speaking of case-I got a call from them today THREE WEEKS AFTER I withdrew my app. They crack me up, while it would be nice to see if I can get the free t-shirt I think I Wil them back tomorrow and let them know it's a no-go. I feel bad withdrawing from schools too. whew that was long, but hit me back about the lsat.
congrats! i guess there goes all that talk about waiting for next year! i'm really happy for you! that's awesome!
whoa! congrats on the $$$ from Iowa. That's incredibly exciting---live it up tonight!
Congratulations on the scholarship from Iowa! I am glad to see the "A" come out.
congrats on iowa...that is fantastic.
the bay area is almost devoid of black men and most of them are dating woman of other ethnicities ( don't get me wrong I am mixed too but dang! ) But it's whatever, I guess my study partner and I may fall deep in love and not only pass all our classes beccause we love to be together and study together, but live happily ever after...HEY it could I may have to widen my search peramiters---"Now an equal opportunity employer" lol
on deciding! i am still blowing every which way with the wind... I take it from the comments that Iowa is giving you a full ride. That is really amazing!
This decision process has kicked my ass. 90% sure I'm going to IU. Any thoughts? Conrats on getting that full ride to Iowa. I think you made a good choice and your situation will allow you to have many more options than most since you will not be burdened with a crushing amount of debt following law school.
I could not tell you how many times I wondered about a schhol because they gave someone else more money than me ... I still wonder why Toledo gave me $0. Texas does seem great. I agonized and talked by friends to death over the UT versus UIUC issue... BUT Unless I hear the voice of the Lord tonite, I will be stopping at the post office before work tomorrow and mailing a check to UIUC. If I do this, it is guaranteed that I will kick myself all 3 winters in Illinois...
i was actually in iowa city today....visited the law school and got an can find housing that's away from campus pretty easily...check out's got a great reputation and i'm looking forward to starting this august...see you at orientation
it looks like so many of the people i have traded comments with are going to be w/in driving distance of chicago. i say we all meet in chicago some time in august before classes start. we can all exchange contact info.
to change your mind! LOL.
Congrats!!! All is great in the land of Ms. Sassy! I soooooooooooo would love it if you came to visit! Anytime, you are welcome and have a place to stay. The Bay Area is short for "The San Francisco Bay Area" :-) How is Iowa city? Worth a visit? ;-)
how's it going? oh, my e-mail is also my aim.
Congrats on your acceptances. May I ask, what tools did you use to prepare for the LSAT?
hey, you messaged me a while ago about housing at iowa. i havent really looked into it yet, figured i would go there at some point this summer. from what i know, there are a lot of apartments just off campus. i dont know much else about the school, i know 1 guy there and he likes it - so hopefully thats a good sign!
Best of luck to you on the Dec LSAT and on your apps!